MEMORIZE Chapter 665

00665 2. King of Hell. ————————————————– ———————-=

It was a gray world.

Calm sky and barren land. No matter where I look, I see nothing but gray. It was literally a world made up of only colors.

“Welcome to hell forever.”

When I looked to the side, I saw the Prince of Hell slightly bending his knees and bowing his head at the same time. It was a pretty princess greeting, but it felt strange to receive it in a world like this. Something doesn’t seem right.

“So, what do you think?”


“This section. “I want to hear your thoughts.”

“Indefinitely? well. As for my impressions… .”

I trailed off and slowly looked around.

Infinite hell. Actually, I experienced it once during the first episode, but even apart from that, it’s a world where there’s really nothing to see. Even if you wash your eyes, you cannot find any signs of life. It’s not that it’s not, I can’t even see a single tree. All I can feel is nothingness and emptiness, so what kind of inspiration can I feel there? It’s just like a bitch.

However, I could not ignore the Archduke of Hell, whose eyes were shining as if telling me to speak quickly, so I spoke reluctantly.

“It feels like a dead world.”

“hmm? “A little more detail.”

“therefore… . “It feels like looking at the ashes left over from a fire.”

“… … .”

I can’t bear to say empty words, ‘It’s okay.’ I couldn’t say it, but I still tried to express it as euphemistically as possible. When I glanced out of the corner of my eye, I saw the Prince of Hell staring at me.

‘Should I have just said that it has an old-fashioned vibe?’

At the time, I was getting a little nervous, fearing that something might happen.

“Did he tell you to say that?”

“huh? no.”

The moment I realized that the word ‘him’ referred to Hwajeong, I shook my head. After the conversation ended and they crossed the section and arrived at Mugan, Hwajeong did not say a word.


Then the Duke of Hell snorted lightly as if he was surprised and turned around. And he started walking somewhere. I stared at the back of the Duke of Hell and slowly walked along.

“Where are we going?”


I asked carefully, but the answer I received was the height of ambiguity.

“then… .”

I was lost in thought for a moment and then opened my mouth once more.

“So your purpose is to reconstruct this section?”


This time, the Archduke of Hell half-heartedly nodded and answered. I crossed my arms, suppressing the feeling of extreme discomfort in my heart.

After finishing his conversation with Hwajeong earlier, the Grand Duke of Hell appeared to be deep in thought. Then he suddenly forced me to go to Mugan and showed me that way again. He kept wanting to ask what he was going to do now, but he didn’t actually take action. At least I have the sense not to do that.

How much time has passed?

“You… . Do you know the true name of this infinite hell?”

Just as I was walking aimlessly and feeling bored, the Grand Duke of Hell suddenly asked in a low voice.

By the way, the true name of Infinite Hell? Is there a true name in the section?

Then the Grand Duke of Hell continued.

“It is called the place where kings are born and sleep.”


I blurted out without realizing it. You have to know the situation to make the right answer, but it doesn’t feel good to keep asking questions when you don’t know anything.

“Hagiya. “It won’t matter much to you.”

Eventually, the Duke of Hell bursts into laughter and stops walking. I follow suit and stop walking, and the Prince of Hell turns to me and spreads his arms wide.

“Actually. “Your expression earlier was quite accurate.”

“… … ?”

“A world like ashes left over from a fire… . What this body wants is to create a spark from the ashes and make it big. So I wanted Hwajeong to play that role.”

“But Hwajeong said it was impossible. … So you said he couldn’t be king?”

Then the Grand Duke of Hell widened his eyes and smiled softly.

“But it looks like you have ears to hear.”

Not only did he listen, but he even spoke directly.

“then… .”

Anyway, once Hwajeong had progressed the story to some extent, I decided to put an end to this situation.

In fact, I still have a lot of questions. How does a king exist in hell, what kind of being is he, why are they trying to resurrect him, what does the true name mean before, etc.

However, I felt the need to narrow down the questions. To put it bluntly, there is a grand duke, but there is no law that says a king should not exist. And it doesn’t seem to be much different from the concept of ‘king’ that I know. Also, the reason for the resurrection is most likely due to personal circumstances, so it is not a question, and the true name is… . Well, I guess I didn’t bring it up for no reason.

In other words, the most important thing now is to find a way to achieve the Prince of Hell’s goals and help him. Only then can I return to the human world.

With that thought in mind, I resumed what I had said earlier.

“Are you planning to resurrect the king?”


“From what I’ve heard, you have an idea to reconstruct this section called Mugan. And as part of that, they are trying to resurrect the king. … Am I right?”

“The expression is not appropriate. “It is not the resurrection of the king, but the establishment of a new king.”

The Prince of Hell slightly shook his head and corrected my words.

“But other than that, I think it’s correct. The key is to establish a new king. Then everything else is just incidental.”

“So, does this mean that the moment a new king appears, this Mugan section will also be revived…? .”

“yes. As I said before, Mugan is the place where the king’s birth and death are shared. In other words, it can be seen as a section that functions as a kind of tomb.”

“It’s a tomb.”

I thought there was something strange about it. So what will the Infinite Hell look like after the king is born?

… anyway.

I finally felt like I was starting to understand, little by little.

Literally, the key now is to establish a new king. The Grand Duke of Hell was pinning his hopes on me, but Hwajeong denied the possibility. then… .

“I was expecting it a little bit, but… . “This is really embarrassing.”

While I was quietly lost in thought, I suddenly heard the voice of the Grand Duke of Hell. The Grand Duke of Hell looked calm on the outside, but he was staring down at the empty land. As he looked at it, he felt a little sorry.

“Do we really need a new king? “Wouldn’t it be okay if you just became king, at least formally?”

“well. That might not be bad, but… . I guess you could say it’s better to have it anyway. “Only then will I be able to return to my original position.”

Dara returned to her original position. I don’t know what this means again.

After a while.

The Duke of Hell, who had been looking down at the ground forlornly, slowly tilts his head back and looks up at the sky.

“I can’t do it and neither can you… . If the Fire of the Last Season, which is said to be the best flame, does not work as the Fire of the Ancients… . “What on earth should I do?”

Suddenly, a muttering voice flowed in.

Actually, I’m not sure how earnestly the Grand Duke of Hell had hoped for his wish. However, I had also experienced what it felt like to feel lost when I didn’t achieve what I wanted, so I felt like I at least knew what it felt like.

Is it because of that? I opened my mouth without realizing it, feeling a little sad.

“hey. Prince of Hell.”


“Does there have to be only one king?”

“Is that so?”

The Duke of Hell, who answered simply, asked back as if asking why. I continued speaking immediately.

“Then how about this? “To combine our two strengths.”

“Combining our two powers?”

“okay. You said that. It is said that the Infinite Hell is a place where the king’s birth and death occur together.”

“It did.”

The Grand Duke of Hell lowered his head.

“Then think about it. Fire is the ancient fire. Ancient is a word related to the distant past, that is, the beginning. And the fire of the end is the fire of the end. “Jongmi is a word related to destruction, that is, the end.”


“Let’s apply that to the characteristics of infinite hell. If there is a being that possesses both of these powers, the characteristics of the Infinite Hell… . Oops.”

“… … !”

The moment I was in the middle of speaking, I suddenly felt like it was a mistake. I brought up my opinion because it didn’t deviate too much from the question I initially asked.

Didn’t the Grand Duke of Hell say that? In the first place, I did not withdraw my power because our attributes were opposites. In other words, the story was based on a wrong premise from the beginning.

‘… ‘I said it for no reason.’

I was just about to apologize for saying something unnecessary.

– uh?


Hwajeong and the Grand Duke of Hell, who had been quiet until now, exclaimed in surprise.

“You… .”

Next, the Grand Duke of Hell is seen blinking and opening his eyes in great surprise.

– It’s a good opinion, though. But how do you combine the two forces?

Hwajeong’s voice echoed in my head, saying similar concerns I had.

“yes. that’s right. What you say makes sense. No, no, I think that’s the only way left.”

The Duke of Hell was muttering something to himself at a very fast pace. Then, at some point, he lifted his head and looked at me with his eyes shining intensely. It was so bad that a red glow came out of my eyes, so I was startled without even realizing it.

“Why, why so…” .”

I wanted to ask if he was looking at me, but I had no choice but to blurt out my words. This is because the Grand Duke of Hell suddenly began to approach with great strides. The way he walked seemed like he could have ripped out my heart at any moment.

“wait for a sec!”

Fortunately, the Duke of Hell stopped walking at my shout.

“Why, why are you doing this all of a sudden?”

“huh? Why are you doing this all of a sudden? Isn’t it you who expressed your opinion? He just thought it made sense.”

“no. I said I couldn’t do it earlier. “The two forces are opposites and cannot overlap.”

“… aha.”

The Grand Duke of Hell seemed to understand what I meant only then and let out a dull laugh. Then he shrugs his shoulders and suddenly smiles strangely and without meaning to.

“I said it was definitely not something to be done rashly. But you didn’t say there was no way?”

Is that so?

‘I certainly have the ability to gain that power, but that’s just what I mean.’

‘It might be okay if it was an extremely natural method, but if you forcefully mix the two energies in a forced way… .’

… As I searched through my memories, I felt like I had definitely heard something like that.

“What are you talking about?”

“To put it simply, although the two energies have different energies, it cannot be denied that they are the same flame. In other words, Hwajeong and Gyeophwa are not energies that are impossible to mix with each other like water and fire. … “After listening to you, I realized the possibilities here.”

“… … ?”

“Listen. The two energies are simply so distinct from each other that their unique qualities create a repulsive force. Isn’t the union of two natural energies a phenomenon that deviates from reason? … So, to sum it up, it means that the two energies can be united in an understandable and extremely natural way.”

“Then what do you mean by the natural method?”

“that… .”

I still had no idea, so I asked cautiously.

And the Prince of Hell did so without a moment of hesitation.


He said.

For a moment, I did not understand the Prince of Hell’s words.

– Oh, I see. Now that I think about it, there was a method like that.

Until I heard Hwajeong’s voice.

– Hey, there’s an answer. Kim Soo-hyun, are you pretty? I can’t believe I thought of it that way.

Hwajeong spoke in a very special voice.

“also. “It was the right decision to bring you.”

Soon, I saw the Grand Duke of Hell with a bright face walking towards me again, so I retreated and cried out in my heart. For a moment, I feel like my mind has become a mess.

‘Hwajeong, Hwajeong! ‘What are they talking about now?’

– huh? What are you talking about? What if you express your opinion and then say you don’t know?

‘That’s not it, what kind of person is pregnant all of a sudden?’

– Oh, pregnant? huh. There’s nothing wrong with what he said.

Hwajeong calmly agrees to the Prince of Hell’s opinion as if it were very reasonable. Meanwhile, the distance between him and the Duke of Hell had narrowed to within 5 meters. I shook my head desperately.

‘No, that’s not it…’ !’

-Why are you leaving? Why are you embarrassed? listen. The phenomenon of conceiving a baby applies equally at any level, it is literally a law allowed by the world, and it is a natural law. It is a phenomenon that has been going on since the beginning, to the extent that it can almost be considered a foundation. There is no more natural way than this?

‘… … .’

– ah. Was it too difficult to explain? So, from a human perspective, you can think of it as a successor. lets think. If I sow your seed containing my energy into the womb of the Great Duke of Hell, who possesses the energy of awe-inspiring… .

Wrong. The Archduke of Hell and Hwajeong are explaining something in a calm manner, but I can’t figure out the point that is confusing me at all.

– What can’t you catch? All you have to do is give the Archduke of Hell a chance here. Don’t you understand?

The moment she thought that, Hwajeong grumbled and complained.

I was completely at a loss for words.

‘… Are you a god?’

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hmm… . Next episode… .

Actually, it’s not that pretty. Let me tell you in advance, Kim Soo-hyun appears in a pissed off state. So… .

There is a bit of SM mixed in in the middle and latter parts. If you have any objections, I recommend that you just skip it. It was so shocking that the Duke of Hell would shed tears… .

Well, I hope the readers have a nice day. _(__)_


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not work with dark mode