MEMORIZE Chapter 661

00661 1. Difference between kimchi soup and seolrebal. ————————————————– ———————-=

Did you read my expression?

“huh? Why are you making that face again?”

The Prince of Hell paused for a moment and looked at me blankly. After looking at everything for a while, he slowly began to tell the story of how he had been summoned.

And after a while.

“… … .”

When the Prince of Hell finished explaining everything, I felt speechless.

It wasn’t because I learned the circumstances surrounding the summoning of the Duke of Hell. It wasn’t because I felt like I had been played into the hands of the devil’s unexpected intervention and bastards.

… no. All of that was confusing my mind.

But more than anything else, Helena came to mind first.

Actually, I didn’t mean much to Helena after meeting her in the mountains where the dragon sleeps. He revealed that he was unable to survive for 2-3 years, and until then, it was just a relationship that brought him in with a kind of contract, saying that he wanted to explore the human world.

So I tried not to take a deep interest from the beginning, and I actually have been that way. I’ve always thought of it as Doraemon’s 4th-dimensional pocket that uses the right magic when needed.

okay. I did… .

‘At times like this… . Should I say hello?’


The moment Helena’s last greeting passed through my mind, I clenched my fists without realizing it. I felt resentful rather than sad. After listening to the Prince of Hell’s words, I realized how crappy my initial response was.

‘It was something that could have been prevented, or rather, changed.’

Of course, given the circumstances, the appearance of the Prince of Hell was truly sudden and sufficiently threatening. In fact, the Grand Duke of Hell even said he would clean it up. As such, no one would fault my reaction.

But that’s just someone else’s perspective. If you think about it from my perspective, I was really excited.

If only I could have calmed down a little there, if I hadn’t listened to what the Grand Duke of Hell said, no, if I hadn’t been caught up in memories of the past and making guesses… !

In fact, this is also just a vague guess. Still, if we had responded with a broader perspective, it might have led to a different outcome and a different future.

Suddenly, something my brother said a while ago came to mind.

‘Do you think you could have become allies with giants?’

‘Atlanta? Then, how was your relationship with intelligent races?’

At that time, I suddenly wondered why he sounded weak, but now I feel like I know a little bit what my brother felt at that time. My brother wanted to talk about something more than just giants.

‘I should have listened to those words… .’

Late regrets set in, and I ended up shaking my head. No matter how much we try to think positively, Helena’s death cannot be glorified. If you really think about it calmly, it was a dog’s death, nothing more or less.

“… “You look very distressed.”

Before I knew it, I was getting closer, when I heard the voice of the Duke of Hell right in front of me.

“I don’t know the details, but… . I hope you don’t blame yourself too much. Anyway, it is true that you did your best, even risking your life, and I value that highly.”

The careful tone, which is different from before, sounds as if he is offering comfort.


The moment I thought that, I burst out laughing. I receive comfort from what I thought was my enemy. What kind of comedy-like situation is this?

“Let me ask you something.”

When I raised my gaze and spoke, the Grand Duke of Hell nodded as if giving permission.

“So you meant to talk to us in the first place?”

“no. That’s not it. “I was willing to talk to you, not to us.”

“So what if I wasn’t there then?”

“hmm… .”

Even as I ask, my face gets hot. The Grand Duke of Hell looked thoughtful and shook his head.

“well. Unfortunately, I was in a really bad mood at that time. “I think if it was even the slightest bit annoying, I wouldn’t have cleaned it up.”

… okay. is it.

“But why are you asking that?”

I did not answer the Archduke of Hell’s question. Actually, it was because I wanted to get comfort by hearing what I wanted to say. It was a terrible self-justification to the point where I thought I was the worst, but now I wanted to cool my heart by doing this.

‘… shit.’

However, the feeling of self-loathing that soon surged over me made me close my eyes tightly. I’ve solved some questions, but I feel like my mind has become more complicated.

Then, the Grand Duke of Hell could be heard sighing softly.

“I think you need time to sort out the current situation and your inner self.”

The moment I heard those words, a thought suddenly crossed my mind. Now that I think about it, there is one question that has not yet been resolved. If I had come here, Kim Han-byeol would have probably come too. So where is Kim Han-byul now?

“if… .”

However, the moment I opened my mouth and looked to the side, I stopped talking. Also, I don’t know when he disappeared, but the Duke of Hell, who was next to me until a little while ago, is no longer visible. As I looked around to see where he had gone, I was soon able to spot the back of the Grand Duke of Hell walking a long way in the front direction.

“for a moment… ?”

When I got up with the intention of following along, the Duke of Hell, who suddenly stopped walking, lightly raised his hand.

“I’ll be there soon, so just wait.”

At that moment, I was very surprised. This is because the Prince of Hell’s voice was heard very clearly despite the considerable distance. As I watched the Prince of Hell begin to walk again, I eventually collapsed back down.

‘Where are we going?’


Very little time has passed since the Prince of Hell left.

It wasn’t a lie when I said I’d be back soon. The Duke of Hell returned to where I was in less than five minutes. However, when he returned, he was not alone but accompanied by someone.

“Oh, brother.”

The person who called me in a slightly wet voice next to the Grand Duke of Hell was none other than Kim Han-byeol.

I gazed at Kim Han-byeol. He felt lucky for a moment, but he also thought he was alive in the first place. I judged that there was a high possibility that Kim Han-byeol was also alive, as the Grand Duke of Hell saved me by sharing his own life.

“I heard you woke up… . really… .”

Kim Han-byeol covered her mouth with both hands and trembled as if she was very upset. Considering Kim Han-byeol’s cold personality, it was a bit of a surprising reaction. I wanted to pat him on the back, but first I looked back at the Duke of Hell, who was smiling slightly next to me.

‘What should I say?’

The eyes of the Duke of Hell looking at me were transparent red. The eyes were extremely beautiful, with not a hint of hostility in them, but as he continued to look at them, he felt his stomach start to become uncomfortable again. However, I couldn’t show it to the public now, so I simply lowered my head.

Then the Grand Duke of Hell responded with an alluring smile and turned around.

“Then let me leave this body for a moment. “When you have gathered your thoughts, come see me.”

With those last words, the Grand Duke of Hell started walking somewhere. He wanted to ask where he should go, but he couldn’t.


This is because the moment the Grand Duke of Hell left his seat, Kim Han-byeol rushed towards him as if he had been waiting. I slowly raised my hand and patted Kim Han-byeol’s back as she immediately hugged me. Then, Kim Han-byeol’s shoulders began to shake little by little.

“brother Brother… .”

“Okay, okay. “Hanbyeol.”

“You’re really awake, right? “You’re okay, right?”

“Yes. are you okay. “There’s really nothing wrong now.”

While he continued to pat my back, I suddenly had a strange feeling. Even though she was asking about my condition, Kim Han-byeol was now acting as if she had been dealing with me for the first time in a very long time. Also, although it was my standard, the reaction did not feel a bit excessive.

I opened my mouth quietly.

“It’s me, Hanbyeol.”

Then Kim Han-byeol, who had been sobbing with her head buried in my chest, slowly showed her face. The tear stains on her cheeks seem quite pitiful, as if she was so sad. I continued speaking softly, wiping away the tears that were still flowing.

“Do you know how long I was unconscious?”

Since the place I am now in is hell, in some ways it could be said to be the most important issue.

Returning to the human world is not a problem. Because I have experienced it once in the first round, I know the method. Of course, whether the Grand Duke of Hell will obediently let you go is a separate question.

The real problem is different. If hell is defined as a dimension different from the human world, there is a unique ‘law’ that exists in each dimension. Of course, these laws are very different in each dimension, and after going back to the original world after many twists and turns during the first round, I had a history of suffering greatly due to the gap between the laws that exist between humans and the hell dimension.

In any case, unless you plan to sit in hell like this, you need to reduce this feeling of disconnection as much as possible in preparation for the next time you return, and the best way is to return to the original world as quickly as possible. So, I need to estimate how long I was unconscious.

“I don’t know.”

However, Kim Han-byeol shook his head very simply. I frowned at him without realizing it. No matter how much they say there is no concept of time in hell, saying you don’t know… .

“Earlier, he sometimes brought me here to show me my brother, and today is the fourteenth time. “Other than that, I really don’t know anything.”

This is because it means that I was unable to come to my senses for a very long time, longer than I expected. Maybe he was unconscious for more than two weeks.

“hmm… . okay. i get it.”

Ultimately, nothing is certain right now. I nodded my head once or twice and then let out a soft sigh. I feel like my head has become heavier. At that time, Kim Han-byeol quietly moved away from him, straightened his posture, and carefully opened his mouth.

“But brother.”


“… “Are you sure you just woke up?”

“huh. That’s right. why?”

I answered without thinking. Then, Kim Han-byeol, who had been wiping her eyes with the back of her hand, suddenly stared at me with her eyes shining mysteriously.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“no… .”

“… … ?”

“Considering that you just woke up… . I thought you were so calm… .”

I felt like something was wrong for a moment, but I was able to calm down right away. It would seem strange to Kim Han-byeol, who does not know the circumstances.

“Of course, I was surprised at first.”

When I forced a smile and said, Kim Hanbyeol said, “Really?” I ask back.

“I was really surprised at first… . “I almost went into a state of panic disorder.”

“I’m similar. But before you came… . “Hmm, I had a quick chat with that woman.”

Without realizing it, I almost said he was the Duke of Hell, but I managed to change it to a woman. Suddenly, I felt the need to be extremely careful with my words.

‘I’m already a quick-witted kid… .’

Anyway, fortunately, Kim Han-byeol nodded and nodded, showing that he understood. I stared at Kim Han-byeol and quietly opened my mouth.

“we… . “Would you like to talk for a moment?”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

With your body.

is a joke. ha ha ha.

ah. Dear readers. There was one thing that made me laugh while reading the comments yesterday. lol.

『Just take the medicine right away and give it a try, right? Go straight to the scene. I’m getting dizzy! Hurry up and hurry up.』

Haha, really haha. Oh, where on earth is this happening? As soon as I wake up, where do I get the medicine? LOL.

I kept giggling while reading the comments. What should I say, it’s actually a bit different between guys, but I thought this comment was cute. I absolutely love comments like this. Just funny out of nowhere? Suddenly making me burst out laughing? Comments like that. I think this was probably the second most interesting comment after Hyeon-oh’s comment about Ansol. lol.

Yes, anyway. Regardless of whether I am good at writing bed scenes or not, the fact that I will write them is not a lie. Please believe me.

However, since Kim Soo-hyun is not a horny character who gets excited just by seeing the opposite s*x, I don’t want to focus the future serials solely on bed scenes. I believe that readers share the same thoughts as me on this point.

In the case of the Duke of Hell this time, at least why did the Grand Duke of Hell want Kim Soo-hyun, why did he crave fire, why did he keep saying that he wanted Kim Soo-hyun during the battle, etc. After providing sufficient explanation on these aspects, I would like to write a bed scene that all readers can understand. You can consider this as my personal greed.

So, readers, if you could be a little more patient, I would truly appreciate it. 🙂

Today’s review is a bit long. I hope all readers have a restful night. _(__)_


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not work with dark mode