MEMORIZE Chapter 656

00656 Revolving light reflection. ————————————————– ———————-=

“Dimension shift… ! But informally?”

Helena gave a light exclamation and quickly bent her knees. She then lightly swept her red clay-covered ground, rubbing her hands together a few times and then spreading them out, revealing dark red marks on her palms. The marks were too bright red to be considered traces of red clay, and at the same time, they had a thick consistency.

“This… . blood… .”

Helena, who had been muttering quietly, suddenly raised her head as if she had realized something. Soon, her golden eyes returned to normal and her eyes narrowed.

“also… . It’s not like there were no dimensional shifters. “It definitely exists here.”

It was like that. Literally, the dimensional circle that Helena mentioned was drawn in the wasteland. This is a summary summoning Jini drawn with someone’s blood. However, because red soil with a color similar to blood had accumulated in the wasteland, it was not easily visible.

Helena slowly got up, still looking around with narrowed eyes.

‘This is a plan that someone has been working on for quite some time.’

After obtaining information through the ‘mind’s eye looking down at the sky’, Helena’s thinking circuit began to spin tensely. Although we don’t know the details of her plan, she at least realized that someone had intentionally summoned the Duke of Hell. Otherwise, there would be no way for a summoning jinn to have an interference effect like this.

In fact, Helena’s idea was close to the correct answer. Lee Dong-jin, an abbreviated dimension drawn by Satan using Lee Jeong-pil, who was infected with the devil’s seed, could be seen as the culmination of this arrangement.

There are two effects of Satan’s interference with this.

The first is that the coordinates of the unstable, activated formal dimensional movement were fixed to the human world.

Second, in preparation for the Great Duke of Hell being greatly weakened due to restrictions according to the law of causality, a plan was prepared to restore some of its strength. The fact that all users within the range melted and were absorbed into the infernal attack was precisely the result of such an interference effect.

In other words, it was an arrangement made with truly incredible timing, with the archdemons activating a formal formation to send away the archdukes of Hell, and accurately predicting and capturing the gap where users entered the informal formation. It was a plan that only Satan could do.

So now that the Prince of Hell has been summoned and the battle is in full swing, it is safe to say that the plan has had some effect.

However, even jade has its flaws, and even this well-constructed plan was not without flaws.

There was just one flaw.

That is, there is one user, or rather one entity, among the Northern Continent Expedition that recognizes the dimensional movement group.

Of course, there is currently no remaining data on dimensional movement in the human world, and even if there were, there are no users with the ability to execute it. Therefore, it was not unreasonable for Satan to overlook that fact.

However, what if there is someone other than a ‘user’ in the Northern Continent Expedition?

Furthermore, what if that being has extensive knowledge about dimensional movement and even possesses applicable knowledge?

Then the story changes. No, it may change.

“… Tsk.”

After a while, Helena, who learned a little bit of the context, clicked her tongue heavily. After organizing her thoughts to some extent, she was finally able to come to her conclusion. But even though she has come to a conclusion, her reality does not change.

Rather, it only made me reflect more clearly on how the Prince of Hell was summoned and what kind of being he was.

Anyway, Helena’s final conclusion is that there is no way to kill the Duke of Hell in the current situation. No matter how hard Kim Soo-hyun and users try, it is 100% impossible to physically kill a being of that size. This can be considered a law of absolute immutability.

… okay. ‘Killing’ is impossible.

but… .


Just as she was making a decision in her heart, a familiar voice suddenly flowed into Helena’s ears.

A look passed through Helena’s eyes as she turned around. She must have told him not to follow her, but Sasha was standing alone on the outskirts of the camp. I don’t know when she came, but it looks like she was watching Helena’s antics since she gave her a strange look.

Helena shrugged and quietly crossed her arms as if asking why she was looking at her like that. That was the moment when Sasha hurriedly opened her mouth.

“You… now?” !”

“I’m glad you came at the right time.”

‘What are you doing?’ Sasha was about to say, but her mouth was shut. Because it was strange that she had told me not to follow her earlier, and now she was saying that she had come.

“first of all… .”

At that moment, Helena suddenly stopped speaking, looked up at the sky, and frowned. But why did she wonder? Sasha turned around and opened her mouth as she saw the scene unfolding in the air.

The battle, which had been in full swing just a moment ago, had come to a halt. And a figure covered in fire was falling from the sky. Like the tail of a comet falling from space. Even without running, the meaning of that scene was clear.

‘I don’t even have time to explain… .’

Helena bit her lower lip and called Sasha without delay.

“Sasha Felix! Go quickly and tell it. “I found a way to eliminate the enemy.”


Sasha was the flagship. It wasn’t because Helena called her own name properly for the first time.

“Just to this point… ! Please bring that being here somehow. Then I can take care of the rest.”

“you… .”


“Oh, no.”

Sasha wanted to say something. But she instinctively realized that the situation was so urgent that she had no time to listen to an explanation.

And above all, the atmosphere surrounding Helena was very unusual. Her eyes were shining solemnly, as if she had made a big decision. As if he was prepared for her death.

“… i get it.”

In the end, Sasha was crushed by the unspoken pressure and had no choice but to turn around.

Just take a moment to glance back. After checking on Sasha, who soon ran back the way she came, Helena looked back at the wasteland around her and sighed deeply. She then began to slowly move her steps towards the center of the camp.

‘This is the only way.’

Helena’s inner self had already made a decision.

It is impossible to kill the Prince of Hell. However, as I said to Sasha earlier, ‘getting rid of it’ is possible.

In this world.

By reusing this jean.

All information had already remained in this location. However, ‘I am sending back the Prince of Hell.’ In order to achieve this goal, two new conditions are currently needed.

The first is to reorganize the abbreviated Jin and transform it into a formal dimensional moving Jin.

It is certainly a difficult task, but it is not impossible. Not only has the Jinn already been completed to some extent, but the person walking to the center of the Jinn is no ordinary human being. Isn’t it a dragon that ruled this world after the giants in the distant mythical era beyond ancient times?

Among them, the entity known as Magna Carta, who was given the title of Apocalypse and reigned at the pinnacle of the race, was the true identity of Helena.

The second is to prepare the sacrifices needed to activate the jinn.


It was then.

Helena, who reached the center of the camp, stopped and looked up at the sky.

“I don’t really have any regrets.”

Countless emotions were flashing through Helena’s eyes as she mumbled something incomprehensible. She seemed relieved, but at the same time she also seemed very sad.

Then, the moment the complex and subtle flow of emotions flowing through her eyes stopped, Helena smiled sadly.

“Still, I wanted to go to Changgwan once… .”


A seal falls from the sky and hits the ground.


Then, blood-red dust rose up and a huge roar rang out. Then, someone lightly landed on the still shaking ground.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve been hit like this.”

The moment they saw the Prince of Hell muttering while wiping the blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, mixed emotions appeared on the faces of the nearby users. The battle in the sky was over before maintenance began.

That wasn’t the important thing.

Even at first glance, the Prince of Hell’s condition was not normal. The vague appearance from before was gone, and he looked somewhat disheveled, with injuries here and there.

But anyway, the person standing was the Prince of Hell. In other words, the person who just hit the ground was Kim Soo-hyun.

“Anyway, now… .”

It was the moment when the Grand Duke of Hell elegantly spat out bloody spit and then quietly opened his mouth.

Suddenly, Kim Soo-hyun stood up from his seat in the thick dust.

Suddenly silence fell. Even the Grand Duke of Hell had no intention of continuing. One of his wings was broken, his whole body was covered in blood, and his entire body was in tatters, but Kim Soo-hyun was still standing upright.


The Grand Duke of Hell’s face distorted. Then, like a guard, he flew up his body and roughly hit Kim Soo-hyun’s chest with the whip in his hand.

At the same time as the light hitting sound, Kim Soo-hyun’s body twisted greatly. Meanwhile, Kim Soo-hyun swung the Surama spear, but the attack was not as strong or sophisticated as before. Since he just swung reflexively, the Prince of Hell easily dodged it. Vibrant blood bursts from Kim Soo-hyun’s mouth and chest, and his body falls apart.

No, it was about to collapse.

“… … !”

Kim Soo-hyun’s legs, which had been bent more than halfway, momentarily stopped. Then he slowly, very slowly began to straighten out again. As his feet are planted firmly on the ground, his body, which was helplessly falling apart, returns to its proper place.

So, Kim Soo-hyun stood up again. Like a roly-poly that does not fall even if it falls.


“Soo, Suhyeon!”

Eventually, when Kim Soo-hyun took his stance again, the Grand Duke of Hell and Kim Yu-hyun shouted at the same time.

Did he still respond to his brother’s words?

Suddenly, Kim Soo-hyun’s body flinched. Then his arms came up loosely and he slowly waved in the air.

It was a meaningless action that only barely moved the wrist.

However, Kim Yu-hyeon, or rather, all the users who watched it, suddenly felt a surge of emotion. For some reason, I felt like I knew what that action meant. Kim Soo-hyun was telling his acquaintances to run away even when he was almost dead.

Eventually, Kim Soo-hyun’s arm, which fell as it was, trembles, but aims at the Duke of Hell again. The Grand Duke of Hell, who received that unwavering gaze, looked as if he was at a loss for words.

What on earth happened?

It wasn’t something I dealt with properly. After Kim Soo-hyun’s awakening, the Archduke of Hell not only took his life, but also did his best. The whipping just now was a blow that took a lot of effort. For an ordinary human being, it would be completely normal for it to have already been destroyed without a trace.

But, but… .

‘Truly… . Are you saying the only way is to kill me?’

The Duke of Hell, feeling confused, swallowed his saliva. And then, in heavy silence, he stared at Kim Soo-hyun. The deep red flames that were slowly fading showed that the duration of the chlorination ability was almost over.

However, Kim Soo-hyun did not give up. You can tell just by looking at the eyes. Even though the momentum he had barely achieved was fading away, he did not let go of his desire for victory. Even when he is on the verge of losing consciousness, he gathers his strength and prepares for his final blow.

The Duke of Hell suddenly felt an unexpected anxiety creeping over his entire body. He must have been dominating the battlefield, but the Duke of Hell was actually feeling tense.

In the rising tension, the Duke of Hell suddenly raised his right hand. He cannot admit that he is nervous.


The clenched fist is instantly engulfed in crimson flames. And when he swung his right hand as if to shake it, all the hell’s fire gathered in a circle shot straight at Kim Soo-hyun like a dagger.

At that moment, who did the sound of my heart falling come from?

It was the moment before the fist-sized flame reached Kim Soo-hyun’s chest.


At the same time, a young voice suddenly echoed throughout the battlefield.


A white light cluster with soft blue light spreads widely and embraces Kim Soo-hyun’s entire body.

The next moment.


The flames, made up of hell’s infernos, were unable to pierce the rays of light and went diagonally astray.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Fortunately, I was able to upload it 50 minutes earlier than promised. 🙂

I think a total of two things need to be modified in this part.

First, I think I need to re-examine Jegal Haesol’s abilities (a grateful person told me about it), and second, it’s about Blue Dahlia. Blue Dahlia can be seen as an evolved version of a miracle, but the message could be interpreted as meaning that a completely new unique ability has blossomed. I will let you know separately once the modifications are complete.

And I’ll do a re-ripple next time. If you’re asking why it’s suddenly called Ripple… . It’s been a while since I wanted to do this, and more than anything, the next episode is the last of Part 3. Of course, in reality, it is Part 2, and you can think of it as the last part of Part 3, which was planned when first conceived. So, if you have any questions about anything, please ask.

However, not all of them are re-rippled like last time. I’m going to pick just 5 things that I think would be okay to answer and answer them. 😀


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not work with dark mode