MEMORIZE Chapter 659

00659 1. Difference between kimchi soup and seolrebal. ————————————————– ———————-=

When Go Yeon-ju arrived, the whole situation had already ended. Go Yeon-ju herself felt it from the moment she reached the area. Because he could no longer hear the loud noises he heard when leaving the battlefield.

However, despite running in a hurry, Go Yeon-ju could sense that something was wrong as she looked at the area that had become a sea of ​​tears.

Ahn Hyeon is crying silently while holding the window pole with both hands.

Ansol stands blankly and mutters something constantly.

Yu-jeong Lee is crying loudly in a prone position.

Jeong Ha-yeon sits on the floor with a devastated face.

‘no way… .’

Now that I think about it, Kim Soo-hyun is nowhere to be seen. Of course, there were many other unseen clan members, but the fact that Kim Soo-hyun was not particularly important to Go Yeon-ju. Go Yeon-joo, who had prepared his mind in advance despite the possibility, slowly approached his clan members.

“I couldn’t stop it… . Couldn’t stop it… .”

Ansol was repeating the same thing over and over again, like a crazy person. Come to think of it, she was surprised that Ansol had woken up, and Yeonju was about to ask what on earth was going on.

“Let go, let go! “Suhyeon, Suhyeon!”

Suddenly, a desperate cry was heard from the right. Go Yeon-ju soon turned his gaze and was able to see two scenes.

“Clan Lord, please…” ! “It’s already too late, it’s too late!”

Four or five users were seen using their strength to restrain someone with pleading voices.

“The hole, the hole is getting smaller! “Let go!”

Kim Yoo-hyun was also seen trying to run somewhere, surrounded by users, with both arms flailing. Her previous cold and calm demeanor was gone, and she was radiating the desperate anger of a madman.

Ansol was still muttering to himself. Go Yeon-ju, thinking that this could not go on, turned his head and suddenly found Jege Hae-sol standing alone on one side. Then Go Yeon-ju’s eyes naturally narrowed.

‘Why that kid?’

Jegal Hae-sol had already returned from Pyo Hye-mi’s appearance to his original self. When Helena sacrifices herself and disappears from this world, her polymorph effect also disappears. However, because the battle had just ended and the shock was so great, no one noticed.

I don’t know the details of why Jegal Haesol is here. However, Go Yeon-ju, who judged that it would not be good if anyone found out, walked quickly and raised a shadow.


As the shadow surrounded him, Jegal Haesol let out a faint sigh.

“What happened to this now?”

“This, this?”

When Go Yeon-ju asked, Jegal Hae-sol blurted out his words with an expression on his face that did not know what to do. Then, Go Yeon-ju asked for an explanation of the battlefield, since other things were already covered, and only then did the true Jegal Hae-sol carefully open his mouth.

“therefore… .”

Kim Soo-hyun’s flashback, which almost brought him to the point of death. And Helena’s sacrifice and Kim Soo-hyun and Kim Han-byeol being dragged into the space.

“ah… .”

After hearing Jegal Hae-sol’s explanation, Go Yeon-ju felt a gloomy feeling for the first time. Even though he had mentally prepared himself in advance, he felt his heart being stabbed. Because he couldn’t believe it.

Kim Soo-hyun was a user who showed tremendous ability from the first time they met. Sometimes he crushed his opponents with overwhelming force, and sometimes he neutralized them in ways no one could have imagined. He has successfully overcome crises that everyone thought would be difficult to resolve.

Of course, there was a lot of help from clan members in the process, but the center was always Kim Soo-hyun.

okay. I did… .

It was then.

“every… . The battlefield… . I’ll organize it… .”

A quiet voice suddenly heard. As Go Yeon-joo looked back at her body, he saw Han So-young giving instructions to clear the battlefield. Her always expressionless face is even more affected by the north wind and cold snow today. It was a cruelly cold command, but she never thought of anyone challenging her.

Because it was natural. Because it was natural to rescue the injured and give priority to the living rather than to those who were already missing or dead.

Nevertheless, the Mercenary Clan members are not moving… . No, the reason I can’t is because I don’t want to admit it. The fact that Kim Soo-hyun is not here right now.

In this situation, Go Yeon-ju was barely able to face reality.

The present wasn’t the only problem. Mercenary is a centralized clan that has been active with Kim Soo-hyun as its central point. However, since Kim Soo-hyun disappeared, it was obvious that his future actions would be negatively affected in some way. In other words, we now had to worry about the future of Mercenary.

‘It can’t go on like this.’

Thinking like that, Go Yeon-joo asked Jegal Hae-sol to stay where he was, then gritted his teeth and shouted.

“Lee Yu-jeong! “Stop dragging yourself and get up!”

Lee Yu-jeong cried sadly like a baby and then raised her head in surprise.

“How long are you going to stay still? “Why don’t you get up soon?”

Rarely for a high performance artist did he raise his voice. Perhaps because of this, the dazed clan members began to come to their senses one by one.

Go Yeon-ju let out a short sigh and bit her lower lip. Before I knew it, the users who had retreated from afar were slowly approaching.


Rattling… ! Rattling… !

– We would like to inform our passengers. We would like to inform our passengers.

When I opened my eyes to the vaguely heard announcement, I saw blurry vision. As I reflexively closed and opened my eyes three or four times, the blurry world slowly began to come into view. I remember reporting my discharge and getting on the Lulu Lala train, but I guess I fell asleep.

“Hwaaaam~. Did I drink too much congratulatory drink yesterday? .”

When I left the military base, I was so happy that I was finally discharged, but when I woke up, I suddenly felt a hangover that I didn’t know I had. Normally, I don’t like hangovers that break my bones, but today, this hangover doesn’t feel that bad. No, today I feel like I can smile no matter what happens. Because today is the day I was discharged!

– This station is Seoul Station, Seoul Station. Soon… .

Just as I was about to get so excited, the announcement from earlier flowed into my ears. I took a deep breath and woke up, and before I knew it, I had almost arrived at Seoul Station. Today I was discharged from the military, so I indulged myself in an unexpected luxury and got a special room on the KTX. The seat was more comfortable than I expected, so I slept without realizing how much time had passed.

‘This is why money is good.’

After looking out the window and thinking about something trivial, I stood up confidently. When I got off, there were a lot of people at the entrance of the train, so I thought I would go out in advance and wait.

So, I was about to go out into the hallway.


I stopped walking for a moment. Because there was a mysterious woman sitting right next to me. I don’t remember anyone sitting next to me from the time I got on the car until departure… . Now that I think about it, wasn’t this train non-stop? Wasn’t it? I’m so confused.

I planned to move forward as much as possible, but soon my gaze was lost to the woman without realizing it. This is because the woman sitting next to me had a beauty that is not often seen anywhere.

Fine-textured light brown hair, long and thin eyelashes, peach-colored cheeks, plump lips… . And the very kind look made me want to hug and cuddle. Is it like looking at a delicate and neat flower? And best of all, those prominent missile-shaped breasts that make your clothes bulge!

“Eugh… .”

At that moment, I heard something struggling from the seat across from me. When I looked up, I saw her grandmother struggling to take out the luggage on her tiptoes. I walked out as carefully as I could so as not to disturb her, and quickly took out her grandmother’s luggage instead.

“grandma. “Do you have this baggage?”

Then the grandmother nodded as if yes and smiled kindly.

“Draw it, draw it. That’s right. Thank you so much… .”

“no. “It wasn’t that difficult.”

“Oh my, this sturdy young man has a good heart. Our granddaughter is asleep over there… .”


As I was scratching my head and laughing, my grandmother clicked her tongue and packed her luggage. In response to her puzzled mood, her grandmother said, “That bitch, that bitch.” As she said this, she glanced towards the other side. This was where I was sitting earlier.

… for a moment. What does that mean?

“Hyeon-ah, we’re here! Wake up, kid! … Yoohyeon!”

“to… . “Eh, eh?”

As the grandmother shouted repeatedly, the woman called Yoo Hyeon-ah opened her eyes in surprise. Then she looked around her with half-closed, sleepy eyes, and just as she made eye contact with me, she suddenly locked my gaze with me. good. Snowball fight like this… . Not.

‘… what?’

The moment those eyes that seemed infinitely kind looked at me calmly, I felt the excitement that had been brought on by the effects of the campaign suddenly subside. Then, an unexpected, awkward and anxious feeling crept up. I wondered if I felt guilty because I had thought profane things when I looked at breasts, but no matter how much I thought about it, I didn’t think that was the reason. A strange feeling that cannot be described in words keeps coming over my whole body.

In the end, I couldn’t bear that feeling and I looked away. And then I ran down the hallway and left the entrance. For a moment, I heard my grandmother calling me from behind, but I quickly closed the door and walked to the next row of seats. I don’t know why I was like this, but I just felt like it had to be this way.


Eventually, I could barely catch my breath after reaching the entrance, one room across. As the train also entered the stopping area, I was able to get off at the entrance without waiting long.

‘She was a really strange woman.’

No, actually, it might not actually be that strange. She, the woman, just sat still, and she and I just reacted as we pleased. Anyway, I thought it would be better to quickly forget about what happened, so I tilted my head back, taking a deep breath to clear my mind.

But as it happened, the moment I looked up at the sky, I had to feel three or four raindrops hitting my mouth. Now that I think about it, the sky is full of dark clouds. It was sunny when I left the base, but it seems to have become cloudy before I knew it. Oh my, the winter wind is already cold, but it’s even raining. It’s the worst.

Boom boom, boom boom!

After a while, raindrops began to fall heavily from the dark cloudy sky. The station immediately became busy. Like some people, I thought about going into a convenience store and buying an umbrella, but I gave up when I saw the huge crowd of people. I don’t particularly like being in the rain, but… . No, but why do raindrops keep falling on my mouth?

I grumbled and wiped my mouth repeatedly, but soon decided to think that heaven was sending me a kiss to congratulate me on my discharge. good. Seeing these foolish thoughts, I feel like I’m definitely out of the mood I was in earlier.

I giggled to myself and quietly closed my eyes. Then, suddenly, a scene from a movie flashed through my head, and I spread my arms wide and gently closed my eyes, intending to do the same. Others may criticize me for being a loser, but it doesn’t matter today. Because now I feel like I can overcome any embarrassing situation.

licking… ! licking… !

The rain continued to fall regularly. As expected, seeing as it only drips into my mouth, I think maybe my thoughts are right. Even now, the raindrops are softly licking my mouth… .

‘huh? ‘Raindrops lick me?’

Lick lick… . Lick lick… .

… It is certainly. The rain is licking me. But this doesn’t make sense. How do raindrops lick me? No, is it flowing? When I quietly feel it, the raindrops flowing in my mouth seem to be hot, not cold… . So hot raindrops?

I suddenly felt like I had come to my senses. A similar feeling to the one I felt earlier when I woke up on the train. And the feeling of her forgotten memories suddenly waking up and slowly waking up.

‘Yes, yes. Now I remember. The woman earlier… .’

Meanwhile, Rain continued to taste his mouth(?), and at the same time, I felt that the back of my neck was considerably more relaxed. It was a very sweet and warm texture. I think I’ll fall asleep if I keep her eyes closed like this, but the sensation I felt from her mouth from earlier makes me anxious. In the end, I slowly opened my eyes.

“… … .”

The first thing that caught my eye was not the sky I saw at the station. Rather, it was someone’s hair that was so rich that it looked like lava flowing down. And then came the severe dizziness.


As I reflexively twisted my body, the feeling in my mouth disappeared for a moment. But I didn’t have time to worry about that. For a moment, an enormous pain came into my head and I had to struggle in pain.

Some time passed and the dizziness slowly subsided.

“Are you awake now?”

A voice that I felt like I had heard from somewhere quietly rang in my ears. The moment I opened my frowning eyes again, I couldn’t help but feel dazed. The lush hair that was visible just before was no longer visible, and what looked like a red tongue suddenly appeared. The red tongue was gradually getting closer and increasing in size in the field of view.

And after a while.


The tongue slightly sticking out between pretty lips.


He licked my mouth gently.

‘… … ?’

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

The Grand Duke of Hell was clearly licking Kim Soo-hyun.

Long time no see! Dear readers, as soon as I came here, I threw away the ending! ha ha ha.

Anyway, without further ado, let’s begin Season 3.

To the battlefield!


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not work with dark mode