Memorize Chapter 64

00064 Mage and Alchemist (Rare)(2) —————————————- ——————————–=


I came to my senses when I heard Anhyun calling me. She quickly looked away and saw all of her kids looking at me with puzzled faces. Before we knew it, the surroundings were surrounded by spiders. Although the escape route was secured, I had a feeling that it would be the most difficult monster I had ever faced.

The kids all looked anxious, as if they felt something different from the monsters they had faced so far. In the meantime, if I show nervousness, it will only increase my anxiety. To calm down, I quickly put on a calm face. And then he opened his mouth in a calm voice.

“For now, let’s focus on dealing with the spiders.”

“Then that woman… .”

Sol asked with a pity on his face, but I shook my head excitedly. Since we had already judged that there was no hope, our survival was important. I raised my voice even more as I watched Anhyun and Yujeong holding the weapons.

“Forget about the users hanging on top. It seems like the dungeon owner was up to some kind of prank. From now on, our goal is to prioritize dungeon exploration and survival, not rescuing users. come. Everyone, hold your posture.”

All you have to do is get over this hurdle. Thinking that this would be the end of this awful dungeon, I quickly drew my sword. I spoke right away, thinking that if I ever met the alchemist, I would give him a spanking.

“We will hold out by making a defense with an escape route secured. There are quite a few spiders, but because they are so large, they cannot attack at once. However, there are people who come in from a blind spot and spray poison, and I will keep those people in check. “Everyone just focus on the guys in front of them.”

Susssut. Ssssssut.

As soon as I finished speaking, the spiders made a noise as they grazed the floor and shortened the distance between us. The closer I got, the more I thought it looked quite disgusting, so I raised my sword to the top. To the extent that I felt this way, there was no need to mention Sol and Yujeong. The closer it got, the more he looked like he was about to faint, but his face soon changed as he saw the green orbs falling from the air. It seemed like he was quite angry that a female user was treated like that.

Soon, white solid lines came out from the mouths of the spiders in front. The battle over the eight ridges of the dungeon exploration had now begun.



As Sol’s hands, colored with white light, covered my entire body, I could see a warm energy permeating my entire body. Even if I said it was okay, they clung to me and poured out treatment, and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

“Guys. You can rest now. “I think it’s okay.”

“But still… .”

“hurry. “You should get some rest too.”

The development of events was as follows. We continued the difficult battle and were barely able to gain the upper hand in the battle. Of course, this was possible because there was battlefield coordination through my support. Just as he was about to cut down the struggling spider, a large amount of venom came out of its mouth.

I quickly pushed the kids away and the poison ended up on me. As long as it possesses fire spirit, it can burn off quite a few poisons and its durability level is high, making it impossible for it to be damaged by this spider’s venom. However, the kids made such a fuss that he was forced to receive treatment. Of course, the fact that I acted like I was momentarily swayed probably also played a role.

When I got almost angry, the kids got away from me and took a break. When I turned around, they were almost lying on the floor. Yujeong was lying on the floor and just staring at the ceiling. Anhyun was staring at the ceiling with both legs straight. Ansol was also sitting quietly with her face turning white and looking up at the ceiling. I could guess why the kids were doing this, so I sighed lightly and thought about how to deal with the female user.

Look up at the female user. The stomach was still bulging, but spider eggs were no longer falling. She occasionally frowned and moaned to let me know she was alive, but that was it. what. From my perspective, I wouldn’t have lived even if I lived.

“really… I can’t believe it. Did we really kill so many spiders? .”

Anhyeon looked around, shook his head excitedly, and opened his mouth. He was gradually removing the cobwebs from all over his body, but it seemed like even that was bothering him, so he soon fell flat on his bed. It seemed difficult to even move his arms, as if his whole body was a thousand pounds.

Yujeong’s entire body was full of small wounds. The clothes she was wearing were also torn, revealing her occasionally flushed skin. As I just looked at her with her blank gaze, Yujeong lowered her collar slightly and winked at me with her provocative gaze. But when I looked at her with a stern look, she immediately lowered her head. Anyway, that bastard.

A little later. I also sat in my seat and said, “Let everything happen.” For a moment, the kids looked at each other with concern, but they immediately waved their hands to signal that it was okay. If you force the kids who are currently making a fuss and force them to stand up, there may be a real backlash. As a representative example, Yujeong was lying down on the floor, and as the tension was relieved, she was moaning and desperately calling for Ansol, as if her body’s senses were gradually becoming activated.

“Ugh… . I think I’m addicted… My whole body aches… . Ansol. “Please cast a detox spell on my sister.”

“yes… Wait a minute… .”

“girl. Soohyun oppa did it right away. Do you discriminate against people?”

Sol’s face turned red at Yujeong’s sharp words, and he immediately threw up his hands.

“That’s not it… I’m saying I’m exhausted right now… .”

The state of mana exhaustion meant that if mana was used excessively, a reversal could occur. Yu-jeong lowered her head as if in understanding and then laid her head back on the floor. Ahn Hyeon, who had been looking at the ceiling with a calm gaze, soon turned his head with a tired face and spoke to me.

“I… brother.”


“That female user… “What are you going to do?”

“… … .”

I was silent for a moment. Ahn Hyun is especially special. Even before the battle, I was paying attention to female users. I couldn’t understand why they cared so much. Is it because they are of the opposite s*x? Although he looks quite arrogant and pretty, it’s not like that… . I felt the need to talk about Anhyeon a little bit.

“What do you think?”

“I want to save it.”

I smiled faintly as I saw Anhyun answering without the slightest hesitation. Ahn Hyun’s tendency is neutral (True). And it is neutral. Still, if the desire was purely to save one’s life, there was a possibility that one would later lean toward order or goodness. I wanted to give an answer that lived up to expectations, but unfortunately I don’t have the hobby of torturing hope.

“Well, that’s fine. As you can see from the belly, it has conceived a spider egg. In other words, there is a high probability that the state of forced conception occurred. Honestly, I don’t think there’s anything we can do if a mutation has occurred inside the body like that. Of course, you can take him… Is there really a high-ranking user in the current trend of the whole plane who will step up for that female user? no. okay. There may be, so let’s say he lives. Even so, the reality that users face in the future will literally be no different from hell. “It might be more helpful for you if you kill me now.”

“that… Is it run? okay… .”

“what. Let’s ask your opinion. Then you need to cut the hanging rope first.”

Seeing the guy’s face suddenly darken, I added quickly. Anhyeon closed his eyes with his tired face and nodded. First of all, it was not a very nice sight to see as it was hanging in the air. For her, it was no different from hanging a woman’s naked body and looking at it. I was just about to get up with the thought of dropping it for now.


The sound of frivolous laughter filled the empty space. All the children looked startled at the sudden sound. It looked like the owner of the dungeon was finally coming, radiating morale from above. After giving a signal to the kids with a glance, I slowly placed my hand on the sword.

“There are two men. yes! Women are not ~ but also. Anyway, two people. right!”

Judging by the high tone of voice, it seemed to be a female entity. As the men cheered and the women booed, Yoo-jeong stood up in annoyance.

“who is this!”

“Who is it?”

“Where are you talking nonsense! “Why don’t you come out instead of hiding like a coward?”

“Let’s go now~!”

Sasasak. Sasasasak.

When I used magic to enhance my hearing, I was able to catch an object coming down from above. As the entity came down, it was constantly fluttering its mouth, making Yujeong even more angry.

“what? Are you a strong female human? I don’t like strong females. But it’s also good. Such females are perfect as mothers. Like the female hanging from the ceiling right now. Heeheehee!”

Yu-jeong was about to swear again, but her face turned pale when she heard the word mother. Goosebumps appeared all over his body, as if he had realized what the word mother meant. I quenched my appetite. The momentum coming from above was completely different from the monsters I had faced so far. If I had to compare it, it would be like a boss monster in a rite of passage.

If the children’s bodies were in good condition and they were fully prepared, it might be worth doing. However, everyone’s body was currently at its limit. I sighed and stood up. I felt like the right answer was for me to step in and solve the problem.

“Everyone stand up. “It looks like the dungeon owner has appeared.”

“That’s correct!”

A lively voice came down from the air along with the sound of something falling from the ceiling. When I looked up, I saw a spider that seemed to be over 2 meters tall, spinning around and landing on the female user hanging. It was large, but the most surprising thing was that a face with human facial features was sticking out from the center of the upper part of the spider. It was a human face spider.

Before the kids could be surprised, the spider came down and flopped down to the floor. She seemed to be sitting down quite comfortably, but a “thud” noise echoed around her. The dungeon master of the ancient alchemist Vivien was a spider. Vivien looked at us and smiled brightly.

“Nice to meet you. New prey, everyone.”

“Fed. “You were rude from the beginning.”

When I answered leisurely, the spider tilted its face. And then she thought about it, but then she smiled brightly and gave another polite greeting.

“Welcome to my dungeon. Dear human males. ah. Human bitches are not welcome.”

“Crazy bitch.”

Yujeong’s words hit Gummy directly. The kids recognized this spider as the perfect enemy. In addition, the female user on the ceiling. I felt like I was sensing that it was the spider in front of my eyes that had made Jeong Ji-yeon like this. Everyone got up with their legs shaking, but I could feel them staring at the spider with clearly murderous eyes. The human-faced spider glanced at us, then stuck out her mouth and continued her words.

“Oh my. I gave my own welcome greeting. Aside from the swearing. “Why does everyone look at me like that?”

“You idiot. “If it were you, would you say hello and say hello?”

Crazy bitch. Gummy looked very hurt at Yoo-jeong’s words, calling her an asshole. Soon she(?) answered in a grumbling voice.

“Tsk. I hate you. At best, I welcomed it. ah. You weren’t welcome because you were a female. What’s good? Recognition, recognition. “You are welcome too!”

“f*ck it. “I feel disgusted even if I receive your welcome.”

“Mr. Woo. It’s really too much. Why do you hate me so much?”


Looking at the spider asking with an innocent face, Yoo-jeong instantly became shocked. But then she got venom in her eyes and pointed at her ceiling and shouted:

“Can’t you see that female user? “You can say something like that after making it look like that?”

In response to Yujeong’s harsh criticism, the spider tilted its head for a moment and responded.

“That’s natural. They crawled into my den first. On top of that, they destroy my precious subordinates, children, and their living space. “You touched me first while I was still, so will you treat me kindly?”

“What, what?”

“You guys are the same. no. Rather, you guys caused more trouble. Actually, the spider who is going to be angry is me. me. look. The bodies of my children. Oh my. They stepped on babies that weren’t even born yet and exploded them. What should I do because I feel sorry for you? “Ugh.”

Thick and long. I burst out laughing as I saw the spider lightly shedding tears with its furry legs. Yujeong just muttered with her speechless expression on her face.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

I was surprised while reading a novel today. Personally, I really like zombie or survival movies, and I read Northwood’s work and saw the comments. However, I saw people commenting on my work in the comments. I felt kind of glad(?). ha ha ha.

For reference, the work I am reading is Northwood’s Beautiful World (Adult Edition). I recommend this novel. It’s so interesting that it’s a shame to read it alone. Then, let’s go to Riripple.


1. Human life: Oh my. I’m really sorry. I can’t begin to understand the hurt you feel. We will provide regular replies over the next week. ha ha ha.

2. Prandil: After leaving Mule. And they are scheduled to come out one by one as the coalition war breaks out. Please wait a minute. 🙂

3. GradeRown: Right. Even if you live, you are not alive. Because that process becomes quite difficult, I only used Hu on purpose.

4. Blamy: Uh… ? Come to think of it… ? How to Noble. thief

5. God in the Sky: That’s right. If you’re not on our side, we’re not interested! ha ha ha. Thank you for your comment.

6. AF_Vesper: I’m still planning to go to the hospital tomorrow. I hope nothing bad happens. ㅜ.ㅠ

7. Puingppuinga: I have a wish. It’s always sweetened with a beeping sound. Could you please leave a separate comment? 🙂

8. Boredom: Thank you. After reading the comments, I automatically feel energized. I’ll take a test tomorrow. Hehehe.

9. Mourning Soul: Deal. but. How about easing the conditions a bit? I will study 2 times a day, 2 times a day of Greek and Roman mythology, and 4 times a day of Norse mythology. Deal?

10. Erhasia: No. Suhyeon trained hard. If you read the part that was not included in the novel but was secretly included, you will see that I trained much harder than the other kids until I got to the user academy. Of course, I feel like I’ve been neglecting things since Mule was busy teaching the kids and gathering information. There is no particular need to master the martial arts sword. The whole plane has a certain level of unreality called added to it. As long as you maintain and , you can demonstrate more than 100% of your ability with any sword. The addition of seasoned experience is the icing on the cake. ha ha ha. Thank you for your question.

I always read all the comments over and over again. I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple. If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer! (Please leave a lot of comments! And recommendations…☞☜)

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode