MEMORIZE Chapter 657

00657 I love you. ————————————————– ———————-=

The moment the suddenly created halo of light deviated from the intimidation of Hell, the Archduke of Hell’s eyebrows twitched violently. It wasn’t blocked and destroyed, it just went astray. However, this was impossible due to the nature of the hell that destroys everything.

okay. This is something that rarely happens.

It’s impossible.

It was a result that could never be achieved under the current circumstances.

But it became reality.

Beat, beat, beat… . Beat, beat, beat… .

Then, suddenly, I started hearing the sound of someone walking from somewhere. Not only the users, but even the Duke of Hell turned his attention to where the footsteps were coming from. And when they saw Ansol walking slowly, an exclamation of joy erupted from the users. At a time when priests are desperately needed, the ultimate leader among the priest classes has appeared.



Anhyun and Yujeong Lee shouted at the same time. As if in response to the shout, Ansol raised his staff high. Then, a flash of light exploded from the tip of the staff and landed on the bodies of everyone except the Prince of Hell.

“strength… . Are you recovering?”

Ahn Hyun muttered blankly as he looked at the light that colored his entire body. Even Cha So-rim, who repeatedly clenched and unclenched her fists, had an expression of disbelief on her face. She was surprised by everyone. She didn’t really use any miracles. However, with just one spell, the wounds on my body disappeared and my energy was restored. At this level, it is difficult to say that he was 100%, but he was more than capable of fighting again.

It was the same for Kim Soo-hyun. Bleeding throughout the body had stopped and broken bones were being healed. Kim Soo-hyun’s body, which was almost like a rag, has returned to the point where it can perform normal activities.

Of course, this does not mean that the vitality that has already been used up will be returned. In any case, Kim Soo-hyun’s death was already confirmed as a reward for using the chlorine ability. However, it was successful in temporarily prolonging the life of Kim Soo-hyun, who was barely holding on as he was promoted to EX rank and was unable to fall.

“Did your bitch just do that?”

The Grand Duke of Hell glared at Ansol and spoke in an uncomfortable tone. There’s no way I’m feeling good. By all accounts, the battle was almost over. But suddenly, a priest suddenly intervened, and we were in a situation where we had to start all over again. And that too in the blink of an eye.


Ansol answered calmly and stopped next to Kim Soo-hyun. The staff that was pointing towards the sky is now aimed at the Duke of Hell.

“If you don’t believe me, you can try it one more time.”

The Prince of Hell’s lips were strangely twisted. Rather than thinking that he was arrogant, it was because Ansol’s strange confidence was annoying.

That’s not all. Users who have recovered are already moving in all directions, aiming for the Great Attack of Hell. In addition, Kim Soo-hyun, who had been half-conscious just a moment ago, had fully recovered his consciousness.

“Has it happened now?”

Kim Soo-hyun spoke softly while still staring at the Duke of Hell.

“The dream was a little long.”

Ansol also answered softly.

“But how did you really stop the attack just now? No, did you make it go astray?”

“What do you think will happen when a miracle and an impossible event (Blue Dahlia) are combined?”

Answer questions with questions.

“… “Isn’t that a scam?”

Kim Soo-hyun muttered quietly and smiled blandly. Then he took a deep breath, grabbed his martial sword with strength, and lifted it up.

It was then.

Buzz, buzz, buzz!

The loud sound of magic power ringing from somewhere rang in the users’ ears. At the same time, the world that had briefly become clear began to turn red again. The same thing happened when the Duke of Hell was summoned earlier.

It goes without saying, but the Duke of Hell did not do anything. Because the summoning was already over.

However, at that moment, the users all began attacking the Prince of Hell, as if the magic sound they heard was a signal for the resumption of battle. Neither Kim Soo-hyun nor anyone here knows what happened. So when something happened that they couldn’t understand, ‘the Prince of Hell did some kind of trick.’ Thinking about this, they quickly went on the attack.

It was an unfair idea from the Prince of Hell’s point of view, but it was a good thing anyway. Anyway, Kim Soo-hyun was almost finished, and the other users were just shaking whether they recovered or not.

With that in mind, the Duke of Hell retreated to the rear, dodged the magical attacks that came at him at random, and tightened his grip on the whip of fire in his left hand.


“… … ?!”

With the sound of a harsh blow, the Duke of Hell’s head tilted up to the sky. For a moment, confusion came into the Prince of Hell’s mind. He must have avoided all magic attacks, but his chin ended up being hit by a magical attack that came without even a rat or bird knowing. Of course, it wasn’t a serious blow and it was something you could recover from just shaking your head once, but the important thing was that the blow itself was allowed.

The magic power that struck the Prince of Hell in the jaw was none other than the work of Zhuge Haesol. Currently, Zhuge Haesol’s magical ability is 102 points. If the difference between 100 points and 101 points is as big as heaven and earth, then the difference between 101 points and 102 points goes without saying. It was the Grand Duke of Hell’s mistake to react loosely, considering it to be at the same level as before.

This one mistake proved fatal. Taking advantage of the opportunity for the Duke of Hell to retreat once more, melee users rushed in like a swarm of bees. It was not an attack that clicked together like gears, but rather a reckless attack, but it was not an attack worth belittling as it was done without regard for one’s life.

“These guys… !”

The Prince of Hell roared and swung his fiery whip with all his might. As the two-pronged whip struck mercilessly, most of the users collapsed. However, almost at the same time, Ansol activated the healing spell he had been waiting for, and soon the users, whose entire bodies were engulfed in a halo of light, stood up and started running again.

Even though only one priest joined, the battle began to unfold in a different way.

“It’s a help!”

In the end, the Grand Duke of Hell, who was unable to stop the enemy from approaching at a moment’s notice, allowed Gong Chan-ho, who came in like a wild boar, to shoulder-butt him once again. Of course, this also did not cause much damage to the Duke of Hell. However, it was more than enough to make the Prince of Hell, whose posture was broken, take a step back again.

After allowing a magical attack on Jegal Haesol due to a moment of inattention, the Grand Duke of Hell was unable to come to his senses. Although it happened so suddenly, one or two attacks that were noticeably different from before really scratched my nerves.

Among them, the priest who followed from behind and continued to chant healing spells was especially annoying. Because of that, things that had been helplessly knocked out with just one hit until a while ago were now jumping up like a roly-poly and coming in as soon as they died. As if he had entrusted his spare life to that priest.

‘What am I doing to these guys?’

Once for the first magic attack.

Once due to Jegal Haesol’s magic attack.

Once due to Gong Chan-ho’s charge.

To sum up, the Grand Duke of Hell had already retreated significantly three times.

That’s why I couldn’t admit it.

“I mean, do it in moderation!”

In the end, the Prince of Hell’s fever reached the point where his face was distorted in a hideous manner. Now that I’ve been pushed to this point, I no longer feel like I’m going to deal with the situation appropriately or take into consideration the situation. The only thing that filled his mind was the thought of killing him in one blow so that no healing spell would be used.

The Duke of Hell, who thought so, was about to gather his strength to unleash the power of hell.

Saang… .

Suddenly, the sound of wind flowed in from the front. However, it was not a wind that could just be heard, but a strange sound of wind mixed with a strange whistling sound. It was cutting through the users and coming from a point the Prince of Hell had never expected.

“… … !”

In a split second, two options were presented to the Duke of Hell.

Explode your strength like this.

I step back once again.

And the intuition accumulated through countless battlefields was telling the Prince of Hell to choose the latter.

Finally, when the Grand Duke of Hell hurriedly took a step back.


A thin breeze passed by the Prince of Hell’s uvula. Soon, the Grand Duke of Hell felt an eerie feeling as he saw the deep red light extending like a solid line in front of his eyes. He realized first-hand just how dangerous the blow had been.

It is obvious even without looking who attacked. There is only one person in this place who can attack the Duke of Hell to the point where he feels death.

Only then did the heat that had filled my head dissipate and cold reason flowed in.

After Ansol appeared, the momentum of users suddenly increased. It still is. As if they sensed something from Kim Soo-hyun’s appearance earlier, the users were rushing towards the retreating Duke of Hell.

‘It’s at a disadvantage as it is.’

The Prince of Hell judged thus and kicked the ground with all his might. It is unknown how many times he retreated, but it was a leap made with the sole purpose of retreat, so the Prince of Hell’s body flew through the empty air. First of all, I wanted to straighten out my disheveled posture, and on the other hand, I felt the need to accurately understand the situation and respond.


Does the Prince of Hell know?

The fact that I made one more mistake because I was paying attention to the users in front of me.

And that mistake has already come close to the Duke of Hell.

No, would it be correct to say that the Grand Duke of Hell walked into it on his own?

In other words, the body that leaped into the air reached its highest point.

The Duke of Hell suddenly felt his vision become even redder.

“… ah?”

The Grand Duke of Hell let out a bewildered voice as if he had finally sensed something unusual. Suddenly, the majestic sound of magic I heard earlier passed through my mind. Shocked eyes quickly scan all directions one by one without missing anything.

The first thing that caught my eye was a red barrier that looked like a disk turned upside down. And even the vast magical energy flowing and fluctuating like crazy below.

The moment he checked that point, the Prince of Hell was finally able to realize the true nature of the incident.

‘The dimensional movement force has been activated!’

That thought was correct. When a strange magical sound was heard earlier and the world turned red, the dimensional shift had already been activated. There, the Duke of Hell walked into the dimension shift formation that Helena had successfully activated.

Of course, it was not what the Grand Duke of Hell had intended, and in fact, it would be correct to say that it was the result of heavenly luck.

When Sasha heard Helena’s words and ran to tell them, the battle had already resumed. But the battle went as Helena wanted.

The Grand Duke of Hell, who had been retreating due to Ansol’s participation and the sudden change in attacks from users, narrowly avoided Kim Soo-hyun’s attack and decided to calm down for a while. So, I jumped backwards with all my might to increase the distance, but I ended up jumping too far. So much so that it falls right within the range of the dimensional shift Jin.

The purpose of activating the dimensional shift now is simple. The plan is to use this Jin to send the Prince of Hell back to where he belongs.

The Duke of Hell knew that, but rather than thinking about anything else, he thought, ‘How on earth?’ The question arose. Even if you succeed in activating the jinn by yielding 100 times, the dimensional shifting jinn will not activate if there is no sacrifice.

However, the body fell faster than expected, and the Duke of Hell looked down in confusion. And when he made eye contact with the blonde woman standing alone in the center of the camp, the despairing emotions in the Prince of Hell’s eyes spread like paint and grew as if they were torn apart.

The blonde woman clearly had a human appearance. However, she is only human on the outside, her inner soul is not human.

“You, you… !”

“That would be enough as a sacrifice, right?”

The two women’s voices overlapped. Then, without any time to say anything, the Prince of Hell’s body fell as if it were being sucked downward. Then, the space in the center of the camp widened and a reddish light engulfed the Prince of Hell.

Grumble, murmur!

Then came the annoying screeching sound.

“iced coffee… !”

By the time the Duke of Hell finally came to his senses, his lower body had already been swallowed up in the cracked space. When the greatly surprised Duke of Hell looked down, he could see his body gradually being drawn into space.

“Oh, no!”

The Grand Duke of Hell shouted in a desperate voice. I tried to crawl out as if I was trying to get out somehow, but the more I tried, the more intense the reddish light that surrounded my whole body emitted and pushed me back.

“Um, what about that?”

Kim Soo-hyun and other users who were chasing the Duke of Hell stopped walking when they saw the red barrier. And I stared blankly at the scene unfolding before my eyes.

It has to be that way.

Immense magical power flowing through the red barrier.

A cracked space in the center of the barrier.

The Great Duke of Hell who is consumed by that space.

And Helena, whose body is slowly fading away.

Who can look at this situation and find out the context?


Kim Soo-hyun shouted loudly.

“You must not come in.”

But Helena calmly shook her head.

“If you come in, you will dissolve like me and be absorbed into the dimensional shift.”

Those impatient users who were about to enter without any hesitation stopped walking.

“What is that… ?”

“what? “Didn’t you hear from Sasha?”

“… … ?”

“It means that one offering is enough.”

Users still looked like they didn’t know what was going on. However, a look of regret crossed Kim Soo-hyun’s face as he recalled the information he had confirmed with his third eye earlier. This is because the moment he heard the word ‘sacrifice’, he had something in mind. He immediately realized that Helena had sacrificed herself to activate her dimensional shift.

But even if he realized it now, there was nothing Kim Soo-hyun could do now. No, it’s safe to say that it was already too late by the time Helena activated her jinn.

The world was still red, and the greatly divided space was gradually shrinking in size. In addition, Helena’s body is almost gone now, and only her upper body is barely visible. This was a kind of signal that the activation of the dimensional shift Jin was nearing completion.

“At times like this… . Should I say hello?”

Helena smiles strangely. Looking at that smile, Kim Soo-hyun felt suddenly tired for some reason. In fact, he couldn’t think much of anything until he got to the end. He just focused his mind on dealing with the Prince of Hell, preparing for his death.

“you… .”

However, now that the end of the Duke of Hell is approaching, at the same time, a sudden farewell to Helena is also approaching. Kim Soo-hyun didn’t know what to do. Because he was suddenly relaxed, his mind went blank and all he wanted to do was sit down like this.

Taengang, the Surama spear held in my left hand fell to the ground without strength.

That moment.

“They are really having fun.”

Suddenly, the calm voice of the Prince of Hell rang in the users’ ears.

“Is one sacrifice enough for you? “Do you really think so?”

Surprised by the continued voice, Kim Soo-hyun looked up. And the moment I checked Jin’s center, I frowned. I felt something strange.

The smile disappears from Helena’s face and confusion appears.

The embarrassment disappears from the Prince of Hell’s face and a smile appears.

Things were going the other way. Clearly, the gaping space gradually narrowed and Helena almost disappeared, but only the lower half of the Duke of Hell was still swallowed.

Things are going wrong.

To be precise, the activation of the dimension shift Jin was almost over, but there was no sign of the Duke of Hell being reverse summoned. Now that I think about it, the reddish brilliance surrounding the Prince of Hell is gradually weakening.

“I thought I could force this body away with just the soul of a dead dragon… . “This is truly ridiculous.”

The Duke of Hell laughed as if he found it truly funny. In other words, the sacrifice was not enough to forcefully send away a being the size of the Duke of Hell. A look of bewilderment appeared on Helena’s face, as if she had never expected this to happen.

It was then.

“If it’s not enough, just fill it up.”

Suddenly, someone with a young voice took a step forward and spoke. Then the Grand Duke of Hell glanced over, checked Ansol, and frowned.

“Ha, is it your year again?”

The Duke of Hell gave him a murderous look, but Ansol calmly accepted it.

The Grand Duke of Hell, who had been glaring at Ansol for a while, suddenly snorted with a sneer on his face. If things continue like this, the activation of the dimensional movement will soon end in failure. Then, they had to prepare enough offerings before the end, but they thought it would not be possible to prepare them in that short a time.

“okay. I’m also curious about what you plan to do. “Please give it a try.”

“… … .”

“Would you mind giving it a try? … Why, did you really intend to become an additional sacrifice? So did you come in? Or are you saying that life is not worth it?”

“… … .”

Ansol’s eyes narrowed at the mocking remark, as if telling him to hurry up and do it. Kim Soo-hyun bit his mouth gently, but he prepared to catch Ansol in case he fell.

However, Ansol did not fall for the Prince of Hell’s provocation.

“… Sister Helena. thank you. And I’m sorry.”

I just bowed my head towards Helena, whose shape I couldn’t even see properly anymore.

Did you feel any anxiety about that action?

“… “What are you trying to do?”

The Prince of Hell asked sharply.

But Ansol did not answer.

I just slowly lifted the cane in my right hand forward.

“miracle… !”

He spoke a two-letter word in a clear and calm voice.



The pure white light that came down from the sky warmly embraced the world that was all red.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

1. I’m sorry. You’re very late today, right? There is a lot more content than I thought. haha. under… . To confess, I failed to control the content today. (I’ll tell you in advance, I didn’t make a promise to continue this time!) I tried to finish it somehow, but there was a lot of content that went beyond my expectations.

… wait a minute! Please put down the stones. Please listen to me. I promised to finish it yesterday, so I will finish this part today. But I’m too sleepy right now to write, so I’ll post the rest after I take a nap. Actually, as you can see today, there isn’t much content left.

2. The re-ripple will be postponed to next time. Even if I do it now, I don’t think I’ll be able to give you a proper answer because I’m so half-asleep.

3. There are currently 22 messages to which you have not responded? That’s all that’s left. After I wake up today and do some research, I will reply to you sequentially.

4. Yes. Someone asked a question, and according to the plan, we will take a short break after Season 3 ends. I’ve been running so much that I’m exhausted without knowing it. However, I don’t plan on resting for too long. Just think about it as short as a day, or as long as three days.


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not work with dark mode