MEMORIZE Chapter 633

00633 A hot omen(?). ————————————————– ———————-=

『A little luck when you need it!』

A message came to mind when Ansol decided to use miracles.

As for Ansol… . In fact, she may have felt it, even if only slightly. The fact that Kushan Thor has been targeting someone ever since he summoned Mjolnir’s lightning.

Nevertheless, the reason I didn’t avoid it wasn’t just because the fact was only a slight feeling.

It wasn’t because I felt like it might not be me.

It wasn’t because Mjolnir changed its orbit without time to react.

Rather, the biggest reason is… .

“Defensive Matrix!”

“Angelus! “Protect us!”

When blue-light lightning rushed past Kim Soo-hyun for a moment, it could be attributed to a user who stepped forward.

Thunder Emperor Kim Yu-hyeon.


While Baek Han-gyeol and An Sol blocked him one step ahead, Kim Yu-hyeon may have been able to at least avoid it.

But I didn’t even try.

Perhaps Yuhyun Kim also felt that Kushan Tor was targeting him.

But that’s why, for the third time today alone, I activated the power of the Thunder God and walked to the front of the shield.

Mjolnir’s lightning, which contained the power of a demigod, had a power that far exceeded Kim Soo-hyun’s expectations. The two defenses deployed by Baek Han-gyeol and An Sol were torn apart like sheets of paper in the face of overwhelming power. As a result, it only weakened its power and could not prevent it from being invaded.

Right there, Kim Yu-hyeon stepped forward.

Although the power was reduced by the shield, it was only a slight amount. Mjolnir’s lightning was still rushing in with enough power to blow away everything around it, and on the other hand, Kim Yu-hyeon’s Thunder God was not able to produce even half of its initial power.

Nevertheless, Kim Yu-hyeon did not avoid it. It is natural that Baek Hangyeol and Ansol will be in danger if they step down from here. From what I remember, both of them were users that Kim Soo-hyun cared very much about. That’s why he didn’t want to see his younger brother’s sad face.

And then the battle between thunder and thunder began.


Even if it wasn’t 100%, Raijin’s power was definitely not easy. The yellow light emanating from Kim Yu-hyeon’s hands blocked the lightning of Mjolnir from the front, burning the ground black, at least for a moment. The sight of golden and blue currents extending in all directions and engaging in a close fight was a sight to behold.

… On the outside, it seems. At least that’s what the scene looked like in Ansol’s eyes.

However, there is bound to be a difference between what you see with your eyes and what you actually experience. She actually felt an extreme difference in Kim Yu-hyeon, whom she met in person.

The difference soon showed itself in the results. It only took 3 seconds for Kim Yu-hyun to block Mjolnir’s lightning.

After 3 seconds, a large electrical discharge suddenly occurred. The blue lightning burst into terrifying flames and consumed the power of the Thunder God. And it slowly began to move forward, as if it was going to eat it up like this.

At that moment, Kim Yu-hyeon instinctively took a step to the side.

I wasn’t trying to avoid it. Since they failed to block it, they are trying to twist its orbit and throw it to the ground. Of course, I still couldn’t avoid a severe blow, but I was planning on saving my life somehow. At least it would be better than getting hit directly like this.

The moment I thought so.


A huge shadow appeared at the point where I took a step to the side. Kushan Thor appeared through the sky. Even though her entire body was covered in blood, her burning eyes were looking down clearly. And he descends, swinging his right arm vigorously as if he will never be left alive.

Kim Yu-hyeon did not know that. Because I was concentrating all my nerves, as well as my entire body’s power, on twisting Mjolnir’s lightning.

But if there are two users who can see it.

Baek Han-gyeol and An-sol, who had bounced ahead, were clearly watching, especially An-sol.

That desperate moment.

A fist the size of a pot lid falling diagonally.

Someone’s death that will happen in a few seconds.

It was that moment.


A torn scream burst from my lips. My body moved automatically. Ansol was running while still suffering from the aftereffects of the repulsion. At this moment, the word death did not appear in her mind. Her only thought was to survive.

There was no particular grand reason. If I had to give a reason, it could be seen as the same reason as Kim Yu-hyun. Ansol also knew how much Kim Soo-hyun thought of his older brother. That’s why I didn’t want to see my brother’s sad face.

It was like that.

All of this is for Kim Soo-hyun.

After a while.

The moment he managed to twist the trajectory, Ansol hit Kim Yu-hyeon with all his might and pushed him away. Kim Yu-hyeon’s body was pushed out and An Sol took her place.

It was almost at the same time that Mjolnir penetrated the ground, causing a supernova explosion, and Kushan Thor’s fist was lodged in Ansol’s ribs.

After that, Ansol didn’t feel anything. When she came to her senses for a moment, all she could see was the panoramic night sky.


Finally, upon hearing Kim Soo-hyun’s shout, Ansol just shrugged it off.


I didn’t think anything of it. She just screamed and rushed forward, throwing her sword at random.

However, I also turned to the right for a moment. Kushan Thor immediately grabbed Mjolnir and distanced himself from me without showing any hesitation. There was a strong look of regret on the face that was still looking in the right direction, but the giant’s choice was realistic enough to be considered terrible.

The sword cut through the air without any hesitation.

But you can’t miss it like this. I feel like I have to somehow kill that guy to cool my boiling head.

Just as I was about to chase after him.

– calm down!

Hwajeong’s sorrowful cry stopped my actions.


– Calm down! What are you doing now? Get angry alone!

‘You now…’ .’

– Is this really all you can do?

‘… … .’

– okay. Your colleague got hit. Is that the end if I lose my temper and run wild? Didn’t you see that guy’s behavior just now? Does half a body look that easy?

Other words could not be heard properly. However, I could hear the last words clearly.

– If you let your instincts guide you now, that’s exactly what he wants!

At that moment, a cold ray of reason found its way into my bubbling mind. Next, a message appeared in the air saying that the activation of the Mind’s Eye had failed.

“… after.”

I reflexively took a deep breath. After confirming the message that the Mind’s Eye had been activated normally, I stared at Kushan Tor, who had retreated from a distance. The giant was also facing me, his eyes shining brightly.

Yeah, I think things are a little better now.

I opened my mouth quietly.

“Seon Yu-un.”


“What is the status of the three?”

“… … .”

Seon Yu-un was silent for a moment. But soon the sounds of busy movement and faint gasping of air were heard behind me, one after another.

“… “All three of them are hidden behind closed doors.”

First of all, keep your breath.

“But Ansol’s condition is very serious, and… . “Uh, huh?”

It was then. Seon Yu-un, who had been speaking darkly, suddenly became embarrassed and stuttered. Then, I heard a faint sound behind him and felt someone trudging towards me. Just hearing footsteps made you think it was normal.

Soon, someone placed their chin on my shoulder.


Suddenly, my older brother appeared next to me. I glanced around and was very surprised to see my brother.

From head to toe. This is because the sight of my brother bleeding all over his body was reminiscent of a bloody person.

“brother… .”


However, before I could say anything, my older brother cut me off mid-sentence.

Actually, it doesn’t look good at all.

But even though it seemed that way, I had no choice but to keep my mouth shut. This is because for a moment, I saw an image of my older brother from the first round overlapping with my current older brother.

My brother’s eyes are not looking at me right now. Even as blood was flowing down, his eyes were shining brightly and he was staring straight ahead. As if a firm decision had been made.

I bit my teeth hard. And shouted.

“Seon Yuun, Go Yeonju! “Let’s take Ansol and Baek Hangyeol and leave the battlefield right now!”

Order to leave the battlefield. There was no answer. However, I felt that the two figures that had been felt around me just a moment ago were slowly moving away from the other two figures.

I don’t know how serious the condition is. However, if he is still alive, he can be saved.

With this, there are 3 people remaining. Me, my brother, and Gong Chan-ho.

… Can we really win with this number of people?

– You can win.

At that time, Hwajeong seemed to have read my thoughts.

‘You can win?’

– now. Now is your chance to win. Observe that guy’s condition now.

Kushan Tor just stood still. As Hwajeong said, I increased my eyesight and carefully observed the giant’s condition.

And I soon found out. Why is that guy just standing still?

In fact, not to mention my brother, my condition was also very bad right now. Aside from everything else, the magical power to continue the fight is extremely low.

Let’s say the amount left is about a handful? I could barely use one ability.

However, Kushan’s condition was not very good. I don’t know if it’s the influence of Advent, but it’s also clear that he suddenly looks tired. Considering she hadn’t shown any signs of it before, it was definitely strange.

If you think about it, yes. Not only was he hit all over his body with a fire sword, but he also suffered continuous damage afterwards. My chest, which had received all of my magical power from being hit by the wave, was shattered in an ugly way and is still bleeding.

Above all, the fatal blow inflicted in the air is significant. I succeeded in leaving a deep wound near the top of his left shoulder, and Gong Chan-ho had a fist-sized hole in his right thigh.

It was amazing to see him standing like that. If it were any other monster, it would have already died over a hundred times. At least it’s holding on because it’s Kushan Tor.

– Yes, that’s right. That guy’s target was your brother from the beginning.

Suddenly, Hwajeong’s voice continued.

– I don’t know why, but that guy is absolutely going to kill your brother. So even though I allowed a critical hit earlier, I overdid it and went in. Do you remember how he quickly retreated when you rushed at him earlier?

‘I remember.’

– lets think. Even though we failed once thanks to the kid’s sacrifice, your brother was nearby. Considering I’m granting you one more critical hit, that means I definitely had one more chance to kill you. But, unlike before in the air, why did he retreat this time?

‘… I guess that means he too has reached his limit.’

Hwajeong did not answer. I decided to take it as a silent yes.

– good. Listen carefully. Don’t even think about doing any weird tricks. What you have to do is somehow get the sword into that guy’s vital spot.

The moment I heard those words, I made up my mind.

Hwajeong is right. Since both parties have reached their limits, there is no need for flashy techniques or flashy abilities. The only thing that matters is who plunges a weapon into the opponent first.

It’s easier said than done, but it was the most difficult thing to do in the current situation. Because it meant defeating someone who was superior to me in everything, using only my pure fighting ability.

There is absolutely no hope in terms of physical ability. If there is any hope, there is no choice but to create opportunities by fighting.

With that thought in mind, I immediately took a stance. The sword held in the right hand was placed between the left armpit. Victoria’s glory held in her left hand and lifted to the top. And slightly bent her knees.

Then, my brother and Gong Chan-ho across from me take their stances at the same time. Everyone’s expressions were very cautious, as if they knew that this was the last attack without saying anything.

“… “It happened because of me.”

Then, suddenly, I heard my brother’s soft voice.

“So I guess I should finish it too.”

“… “Don’t die.”

I quietly blinked at the voice that followed.

My brother smiled brightly, took a deep breath, and soon began to emit bright electricity from both hands.

“let’s go.”

And then he quietly opened his mouth.

Although I didn’t understand what my brother said for a moment, I couldn’t help but move my legs without realizing it. After saying those words, my brother started running ahead of me. At the same time, Gong Chan-ho from across the street also starts running toward me.

With this, the final fourth round began.

I immediately caught up with my brother and ran next to him on the right. I don’t know what you’re thinking. However, my brother’s physical abilities are comparable to those of most melee classes. His strength exceeds 70 and his agility exceeds 97. So he would not have called for close combat for nothing.

It wasn’t that I wasn’t nervous, but I steeled myself and focused my eyes on Kushan Tor in front of me.

20 meters.

Although we put our hopes on a battle of numbers, it only ends up creating opportunities.

The most important thing is timing. In the midst of passing through life and death, we must catch the momentary moments that appear.

10 meters.

Finally, Kushan Tor showed a change in his movements. He turned his body diagonally as he ran both forwards and backwards.

Mjolnir held in the right hand is aimed at us, and the left hand is aimed at Gong Chan-ho.

5 meters.

My brother and I kicked the ground at the same time as if we had made a promise.

The body rises slightly into the air and the remaining distance is shortened in an instant.

And just as his feet were about to touch the ground, Kushan Thor finally moved his right arm.

Mjolnir is tilted backwards.

3 meters.


And finally, Mjolnir split the wind. It comes in from the left side with a strong noise as if it was going to blow away her brother and me at the same time.

In some ways, it is an attack that can be seen as honest, but it is also a sophisticated and accurate attack.

It was then.


The moment your feet touch the ground.

So, when the invading Mjolnir got close to my brother.


My brother suddenly turned to the left. He then holds out his hands towards the incoming Mjolnir.

Before I even felt a strange feeling, I felt as if time had stopped for a moment.

It was only a moment, but I could see it clearly.

My brother’s golden hand meets Mjolnir.

In the air, sparks fly.

I felt like I finally understood my brother’s intentions. The older brother realized that Kushan Tor was targeting him, so he took his bait.

To create a clearer opportunity for me and Gong Chan-ho.

The moment I recognized it, I cleared my head.

I just took another big leap at the maximum speed I was capable of.

Just like that, I passed my brother.

The next moment, Kushan Tor was seen clenching his left hand into a fist.

It told me that the giant had given up on Gong Chan-ho and decided on me.

2 meters.

Kushan Thor’s fist moves.

For now, Kushan Tor still has the advantage.

Although Mjolnir is said to have tied up his brother as bait, his left arm remains.

Although the speed is increased, the arm length of the giant is much longer.

As such, unless it reaches the range first, the giant has no choice but to take the lead… .

You might be thinking,

In reality, Kushan Thor was swinging his fist precisely at the speed I was entering.

A huge hand gets closer quickly as if it wants to crush my head.

1 meter.

He crouched even further and lowered his posture significantly.

I held the hilt of the sword in both hands until it was crushed.

I raised all of my remaining magical power.

And the moment the fist came close.

I spread out my crouched body and released all my remaining magical energy.

Gungsin Tan-yeong (弓身彈影).

Along with the feeling of my stomach being pulled, my body was thrown forward.

At the same time, I felt an eerie sensation passing over the back of my head.

And at that moment, I was confident of victory.

Kushan Tor’s attack was certainly accurate. The giant’s calculation of my maximum speed was correct.

However, the loser thought that was the limit.

Limiting speed of the body.

By adding an additional ability to it, I disrupted the timing of the attack targeting me.

Looking at the giant’s chest that was soon approaching, I moved both hands.

The sword is swung sideways, and Victoria’s glory is laid straight and stabbed.

The sword that went in was already engulfed in a clear flame.


The sword cut deep into Kushan Thor’s abdomen.

I felt a thick yet familiar texture from the blade.


Victoria’s glory pierced the lower left breast of Kushan Tor.

It felt like something was exploding from the tip of the knife that broke the bone.

Kushan Thor did not show any change in expression.

It just rattled like a broken toy and stopped for a moment.

And after a while.

The bright white eyes, which had been burning brightly, slowly extinguished their light.

After a long time, the body slowly begins to fall.


And the ground cried.

Lord of the giants.

It was the end of Kushan Tor.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

haha… . I said I would update at 02:00, but it was late by 1 hour and 22 minutes. It’s really just an old saying.

If I may excuse myself, it took me longer than expected to write the last part. “shit! I don’t know how many times I’ve regretted saying, “I should have just said bye-bye!” (just kidding). Anyway, it seems like there’s a lot of difficulty in translating the scene I imagined in my head into writing.

This is the end of the battle with giants.

In the next episode, I will reveal a secret related to old Tarot cards. 🙂


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not work with dark mode