MEMORIZE Chapter 666

00666 2. King of Hell. ————————————————– ———————-=

The situation was moving in a completely unexpected and strange direction.

“My dear. Where do you keep going? “Why do I keep walking backwards?”

The Grand Duke of Hell is chasing me at full speed.

“wait for a sec. You know, you know, Grand Duke of Hell. “Would you like to calm down and talk for a moment?”

I keep retreating, trying to comfort him with gentle words.

no. Isn’t that right? Earlier, I felt a little sorry for him and just said a few words of consolation. But suddenly, he nodded, saying that what I said was right, and now he is approaching me with his eyes shining brightly. In addition, Hwajeong even urges him to just close his eyes and give himself a helping hand. What on earth is this, a fart?

“hmm? Is this body calming down enough? “Are you a little excited from joy?”

The good news is that the Prince of Hell is not so reckless.

Anyway, I gathered my heart as I looked at the Duke of Hell who had stopped walking. okay. Since the Archduke of Hell is also a being with high intelligence, I have no doubt that this situation can be resolved through dialogue.

“Are you calm?”


“Have you calmed down your excitement?”


“good. Well, first of all… .”


However, before I could continue speaking, the Prince of Hell, who nodded half-heartedly, began to lightly approach me again. As I watched them take one light step after another, I was so shocked that I almost passed away. Am I dreaming now?

– Oh, it’s really stuffy! Just f*ck with him! Then you say it’s okay?

… I’m just about to leave.

‘I’m begging you, please shut up.’

Hwajeong shouted as if she was truly frustrated, but I begged her to please shut up. I’m already dizzy and dying… .

However, Hwajeong did not listen to my plea at all.

– Are you telling me to shut up? Have you said everything? I told him this is pretty, pretty, and he said he wanted to match it. Have you forgotten my relationship with you?

At this point, I felt an inexplicable sense of injustice. This is betrayal.

– This is really absurd. It’s so unfair and such a betrayal?

At that moment, a sudden feeling of anger arose.

‘Hwajeong. I never thought you would be like this.’

– I don’t know what to do. So, speak properly.

‘No, it’s okay to say it. Does the word daeju come out that easily? ‘Are you my wife?’

– I’m so damn tired.

However, Hwajeong dismissed my protest with one word.

– I asked what he was talking about. I am indeed. Are you so outrageous that you’re almost dying?

‘That’s what I want to say.’

– Noisy. … Ah, I’m suddenly upset. If you are a eunuch or a virgin, then yes, I understand. But what happens now, after having bitten, sucked, beaten, stir-fried and danced the blues to my heart’s content with many females? Hey, are you kidding me? So you want me to be jealous?

‘… … .’

Ma, I’m getting angry because I’m listening to what you’re saying. But since I have nothing to say, I get even more upset.

– Yeah~. I’ll do it if you want~. Suhyeonang~. You know~. I hope you don’t sleep with him. Of course, I don’t know if you can go back or not. Still, I hope you don’t sleep with him~. … Are you done? Are you satisfied now?

Hwajeong deliberately made a snarky voice and spoke in a very sarcastic tone.

– Wake! this… !

After that, Hwajeong continued to nag me, but I couldn’t pay any attention to it.

“I finally got it.”

Suddenly, I heard a satisfied voice and felt a gentle touch holding my shoulders. And before she could do anything, her vision began to slowly fade. As soon as I saw the sky and saw red hair, I could sense that I had finally been captured.


At the same time the hard ground touches my back, the Duke of Hell’s buttocks sits on my groin. He then pressed my breasts gently with both hands.

“Si, I hate it!”

At that moment, I screamed without realizing it and shook my head like crazy. Because it felt like I was really going to get hit if things continued like this.

“Huh, this is truly incomprehensible behavior.”

Then the Duke of Hell, who had restrained me in a perfect riding position, tilted his head with an expression of not understanding.

“Are you, by any chance, afraid? Are you really refusing because you are afraid?”

“W-what… .”

“If you’re afraid, there’s no need to worry. All you have to do is sow the seeds. Because it is entirely up to me to fertilize the seed in the womb and handle the process of union… .”

“That’s not it!”

The Duke of Hell spoke softly as if trying to reassure me. But when I yell, they make even more strange expressions.


Then, at some point, a flash of surprise flashed across the face of the Duke of Hell, who was clearly wondering. And he continues speaking in a slightly cautious manner.

“then… . Do you have any problems with s*xual function? ?”

This is really it.

In the end, I could not tolerate the continued remarks that bordered on s*xual harassment. After roughly removing the hands that were pressing her breasts, he raised his upper body with all his strength.

It was a moment when I was about to get close to the face of the Grand Duke of Hell.

“Just take it in moderation… !”

“Why are you angry… ?”

At the same time, my voice and that of the Prince of Hell overlapped.


Their lips overlapped. And a beat later, I felt a warm, soft touch stimulating my mouth as if I didn’t know it. Because I woke up so aggressively, I couldn’t control my strength without realizing it.

“Uh, my dear.”

“… hmm.”

Nevertheless, the Grand Duke of Hell only glanced at his mouth once and showed an extremely calm reaction.

When I came face to face with blinking red eyes at a distance that could barely touch me.


I was about to take a deep breath without realizing it and tilt my head back.

“Why are you so surprised?”

As soon as I heard the voice of the Prince of Hell, my head jerked to a halt as if caught by something. Only then did I feel the soft touch of her palm wrapped around her neck.

“In the human world, they hugged me arbitrarily twice. “Where on earth did the spirit from back then go?”

The Prince of Hell, who spoke in a slightly pitiful tone, soon began to shorten the slightly widened distance. I tried my best to pull my face away, but the more I tried, the more pressure I felt on my neck. No matter how hard I tried, my head wouldn’t budge.

Finally, when our noses touched each other.

“Anyway, are you saying there are no other problems?”

The Grand Duke of Hell asked as if he wanted to confirm something.

I barely opened my mouth as I looked at the red eyes that had gotten so close that they filled half of my field of vision.

“W-what are you trying to do?”

“What are you doing? “Isn’t it obvious?”

In contrast to what I said earnestly, the Prince of Hell answered very simply.

“Actually, I really didn’t want to do it like this… .”

“… … .”

“Once I found a way, this body no longer has the patience to wait.”

“… … ?”

From the words that followed, I had to feel a strange sense of anxiety.

“Anyway, there is nothing to worry about, and if your s*xual function is functioning normally… . And if I just hate you for no reason… .”

The Duke of Hell paused for a moment before smiling.

“In this body, I have no choice but to exercise the right of the winner.”

The moment I heard those words, my anxiety inexplicably grew. Suddenly, alarm bells start ringing in my head.

“I am… !”

So, just as I was about to speak quickly, the Grand Duke of Hell’s palm blocked my mouth. I tried to raise my voice, but the Prince of Hell’s grip did not allow me to resist. As if he was tired of waiting any longer.

“It is done. “I don’t want to argue with you anymore, so now I will do as I please.”

It was that moment.

“Just think of it as having a good dream.”


Suddenly, the eyes of the Duke of Hell in front of him suddenly began to emit a mysterious light. The phenomenon happened so unexpectedly, and since we were facing each other so close to begin with, there was no time for us to react.

‘This, this…’ ?’

Eventually, as the light irresistibly filled my vision, I suddenly felt dazed.

“Because it’s okay… .”

Now the Prince of Hell’s voice can no longer be heard clearly. It flows into your ears in an infinitely faint way, as if you are listening to it while the singer is sleeping.

Before long, not a long time has passed.

“If you take a deep breath and wake up… .”

I feel like I’m slowly sinking in water.

“… Because everything will end.”

I felt the world gradually becoming darker.


Allusion (暗示).

Suggestion generally refers to a phenomenon in which a person’s psychology is penetrated and sensations or judgments are expressed unconsciously through stimuli conveyed by others without going through reason.

People who are under suggestion generally exhibit a state similar to that of hypnosis or hypnosis, and are said to feel as if they are dreaming. In this case, external stimulation is accepted unconditionally with little sense, and the inner psychology or attitude changes accordingly.

However, the effect of suggestion is not always constant. The stronger the intensity, the more room for interference from external stimuli.

When the suggestion is weak, it only induces a slight emotional change while maintaining the state of awakening, but when done properly, it not only awakens memories deep inside the subject, but can even manipulate the subject’s memory if a person who is well versed in suggestion really decides to do so. do.

And now.


The Grand Duke of Hell smiles with satisfaction as he looks at Kim Soo-hyun, who is motionless with his head down. He confirmed that the hint he had made worked.

How much time passes in that state?

“Hehe… .”

Suddenly, a soft sigh came out of Kim Soo-hyun’s mouth as he lowered his head. A kind of signal that it is time to slowly wake up. Then, a look passed through the eyes of the Grand Duke of Hell as he looked at Kim Soo-hyun.

“I look forward to seeing what kind of dreams you wake up with.”

In fact, the reason why the Prince of Hell used hints was simple. This is because Kim Soo-hyun, who keeps withdrawing for no apparent reason, was very frustrating. That’s why Hwajeong tolerated the Grand Duke of Hell’s hint this time without saying anything.

As a result, Kim Soo-hyun was currently under a fairly strong influence. Of course, it wasn’t to the extent that his memory was manipulated, but he was a robber on a completely different level from the hints he had made when we met at the fish tower earlier. Because Kim Soo-hyun, who had such a strong mentality, fell into a state of being a singer at once.

In doing so, there is only one effect that the Duke of Hell was aiming for. Among Kim Soo-hyun’s experiences related to ‘s*x’, it seeks to bring about simultaneous changes in attitude and psychology by bringing out memories filled with the most intense desire. In a way, it can be said to be in a similar state to when Kim Soo-hyun used mind training.

And a moment later, when Kim Soo-hyun completely raised his head.

“… huh?”

The Prince of Hell felt almost instinctively that something was wrong. The Grand Duke of Hell, who held his breath without realizing it, began to slowly look at Kim Soo-hyun.

The man in front of me was Kim Soo-hyun.

okay. It’s definitely Kim Soo-hyun.

But he doesn’t look like Kim Soo-hyun.

Did time pass quickly only for Kim Soo-hyun?

The young man, who was only in his 20s a little while ago, seemed to have suddenly aged, with traces of time appearing all over his face. His tired face gave the impression of someone in his 30s or almost 40s.

Additionally, the calm-looking eyes became blurry and reminiscent of the eyes of a dead person. His face was so gloomy that I wouldn’t think it was anything strange even if he committed suicide now.

Kim Soo-hyun, who was looking around with blank eyes, suddenly discovered the Duke of Hell and opened his eyes wide.

And then he opened his mouth as if he couldn’t believe it.

“… Lilith?”

A hoarse voice, as if phlegm was boiling, comes out.


The Grand Duke of Hell frowned at the name he had never heard before.

“you… ? What on earth are you dreaming about now? ?”

Right at that moment.

“Lilith… !”

Kim Soo-hyun, who shouted at the cost of his last breath, viciously rushed towards the Grand Duke of Hell. In a single moment, the Great Duke of Hell was hit and collapsed to the ground helplessly.

The situation was reversed from before. Although he was not in a position to harm Kim Soo-hyun in the first place, he allowed Kim Soo-hyun’s approach while he was momentarily distracted by other thoughts.

When the Grand Duke of Hell finally came to his senses, he was already face down on the ground and crushed by Kim Soo-hyun.

“What is this… ?”

The Grand Duke of Hell, who barely turned his head to look at Kim Soo-hyun, was momentarily at a loss for words.

The eyes that were blurry earlier are nowhere to be found. From his bloodshot, red-blooded, evil-looking eyes, a vicious hatred as if he were going to rip the Duke of Hell to shreds is exploding at any moment. The hatred was so fierce that it made even the Duke of Hell feel fear for a moment.

… okay. The Grand Duke of Hell used hints and Hwajeong tolerated them.

If there was anything the two beings made or overlooked in the process, it was just one.

Without knowing exactly what kind of life Kim Soo-hyun has been through, they used hints by making guesses based on his current appearance.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Ah, it’s very late today. It was a lot late because I had to change the idea and write a new one in the middle.

Originally, I was going to write about the Prince of Hell and Hwajeong provoking Kim Soo-hyun, and Kim Soo-hyun falling for the provocation and moving on to SM play. However, no matter how much I read, the process of Kim Soo-hyun receiving heat is quite awkward. So what should I do… . After thinking about it, I just deleted it.

Still, it was a waste to delete everything, so I left some of the content. Please read the information below lightly. _(__)_


“It’s different from then and now.”

I spoke in a weak voice.

Then, suddenly, I felt really weak, so I finally let my shoulders slump and opened my mouth.

“… Because it’s good at least a little bit. “Can you give me just a moment?”

There was no reply from the Prince of Hell. All I can hear is a light sigh. Still, seeing as he soon relaxed his riding position and calmly sat down to the side, it seemed like an unspoken permission.

I finally regained my freedom, but I’m in such a mess that I don’t even know what’s going on. Suddenly, I desperately remembered the beginning of the year and put my hand in her arms, and fortunately, I caught the beginning of the year. I sighed, put the candle in my mouth, and lit it.

– hey! I told you not to use it as a cigarette lighter!

Hwajeong screamed, but blew out smoke through one ear.

As I was burning the precious tobacco like that, the Prince of Hell sneakily approached me and took a mermaid pose.

“Don’t just keep quiet, but say it. “Why won’t you help me?”

Why won’t you help me? .

I knew it. Is this what the Grand Duke of Hell was thinking? Since the time and environment in which I and the Duke of Hell have lived are different, it is inevitable that our positions and perspectives will differ, but on the other hand, it was a statement that made me smile bitterly.

Actually, I know why Hwajeong said that earlier. Perhaps Hwajeong’s intentions are focused on the same purpose as mine. That’s why I’m feeling so frustrated right now.

Anyway, I understand that feeling, but I still felt strongly that this wasn’t right.

“… … .”

The Prince of Hell was still staring at me. I took a moment to gather my thoughts, then tapped the beginning of the year a couple of times before speaking.

“therefore… . “You want to have my child now.”


“Then you are saying that you will become that child’s mother.”

“… huh?”

When I turn my gaze, I see the Grand Duke of Hell with his eyes wide open. Why are you doing that?


“Yeah, that’s right. “You are right.”

“That’s right. Anyway, that still means that I will become that child’s father, right?”

“… Well, what?”

“But Rani. In other words, you and I are qualified to be parents.”

“… … .”

It was like that. As Hwa-jeong said, the reason I was hesitant about just hitting the rice cake once was because I heard the word ‘conception’.

If the Prince of Hell had simply wanted to sleep with me for once, he might have been happy to oblige. I feel a little sorry for some of the women, but the cause is good enough. It’s possible that she was extremely excited about sleeping with the Duke of Hell.

However, if ‘child’, or rather ‘my child’ or ‘my child’, is involved, the story is different.

About three years ago, I used the Zero Code with the intention of returning to Earth with my older brother, Soyoung Han. And since the start of the second round, I have always been careful to live and work so that the purpose does not waver in the slightest.

To be more precise, I didn’t do anything that would leave me with regret or regret. I tried not to leave anything that could hold me back when I returned in the future.

If you think about it from that perspective.

Since parents should be considered 100% responsible for the birth of a child, creating children was one of the factors to be most cautious about. This is because if, by chance, my child is born and I see the end of the second episode, the road back to Earth will not be a very smooth one.

Think about it. Assuming that there was a child in another world who inherited my blood, wouldn’t it bother me in some way? In the worst case, a situation may arise where even when you return to Earth, you will think of your child and miss Holplane.

… Even though I just returned to Earth, I miss the hole plane?

That’s a situation I never want. That’s why I haven’t had any relationship with the residents so far… . Who knew? I never thought I would face a situation like this.

“… “Kick.”

It was then.

As I was wondering what on earth to do, I suddenly heard someone laughing loudly.

“… … ?”

When I looked up, I saw the Duke of Hell, who had turned in the opposite direction from before. The Grand Duke of Hell had his head down, and occasionally shook his shoulders lightly, making it look like he was suppressing laughter.

That’s not all. Hwa-jeong, who had been nagging from before, became silent at some point.

Suddenly, I felt something strange, so I quietly opened my mouth.

“Prince Hell?”

“… … !”

At that moment, the Prince of Hell’s entire body flinched greatly. And then he slowly, very slowly raises his head and looks back at me, shaking. The Archduke of Hell soon turned to look at me, and his cheeks were very swollen. … Why is it like that all of a sudden?

So, I was just about to open my mouth once more.

“Ugh… !”

– pooh… !

“Ah, ahahahahahaha!”

– Fuhahahahahaha!

The excited laughter of the two women rang in my ears and head at the same time.


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not work with dark mode