MEMORIZE Chapter 629

00629 ShowDown. ————————————————– ———————-=

It’s quiet.

No, it is not calm.

Shouting, thumping, crashing, screaming, etc. The surroundings are clearly far from being calm.

If so, be quiet. I just felt that way.

I calmly raised my gaze and gazed ahead.

Muscles that make up the entire body at a height of over 4 meters. Blazing eyes and a large hammer held in his right hand. Moreover, if you come face to face with the furious yet sacred energy boiling up from your entire body, anyone will be able to tell.

Now, that giant is not just that.

Rather, it is a being with power that surpasses our imagination and is equivalent to a DemiGod.

okay. The newly awakened Kushan Thor has appeared. The king of giants was confronting us with a gap of about 20 meters.

If there is a monster that only knows how to charge and a monster that knows how to observe the situation and engage in exploratory warfare, the latter is naturally the more difficult monster. Because it means that at least reason is alive.

Even though I instinctively raised my guard, I couldn’t shake off the strange feeling.

Is it because of the death of one of his own people? Kushan Thor was constantly shedding bloody tears while glaring at us. But those eyes are not directed at me. It was directed at someone other than me.

Also, more than anything, does seeing me shed tears of blood like that feel like seeing myself after losing my brother for the first time?

It was then.

“I think it will come soon.”

Gong Chan-ho rotated the Surama spear once and held it tightly with both hands.

“Don’t even think about exploration. “You have to go with all your might from the beginning.”

“I know that much.”

When I tried to talk to him out of curiosity, Gong Chan-ho answered by raising the window to the top.

Then Kushan Thor also slowly lifted Mjolnir and bent his knees. The concentration of energy bubbling up from his entire body became much thicker. Even the air felt tense, as if it were an active volcano ready to explode at any moment. Dry needles pass unconsciously.

“Kushan… .”

Suddenly, I hear my brother muttering to himself.

thud… .

As if in response, Kushan Thor took a slow step forward.

And that moment.


Suddenly, Kushan Thor rushed towards him, gliding across the ground. A rush of terrifying speed that turns a gap of 20 meters into nothingness in an instant!

Gong Chan-ho’s eyes seemed to widen, and he hurriedly raised the Surama spear to the top of his head.


Surama Spear and Mjolnir collided. The air in the atmosphere that was boiling as if it would explode at any moment finally exploded.

“Ugh… !”

Gong Chan-ho’s feet, which were standing firmly on the ground, dig deep into the grassland. Although he simply blocked the blow, the ground was deeply caved in and he was groaning violently as if he could not bear it.

In the first clash, Kushan Thor had a clear advantage. At that moment, Kushan Thor’s slightly bowed eyes seemed to flash, and Mjolnir rose high into the sky. Only then did Gong Chan-ho, who was freed, distort his face and stumble slightly.

But liberation was only momentary. Before he had time to adjust his posture, Kushan Thor began to strike Mjolnir to the point where it could almost be said that he went crazy.

Quang, quang, quang, quang!

Mjolnir roars. Each time it is struck, the aftermath of the collision spreads in all directions, causing the air to shake mercilessly and dust to rise. We’ve only just competed in the 5th match, but the ground around us is shaking as if there was an earthquake.

Like a swirling storm, Kushan Thor attacked without giving the slightest opportunity. Meanwhile, Gong Chan-ho was barely able to block them one by one, but he was literally just barely blocking them. The defeat was clearly deepening.

I stroked my trembling hands.

Instinct was telling me that I needed to help, but reason was telling me not yet. Kushan Tor’s left arm was the proof. After his first clash, he continued to move his pace, looking for an opportunity, but each time he did so, he slightly changed his position by turning his body or waving his left hand. It was clear evidence that he was aware of me and was on guard.


At that moment, Gong Chan-ho could no longer hold on and was thrown away. I gripped the hilt of the sword tightly. Now was no time to pass up the opportunity.

I immediately kicked myself off the ground. As soon as I did that, Kushan Tor turned to look at me. But it was something I expected anyway. As he accelerated his running speed without any hesitation, Kushan Thor finally turned completely and thrust Mjolnir straight ahead.

Finally, the moment I entered the range, Mjolnir, which had been tilted to the side, struck me as if I was about to come in. The wind that accompanied the attack blew fiercely through her hair. A clearly visible attack without any technique.

However, that is why we cannot let down our guard. It’s a simple attack, but there’s nothing unnecessary, and the destructive power it contains is not at a level I can handle.

No, there is no need to deal with it.

Thinking like that, I immediately used Lee Hyeong-hwan Wei. While Kushan Thor’s eyes were caught in my afterimage, I turned to the side and planned to stab him in the side.

However, the moment I turned to the right, I couldn’t help but be shocked, even if only for a moment.

Because I saw a clenched hand coming towards me as if it had been waiting.


Is it because it was an unexpected attack? I had the illusion that the fist was slowly approaching, as if it were under a slow spell. However, the body does not move as it wants.

I don’t know if the reaction speed was fast, or if Lee Hyeong-hwanwi was seen through. But what is clear is that a hand the size of a pot lid is aiming for the top of my head.

That was right before the fist hit my head.


– damage!

The voices of my brother and Hwajeong were heard together.


The light exploded like an explosion, turning my vision white. As she gathered her strength, she saw Kushan Tor retreating, his fists black and scorched, and a frown on his face.


Thinking that, I immediately put my foot down.

– Well, just back off!


At that moment, Hwajeong’s belated cry was heard, but her foot succeeded in striking the giant’s chest. However, Kushan Thor seemed not to have suffered much damage, and still glared at me with sparkling eyes.

– I told you to avoid it! You stupid bastard!


Suddenly, Hwajeong’s shout continued, and at the same time, the sound of the wind tearing broke through. As I reflexively tilted my head back, something cut the bridge of my nose. The moment I realized it was Mjolnir, I had to feel my blood rushing to my stomach.

– Damage, damage, damage, damage! Please avoid! Do you know what kind of guy this guy is? No, that guy was targeting you in the first place!


I asked a question and quickly took a step back. But even though Kushan Tor saw me retreat, he did not give up. As if he wasn’t going to give the slightest opportunity, he immediately swung Mjolnir.


I was able to barely avoid the hand by tumbling in reverse. But the next thing I had to face was a kick trying to kick me as I was floating in the air.

– Lee Hyung-hwan-wi!

At the same time as Hwajeong shouted, I tried to land on the ground using Lee Hyeong-hwanwi.

As soon as I barely got my feet on the ground, an afterimage in the air passed by… . No, it stopped?

Kushan Thor, who was climbing into the air, stopped kicking. And this time, without any time to react, he was plunged straight down. I just rolled on the dirt floor.


I was able to narrowly avoid a direct hit, but I couldn’t avoid the aftermath. The moment my foot hit the ground, the ground split open and a huge shock wave exploded from the source and hit me. Literally, it was an event of destruction achieved through pure physical force.

Not only my body but also my vision shakes like crazy, and white noise resonates strongly in my eardrums and disturbs my mind. It feels like I’m standing in the middle of an earthquake-hit area. I tried to get up somehow, but in the end I couldn’t keep my balance and fell down.

Finally, when I finally came to my senses.

“… … .”

What gradually came into view was Mjolnir, raised high as if piercing the sky. I could feel it instinctively. That thing is impossible to avoid.

That was when Mjolnir began to stir.

Land, ta-da-dang!

Three or four arrows flew like beams of light from somewhere and hit Kushan Thor squarely in the face. Perhaps because it was an unexpected blow, Kushan Thor frowned and took half a step back.

Although it bounced off without being able to penetrate even a single foot, it was powerful enough to make the king of giants retreat slightly. As soon as he got up and glanced over, he saw Seon Yu-un kneeling on the other side, aiming a crossbow.

The moment I took advantage of the opportunity and retreated, Kushan Tor glared at me as if asking me where I was going.

It was that moment.

Whirling! Whirling!

Suddenly, dozens of shadows rose up around Kushan Tor and gently wrapped around his body as if drawing a circle. And at the same time as he was being pulled in all directions, a fierce-eyed Goyeonju suddenly rose up from behind Kushan Thor’s neck. She wraps her legs tightly around his neck and quickly stabs him with the dagger in her right hand.

However, Kushan Thor lightly tilted his neck to avoid the attack, and then twisted his body with all his might to break all of the shadow restraints. Incredible agility.

Then Go Yeon-ju clicked her tongue once, narrowed her eyes at me, and hid herself in the darkness.

Kushan Thor must have been so angry at being interrupted that he looked around as soon as he was freed from his restraints. However, not only Ko Yeonju but also I had already secured some distance.

After a while, a slightly foolish look crossed the giant’s face.

I wiped the blood from the bridge of my nose and stared at Kushan Thor, who was still glaring at me. I took a deep breath and calmly organized my thoughts.

The first round ended in no time. Despite this, we have already faced crises three times. Of course, I was able to overcome it in some way due to the appropriate arc at each time… .

‘It’s really not a joke.’

As a demigod, I thought he was on the same level as Marvolo, but it was a complete miscalculation. Clearly, the fake demigod and the real demigod had the power to change their ways. Since almost all events are done with pure strength, the magic resistance I boast about is of no use this time.

In addition, he is ahead of me in physical abilities such as strength, durability, stamina, and agility, as well as pure combat ability, which refers to agility and situational judgment. In the second round, for the first time, I encountered a melee-type enemy that was ahead of me in everything.

no. Even in the first and second rounds, I rarely remember encountering this level of enemies. If I can say it with any confidence, I should be at least as good as the Archduke of Hell… . Oh, if it’s about that bitch, she’ll probably get steamed lightly too, right?

… anyway.

I was pushed back in the first round, but it didn’t matter. I am still alive, and in the meantime, at least I was able to feel clearly how to deal with it.

As if he had received enough treatment, Gong Chan-ho was seen running like an angry bull from across the street.

Kushan Thor is still looking at me.

I took a deep breath and held an additional sword in my left hand. And I pushed in my magic power with all my might.

『The bird breaks the egg and comes out. Eggs are the world. Anyone who wants to be born must destroy a world.』

『The seal on the demon sword Caligo Abraxas has been released. Change begins.』


The sound of the demon sword wailing announced the start of the second round.

Soon, I felt the terrible darkness in my right hand and walked slowly.

This is the beginning of a counterattack.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Vivian, I’m sorry. ㅜ.ㅠ Your army of demonic beasts could not appear. ㅜ.ㅠ


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not work with dark mode