MEMORIZE Chapter 625

00625 Night Of Battle. ————————————————– ———————-=

The meadow was quiet.

The grassland where the users and the giant were to meet had a slightly different scenery than the steel mountains they had passed through so far. If the Steel Mountains are basically an area with lush forests, would you say that the grassland where users are currently standing was like a wide open space with an open feel? Looking at the dug up ground or fallen trees here and there doesn’t feel desolate, but it also has the advantage of providing better visibility.

“shit. “Are these guys coming or not coming?”

Suddenly, Gong Chan-ho, who was waiting for the giants at the front, kicked a rock on the ground and expressed his displeasure. His eyebrows may be frowned when compared to the impatient waiting of other users, but considering the progress he has made so far, it is not completely incomprehensible that Gong Chan-ho looks like that.

From the beginning, Gong Chan-ho participated in this expedition with only a view to combat. However, due to Kim Yu-hyeon’s masterpiece(?), he had spent years just marching without any help, let alone fighting, so it was natural for his dissatisfaction to build up. At least he was told that he would be able to fight to his heart’s content today, so he ran with joy, but as the giants did not show up even after several hours of arriving, he ended up exploding.

However, Kim Yoo-hyun did not particularly stop Gong Chan-ho. No, I didn’t even think about that.

I took a moment to look at the other side of the meadow with a nervous mind. When I first arrived at the meadow, the sun was still high in the sky, but now it was just before setting completely. If a little more time passes here, the twilight that is currently coloring the grassland will quickly turn into darkness.

“You damn bastards! “There are people as big as mountains hiding inside!”

“… … .”

“Hey, Brain Emperor! Let’s just march on! huh? Let’s march forward and use the fire system!”

“… … .”

“I heard there’s their home just a little further away? Oh, so you can just give it a try?! “I’m setting fire to their home, but they won’t come out and I’ll be exhausted.”

“… … .”

Listening to Gong Chan-ho screaming, Kim Yu-hyun sighed softly inwardly. Actually, it wasn’t a very bad idea, but it was an idea that wasn’t included in the plan in the first place. Moreover, considering the fact that it rained heavily yesterday, it was clear without any need to ask how absurd Gong Chan-ho’s words were.

“Thunder Emperor!”

‘Please be quiet… .’

When Gong Chan-ho kept calling her, Kim Yu-hyeon gently touched his forehead. And that was when I gently pressed my forehead, which was slowly becoming itchy.


A faint tremor in the grassland suddenly reached me.

Then, at the same time that Gong Chan-ho stopped shouting, the sounds of something hitting hard came from across the meadow.

Not long after, three or four human figures suddenly appeared in the distance. Users were able to know the identity of the seal without having to increase their eye power.

Soon, dozens, if not hundreds, of dark shadows casting twilight over the grassland appeared simultaneously.

thud! thud! thud! thud! thud! thud! thud! thud!

“Wow, it’s a giant! “A giant has appeared!”

As if reacting to the sound of the ground shaking, one user shouted loudly.

It was clear that the giants had also discovered humans. However, the giants did not react in any way and just focused on walking.

As the giants, who at first appeared only as dots, came close enough to reveal their majesty in an instant, a slight sense of confusion flowed among the users.

The Kushan clan was said to have a total of 800 people.

That was true.

The sight of 800 giants walking towards us was truly spectacular. Is it like seeing waves made of humans? Just yesterday, when I faced 100 spirited giants, I felt a strange, unexpected pressure, but when I faced giants 8 times my size, I felt like my whole body was being weighed down.

‘You’re finally here.’

However, Kim Yu-hyeon calmly collected himself and gazed calmly at the giants who had fully revealed themselves.

Meanwhile, the giants suddenly stopped walking almost at the same time.

Except one giant.

The giant who was walking at the front continued to walk and stopped after leaving some distance behind. And then I just started staring.

As he looked at that scene, a thought quickly passed through Kim Yu-hyeon’s mind.

‘Kushan… . Was it successful?’

“Gong Chan-ho.”

Kim Yu-hyun, who thought so, immediately called Gong Chan-ho.

“Uh, huh?”

Gong Chan-ho, who was swallowing his saliva, suddenly turned his head.

“You probably didn’t forget the operation, right?”


Gong Chan-ho opened his eyes round as if wondering what he was talking about, but quickly nodded his head when he saw Kim Yu-hyun’s expression.

“Uh, uh. So when you signal… .”

“Okay. Until there.”

Just as Gong Chan-ho was about to continue speaking, Kim Yoo-hyun raised his hand and stopped him. This is because there is a possibility that a giant may hear it. Of course, he hadn’t turned on the translation crystal ball yet, but there was no need to give him unnecessary doubt.

After a while, some of the gaze that had been directed at the giant turned to Kim Yu-hyeon. Kim Yu-hyeon took a deep breath.


Then, after taking a long exhale, he began to move step by step towards the spot where Kuchar was standing.

The height of the giant who just walked out alone is more than five times that of Kim Yu-hyeon. She is said to be over 10 meters tall. As such, the longer she walked, the bigger her Kuchar’s body became, to the point where it was impossible to keep it all in sight.

Accordingly, the pressure Kim Yu-hyun felt became even more severe. Despite her size, considering she was the second youngest, and putting aside the attention she focused on herself, seeing the huge hammer held in her right hand made her feel numb.

‘Is that Mjolnir?’

It was like that. The giant hammer that was blue in color and oozing strange energy was ‘Mjolnir’, symbolizing the Lord of the Giants.

While I lost sight of him for a moment, the distance between me and Kuchar soon got closer to within 5 meters. Kim Yu-hyeon reflexively stopped her steps. She suddenly saw that the sky was obscured and a dark shadow was cast. Before she knew it, she was looking down at her Kim Yu-hyeon, who was bending over her waist. She looked as if she wanted to take a closer look.

Kim Yu-hyeon activated the translation crystal ball without delay.

Just then, Kuchar’s voice was heard.

(Are you the leader of the humans Kushan spoke of?)

Although not visible here, Kushan’s name was mentioned. Kim Yu-hyeon, thinking that she had probably told her story to some extent, slowly shook her head.

(Yes, he is not the head, but you can think of him as the representative.)

(I see. He’s the representative… Well, I guess it’s good.)

Kuchar said as if it didn’t matter and straightened his bent back. The heavy shadows were lifted slightly.

(And you….)

Finally, just as Kim Yu-hyeon was about to continue speaking.



Suddenly, Kim Yu-hyeon suddenly felt as if her body was jumping. When I came to my senses and looked forward, my head, which had been tilted all the way to the sky, was lowered back to nearly 40 degrees.

Before I knew it, Kuchar was sitting on the ground, holding Mjolnir in his right hand and his left hand on his knee.

Kim Yu-hyeon pondered what to do and decided to sit down with each other.

(Tell me.)

As soon as Kim Yu-hyeon sat down, Kuchar spoke with an emotionless face without any expression.


(I heard it from Kushan. Listen to the story. So tell me. I will listen.)

The moment Kim Yu-hyeon heard those words, he instantly felt his mind turn cold. I will listen. She realized the implications of these words.

Literally, this giant came out to listen. In other words, you will just listen. What happens next is not difficult to predict.

Of course, with this attitude, there may be even a 1% chance that the giant’s heart will be moved. However, to put it another way, it means that there is a probability of over 99% failure. It would be difficult for even an eloquent person to achieve 1% success, but Kim Yu-hyun was not the type of eloquent person, and her opponent was not as clumsy as Kushan. She is the king of giants who have lived much longer than she has.

(For your information, we don’t like talking back or hiding things. And we also don’t like talking at length.)

‘Negotiations have already broken down.’

Kim Yu-hyeon smiled bitterly inwardly and slowly developed his magic power.

(All right.)

Now that things have turned out this way, from now on we have to figure out the timing to send the signal.

Kim Yu-hyeon opened his mouth.

(Then I won’t say it back, I won’t hide it, and I won’t say it for a long time. We humans want to make peace with the giants.)

(Reconciliation? You guys?)

A comment was heard saying it was funny, but Kim Yu-hyeon held back and continued.

(Our current goal is to open a path across these mountains to the continent, which means passing through territory ruled by giants.)


(…I’m trying to build a relationship through reconciliation here and now, and avoid conflicts when going down the road in the future.)

(Why should we do that?)

No matter how much you explain your purpose, if the other person comes out like this, you will have nothing to say. When Kim Yu-hyeon closed his mouth, the giant continued speaking with a heated nostril.

(Isn’t this the human way? Wasn’t it your way to forcibly carve out a path if you wanted it, and completely sweep away anything that got in your way?)

(That is a misunderstanding. There is definitely that aspect, but there are also cases where it is done to discriminate against the opponent. Giants have intelligence similar to ours…)

(Oh, I guess so. Only for you humans.)


Although he continued to taunt, Kim Yu-hyeon suddenly sensed that the giant’s tone had become even more unpleasant. As I listened to it, it seemed like there was a great sense of distrust towards humans. A deep-rooted sense of distrust that could perhaps be considered hatred.

‘Does it matter?’

Anyway, from the moment we entered the meadow, we had no intention of making peace. then… .

(You don’t have the courage to see Kushan. It seems like you have no intention of talking to him in the first place.)

(Kushan asked to hear the story, and I agreed. Blame your tongue for not moving my heart.)

(I acknowledge that the giants are strong. However, if we fight, we will only cause useless damage to each other. I heard that there are already many enemies, so there is no reason to fight us, right?)

(It’s a reason to fight.)

Kuchar, who answered briefly, suddenly tilted his head and looked up at the sky.

(Have you ever heard of the Titan War?)

(I’ve heard of it somewhat.)

(Surprising. Anyway, it is said that Arianrod, our ancestor’s opponent at the time, asked a similar question. Was there any reason to fight us?)


Eventually, the giant looked down at Kim Yu-hyeon again and opened his mouth in a quiet voice.

(I will give you the same answer that our ancestor, the Kushan Lord, gave back then.)

(I will listen.)

And, some time passed.

(…Yeah. There’s no reason for us to fight.

However, we fight.

The purpose is probably good. We are a species that lives to fight.

That’s why we fight.)

(That’s why….)

(Also, among other things.)


Kim Yu-hyeon tried to protest midway, but Kuchar mercilessly cut her off. The giant’s words are not over yet.

(We do not trust humans.)

And the following declaration reminded Kim Yu-hyun of a certain thought.

‘We don’t trust humans.’

That thought was something I heard a few days ago when I first encountered the monster.

‘It’s the same in the end.’

Thinking like that, Kim Yu-hyeon slowly stood up and patted her buttocks. Kuchar said, and she glanced at Kim Yu-hyeon.

(I hope this is a sufficient answer.)

(Yes, I understand.)

(Well, now I know what to do.)

(Well, I’m not sure, but I know this one thing.)

Kim Yu-hyeon slowly decided to end this meaningless conversation. As soon as she made up her mind, a faint smile suddenly appeared on her lips.

Some time passes.

Kim Yu-hyeon opened her mouth in a very quiet voice, but clearly.

(You choose to fight because you are afraid of interaction… At least I know very well that giants are cowards. Hahaha.)

Then, as he let out a laugh that was full of intent, Cuchar looked down at Kim Yu-hyeon with an expressionless expression.

There was silence for a moment.

(…do you want to die?)

Although it was only for a moment, Kim Yu-hyun could not see Kuchar’s face. All she could see was the giant’s slowly rising body and a hard voice in her ears.

(f*ck off. The story is over.)

Finally, Cuchar fully stood up and spoke as if there was nothing more to see. At that moment, Kim Yu-hyun frowned slightly.

‘f*ck off? ‘The story is over?’

(If it weren’t for Kushan’s request, they would have died a long time ago. However, considering that they took care of Kushan for a few days and returned him safely, we will let them live just this once. Get out of the way immediately and never be seen by us again.)

Kim Yu-hyeon could barely understand Kuchar’s explanation that followed. Of course, I just understood it, but it wasn’t a pleasant situation at all. Saying that she would be sent away safely was a scenario that even Kim Yu-hyun had not expected.

‘If I do this, I’ll leave… .’

(As expected, you’re running away. Using Kushan’s excuse.)

Although he felt rushed, Kim Yu-hyeon showed a relaxed attitude and accepted it right away.

Kuchar, who was about to turn around, suddenly stopped.


Then he asks a question in a low voice and looks down with sunken eyes.

(…It doesn’t seem like he’s crazy, it seems like he’s deliberately trying to provoke me and sway me. If that’s really the case, I’d say it was a very wrong choice.)

In fact, it was already enough, but Kim Yu-hyun decided to provoke once more.

(I just expressed my honest feelings during the conversation. And the story is not over already…)

However, Kim Yu-hyeon could not continue speaking until the end. This is because, without any warning, he suddenly felt like his body was floating into the air. Kuchar, who raised his body, wrapped Kim Yu-hyeon’s collar, or rather his neck.

Kim Yu-hyeon quietly closed his eyes as he watched the ground slowly moving away.

In fact, judging from Kuchar’s words, the story could have ended on a good note.

However, there was only one reason why Kim Yu-hyun provoked Kuchar. Because like the giants, the humans weren’t really there to talk.


However, in order to wage war, the power of the giants must be limited. In order to limit the power, Kushan must touch a sacred object, but one condition was required to make it touch a sacred object. A situation will be created where humans are in danger. If the giant had tried to let the humans go like this, the Kushan would have been satisfied with that and would not have moved.

It was a situation that Kim Yoo-hyun never wanted, so she suddenly provoked Kuchar.

Fortunately(?) the effect was enormous. Kuchar, who already had a bad attitude, suddenly fell for the provocation. Maybe she didn’t fall for the provocation, but at least she did what Kim Yu-hyun wanted. From now on, we really have to leave it to luck.

(Open your eyes, you cheeky human.)

A commanding voice is heard. When Kim Yu-hyeon opened her eyes again, Kuchar’s face was closer than ever before. No, we’re actually getting closer. Kuchar was pressing her face towards Kim Yu-hyeon.

(Answer me, human. Do you want to die? If you don’t answer, I will break your neck like this.)

(…You weren’t planning on letting me go alive anyway, right?)

(Hoo.) Kuchar muttered. She lifted the corner of her mouth to reveal her teeth and lightly shook her shoulders.

(Do you really want to fight, or are you stupid? Wasn’t it you who kicked away my chance to live?)

Kuchar said that and began to laugh eerily.

Although the sound of laughter was very annoying, Kim Yu-hyeon, who was trying to buy time somehow, was about to open his mouth again.

(Well, if you wish.)

At that moment, Kuchar’s eyes showed a sudden change. In an instant, her eyes turn red, and her bloodshot eyes glare at Kim Yu-hyeon. Suddenly, it started to ooze red, almost as if it was bleeding. The calm eyes that appeared during the story disappeared in an instant. Now all that was left was a beast on the verge of a blood-crazed rampage.

The moment Kim Yu-hyun met Kuchar’s eyes, he instinctively felt that something was wrong. Creepy goosebumps rose all over her body and her intuition began to alarm her. It felt like her whole body was being gripped by the fear that she had touched her by mistake and that she would soon die.

Suddenly, the words I heard from my younger brother before leaving for the expedition flashed through my mind.

‘brother. ‘Do I have to live?’

Then I thought about just sending a signal, but I was able to hold it in with my superhuman patience.


Kim Yu-hyeon prayed earnestly in her heart. Although he usually does not believe in God, he prayed desperately at this time.

Right now, every single detail of this situation, no, except for the voice, is being relayed to Kushan. Your clan members in the far rear will be taking pictures of the current situation with a communication crystal ball, and will be linking up with the users who were hidden in the shadows when sending the Kushan.

In any case, Kim Yu-hyun tried her best. Anyone who saw her would be suspicious of Kuchar if they just saw his actions.

However, there are no signs yet. Far from being a sign, Kuchar has become more violent and glares at Kim Yoo-hyun as if he will kill her, only tightening his grip on her. Kim Yu-hyeon had to feel an unexpected discomfort and fear of death at the same time as the heavy feeling tightened around her neck at every moment.

Soon, Kuchar’s right arm slowly rose high into the sky. You can tell without having to look. Just by the thrilling feeling on the top of my head, I could tell what the giant in front of me was trying to do and what was about to happen.


Once again, Kim Yu-hyeon prayed earnestly in her heart.

(You brought it on yourself, so I won’t hold any grudges.)

However, through Kuchar’s voice, God mercilessly reminded us that this situation was real.

After a while.


I heard the sound of something being violently torn apart by the wind. Kim Yu-hyeon could clearly feel her own hair blowing in the wind that blew like a storm.

And, it was that moment.


An explosion of sound, like a gunshot, rang in Kim Yu-hyeon’s ears. At the same time, she felt her body’s balance shifting from side to side. Her vision was so dizzy that it even caused noise. Even in that situation, Kim Yu-hyeon managed to hold onto her translation crystal ball.

(Gasp, gasp….)

Eventually, when the shaking finally stopped, Kim Yu-hyeon realized that her breathing was very rough. She realized that cold sweat was rolling down her forehead and back, that her world seemed askew, and that the hand that had been squeezing her neck as if it were going to break it had suddenly become weak.

The moment I glanced down, Kim Yu-hyeon could see clearly.

Mjolnir, which had passed by him or had lost its trajectory due to a momentary failure to control its power, was stuck in the ground. And Kuchar, who had lost his weapon, was kneeling with his right hand on the ground.

(Yes, you…?)

Also, more than anything else.

(W-what have you done…!)

The giant, who was struggling to raise his head, was looking at him with a perplexed face.

The moment the entire series of situations was confirmed, only one thought came into Kim Yu-hyeon’s mind.

‘done… !’

Finally, I think it’s done.

I no longer feel the same fearsome spirit as before. The king of giants, who was fearsome just a moment ago, now appears to be nothing more than a large monster.

Tap, tap!

Kim Yu-hyeon immediately dropped the crystal ball he was holding with his open hand and grabbed it with all his might. Then, the symbol of the Thunder God appeared on the back of his tightly closed hand, and at the same time, it began to emit golden energy.


It was an opportunity that finally came.

It was an opportunity that finally came.

It was an opportunity that finally came.

After working on a play that didn’t work for days and days, enduring the fear of being on the verge of death, this was the one chance I managed to seize. This is the last opportunity that will never come again to successfully conquer the 3rd region!

As such, there is no time to think anymore.

I dig it!

The exhilarating, magical discharge phenomenon unique to the Emperor the Terrible begins to resonate everywhere. Soon, not only the eyes but also the entire body is dyed in golden light, and the golden electric current extending from the whole body spreads like paint in all directions.

“Keuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu… !”

Kuchar was also on the verge of going crazy. I feel like I know something is going wrong, but my body doesn’t listen.

Not even Kuchar knows what happened. Just before I was about to hit that arrogant human on the head with Mjolnir, I felt a sudden loss of strength. When strength suddenly drops like this, the weakened body cannot adapt. Mjolnir, which used to be like nothing, now feels infinitely heavy. Does it feel like all the blood is draining from your body?

“How is this… !”

Even though I looked around as much as I could, I couldn’t find anything strange. The only thing that happened earlier was that the surrounding area became brightly bright, and the ground was dyed in golden light… .

Crowl, rumble!

At that moment, a thunderous sound so loud that it rang in my ears filled the room. She said, and without realizing it, she tilted her head back and looked up at the sky. Dark clouds are gathering in the twilight sky, and they are slowly being colored golden by the yellow current rising from the ground.

Grumble, rumble!

Clouds colliding with each other.

Pajik, pajik!

The moment he saw the golden current flowing between the clouds, Kuchar’s eyes widened as if they were torn apart.

And that moment.

“Hands off.”

At the same time as Kim Yu-hyeon’s cold voice was heard.



A downpour of lightning, spraying dazzling golden light, fell like beams of light from the sky.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Let’s go right to the next episode.


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not work with dark mode