MEMORIZE Chapter 648

00648 Dangerous blind date(?). ————————————————– ———————-=

It happened suddenly.

It happened really, really suddenly. Without even having time to react.

When I left the camp, I was wondering what to do with Cho Seong-ho.

When I entered the bloody wasteland and found the tower sign, I thought it was really over.

When the advance stopped for a moment, the tension eased slightly.

Even though the advance halt was prolonged and murmurs were heard from the front, I thought it was no big deal.



Suddenly, I felt a flow of magical power.


The intensity increased in no time.


All the colorful lights that make up the world are reversed to red light.

‘That… ?’

The moment I saw the red curtain that looked like an upside down round plate, my mouth fell open. However, her body was unable to overcome the rising doubts and automatically rushed forward.

– don’t go!

However, just as I was about to take a step, Hwajeong’s urgent voice caught me.

– Damn it, don’t go! Never go! No, run away! I’m telling you to run away quickly!

‘Hwa, Hwajeong?’

Since they just told me to run away without any explanation of the situation, I couldn’t help but be embarrassed. However, Hwajeong’s voice took on a desperate tone that I had never heard before. I immediately activated my third eye.

『Dimension transfer interference.』

(Explanation: This is a dimensional movement interference circle that corresponds to a dimensional movement circle. If the dimension movement circle is activated and connected in response, there is literally room for ‘interference’ with the caster of the dimension movement interference circle.)

(Detailed explanation: The current user Kim Soo-hyun confirmed that the Jinn was made informally, not officially, and the blood of demons was confirmed in its components. The interference effect liquifies all living creatures within the range, making them the source of the summoned target. )

‘… what?’

I unconsciously questioned myself at the ridiculous explanation that was suddenly printed out.

– Oh, no! late… !

And that was the moment when Hwajeong’s voice of despair continued.

Grumble, murmur!

Suddenly, an annoying noise, like a rusty machine running somewhere, is heard. At the same time, an indescribable sensation began to creep into my entire body. It felt as if the space that made up this world was forcibly twisted and distorted.

‘No, wait a minute.’

The moment I began to recognize the situation in front of me one by one, I suddenly realized one thing. What is happening now is a situation that we have experienced somewhere and at some time.

In other words, this feeling is similar to the one I felt when recapturing Atlanta, that is, when the Archduke of Hell appeared… .

‘… ah?’

At that moment, an old memory suddenly flashed through my head.

“… … .”

Even though I couldn’t believe it, I slowly raised my gaze.

The first thing I saw was a red-hot sky with an ominous energy flowing through it. Next, the red haze flowing from the round curtain comes into view. Hundreds of rays of haze rose up from the sky, making it look as if a red river was flowing in the sky.

And a reddish figure slowly floating in the air. Red hazes are also climbing the sky. They were being sucked into the light as if they were being absorbed by the shape.

The moment I saw that scene, I realized it instinctively.

Hwajeong’s warning to run away.

Explanation confirmed with the third eye.

Memories of the first round.

And it’s already too late.

The complex memories and thoughts in my head suddenly merged into one. Almost immediately, I felt a shock as if I had been hit hard on the head with her hammer.

Okay, now I get it. Now I think I understand why Hwajeong told me to run away.

The most unimaginable worst-case scenario is being recreated ahead of Atlanta.

Eventually, the light of the shape rising into the sky cleared little by little, and the being summoned within it slowly revealed itself. And I could see.

Beautiful features reminiscent of a statue. Crimson eyes that appear indifferent. Rich hair flowing like a waterfall, as if it had been pulled out by melting red gold. And the moment I saw the woman with a soft light flowing through her entire body, I unconsciously stopped breathing.

There is only one thing that comes to mind.

‘hell… . grandee… .’

‘What happened to the users on the front lines?’, ‘How the Archduke of Hell was summoned.’ That thought soon disappeared.

My consciousness just suddenly froze. Suddenly, my teeth start chattering.

Ever since I saw the Duke of Hell, my body has strangely lost strength. He keeps losing consciousness and his legs start to go slack. But his heart was pounding as if it was going to explode at any moment, and his breathing was becoming difficult. He closed and opened his eyes several times, but every time he did so, he was reminded that the being floating in the sky was clearly the Duke of Hell.

… It was only then that I realized that I was shaking.

It was like that. I was feeling a feeling of fear right now. The moment I saw the suddenly summoned Archduke of Hell, I became sick of the overwhelming energy it gave off. It wasn’t like this when I stood in front of Kushan Tor. I tried to control it somehow, but the pressure was so intense that I couldn’t control it even with my mind’s eye.

In the end, I couldn’t overcome the pressure that surged in like a tidal wave, so I collapsed.

When I barely look left and right, I see users staring blankly at the sky. Everyone must have been surprised by this sudden situation, and everyone was looking at the Prince of Hell with a bewildered expression.

Still feeling like my limbs were being restrained, I finally tilted my head back and looked back.

Under the twilight sky, the Prince of Hell did not seem to be in a very good mood at first glance. The arrogant expression on his face as he calmly looked into space was filled with fierce anger. Then, he suddenly lowers his gaze and glances at the users watching from the ground.

At that moment, I realized how futile my hopes that the Prince of Hell might just overlook were. The crimson eyes looking down showed clear disgust. It was as if he was looking at a mere creature, or rather an insect.

The moment when the Grand Duke of Hell, who had been turning his head so indifferently, glanced at the area where I was.

An interesting light suddenly appeared on the face of the Prince of Hell, who had been wearing an uncomfortable expression all this time. He withdraws his fierce gaze and shines with curiosity. Toward the point where I am, not anyone else.

Yes, the Prince of Hell is looking at me.

Unable to move, I had no choice but to face the Archduke of Hell, which was slowly descending from the air.

Suddenly, the smell of hot fire filled my nose.

The Duke of Hell slowly descended and stopped descending about 2 meters above the ground. Then, in the air, he crosses his legs in a sitting position on a chair, rests his chin on one hand, and stares at me quietly. Now the distance between the Duke of Hell and me is less than 1 meter.

Silence fell everywhere.

When we face each other so closely, we think, ‘I can never win.’ The thought became even stronger.

Long ago, I thought that as long as I had Hwajeong, I would be able to deal with even if the Grand Duke of Hell appeared.

But now I feel like it was just my illusion. Although they have similar powers, the levels they have achieved based on that power are different. Even though it is different, it is very different. To the extent that it is difficult to even dare to estimate.

The moment I recognized that fact, I lowered my gaze. Because I couldn’t bear to face anything more than this.

… Anyway, why did he suddenly come down after seeing me?

‘Is it because of Hwajeong?’

The possibility is certainly high. If a being possesses a final fire that no one can match in terms of destructive power, wouldn’t they naturally be interested in primordial fire?

“like. “I thought it was full of little things, but there are some that are quite interesting.”

At that time, the low, quiet voice of the Grand Duke of Hell suddenly rang in my ears. For a moment, I felt as if I would be captivated by the beauty beyond imagination, but I managed to gather my wits and listen.

“This is truly strange. By all appearances, it is clear that he is just a human… .”

“… … .”

“If the difference in class is this wide, it’s normal not to feel anything. Just like other small creatures now.”

“… … .”

“But you’re the only one who feels me? “Recognize and grasp the existence of this body?”

“… … .”

The sound of the Duke of Hell’s words continues. It seems like he’s asking me something, but I’m not really sure what he’s saying.

But at least I knew this one thing. The fact that the reason the Grand Duke of Hell came down to target me was not because of Hwajeong.

Now that I think about it, I haven’t been able to feel Hwajeong’s reaction for a while. The power didn’t disappear. Although she didn’t hear anything specifically, judging from Hwajeong’s reaction earlier, she had a strong feeling that she had deliberately extinguished her energy. If I were to guess the reason, it would probably be to hide his existence from the Duke of Hell.

then… .

“I wonder what on earth happened to this. So please ask once.”

When I heard the Grand Duke of Hell’s urging voice, I couldn’t help but drool. I gave up the idea of ​​covering it up a bit early on. I don’t think he’s someone that lies will work with.

“Go ahead and tell me. “If you like the answer, I may let you live.”

But to tell the truth, Hwajeong’s behavior bothers me. Hwajeong wouldn’t have done something like this for no reason. However, we cannot continue to remain silent like this.

So what on earth should I do here?

“… “Oh, you really don’t listen to me.”

It seems that even the Grand Duke of Hell doesn’t have that much patience.

After a while, the black but blooming hand of the Archduke of Hell suddenly appeared while his eyes were still looking at the ground. Next, he carefully placed the tip of his index finger on my chin, and I felt him apply a little pressure under my mouth. It seems like it’s telling me to raise my head.

I couldn’t resist, so I raised my head as if I was being led, and I saw the Grand Duke of Hell looking at me, still sitting with his legs crossed in the air.

Eventually, the Grand Duke of Hell opened his mouth with a faint smile, as if asking me to say something.

“Now, this is your last chance. “What are you hiding?”

It was that moment.


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not work with dark mode