MEMORIZE Chapter 655

00655 Revolving light reflection. ————————————————– ———————-=

The sun that sheds deep crimson light, and the sun that sheds clear crimson light.

One sun is created in the sky and another is created on the earth, trying to illuminate the world with its own light.

The ultimate fire that calls itself the ‘strongest’, the ultimate fire of hell.

Hwajeong (火正), the ancient fire that calls itself ‘the best’.

Two fierce fires, claiming to be the strongest and the best, have just collided in the air.

That moment.


In the scene that followed, there was no brightness enough to blind one’s vision, nor was there any explosion of noise loud enough to blind one’s ears.

It’s just white.

From that moment, the two suns began to glow white. The surfaces that collided with each other became distorted, and the energy that could not withstand the pressure spread out like rays of light in all directions. However, it soon returned in a smooth arc and collided, causing countless explosions. An enormous flow of magical power that cannot even be imagined, spreads out in a circle like ripples in a river.

Gooooooooooooooo… .

It’s a close fight where each side tries to push each other out by any means possible. The sight of the two spheres mixing and shaking in the air was truly spectacular.

“… … .”

“… … .”

Is it because the energy flowing out is so strong?

Not only the users who retreated, but also those who had fainted gradually began to come to their senses.

Eventually, the users who followed their instincts and looked up into the sky all had shocked expressions.

Before we knew it, the spheres had come together and a red sea was flowing in the sky. But the battle was not over. No, it was still in full swing. A man and a woman with their entire bodies covered in fire were clashing in various places in the air as if performing aerobatics. Countless sparks explode each time they collide, dotting the sky and fluttering like a dance.

“brother… ?”

Someone who confirmed Kim Soo-hyun’s appearance muttered in an unconvinced voice. This was inevitable because the speed of the battle taking place in the air was beyond imagination. As soon as I could barely see it, lights were flashing from somewhere else, literally showing flashing movement from east to west.

In addition, Kim Soo-hyun’s entire body was engulfed in fire with the ability to burn fire, and wings had even sprouted on his back due to the effects of dragon foot fire, so it was difficult for users to recognize him at once.

It was then.

A little time passed, and users barely recognized Kim Soo-hyun and the Duke of Hell.

“The Clan Lord… . “You are burning your last strength.”

Someone muttered in a strange voice. Three or four users turned their gaze. There was Helena, staring at the sky with golden eyes.

“Use your final strength… . “You’re burning it down?”

Cha So-rim barely raised her upper body and gave a puzzled look. The Arcus Valkyrie armor, which always radiated a soft glow, was now in an unsightly shape with the breastplate part shattered.

“A candle creates a big flame just before it goes out.”

Helena answered calmly.

After a while, the complexions of the users around him turned gray. This is because everyone realized the meaning of what Helena said.

Revolving light reflection.

If you think about it, yes. At first, users did not know how strong the Hell Attack was due to the difference in level.

However, later, when the Grand Duke of Hell revealed his true colors and experienced it himself, he was able to feel the difference for the first time. In fact, most of them fell without being able to resist properly. To that extent, users are also feeling it now. The Archduke of Hell, who has been summoned to this place, is a being who shows such a far difference that he can never be surpassed, let alone surpassed.

Even Kim Soo-hyun was no exception. In fact, didn’t Kim Soo-hyun collapse in his first fierce battle without even being able to last even a few minutes?

however… .


It was that moment.

Lights collide again in the air and two figures fall left and right. Users looked up at the sky and opened their mouths blankly. Hundreds and thousands of fire swords created by Kim Soo-hyun spread out in all directions, and the Prince of Hell is busy dodging with a distorted face. The dark afterimage flowing from the flame continues like a meteor’s tail and is drawn in the air.

It is not a fight between humans, but a scene of battle between external beings.


I heard someone swallowing. All users could see the scene just moments ago.

The two-pronged fiery whip that the Prince of Hell struck with all his might, and Kim Soo-hyun’s sword and spear that barely managed to deflect it. And Kim Soo-hyun’s divine power kicks out the next attack with his ability and instead counterattacks.

In fact, the battle situation itself is still dominated by the Prince of Hell. The level of power they have is the same, but the level they have achieved is much higher. In the first place, the state achieved through ‘setting’ rather than through bone-breaking training or life-threatening experience cannot be said to be a true state. Even if the Duke of Hell didn’t need Hwajeong, Kim Soo-hyun would have already died a hundred times.

But somehow, with all of that put together, Kim Soo-hyun was clearly fighting an equal battle with the Duke of Hell. Therefore, it was natural for users who did not know the details to look to the sky and hope for something.

… okay. If only Kim Soo-hyun could continue like that.

“then… . The clan lord… . He will collapse soon… .”

“A candle that burns loudly will go out just as quickly.”

As Cha So-rim continued to speak, Helena gently closed her eyes and spoke. Since the power was amplified to the point where it was similar to the Archduke of Hell, it meant that the duration would be short.

“Then a miracle… ! Ah, no, even an elixir!”


Anhyeon was about to shout out to use a miracle, but when he remembered that Ansol was in a coma, he called out to use an elixir. But again, Helena slowly shook her head.

“Treating a wound that could lead to death and exhausting one’s inherent vitality are two completely different problems. It may be a miracle, but it’s not an elixir… .”


As the negative words continued, Helena’s words were suddenly cut off by a stern voice. Her man, who was lying dead on one side of her, was struggling to raise her body. She immediately stood up from her seat and her man roughly took off his blackened robe. The user who looked around with cold eyes shining was none other than Kim Yu-hyeon.

“Now is not the time for everyone to just watch. Everyone, look at the message printed in the air.”

Only then did the users come to their senses and stare into space. And everyone exclaimed in exclamation. In the air, the achievement reward granted for Go Yeon-joo’s discovery of Atlanta was printed out.

“Anyone is welcome, so please go and call a priest.”

I don’t know when Han So-young came to her senses, but she was also slowly getting up. She was still holding her abdomen, but her face was as expressionless as always. It appears that her injuries were not serious enough to cause death.

“We can’t just rush in like we did before. “There needs to be some maintenance done.”

Kim Yu-hyeon nodded at Han So-young’s additional explanation. It wasn’t that there were no priests here, but all of them were dead or unconscious. So he needed a new priest who would have retreated somewhere instead of participating in the battle.

Although no place was sound, the two clan lords resolutely strengthened their resolve. Accordingly, the users who were scattered here and there began to stand up one by one.

While there was a lot of bustle among the users, Helena was sitting down in her seat, quietly lost in thought. While everyone else was focused on supporting Kim Soo-hyun after he recovered, only Helena was concerned about her original thoughts. Even if she raised her abilities and recovered her body like this, she thought it would be fortunate if she could at least catch the Archduke of Hell.

Helena thought.

Given the circumstances, it is clear that the woman came from another dimension. The problem here is, then, how and by what method was a being of that caliber summoned to this dimension?

Neither Helena nor anyone else felt any signs or omens. Literally, during the march, the Duke of Hell was suddenly summoned.

In the end, you won’t know anything until you go to the summoned location and see it with your own eyes. After coming to that conclusion, Helena finally stood up.

“lizard? “Where are we going now?”

“You must not follow.”

Sasha, who happened to be drinking a potion obtained from deceased users, asked curiously, but Helena dismissed it in a low voice and walked forward.

Eventually, Helena arrived at the place where the Duke of Hell was first summoned and looked closely at the surroundings with her profound eyes. Then, all she could see was a blood-red wasteland with no one in sight and an eerie vibe. But she had an idea that Helena was close to convinced she had that there must be something to this place.

Helena’s eyes, which had been sunken for a moment, began to shine again. It is the qualification and ability to reach the truth, and the ‘eyes of the heart that look down at the sky’, which are said to be able to grasp the source of all magic, have been activated. Golden eyes analyze and interpret every magical event that takes place in this wasteland.

“ah… !”

Did I realize something at that moment?

It grew to the size of Helena’s flower lamp, and a short exclamation burst from her mouth.

Meanwhile, at the same time.

At a certain distance from the place where the battle is currently taking place… .

“mom! It’s a surprise!”

Goo Ye-ji screamed in surprise at something and threw her upper body back sharply.

Currently, Gu Yeji was not participating in the battle. Of course, that doesn’t mean he was the user who quietly retreated. He had been assigned a mission and had retreated to the rear. The mission was Shin Jae-ryong’s request to protect Ansol at all costs and wake him up if possible. In fact, it could be seen as consideration under the guise of his mission, but in any case, Gu Yeji was doing her best to take care of Ansol.

But no matter how hard I tried, nothing changed. Even though there was a magical collision in front of her that was enough to make her shiver, Ansol just sighed with a relaxed expression on her face and showed no signs of waking up.

Around this time, Goo Ye-ji, who had finally given up trying to wake him up, was looking back and forth between the front and Ansol with a worried face.

Suddenly, Ansol slowly raised his upper body. As if it was her time to step forward.

“Ah, Ansol… ?”

Gu Ye-ji asked cautiously, with surprised rabbit eyes. Although she recognized that Ansol had finally come to her senses, she was not happy with Gu Yeji.

Because it was strange. If it was Ansol as usual, it would be normal to make a fuss about how this happened or find Kim Soo-hyun. However, Ansol, who had just woken up, had half-closed sleepy eyes, but she was showing a strange mood for some reason.

There is no trace of the same natural look as before. Rather, it gives off an extremely awkward aura that is difficult to approach. If Kim Soo-hyun is here, I’m probably like, ‘He’s on board.’ It was something you might have thought.

“you… .”

It was then.

Just as Goo Ye-ji swallowed her saliva and tried to sneak closer, Ansol suddenly stood up. As Goo Ye-ji, who was surprised again, slaps her buttocks while balling her, Ansol’s blank-looking eyes stare into space at her.

“… … .”

He seemed to be staring into empty space for a moment, then slowly raised his hand and began to move it calmly. Pressing the button looks as if it is manipulating user information.

And after a while.


『User Ansol’s luck ability increases to 103 points!』

“congratulations! Due to the influence of abnormal luck stat, the effect of ‘Blue Dahlia’ is added to all of user Ansol’s abilities!』

Aside from Ansol’s future achievement rewards, two messages came to mind.

But it wasn’t over yet.

『A great miracle for this moment!』

Soon, an additional new message was printed. Previous ‘A little luck for when you need it!’ A different message.

The moment Ansol confirmed the message, he reached out his hand to Gu Yeji without hesitation.

And then he quietly opened his mouth.

“… cane.”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Blue Dahlia.

If you translate it literally, you can interpret it as something that rarely exists, something impossible, or something that cannot be obtained. Personally, I think it’s an ability that matches Ansol’s ridiculous luck ability. ha ha ha.

Oh, and dear readers. I have a favor to ask you today. Can I update the next episode tomorrow at noon instead of midnight, that is, at 12:00?

It’s no different, because I have a really important appointment tomorrow, so I have to leave the house early in the morning. I leave home at 5 and will probably have to stay up late at night. When I get home, it will probably be past 22:00 at the earliest. Then, I think I can come back, take a shower, write until about 02:00 in the morning, then sleep, then wake up in the morning and write more until noon and upload it.

Of course, there is also the option of staying up all night to write today, but I have to get up early this morning, and I feel like the pace that I managed to recover from the last hiatus will be disrupted again. So I thought it would be best to delay the update time to noon instead of midnight. I would like to ask for the understanding of the readers of this section in advance. _(__)_

P.S. As I said yesterday, the battle part with the Prince of Hell will end soon. However, after that, the Duke of Hell is subdued by stabbing him… . No, newlyweds… . Hmm. How should I express it? Anyway, there’s more to that part. If you think about what happened to Kim Soo-hyun at the end of Ansol’s dream, you can get a rough idea. 🙂

PS2. We will reply to all messages on Sunday!


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not work with dark mode