MEMORIZE Chapter 651

00651 Demonic nature Vs evil fire. ————————————————– ———————-=


The moment my back touched the ground, the dust that rose up from the collision covered the sky as if crossing from side to side. My vision is shaking and the air is shaking too. Although it was incredibly powerful for being hit by a single chestnut, I didn’t feel any major problems with my body. The Duke of Hell attacked me with that much force on purpose.

“… … .”

So when I came to my senses, I was overcome with overwhelming humiliation. This is because the smile the Grand Duke of Hell gave me a moment ago felt as if he was laughing at me. In fact, if there is this much of a difference in skill, you should be grateful that the other person sees it, but you are too resentful to accept it straight away.

Then, suddenly, I hear several voices calling me from behind. But I waved my hand as hard as I could. It meant not to come. I wanted to grab him by the shoulder and argue with him, asking him why he wasn’t running away and asking if he couldn’t see me right now, but I didn’t have the luxury of time. Before I knew it, the Great Duke of Hell had come down from the air and had landed about 10 meters away.

“Well, for a human, it’s pretty good. “I never thought I could endure this much against this body.”

The Grand Duke of Hell opened his mouth quietly.

“Even if I didn’t know about the evasion ability… . It looks like you think and move at least 6 times per second. “When it comes to situational judgment, he’s almost at the peak level.”

After saying that, the Grand Duke of Hell suddenly said, “Just.” By mentioning the word, the reversal of words was announced. He then gently places one hand on the exposed collarbone and smiles the same way as before.

“It must be a pity for you that your partner is now in this body.”

The moment I heard those words, a tearful feeling arose. My fever is already on the rise, but they’re fanning me like that, and I’m getting irritated. If the purpose was provocation, it would be okay to just laugh it off, but since I knew he was being sincere, I felt a sense of self-destruction.

“Anyway, I can rest assured about this. If we could control the primordial fire to that level… . “At least you won’t die.”

At that moment, the Duke of Hell, who had said something unexpected, sighed softly and suddenly raised his hand high in the sky.

“Don’t feel sad. If you can endure this, I will also accept you. “No matter how powerful it is, shouldn’t we still judge whether it is a pearl on a pig’s neck or not?”

I wanted to ask what that meant.

“Then, in the spirit of showing proper courtesy to the ancient fire… . “Now I’m not joking, I’m serious about it.”

But before I could even ask, the raised hand began to emit a dazzling light.

It was that moment.


The light cried.

With a brilliant moan fluttering here and there, an enormous amount of magical energy gathered in the air in an instant.


Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo!

The sky opens and the earth splits. Magical power gathers enough to distort space, and soon it forms a huge sphere and begins to emit a brilliant light that illuminates the whole world. A sight that now feels beautiful. But it was only for a moment.

The scene that unfolded next left me speechless for a moment. This is because the red light that started burning from below exploded and engulfed the huge sphere. As it appears, it is nothing more than a lump made of pure hell. It is such a terrifying attack that just encountering it like this will make you blink.

And after a while.


The moment I recognized a single sun rising in a blazing haze, and the moment I saw a large fireball slowly approaching, engulfing the whole world.

In my head, only one thought came to mind.


Yes, literally dying.

The only way to survive is to avoid it. But the Duke of Hell did not allow me to evade. Of course, I was not particularly restricted or restricted. However, if I hide from here, everyone behind me will be swept away by the sun. Everyone, including my brother and Han So-young.

‘That can’t be… .’

does not exist.

The moment I thought that, I held the sword with both hands and raised it to the top. And, following my instinct, I breathed the power of Hwajeong into my whole body as much as I could.

It was almost at the same time that the sun set by the Duke of Hell touched.

Boom boom boom boom boom!

Is it because he and Hwajeong are polar opposites?

The moment the brightly shining sphere collided with Hwajeong, it started shaking and causing a violent explosion. I flinched from the stronger repulsion than I expected, but it was already too late to avoid it. The last thing I saw was the chlorine that flowed from the explosion and enveloped my body, and my entire vision turned white.

At that moment, a thought suddenly occurred to me. I think I’ve experienced this situation and this pain once since starting the second round.

The next moment.



I screamed at the top of my lungs because of the pain that was incomparable to when I accepted Hwajeong.

The sound of the whole body being held by the iron comes out and the blood inside the body boils. As the hellish terror that wanted to destroy and the anger that wanted to protect ran rampant at the same time, I felt as if my very existence was disappearing. I’ve probably screamed at the start of the second round more than once, but even if you experience this pain thousands of times, you won’t get used to it. Wouldn’t it be easier to faint?

While I felt like each magical circuit was melting, I felt like I had passed the center of the sun, although I wasn’t sure. They say I only have to endure half as much, but from my perspective, even half of that felt like nine thousand miles. The moment you lose your mind even for a moment, you will be eaten by the sun that creates this crazy explosion.

… Still, still.

I kept thinking that I just wanted to die, but I summoned all the strength I could muster and stood on my two legs. And while doing his best to cheer up his burning passion, he glared at the still white-hot sight as if it were killing him. I opened my mouth wide.


And screamed again. It was not a scream filled with pain like before, but a scream made with the intention of fighting back against the pain. I continued to scream relentlessly, thinking that the moment the screaming stopped was the moment I collapsed.

After screaming for a long time, the sound slowly died down.

“… … .”

Suddenly, my vision, which had been white, returned to normal for an instant. At the same time, I felt cool air and the smell of something cooking flowing in. What happened to the sun? Did I survive?

“… I can’t believe it. “Still, I thought it was impossible, but you really endured it.”

Suddenly, the soft voice of the Prince of Hell, who seemed a little refreshed, was heard.

I tried to raise my gaze to where the sound came from, but at that moment, I saw the world suddenly turned 90 degrees.

“ah… ?”

I don’t know why, but I feel like I have no strength in my whole body. My vision is blurry, as if I can’t focus. No matter how hard she tried to force herself, her head was already gradually falling down. Against my will, the land, not the Prince of Hell, comes into view.

Just as I was about to remove the hair covering my eyes, a limp arm caught my eye. It was only then that I realized that I had lost control of my body. In the end, he fell forward.


I could feel the soft texture of the soil. I wanted to fall asleep like this, but I couldn’t. Suddenly, something pushed under my chin and forcibly lifted my head. I soon saw the Prince of Hell standing upright, so he must have tipped my chin with the instep of his foot.

“I can’t say that the attack just took full force, but I can say that it was done with sincerity. Probably, if it were an ordinary human being, its very existence would combust within less than 5 seconds after hitting it. But… .”

I gritted my teeth as I listened to the Grand Duke of Hell’s explanation. Every time I hear those words, I feel strangely heated. I wanted to hit him properly at least once, but Cheonchu’s regret was that he lacked the strength to do so. All I can do now is stare straight at the Prince of Hell.

“Do you still have fighting spirit even after doing something like that? .”

However, the Grand Duke of Hell tilted his head for a moment and muttered, and then slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

“Really, don’t do that. “If you keep saying that, don’t you think I’m going to fall in love with you?”

Then he took his step, slowly bent down and opened his mouth.

“Anyway, I really have to admit it now. You truly have what it takes to become the final king… .”

It was then.


Before the Duke of Hell could say anything, I suddenly felt as if my lower abdomen was being pulled. I close my eyes for a moment and open them, and before I know it, my body is flying in the air, and I am moving away from the Duke of Hell at a high speed. It was only then that I could feel some kind of magical power taking over my body. Guided by this energy, it flies somewhere.


Not long after, I felt a soft touch on my back and a nice scent flowed in. Someone hugs my body tightly. At the same time, many familiar faces flood in and shout out loud things.

But I didn’t listen properly and my eyes were still fixed on the Prince of Hell. It was not only because he was out of his mind, but also because the Grand Duke of Hell had an expression of surprise on his face as he straightened his back. Not by me, but by someone.

“What is this… ?”

The Duke of Hell, with his arms folded resolutely, slowly looks around.

“I saw the Thunder God earlier… . Transcendant and Sura… ? And the dragon… ? Oh, is only the soul a dragon? “This is such a strange combination.”

The Grand Duke of Hell’s puzzled voice was heard. Raishin is probably referring to his older brother. I don’t know who the transcendent is, but seeing as he is associated with Sura, it is likely Gong Chan-ho. And the dragon, of course, would be Helena.

“and… . “What happened to you again?”

Before long, the Grand Duke of Hell’s eyes turn to me.

‘… … ?’

No, it wasn’t me. To be exact, it was pointing over my shoulder, that is, toward the person hugging me. When I also struggled to look away, I was able to see an unexpected face. The person holding me was none other than Pyo Hyemi, or rather, Jegal Haesol.

“It’s a strange thing. A bug that I couldn’t even see until a little while ago… . “How did you suddenly become a transcendent?”


At that moment, a thought flashed through my mind, so I activated my third eye while looking at the frozen Jegal Haesol.

And, I could see it.

< User Information (Player Status) >

1. Name: Jegal Haesol (Year 0)

2. Class: Normal, Mage, Master

3. Nation: Free mercenary

4. Organization (Clan): Mercenary (Clan Rank: S Zero)

5. Jinmyeong • Nationality: One who realized the truth and reached the peak of magic • Republic of Korea

6. s*x: Female (29)

7. Height • Weight: 168.7cm • 47.8kg

8. Tendency: Rationality • Observe

[Strength 43] [Durability 47] [Dexterity 57] [Stamina 41] [Magic Power 101] [Luck 94]

(Remaining ability points are 0 points.)

Jegal Haesol’s magical power has reached 101 points.

But before I could continue my thoughts, I once again felt as if my body was being dragged backwards. A body is laid on the ground by someone, and users wearing white robes can be heard shouting in a hurry. As light flashed from several wands, it was slightly dazzling.

“Treatment, treatment!”

“Wow, that’s strange! “The treatment isn’t working!”

“Then potion! “Oh, no, I’m pouring potion!”

“I’ll bring the elixir!”

… Is my condition that serious?

However, soon I felt a stinging pain from the potion soaking my entire body and I frowned.

『I experienced a huge shock, both internally and externally, that cannot normally be experienced.』

“congratulations. The 2 slot potential ability is ‘Cannot be defeated (Rank: A Plus Plus Plus).’ This goes up by 1 level.』

『’Cannot be defeated (Rank: A Plus Plus Plus).’ This ‘cannot be defeated (Rank: S Zero).’ It evolves into.』

『The current remaining ability point is 1 (Special, Latent) point.』

Four messages appeared in the air.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

1. I think I kept my promise regarding the Duke of Hell last time. (I expressed my opinion in the comments of the next episode, but I think there may be people who didn’t read it.) It’s not that the reddish figure is not the Duke of Hell, it’s true. That expression does not mean a portal, but rather a state in which the Duke of Hell has already been summoned. As someone said, it can be said that it was a narrow success. However, if you keep forcing me to continue my training, it will be difficult. ㅜ.ㅠ

2. I will leave the green light like yesterday for a while. To be honest, I want to do a little more, but I feel like some people understand the pain(?) I’ve been going through so far. ha ha ha. 🙂

3. The highlight of this part is not this episode. It is scheduled for episode 653, that is, after 2 episodes. Of course, I am grateful that the Duke of Hell looks upon me favorably, but the main character is Kim Soo-hyun. As such, the highlights are also focused on Kim Soo-hyun. And this part will also end around episode 655.

4. With such a difference in skill, how is it possible to create highlights tailored to the main character? ha ha ha. Now is the time to retrieve the foreshadowing that was spread. Um, so… . (The words below can be viewed as my own connotations of words to prevent spoilers.) Eussam, 1, haa, tsun tsun, gift. As long as these five conditions are met, even Kim Soo-hyun can deal with the Duke of Hell to some extent. In the human world. 😀


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not work with dark mode