MEMORIZE Chapter 630

00630 ShowDown. ————————————————– ———————-=

– wait for a sec. Is there something strange about that guy?

Just as I was about to start the second round, Hwajeong’s voice stopped me.

‘Is this strange?’

– I thought earlier that he was only targeting you? Because you are the strongest here and you embrace me.


– however… . I do not know. At first they were trying to deal with you, but now they seem to be trying to get in your way.

‘Isn’t that what it is?’

– no. So, that means that his goal is not you.

Kushan Tor’s purpose is not me?

For a moment, I didn’t really understand Hwajeong’s words, but there was no time to think about it.

“It’s a help!”

This is because Gong Chan-ho, who had been running like an angry rhinoceros, suddenly let out a strange roar and crashed into Kushan Thor’s thigh.


Then a violent collision sound was heard and the giant’s body tilted slightly. Then, the suddenly raised Sura magic spear tried to stab him in the thigh, but missed due to the giant’s quick reaction.

Soon, Kushan Tor let out a soft cry, took his stance, and glared at Gong Chan-ho. Taking advantage of that gap, I rushed in this time.

Passing diagonally to the left, the sword was aimed at the shin, but Kushan Thor quickly turned his body and succeeded in dodging. I moved my feet quickly without stopping. And after crossing the swords in both hands, he went behind the giant in a circular motion and was about to aim for his ankles.

– careful!

The moment I heard Hwajeong’s warning, I immediately gave up my repeated attacks and turned around. Then something that looked like a piece of metal lightly hit the top of my head and passed by. It was only a slight grazing, but even that pain felt like my head was splitting open. I bit my mouth and threw myself forward.


Immediately afterwards, a shock wave travels behind my back. I felt like my body was slightly floating, but I didn’t feel as rushed as before. Rather, it is calm. Because I was expecting it.

It still is. Even though I just rolled forward and dodged it, Kushan Thor is not a kind-hearted guy who would wait for me to get my bearings. He’s probably chasing me right now and getting ready to hit me.

then… !

『Caligo Abraxas’ potential ability. Activates Broken Fragments.』

After rolling on the ground, I immediately stood up, turned around, and at the same time threw Caligo Abraxas, held in my left hand, with all my might.


Caligo Abraxas lets out a harsh cry and rises vertically. A lumpy black energy spread like paint in the air.

Was he taken aback by the sudden surprise attack? As expected, Kushan Thor, who was standing right behind him, hesitated and stopped.

It was that moment.


Just before reaching Kushan Tor, Caligo Abraxas caused a violent explosion. Just like when a grenade explodes, shattered fist-sized fragments attack the giant from all directions. While I continued to bite, I smiled inwardly.



After Kushan Thor momentarily took the lead with Mjolnir, I could not help but believe my eyes at the scene that followed.


Dozens of black pieces suddenly appeared and fluttered like paper in the wind. The fragments that were thrown away exploded helplessly in the air.

At this moment, all I could think was that it was amazing. No, did Marvolo, who dealt with me, feel this way?

Incredible reaction speed. Kushan Thor swings Mjolnir like lightning, striking away fragments. Every time it passes through the air, a fierce storm rages. It was surprising that they reacted in such a short period of time, but more than anything, it was truly amazing that they were able to see and remove each and every piece of debris scattered in all directions. It was truly incredible visual acuity and skill.

Although it was blocked so easily, it was not completely ineffective. The reason for throwing it in the first place was to tie Kushan Thor’s feet, even if only for a moment, and Caligo Abraxas performed that role well.

That wasn’t all.

While I retreated and Kushan Tor hesitated, other users had already gathered themselves and seized the opportunity.

“Please punish me!”

The priest’s power of brilliance, divine punishment.

“Extreme brain!”

And my brother’s latent ability, the extreme brain.

When these two abilities met, a tremendous synergy effect occurred. White lightning fell from the sky, gathered as sharply as an awl, and pierced right through the top of Kushan Thor’s head!

Ta-ta-ta, ta-ta-ta!


Kushan Thor finally stiffened his body and let out a passionate scream.

My brother’s magic power is 97. Ansol’s magic power is 99. No matter how much he is the king of giants, there is no way that this number will not be affected. No, rather, the fact that he even flinched for a moment after being passed like that is probably proof of his formidable magic resistance.

But the attack is not over yet.

Seonyuun confirmed that his arrows could not pierce the giant’s defenses, so he persistently aimed only at the eyes, making Kushan Thor blink over and over again. Go Yeon-ju pulls up as many shadows as he can, binds the giant’s limbs, and emerges from the darkness everywhere to attack the neck or t**ticles in turns.

Then, while the frightened giant turned his neck this way and that and squeezed his thighs, Gong Chan-ho took advantage of the gap and persistently stabbed his spear, targeting his thighs.

Even so, other clan members showed incredible cooperation with his older brother and Gong Chan-ho. After going through the first round, everyone came to their own conclusion about how to deal with them.

Of course, Kushan Thor was not an easy opponent to be defeated at this level.


Are you angry that things are going differently from the first round? Suddenly, a white light erupted from his entire body, and he started slashing all over his body with his left hand and frantically striking Mjolnir with his right hand. Mjolnir violently tears apart the shadow surrounding its body, violently digging into the ground as if catching a mole.

However, by the time the aggro was released, users had already scattered in all directions. As soon as Kushan Tor turned around with a flash of light in his eyes and took a stance to chase after the retreating men, I took a quick breath and placed Victoria’s glory in my left hand. And then I ran as fast as I could towards the giant’s back towards me.

An attempt was made to plunge the sword into his back, but Kushan Thor twisted his body halfway and it ended in vain. He then swung Victoria’s glory and tried to slash her sideways, but that too was blocked by his left arm.

Kushan Thor, who had just been growling at the users, finally looks back at me. Then, as if he was annoyed, he swung Mjolnir with the force of making me retreat.


A large hammer approaches at high speed. In this split second, several thoughts came to my mind at once.

If Kushan Thor had struck with all his might like before, he would have dodged without a second thought. However, this blow was a relatively weak, if not strong, attack aimed at making me retreat.

I don’t know what you’re thinking. But what Hwajeong said earlier bothers me. I have no intention of following his intentions any longer, so I immediately crossed my swords. And I used all the strength I had from breastfeeding to increase my magical power.

At this level, there is no way to stop it… !


At that moment, a fierce spark erupted from the central point of the crossed swords. At the same time, I felt an impact that made both my hands feel numb, but what was clear was that I could see Mjolnir bouncing back up.

‘success… !’

Kaaang, kaaang!

Just when I thought I had succeeded in holding on, two attacks in quick succession hit the intersection points. Every time I blocked it, I felt a shock that made me bite my tongue, but I was able to deflect even those two attacks.

Meanwhile, laughter suddenly appeared. This is because I thought it was quite funny that I, who claimed to be the strongest user, could only block three attacks.


When I finally blocked the 4th attack, I lost some of the feeling of holding the sword and at the same time, no more repeated attacks continued. As I glanced up, I saw Mjolnir stopping tall at the center point. Then, it started to come down as if it was trying to push me down.

The moment when my arms were about to bend helplessly.

『The potential ability, unable to be defeated (Rank: A Plus Plus Plus), is activated.』

I felt strength coming into my eyes.

This very moment. The moment I grabbed Kushan Thor’s Mjolnir was the opportunity I had longed for and dreamed of.


Even though I was groaning from being crushed, I wasted no time raising my magic power to the limit. I mobilize all the means and principles I can, including user information and equipment, as well as diabolic grafting and Saryangbalcheongeun, and focus on the central point to block Kushan Thor’s Mjolnir.

Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!

Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo!

Then, the magic circuit let out a loud cry, and at the same time, the ground around it began to shake and scatter in all directions.

Even though I did it on my own, I was shocked inside. This is because I felt that the magical energy that never dried up was suddenly being consumed at an exponential rate and was slowly drying up.

Nevertheless, all it did was prevent it from coming down any further, but at least the intended goal was achieved.

Every moment, the circuit gets hot enough to melt and sends out an unknown signal. There will probably never be a time when magic power will be used to this extent in an instant.

Patchoux! Partz tsk tsk!

An enormous amount of magical power emanates from the glory of the sword and Victoria, and the Mjolnir they encounter also continuously explodes with intense sparks. In the end, Kushan Thor was about to take a step back and collect Mjolnir, as if things could not go on like this.

However, Kushan Tor failed to achieve its purpose. It has to be that way. Because the ability I used with all my might was holding Mjolnir.


Surprised, Kushan Thor grabbed Mjolnir with both hands this time.

And that moment.


I screamed without realizing it, squeezing my last remaining strength and stamping my feet. What little magical power I had left was draining away, and I felt empty inside.

– good!

Hwareuk, Hwareuk!

The result was dozens of flaming swords floating around in the surrounding water.

– Goes!


Dozens of fire swords spewed out toward Kushan Thor, and at the same time, the magic power that had been pulling Mjolnir was cut off.

Even in that split second, Kushan Thor quickly retreated and took a defensive stance. Even if he could not feel his magical power, a demigod would have felt the power of the fire sword based on the power of Hwajeong.

Of course I know. At least this attack may not be enough. If I hadn’t thought that way, I would have only fired a fire sword from the beginning. No, in the first place, the pyrotechnic sword was only the first attack to break down Kushan Thor’s defenses.

Therefore, instead of retrieving the magic power still gathered at the central point, I made a different choice.

That is, towards the hastily retreating Kushan Tor.


He slashed the two crossed swords as if rolling them, unleashing concentrated magical power at once.


The magic power mixed with rotation instantly turned into a huge wave and crashed into Kushan Thor’s chest.


Some time has passed since the new war began.

The users moved in groups according to Kim Yu-hyeon’s instructions, and the giants also spread out in all directions accordingly.

Screams and sounds of magic being used could be heard from all over the grassland, and unusual vibrations were constantly being emitted from the center as if to wonder what was happening.

However, in the midst of all this, there was one woman who had not yet properly participated in the war.

“Ugh! “Uh, what should I do?”

Vivien, who had retreated slightly from the center, held her head.

Vivian currently has one problem. It was said that he was not confident that he could properly carry out Kim Soo-hyun’s mission. I said I would take it on out of anger, but no matter how much I thought about it, I couldn’t think of a clever way to deal with that army of monsters.

Of course, if you summon any corps, they will perform to some extent, but the problem lies in the monsters’ ability to fly.

They needed to summon a legion that had at least the same flying ability or a legion that could respond, but the problem was that there were no suitable demons. The problem was that there was no way to summon a higher-level corps with the ability to respond because the demons with the ability to fly were organized in lower-level corps.

The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd corps are currently unthinkable.

Although the 4th and 5th corps are powerful, they are incapable of responding to aerial monsters.

And the 6th Legion… .

“uh… .”

At that time, Vivien, who had been stomping her feet, suddenly raised her head.

6th Corps. and the 66th Corps.

For demon beasts, the number ‘6’ has an unusual meaning.

The characteristics of these two corps are that the 6th corps is a stronger corps than the 4th and 5th corps, and the 66th corps is a stronger corps than the 6th corps. However, there was a condition that it could not just be summoned, but that it could only be summoned if certain factors were met.

“… good.”

Eventually, as if she had made a decision, Vivien’s eyes took on a determined glow. Before he knew it, he was holding the Ordo of Order in his right hand. Vivien had a serious expression, which was rare.

And after a while.

“────. ────.”

The sound of Vivien chanting a spell rang quietly in the meadow where the explosion was loud.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Midnight update! Ole!


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not work with dark mode