MEMORIZE Chapter 668

00668 2. King of Hell. ————————————————– ———————-=

It was that moment.

“… Have you come to your senses now?”

A self-mocking voice, different from before, flowed into my ears. As I try to raise my gaze, I see the Duke of Hell, who has a somewhat helpless expression on his face.

Only then did I come to my senses. The drowsiness and haziness that had been flowing throughout my body dissipated and was replaced by tension and embarrassment. And finally I was able to accurately understand the situation.

The sight of the Grand Duke of Hell in a dog-like posture was enough to make me feel embarrassed.

Her beautiful lava-colored hair became disheveled as if someone had grabbed her and shaken her violently. The traces of blows left on various parts of the body, including the face, made it possible to guess what had happened.

Is that all? The buttocks that turned bright red as if they were about to burst or the hilt of the sword stuck in the anus… .

‘I did that.’

It wasn’t a dream. No, it may have really been a dream until Lilith, but it wasn’t a dream from the Duke of Hell onwards. I don’t know why, but things I thought were dreams happened in reality.

“Your sleep-talking was a bit harsh.”

Perhaps knowing how I felt, the Grand Duke of Hell spoke in a calm voice as if it was nothing. However, it was a voice that clearly seemed to be holding back something. Judging by the accent, it didn’t seem like it was my fault, but I couldn’t help but feel devastated.

The Grand Duke of Hell was still looking back at me with wide eyes. He opened his mouth to say something, but no words came out. Only hoarse sounds come out. In the end, I carefully held the blade and slowly pulled it out. Victoria’s glory comes out making a watery noise.

“… “Black.”

Suddenly, a small sobbing sound followed. At that moment, I couldn’t believe my eyes. A stream of hot tears flowed from the eyes of the Prince of Hell who suddenly convulsed. So the Duke of Hell is crying.

Suddenly, I felt so sad as a single tear fell down my cheek. The moment I realized that fact, I was quite shocked. Because I could never have imagined that the Archduke of Hell, not anyone else, would show such weakness.

“It’s okay, keep going. “I hope it ends quickly if possible.”

The Grand Duke of Hell immediately swallowed his tears and turned his head forward. It looks like he doesn’t want to show me crying. However, the small, lightly trembling shoulders keep catching my eye.

If you think about it carefully, the reason why you refused to have s*x earlier was simple. This is because I was angry at the attitude that they did not see me as a man, but rather as a purpose or a tool, and that I wanted to just get it over with and be done with it.

But isn’t that the same for me too? Also, I did not think of the Archduke of Hell as a woman, so in the end, I was in the same position. When I thought about it like that, I had nothing more to say.

Suddenly, I felt a slight breeze entering my mouth. She was completely dazed and without realizing it, her mouth was open. I closed my mouth and swallowed. The Archduke of Hell was still in a puppy dog ​​pose as if telling him to continue, but his confusion still didn’t go away. What should I do here? ?

In the end, silence continued for a while, unable to do anything.

Suddenly, the words the Duke of Hell had said earlier flashed through my mind. He said this was his first time.

Then, I felt like I could understand at least a little bit the tears the Prince of Hell had shed earlier. The Prince of Hell must have had some kind of expectation right before the goal that had been desired for thousands of years was achieved. Especially considering that it was his first experience, his expectations would have been further amplified and given its own meaning.

But I almost ruined that first experience. no. I ruined it. The situation that has unfolded now has already shattered the Prince of Hell’s expectations.

Then there is one thing I have to do. It cannot contain spilled water, but broken pieces can be glued together.

The surroundings had been quiet since earlier, but the air was strangely hot. But strangely enough, I no longer feel that bitchy vibe. Rather, a warm, hot wind came out and enveloped the Prince of Hell. As if expecting a new life to be born here and now.

“My dear… . please… !”

The Duke of Hell cried out in pity, as if he was ashamed that this state was continuing. The voice was still slightly wet. I felt out of breath and calmly gathered my chest.

“excuse me.”

Finally, drawn by the current, I opened my mouth in a daze.

“Then I will continue.”

There was no reply from the Prince of Hell. I just slowly nodded my head once. I stared at the Prince of Hell, who was still in the same posture, and gently placed his hand on his reddened buttocks.

“… … !”

Then, as if in surprise, I saw his butt twitch. But this time I didn’t spank her. Just thinking she was sorry, she slowly and gently touched him.

After a while.

I grabbed my pelvis with both hands and forced myself out of the doggy position. Just like that, the Grand Duke of Hell’s body turned around to face me, and I was able to see his eyes filled with strange, unknown emotions.

I don’t remember everything I did while I was unconscious. However, at the very least, I wanted to leave a good memory of my first experience of the Duke of Hell, which may be my first and possibly my last. And if I had to have s*xual intercourse, I wanted to say I was sorry for my actions. That was all I could think about right now.

With one hand, I wiped the tears from my cheeks, and with the other hand I neatly organized the hair that was scattered on the ground. Then, the pair of eyes that had been shaking anxiously began to slowly calm down.

Conversely, this time my vision started to blur. The revealed body of the Archduke of Hell was truly perfect, no, the word perfect was so enormous that the word perfect was not enough. The thought I had earlier about not knowing where to start wasn’t a lie.

Collarbones that draw such beautiful lines that one might think they are desirable, and appetizing white breasts that look like a large bowl of rice turned over. And a light red nipple rising from the center of the hill… .

The lower abdomen with a narrow line below it and the waist with no trace of flab were truly fantastic.

Is that all? The thighs were so smooth that it would be considered a sin to dare to touch them, and the red fluff that clung to the thick flesh between the crotch had an absolutely alluring shape.

I’ve been drooling continuously since before. In my heart, I wanted to rush to her breasts and rub her face. I wanted to feel that warmth.

But I barely held back. no. It had to be that way. From now on, I must act as much as possible thinking of the Prince of Hell rather than myself.

‘Because I said it was my first time… .’

The Grand Duke of Hell was looking at me with his eyes blinking. I smiled slightly to reassure him, then moved his head between his slightly spread thighs. He then grabbed his thighs with both hands and slowly spread them to his left and right.

“Uh, you?”

A startled voice was heard, but both thighs spread helplessly in both directions. Soon, through the wide open crotch, a deep yet straight valley line was visible along the red fluff. There, more than any other place, one could feel the heat like deterioration, and even though the thighs were spread, the red-colored mouth was kept tightly shut.

I took my hands off my thighs and placed them around my vulva. Then, I opened the gap left and right as carefully as I could. The shyly closed valley slowly begins to open.

Then did I feel something strange?

“Now, wait! What are you going to do now… ?”

The Duke of Hell made a cracking noise and twisted his back. However, the flower bud was already more than half open, exposing its soaked flesh. At the same time, like a gorgeous rose in full bloom, the precious inside was revealed, and the hot air it had been holding up until now was suddenly vomited out from a deep hole. I focused my attention, intoxicated by the fragrant scent of flesh that filled my nostrils.

In the cave with its mouth wide open, there was a pair of scarlet petals reminiscent of wings. And further inside, there was a hole so deep that you couldn’t even see the end, and it was like a cave with a series of neatly wrinkled red flesh.

“ah… .”

Soon, the moment the moist, moisture-filled insides began to glow bright red, I let out a moan without realizing it. Before I knew it, my even breathing had become quite rough. The desire to take over this place as my own rose up suddenly, but I could barely hold it in.

Now my throat was so sore that I couldn’t calm it down just by swallowing, but I held it back and opened my mouth. And I gently cupped the opened petals as if kissing them.

“Well, that place… !”

A voice of panic kept hitting my ears, but I didn’t care. The corners of my mouth were already getting hot when I kissed him, so without hesitation, I gently sucked him in. Then, warm air rushed in, mixed with a strange-tasting liquid, and I opened the hole even wider and pushed my tongue in.

Next moment.

“Well, you… ! Why do I keep being ashamed of this body… . “Hungah?”

The moment the tongue penetrated the inside, the buttocks, which had been quiet until now, jerked and convulsed. Next, I felt the Archduke of Hell’s hands pressing down on my head as if he was trying to push me away, but it was only a superficial action. If I had really tried to push it away, I probably would have pushed it away a long time ago. The fact that he was acting so lethargic meant that the Prince of Hell was feeling something different from before.

That thought gave me strength, so I started to play with my tongue even more brilliantly. The mouth placed on the vag!na continues to suck, and the tongue licks every inch of the inner flesh.

“This, this wicked… !”

Every time I heard the voice of the Prince of Hell, I changed the movement of my tongue. I rolled it up and touched the area where the cl!toris was, then pulled it out as far as I could and pushed it into the cave. Then, he carefully licked the slippery wrinkles he could feel with the tip of his tongue and drank in the hot liquid that flowed out.

In fact, even if it was a liquid, it had a tasteless taste, but strangely, every time I inhaled it, I felt the thirst in my throat getting worse.

“Ugh… ! Black… !”

Before I knew it, the voice of the Duke of Hell criticizing me had stopped. Instead, he made strange nasal noises from time to time, and it was as if he was suppressing the sensation he was feeling in the local area.

Before I knew it, the area around my thighs was soaked with a clear liquid. Even though I didn’t stop inhaling from the beginning, the liquid that was still collecting in the folds of my skin became more overwhelming and overflowed like a flood.

‘You’re more sensitive than I thought… . Anyway, this will make the pain less painful.’

When I thought that the lubricant would be enough at this point and took my tongue out, I suddenly felt the touch of a small bump gently rubbing against my philtrum.

As I slowly looked away, I saw something small and round in front of my eyes. It was very small, but had a pretty pink color, with its head sticking out through a deep crack in the flesh at the top. As I was looking at her, drenched in moisture, trembling pitifully alone, I suddenly, without realizing it, cupped her mouth.

“Are you done now?”

The Grand Duke of Hell said, panting as if he could barely hold it in. But instead of saying yes, I placed a pursed kiss on the twitching cl!toris like I did the first time. The moment I felt the presence of a cl!t entering my mouth.

“iced coffee… ?”

Before the Grand Duke of Hell could say anything, I suddenly shouted, “Side!” I sucked it in as hard as I could to make a sound.

It was that moment.


For the first time, there was a proper moan, not a faint moan like before. The Duke of Hell, who was jumping around like a harpooned fish, let out a loud scream and writhed in a fit of convulsions. Soon, the trembling thighs began to squeeze my face deeply, and at the same time, hot water was vomited out from the tightly contracted cave.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Outgoing teacher

Memorize writer Ro Yu-jin asks.

Ro Yu-jin took frequent breaks even before Season 4 began, and is currently unable to keep up with the serialization of the spin-off story.

In addition, the current state of the body is devastated by the long serialization, so it can be said that this is a critical time where the success or failure of the novel depends on it.

However, I believe that the writer who serves the reader by his side tenaciously continues the daily series and forgets about himself and writes even when attacked by nephews and nieces during Chuseok, is because the writer misses the reader’s special love and wants to repay it. A writer should consider the reader’s reading needs, make the novel shine more with the love you have given me, and try to expand and increase the satisfaction and enjoyment of meaningful readers.

I hope that readers will entrust me with continuing the daily series. And if God doesn’t do it right, please punish the sin and remove it from the list of favorites. If the series does not meet the readers’ expectations, please scold me in the comments and reveal my laziness.

Readers, too, please discuss frequently with lovely comments and try to take that path yourself. Please refrain from swearing and sarcasm, and deeply follow the old teaching that the words that come out are good only when the words that go out are good.

This poor writer is so touched by the grace he has received that he eats triangle kimbap for a late dinner to cheer himself up. As he is about to leave for the convenience store and write a review, he bursts into tears and doesn’t know what else to say.


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not work with dark mode