MEMORIZE Chapter 650

00650 Demonic nature Vs evil fire. ————————————————– ———————-=

The moment the fist, which was stretched out with all its might, landed exactly, the archduke of hell’s tilted body flew through the air. Unexpectedly, the Archduke of Hell, who soon collapsed into a ball, did not get up right away. He assumed his mermaid pose with only his upper body raised and gently placed his hand on the affected area.

“In recent thousands of years… . I’ve never been hit before… .”

And until he mumbles to himself with a blank look on his face.

It’s okay for now. In any case, the Duke of Hell succeeded in making the sun disappear.

After a while, the Grand Duke of Hell calmly stood up. His expression and attitude still showed signs of disbelief, but his eyes, so deep and profound that it was difficult to fathom them, were examining me one by one.

Eventually, the Prince of Hell’s gaze landed on my right hand, which was still burning.

“… ah!”

Suddenly, an expression of realization appeared on the Prince of Hell’s face. Then, his confused expression changed to confidence, and he smiled brightly as if he was so happy that he didn’t know what to do. It was a beautiful smile, almost like a flower bud in full bloom, but in this situation… .

“You… .”

The Grand Duke of Hell opened his mouth quietly.

“You… !”

The Duke of Hell called to me in a louder voice, clasped his hands together and placed them on his chest.

“Now, I finally found it!”

The Grand Duke of Hell shouted in a voice full of joy. He looks at me with affectionate eyes mixed with joy and delight. I returned his gaze with a glare, but the Duke of Hell brushed his hair away with a half-hearted look on his face, as if it didn’t matter at all. Meanwhile, the Grand Duke of Hell continued to talk to himself.

“I really, really can’t believe it… . Even though I searched for so long, I couldn’t find it… . Wow, now… . This is fate, no. Should I at least say thank you to those guys? ha ha ha!”

Now he seems so excited that he can’t even speak properly.

“Okay, I get it now. You were a being with primordial fire, with power equal to mine. “That’s why I felt those feelings towards you.”

The moment I heard those words, I gently pressed the lower left breast. This is because it occurred to him that the Grand Duke of Hell might be targeting Hwajeong. Otherwise, why did Hwajeong suddenly hide herself?


I slowly pulled out my sword and raised it to the top. I barely came to my senses, but nothing changed. As I feel the reality, the gloomy situation only becomes more impactful.

The users were still surrounding the Duke of Hell. But now, perhaps because he felt some strength, he had retreated further than before.

Of course, that didn’t mean he just stayed still. I guess I escaped just then. I can feel the flow of magical power from all directions, so it looks like they are preparing to fire heavily… . It wasn’t a bad choice, but the problem was that the opponent was the Duke of Hell.

There is only one enemy and there are over 10,000 allies. But you can’t expect help from anyone here. If the enemy puts his mind to it, he can defeat even me in just one second, so who could possibly face the Duke of Hell? No matter how many they may be, in the current situation, they are no different from fire moths with their wings dipped in oil and flying into a ball of fire.

The Duke of Hell was such a being.

“hmm? “Is that the Sword of the Annihilator?”

At that time, the eyes of the Grand Duke of Hell, who was examining me one by one as if he were evaluating me, brightened.

“That must be the sword of the Chaos King that exists in the elemental dimension… . “You carry something quite interesting.”

The Duke of Hell spoke to me in a friendly manner, but I held the hilt of my sword tightly. The tension of imminent action creeps in with every action. Just looking at it makes my eyeballs explode and cold sweat runs down my back. So for now, we must only focus on combat. Even though I knew I couldn’t win in the first place, I fought, but I still wanted to survive and save my life somehow.

Eventually, the Grand Duke of Hell started walking forward, paying no attention to other users and only looking at me.


Suddenly, an archer across from me fired an arrow aimed at the Prince of Hell. An attack without any foreshadowing.

“Su-hyun! “Go away!”

But has it already been discussed without me?

Starting with the archer’s arrow, a suddenly terrifying wind blew. At the same time, several layers of protection were created around the area, as if someone had chanted a spell.

As I raise my gaze, a rain of magic spheres and arrows that densely covers the sky comes into view. Magic made of ice and shining arrows containing magical power fall like a rain with only one target, the Prince of Hell.

However, the Grand Duke of Hell was not embarrassed at all.


no. Instead of being embarrassed, all he did was click her tongue once and stop walking for a moment. With her eyes still fixed on me, she holds out both hands towards the shower of magic and arrows coming from all directions.

The scene that follows is, ‘As expected.’ Even though I expected it, it made me open my mouth.

The Grand Duke of Hell merely waved his hand gracefully.

It was just like that, but all the attacks that got close suddenly showed a change. It stopped hitting the target designated by the users and began to return in the direction in which the Archduke of Hell waved his hand. The series of processes was so natural that I didn’t even feel awkward.

Rotation (回轉).

Yes, it was literally a great turn.

The rotation, which went round and round as if dancing, accelerated after a long time and formed a vortex. The ground once again began to rumble noisily due to the aftermath rushing all around, but the Prince of Hell, who was standing in the eye of the storm, was extremely quiet. He simply glances at the whirlpool that looks like it might explode at any moment, and then vigorously stretches his hands left and right.

The next moment, an incredible pressure exploded, and the swirling fragments shot out everywhere like bullets.


The bloody wasteland swallowed by the storm boils. The released vortexes all returned at an even more accelerated speed, leaving deep craters in the ground and eliciting screams from the users.

“… … .”

Even though I was hearing sounds that were almost like screaming, I couldn’t bear to look around any further. Because the Prince of Hell didn’t just send power in my direction.

“I think it will be somewhat quiet at this rate.”

While the screams continue to be heard, the Grand Duke of Hell, who is mumbling to himself, looks back at me and smiles faintly. It’s like, ‘I am looking at you, so look at me too.’ It felt like he was saying.

“Then let’s go…” .”

Before long, the Duke of Hell started walking towards me again.

As the distance shortened step by step, the despair I was aware of also increased. The more she faced it, the more she felt like she was in a deep swamp from which she could not escape. She has made up her mind to fight, but by all appearances, she has no chance to attack.

No, I don’t know how to attack such a being. I know that it would be the most foolish thing to just trust Hwajeong and start a fight, but ironically, that was the only way I could think of.

In fact, I desperately wanted to keep walking like this, but I forced myself to hold back. If I run away from here, it would be worse than not running away.

With that thought in mind, I calmly took my stance and raised the magic power from the circuit. Soon, a clear flame burns on the sword, and the white-hot sword body is revealed to the world.

Did you read my fighting spirit?

Then, a very slight change occurred in the Prince of Hell’s expression. The light smile on his lips became dizzyingly dark, and his eyes were bent like crescent moons. As if you were telling me to do whatever you want.

When I was faced with eyes that wanted me to be special, I felt like I was being tested for some reason, but as of now, I had no choice but to respond somehow.

The opponent is stronger than me. Clumsy tricks will not work.

‘then… .’

In the end, the moment I bit my lower lip and hit the ground.

“… … !”

I was very surprised. Because the Prince of Hell jumped up just as easily as I did, as if he knew what I was doing.

What surprised me the most was the movement of the Duke of Hell, which was approaching at an incredible speed. Oops, in one moment, it broke through all the senses and boundaries I had put in place and approached me from the front, and I couldn’t help but think, ‘A million.’ There was enough sound. To put it mildly, the wind caused by the movement passed by a beat late.

In a very brief moment, I instinctively turned my body to the side. Then, just as he was about to tilt his sword at an angle to strike, a red light suddenly flashed into his vision. Something I couldn’t read surged from the Prince of Hell.



Before I had time to react, I was struck by such a huge shock that I thought my martial arts sword might be bent for a moment. I held back a moan and reflexively let the shock spread throughout my body, but soon I had to experience my whole body shaking.

The magic circuit is boiling. Even though you try to disperse it as much as possible, your body sends abnormal signals due to the distributed shock.

“Did you endure it~?”

Then I heard a strange voice, but I didn’t have the energy to pay any attention to it. After exchanging the first attack, I felt completely lost. I expected the difference to be big, but when I actually experienced it, it was difficult to accept.

Anyway, I thought it would be a good idea to clean up the inside first, so I landed on the ground, widening the distance with Gunshin Bullet. As I watched the Duke of Hell twirling his right hand as he quickly moved away, I was able to see what the red light was.

It was then.

– careful!

Hwajeong, who had remained silent until now, suddenly shouted a warning.


A huge explosion that could not even be compared to the previous one resonated in my eardrums. As soon as he heard Hwajeong’s warning, he used Lee Hyung-hwan’s stomach, and before he knew it, his body was flying in the sky. When I looked down without realizing it, I saw glowing red lava where I had been standing just a second ago.

There was no sign of the attack just now. If Hwajeong hadn’t warned him, there’s a high chance he would have suffered the same fate. Fortunately, I was able to react right away because I used my experience from my previous battle with Father.

“Ho, can you avoid this?”

The Grand Duke of Hell looked at me with his head tilted back, and there was a look of surprise on his face.

But that’s for a while.

“I wanted to end it quickly, so I attacked with some sincerity… . Your avoidance detection is better than that girl. ha ha ha!”

The Grand Duke of Hell immediately smiled with a truly happy face.

“Oh, by the way, what did you do with your abilities just now?”

It was that moment.

“… “Is this what you did?”

For some reason, before I even had time to open my mouth, a sweet voice whispered into my ear.

Almost at the same time, the body of the Archduke of Hell, who was laughing with his head lifted from the ground, faded away. A phenomenon in which the afterimage fades away. In other words, the Grand Duke of Hell used the same heterogeneous ring. I used it perfectly after seeing it used only once.

The voice came from directly to the left. When I turned my gaze in a daze, I saw the Prince of Hell sitting with his legs crossed in the air, just like when he first came down from the air. One thing that was different from then was that his hand, which had been resting on my chin, was now touching my forehead.

As I raised my eyes, I saw that my thumb was pressing my half-bent middle finger. As if he was going to hit me right away.

And after a while.

“I really like that expression. “I feel like I want to lick it until I get sick of it.”

The Grand Duke of Hell said so and lightly flicked his middle finger.


A dull impact was applied to the forehead, and the head was forcibly tilted back. Then, I felt the sensation of my body tilting.

“… ah.”

The body just falls.

What I could see as I was descending was the face of the Grand Duke of Hell, covering his mouth with one hand and trembling his shoulders, smiling brightly.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

The comments exploded yesterday.

it’s okay. I’m sane. Really? yes. I didn’t delete the review yesterday. That is clear evidence.

Again, I’m assuming that all of your comments are female, and I’m interpreting them as I see fit.

For example.

1. When Ro Yu-jin, as a man, decides to think of the reader as a s*xy and warm older sister.

Ex) Flute Royumi, you look like a fool again… you seem to be enjoying it for some reason… hmmm… the comment board went crazy again… it’s cute… (2014.08.16 09:03)

Sol ) My child is Eugene. Are you kidding me again? Are you really being so naughty? But it’s really cute~. Come on. Let’s give my sister a hug~.

2. From the perspective of a man, Ro Yu-jin decided to think of him as a woman of the same age who was prim on the outside but kind on the inside.

Ex) aria2301 Oh my, what is this guy so fearlessly proclaiming to his readers???? (2014.08.16 07:57)

Sol ) Hey, you idiot! Who else is making your own declarations? Have you lost your fear? Well, I’m worried! Heh, heh! (blood…. stupid….)

3. From the perspective of a man, Ro Yu-jin decided to think of him as a lovely younger sister.

Ex ) GLaDOSbird ♡ (2014.08.16 06:38)

Sol) Eugene oppa… . I’m worried that you seem to be pushing yourself too hard these days… . ㅜ.ㅠ But I like it. Please accept my heart!

yes. This is how I accept it.

ha ha ha. It feels good.

Is this a green light? 😀


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not work with dark mode