MEMORIZE Chapter 632

00632 ShowDown. ————————————————– ———————-=

6th Corps. Nebiros, the immortal king who presides over corpses and spirits.

Although its origins are as a Necromancer, its main role monitors the entirety of Hell and also has the ability to fly to any location.

On the outside, he is known as a magic beast that travels alone without an army, but in reality, this is not the case. Nebiros’ undead ability is like a nightmare to enemies on the battlefield. He not only resurrects dead corpses, but also allows him to exercise more than 80% of his original abilities, and the reanimated corpse is given the ability to fly due to the power of Nebiros.

In other words, rather than just a corpse army, a new army with tremendous mobility capable of aerial combat is born.

Flutter, flutter, flutter, flutter… .

The wings that sprout from the back move. The once dead giants, users, and monsters move their wings and slowly rise into the air.

The monster birds that were already circling in the air also responded with confusion when they saw the scene. It has to be that way. If it were just users, they wouldn’t understand the situation as monsters of the same race and giants who turned into allies came up.


Vivian, who was looking up at the sky blankly on the ground, burst into small tears. His eyes were so full of tears that he couldn’t even think of wiping them away. His tears were not of sadness but of joy. Although he was only half-fulfilled in failing to summon the corps commander, he succeeded in summoning him anyway. After obtaining the Ordo of Order, he succeeded in advancing a state that had been stagnant for a long time.

But the situation is not over yet. No, maybe it would be right to say that this is just the beginning. Because it doesn’t end with summoning an army of demonic beasts.

Finally, Vivian wiped her eyes with her clenched hands and shouted with all her might into the air.

“good! There is no need for strategy or tactics! Just push it on and throw it away! “I want you to show me your power!”

Inducing an aerial melee. There is no better plan than this to carry out the mission given by Kim Soo-hyun as it does not outnumber them, or even slightly overwhelms them.

Once you respond to a summons, the summoner’s orders are absolute. The moment Vivien spoke, the winged corpses floating in the air carried out the command without delay. They literally began to rush at random from all directions, towards the group of monsters gathered on one side.

– Chirururuk?

The monsters also reacted immediately. Instead of responding face to face, retreat first. The confusion had not yet subsided, but they suddenly attacked me, leaving me no time to respond properly.


Vivien smiled as she saw the group of monsters soon scattering in disarray. Her eyes were still watery, but her laughter was just right. Once the worry of failure disappeared, her original personality returned.

But does Vivien know? The fact that I popped the champagne too early. Among the strangest birds, there are some that have developed intelligence over hundreds of years.

Even while the corpses were flying around, there was a monster watching the surroundings closely.

– Crrrrr… .

And not long after, the moment Vivien was spotted in the distance, full of excitement, the blue-colored monster, the only one among the numerous monster birds, let out a soft cry.

After a while.

Flutter, flutter!

The leader of the monsters flapped his wings vigorously.

Meanwhile, at the same time.

“Stop it, stop it!”

“────. ────. protect!”

“no! “Run away!”

“What happened to the wizards?”

A fierce battle was going on all over the grassland. no. Would it be right to call it a mess?

Giants marching forward, showing a level of power different from before. Users who use evil methods to somehow stop the advance.

The situation was extremely unfavorable for users. No matter how overwhelmingly outnumbered they were, the opponent was a being with even more overwhelming power. Users hit by heavy feet have their entire bodies exploded and crushed, and users hit by huge arms are stretched straight into the air like a home run hit.

The users were struggling desperately, using all kinds of methods, but with the exception of a few groups that included outstanding users, the majority of the groups were helplessly retreating again and again.

Of course, unlike this, there were quite a few groups that could take out giants with great ease.

Well, there was just one group.

“Hmm… .”

Jegal Haesol, or rather Jegal Haesol in the guise of Pyo Hye-mi, let out an untimely and strange moan. She appears to be deep in thought, tapping her chin with her slender index finger as she watches her companions fight the giant.

If someone who doesn’t know the situation sees it, they might click their tongue. While his colleagues are fighting to the death, he is watching alone in peace.

However, if you see that Zhuge Haesol’s eyes are shining golden light, and if you see him observing the giant with eyes that seem to have a profound depth that is difficult to fathom, then your previous thoughts may be premature. because… .

“good! “I understand now.”

At that moment, Zhuge Haesol, who was leisurely looking at the giant, suddenly smiled beautifully and clapped loudly. At the same time, the golden light in her eyes suddenly went out.

“How can it be that the body structure is exactly the same as that of a human? “It’s fascinating.”

Then he mumbles something to himself and suddenly puts his hands together in a circle.

It was that moment.

Jegal Hae-sol’s previously smiling face took on a serious glow for the first time. Instead of the fresh and lively atmosphere before, a mysterious and quiet atmosphere begins to surround Jegal Hae-sol, just like when she first met Kim Soo-hyun.


Soon, a sphere of bright light suddenly appeared in the center of the rounded grip. It was a mass made of magical power. As Jegal Haesol continues to pour in magical power, the size of the sphere is growing bigger by the minute.

It was then.

Suddenly, I moved one hand as if stroking, and the size of the mass of magic power that had been growing steadily decreased in an instant. Of course, as magical energy continued to flow into the sphere, it grew again, but each time, Jegal Haesol moved his hand and made it smaller again.

The process was repeated 15 times, and the size of the sphere became the size of millet. Finally, Jegal Haesol lifted his head and sighed. Before I knew it, my sweaty hair was sticking to my white cheeks.

The lips are slightly parted, revealing white teeth.

“The name is Reinforcement Explosion… . Is that enough?”

After a while, Zhuge Haesol’s eyes gazed at the front where the battle was in full swing. Then he placed a sphere the size of a grain of rice in his palm, pursed his lips, and blew a light breeze.

“after… .”

Then, the sphere left the palm of my hand and flew in a strange arc, and went right into the giant’s ear hole.

Did you feel something strange? The giant, who had stretched out his arm as if he was about to slam his fist, stopped moving for a moment. And that was the moment when he tilted his head.


At the same time as the sound of a hand snapping.


A roar that could never be underestimated rang from the giant’s body, or more precisely, from his ears.


The giant’s scream continued. He covered his ears with both hands as if he was in a lot of pain, and suddenly his body began to shake.

Jegal Haesol’s magical ability is 95 points. Although the giant’s magic resistance has been revived, the value of 95 is not so much that it cannot inflict damage. In addition, since a lump of magical power was burst inside the body, it is normal to take some damage. Of course, it’s not like you’re going to die in one hit.

Surely the giant is not dead. However, the subsequent actions left everyone wondering. While he was retreating from the pain, the shaking of his body gradually worsened, and he eventually lost his footing and fell down with a thud. As if he had lost his sense of balance.

But the puzzlement lasted only for a moment.

“I’m not dead yet~. So hurry up!”

When Jegal Haesol put both hands over his mouth and shouted, the Mercenary Clan members who had been staring blankly at the giant immediately began to move. Since he fell to the ground, the giant’s death was only a matter of time.

Just as a satisfied smile was forming on Jegal Hae-sol’s face as he saw Lee Yu-jeong running like a moon, someone came sneaking up next to him.

“How did you do it?”

Jegal Haesol was shocked. However, when she confirmed that it was the same wizard, Won Hye-su, she smiled.

“Ah, it’s no big deal. I thought it had a similar body structure to a human. So, we touched the semicircular canals and vestibular organs.”

“half… . what?”

As Won Hye-soo frowned slightly, Jegal Hae-sol burst into laughter.

“They say it ruins the sense of tilt and rotation. Push the compressed magic sphere into your ear and bam! “It exploded.”

“What is the giant’s magic resistance?”

“That’s why I condensed it. In fact, I compressed it 15 times with the intention of killing it, but it still held up. It was a bit difficult to reduce the size. Anyway, I think resistance is definitely not a problem.”

“Numbers 1 and 15?”

The moment I heard that it had been compressed 15 times, or more precisely, the fact that it had been reduced in size, Won Hye-soo was excited.

“Uh, how did you do it? “Teach me too.”


“Hyemi. Don’t do that, just give it a rough idea. The situation is urgent right now. “I’ll reward you later.”

“No, no. There’s nothing to do other than teach, right? Why doesn’t this work? “Can’t you do it?”

Jegal Haesol responded by shrugging his shoulders as if asking why not. However, she was just about to make up her mind when Won Hye-soo frowned at her and realized she had made a mistake.

The moment she realized that Won Hye-soo’s face was suddenly distorted strangely and her eyes were looking over her shoulder. Jegal Haesol instinctively turned his head.

The first thing I saw was a huge monster flying at low altitude. And in front of the monster, at a distance that seemed almost out of reach, a woman was seen running away with her arms wide open, screaming for my life.

“Aaaah! Wow! “Aaaah!”

A loud scream that rings in everyone’s ears.

It was Vivian.


It happened out of the blue.

Mjolnir, transformed into lightning, has already passed me.

Kushan Thor’s body leapt into the air.

Following the giant, I reflexively kicked the ground with all my might.

All of this happened really suddenly.

As the body rose into the air, the view containing Kushan Tor began to change. As if taking a time-lapse shot, everything that catches your eye flows slowly.

Users rarely rise into the air during combat. This is because evasive movements are greatly limited in the air. Unless, like me, you have the ability to punch the air or fly in the air, it can be seen as a perfect action to kill.

Nevertheless, leaping into the air generally has three meanings.

To avoid it.

That you are looking down on the other person.

The goal is to immediately reduce the distance between you and your opponent.

If you think about it in relation to Hwajeong’s words, Kushan Tor’s purpose is probably third. So my body reacted instinctively and jumped in the same way. Since we have discovered the purpose, we have to stop it.

I crossed my swords while keeping an eye on the figure of Kushan Thor approaching at every moment.

I didn’t think it was too late. Even though he missed Mjolnir, with Baek Hangyeol and Ansol’s defensive abilities, at least he wouldn’t lose his life.

Also, not only me, but Gong Chan-ho was also jumping from the other side. If I’m not mistaken here, Kushan Tor will definitely twist its orbit in the middle. If you continue to stick to the purpose of the leap without doing even the slightest evasion, you can definitely get two critical hits.

okay. A Kushan Thor who knows that would definitely be satisfied with throwing Mjolnir and defend against attacks from me and Gong Chan-ho.

Thinking like that, I strengthened my hand holding the sword hilt even more. Hwajeong must have known how I felt as she silently poured strength into the blade. Meanwhile, the distance from Kushan Tor was getting closer.

However, it was that moment.


The feeling of cutting into the shoulder flesh from the tip of the knife.

A stream of blood scattering into the air.

“uh… ?”

Between the spraying blood drops, I could see the face of Kushan Thor, whose eyes were shining with a darker glow than ever before, and who was shedding bloody tears.

Inflicted a critical blow on Kushan Thor.

no. The fatal blow was given.

Kushan Thor conceded a fatal blow and stuck to his leap’s purpose.

Kushan Thor’s body passed me by and entered Mjolnir one after another.

That fleeting moment when I landed on the ground without any help.

My vision, which had been slowly returning, returned to normal.

Almost at the same time, the sky-shattering roar of Mjolnir exploding rings in my ears.

Cheer up!


What followed was the sound of something breaking, Ansol’s tearing scream.


And the vibration transmitted from the foot on the ground, predicted to be the landing of Kushan Tor.

I couldn’t help but look around, feeling devastated.

Perhaps due to the aftereffects of the impact from the descent, there was already thick smoke rising behind him. Because of that, almost nothing was visible.

Just one.

All I could see was one user, helplessly rising through the dust, blood pouring out like a fountain through his fluttering robes.

Her shoulder-length short hair blows in the wind. The pure white robe is drenched in the gushing blood.

Only then did I know. The fact that the user floating in the air right now is Ansol.

That moment.

“f*ck… . The cub… .”

I felt like sparks were flying out of my eyes.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Oh, sorry. It’s really late today. I thought my pace was good these days, but now I feel like I’m turning into Amitabha Buddha. ㅜ.ㅠ

Actually, I could have posted it earlier, but I got an upset stomach in the middle of writing it. When I thought about why I had an upset stomach, I think it was dinner that was the problem. I was very hungry on the way back from my appointment this afternoon. Anyway, if I go into the house, it seems like no one will be there… . So, I stopped by a snack bar with the idea of ​​buying a bowl of cheese Rabokki, which I really like, but I think that may have been a problem. I think I went in and out of the bathroom about 20 times in the morning. -_-a

I will be a little more careful in the future. _(__)_

And I calculated it, and it looks like the giant part will end in the next episode. Originally, I thought there were about 2 episodes left, but it looks like it will be concluded within 1 episode. Thank you to everyone who has read so far. Please look forward to great rewards! ‘- ^*


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not work with dark mode