MEMORIZE Chapter 658

00658 I love you. ————————————————– ———————-=

It was that moment.

At the same time, my vision is colored with pure white light.

‘… … .’

I felt all the sensations passing through my body slowly flowing one by one.

I gently closed my eyes.

Suddenly, memories from the old pit came to mind.

‘Ansol. miracle… . ‘You know?’

To my question.

‘Si, I don’t like it! No! Here, here… !’

Ansol answered like that.

‘then… . Did Ansol have been predicting this since then?’

I can only think that that was the case given the circumstances. Otherwise, there would be no way to use a miracle with such good timing.

I felt amazing, but now I just felt even more relieved. Now that my body’s life is approaching its end, if there were no miracle, the Duke of Hell would have broken through the red barrier and come out. I don’t even want to imagine what happens after that.

‘then… .’

After a while, I felt the light fading away.

As I slowly open my eyes, I see the situation changing again.


The space that had been gradually shrinking is widening again.

The reddish glow also regained its original shine.

The Duke of Hell is screaming, twisting his whole body while clutching the cracked space.

Helena has regained her original, perfect form, but the phenomenon of fading away is repeated again and again.

Now I can understand why Ansol said thank you and sorry to Helena.

It was clear that Ansol used miracles to fill the shortage of sacrifices. In other words, Helena was restored and used once again as a sacrifice.

However, Helena seemed to have no problem, just sighed in relief like me and regained her composure.

… All of these phenomena were coming into view slowly, very slowly.

It feels as if the eye is a camera that takes pictures at slow speed.

I feel like I am alone in the world, watching this situation unfold.

I couldn’t shake off the awkward feeling as the scenes continued to flow like a panorama.

I don’t really know why this is. If there’s one thing I can tell, it’s that I too am slowly getting closer to death.

‘So, are we going to see the magic light soon?’

It may have been a trivial thought, but I know my condition best. Strictly speaking, even now, he still had a little bit of energy left to move once or twice. Since I received treatment, there is no major problem with my body itself, and I will be able to extract the power of Hwajeong if necessary.

But regardless of that, life once burned does not return. Ever since the chlorine ability faded away, all my vitality had been exhausted. The only thing worth looking forward to was Ansol’s miracle, but even that was used to send the Prince of Hell back.

However, I don’t think that action is wrong. Even if Ansol miraculously restored my vitality, there is no guarantee that I would be able to handle the great Duke of Hell who broke through the barrier. So Ansol made the most reasonable choice in this situation.

… okay. Then all that’s left is to accept your own death.

“No, no, no, no! How much time I spent looking for it! “I finally found it!”

The Prince of Hell was still screaming. I don’t know what they’re saying, but now a sad, sad scream is ringing in my ears.

As I stared at it, I could see that it had been eaten all the way down to my chest. Perhaps even the Grand Duke of Hell did not expect a miracle.

‘now… . Is it really over… .’

I stood there blankly and breathed lightly. If time allowed, I thought I would like to see the faces of my acquaintances one last time. So I was just about to slowly turn around.

“We can’t go back like this! Now that it’s like this… !”

Suddenly, a cry similar to a scream erupted from the Duke of Hell. At the same time, it was a moment when I unconsciously looked back at the Duke of Hell.

Suddenly, the Grand Duke of Hell was seen shaking his right arm with all his might with a distorted face. As if he was squeezing out his last strength.

“I will never give up!”

Following that shout, a two-pronged whip of fire crosses the distance between me. It comes at me in a straight line threatening to devour me at once.

That moment.

‘… … !’

I didn’t think anything of it. Just, she moved her body instinctively.


The reason I was able to reflexively twist my body, and the reason the two-pronged whip narrowly passed me by, was all thanks to the infinitely slow flow of vision from earlier.




Although I was able to escape safely, I instantly felt goosebumps all over my body. My eyes suddenly got bigger. It wasn’t because he was tired of the Prince of Hell’s final struggles.

The moment I barely managed to avoid it, I heard a small scream coming from right behind me. And that was an exclamation from not one, but two people.

‘What on earth happened?’ Before I even thought about it, it was already happening.

Finally, the head of the Prince of Hell was swallowed up in space. But his right arm, stretched out in front of him, still held the taut whip of fire. And as that arm gradually gets sucked in, someone passes by me from his left and right and is pulled forward.

“Oh, brother!”

Kim Han-byeol, with her left arm wrapped around a whip of fire, stretches out her right hand and calls out to me in a heartbreaking voice.

“iced coffee… ?!”

Han So-young stares at me blankly, her right arm wrapped in a whip of fire.

So, Kim Han-byeol and Han So-young were being dragged into the barrier.

The moment I saw the scene, my breathing suddenly stopped and I felt extreme dizziness.

Because I dodged, those two people were caught instead.

The two women showed all sorts of resistance, such as dragging their feet, as if they were trying to hold on somehow, but their resistance was in vain to begin with. There is no way that a fiery stream made up of hellish flames could be cut off so easily.

no no. There is no time. The two women had already passed the red border and entered. Dissolution is not the problem. If two people are dragged like this, it is clear that they will be sucked into that space.

In a split second, I mustered up all the energy I still had left. And without any hesitation, he jumped into the red border.


I instantly heard my brother shout, but I didn’t have time to look back. Because he can only save one person as of now. The moment he delays even a little, he will not be able to save even a single person.

Soon, my vision becomes redder and I see two women looking at me in surprise.

But as I was about to hit the ground once more, I had to feel a mixture of emotions.


Kim Han-byeol is desperately calling me with her hand outstretched.


Han So-young looks at me with a sorrowful light.

‘I am… . who… .’

The worries soon disappeared. I didn’t make a decision about who to choose.

However, when the two women approached the open space, their bodies moved automatically.

In the end, I ignored Kim Han-byeol and kicked the ground with all my might in the right direction. Then, he hugged Han So-young, who quickly got close to him, and swung his hand towards her right arm. The tightly wrapped whip of fire scatters in response to Hwajeong’s power.

After completing the series of procedures, I pushed Han So-young hard to the rear without any delay.

“Mmm, Mercenary Lord!”

I heard Han So-young calling me, but there was nothing I could do about it. If it continues like this, both of them will dissolve, and also… .

“brother… .”

At that time, Kim Han-byeol’s weak voice was suddenly heard. The moment I met the two blank-looking eyes, I felt my whole body stiffen.

Even though I looked away, Kim Hanbyeol was still looking at me. The feelings of resentment are not visible at all in the two blankly staring eyes. He didn’t look particularly angry.

however… . Why is he making such a sad expression?

But even for a moment.

Eventually, starting with the left arm wrapped around the whip of fire, Kim Han-byeol flows into the hole. And at that moment, I could still barely see her right arm outstretched towards me.

“ah… .”

Suddenly time stopped. The whole situation came to a standstill.

Suddenly, a memory that occurred only a few hours ago appeared in Woosoosu’s mind.

‘therefore… . I think I love you.’

‘No, I love you.’

Kim Han-byeol said she loved me.

‘yes. I love you.’

‘i love you. I’ve loved you ever since I fell in love at first sight during Rite of Passage.’

And I… .

‘Are you curious? Why did you suddenly say this… .’

‘because… . ‘If not this time, I don’t think I’ll ever have the chance to say it again.’

I am… !

“Hanbyeol… !”

When I came to, my legs were already racing like crazy.

Contrary to my thoughts, the space quickly approaches before my eyes, and I stretch out my arms against my will.

“Hanbyeol Kim!”

Now, I grab Kim Han-byeol’s palm with all my strength… !

It was that moment.


Suddenly, I felt like my belly button was being pulled, and space swallowed me up mercilessly. Then, the feeling of endlessly falling somewhere comes over me.

And after a while.

‘here is… .’

In an instant, a huge universe unfolded before my eyes.

Indescribable sensations passed through my entire body. As if I was sinking into a swamp of death, my vision darkened, and the consciousness I was barely holding on to also gradually became blurred.

In the meantime, the only thing I can clearly feel is the feeling of Hanbyul in my right hand.

‘I am… . What happens now? ?’

In the end, without finding an answer to that thought, I just closed my eyes.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

Ah, as planned (emphasis mine!), I have completed all parts of Season 3. ha ha ha.

This seems to be the question I received the most while serializing the last part of the Great Duke of Hell.

‘What happens next with the Archduke of Hell?’

I think that question has been answered to some extent with today’s content. In other words, Kim Soo-hyun was unable to ignore Kim Han-byeol in the end, and ultimately chose to fall together. This was the final idea for Part 3 of Season 3. In other words, it went according to the last part of Ansol’s dream.

Anyway, I think it’s refreshing to finish all the parts like this. Today, I’ll just buy a can of KGB beer and end the day on a sweet note. 🙂

ruler! Now that all parts of Season 3 are over, I have a few announcements to make to our readers.

1. What will be the next series?

In terms of planning, Season 3 has ended, but we will not move into Season 4 right away. We plan to serialize the side story corresponding to Season 3. Of course, even if it is a spin-off, it is not completely unrelated to what we saw. The spin-off series is planned to continue mainly based on the Hell section, and can be seen as covering the stories of Kim Soo-hyun, Kim Han-byeol, and the Duke of Hell.

There are five goals in total for this spin-off series.

– The story of the human world after Kim Soo-hyun and Kim Han-byeol disappeared (just a little bit.)

– The revival of Kim Soo-hyun, who had exhausted all his vitality.

– Upgrade of Kim Soo-hyun and his companions (If you think about it, hell can be seen as one region and a world divided into eight parts. There will be many strange things in hell too.)

– The second battle between Kim Soo-hyun’s awakening (which awakening?) and the Duke of Hell.

– The return of the king.

Actually, I thought a lot about whether to include number 4 or not. We fought so tiresomely, but somehow(?) we need to add more fighting content. However, now that he has suffered from the Great Duke of Hell several times and lost Helena again, Kim Soo-hyun will seek revenge. So, you can look forward to it because I’m planning to write a really hot(?) revenge battle. To give a spoiler in advance, Kim Soo-hyun wins this time. We will push the Prince of Hell so hard that he will not be left alone. (Where?)

Hmm. Anyway, I plan to finish Season 3’s side stories like this and then start Season 4, which contains the ‘ending’ and ‘conclusion’ content.

2. Any plans for future serialization?

August 26th (Tuesday), 27th (Wednesday), 28th (Thursday), 2014. We will be closed for these 3 days. In the meantime, I’ve been recharging myself by reading erotic novels… . no no. Hmm! I’m just going to rest quietly. The Steel Mountains part was really difficult while serializing. There were times when I felt like my writing life was being shortened. I probably wouldn’t have come this far if it weren’t for my readers. ㅜ.ㅠ

Anyway, after resting for three days, I will resume the series with the side story on Friday, August 29, 2014!

Important notices end here.

and… .

‘When on earth is that(?) coming out!’ I have a word to say to those who say this.

That’s also included in the side story, in the early part of Season 4. As we’ve been through a lot so far, we’re planning to give Kim Soo-hyun a long break after the side story ends. Enjoy the feast of Jujiyukrim during your break… .

Anyway, there were too many later, so I thought, ‘Please stop writing bed scenes!’ Even if you say that, I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know~. ( –)

I have said everything I have to say with this. Now, let’s take some time to re-ripple!

『Reripple. 』

1. JF / Yes. JF’s prediction is correct. However, if the level of fire and hell is 10, Blue Dahlia can be considered to be around 8 to 9. (This is extremely high for a human’s strength.) This level is a level that can be dealt with. One additional thing to note is that Blue Dahlia can be considered a type of passive ability.

2. HerbPia / How do you feel about coming this far? Korean beef is the best, and the persimmons are crunchy, sweet, and delicious!

3. sennheiser / You can see it as medium. As Season 4 begins and events on other continents are revealed in detail, I think the completion will be delayed. Necessary information will be included, but the information on other continents will not be as detailed as the North Continent. From the beginning, there would only be minor clashes with demons in Atlanta, but the final battle itself was planned to take place on Terra.

4. Vivien has to go to Dimu/Mazia, and the dragon appears at the end. In terms of importance, Magia would be much more important. That’s an important base. 🙂

5. Super technique / Wow. I was trying to sneak over that part somehow, but there was someone who pointed it out clearly. In fact, my mouth is itching. About why Ansol does that. However, since it is not yet a matter to be revealed, I cannot tell you briefly. When Ansol took the lead, I cannot remember that moment with 100% certainty. But she only vaguely remembers it. 🙂


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not work with dark mode