MEMORIZE Chapter 623

00623 Night Of Battle. ————————————————– ———————-=

The pitch-black Steel Mountains. In a dark forest that blocks out even the moonlight, I bent down on one knee and slowly swept the ground.


You can tell by looking at the traces. The area where we are currently camping was where the Northern Expedition camped yesterday. This is literally the place where we camped and left in the morning. Other than that, there are no special traces.

But it’s strange. Obviously, if you look at the traces, there is nothing too strange. It’s natural to camp and leave.

But maybe the problem is that there are no special traces?

‘It’s not just here.’

This was a question I felt one after another as I followed the route of the Northern Expedition. What kind of region is the 3rd region of the Steel Mountains? Wasn’t this an area called a monster’s paradise?

It would be normal to find traces of a collision with a monster at least once, but so far I haven’t found a single trace of blood, let alone a corpse. Moreover, after entering the giants’ territory, all we could see were traces of their advance.

‘So are we.’

Not only me, but my clan members were also thinking a little strangely. Because we haven’t encountered a monster even once on our way here. To put it mildly, some clan members said that the Steel Mountains had suddenly become calmer.

Other clan members laughed and agreed, but it was something that someone who had experienced the first round would never agree with.

I got up again and slowly looked around. All I can still see is pitch black darkness and lush forest. And even quiet silence.

But something is different. The more I look around, the more I feel strange.

No, should I say confidence? The Steel Mountains have never calmed down, but rather are holding their breath. It feels like every living thing I see is curled up and trembling.

okay. This feeling is like… .

‘war cloud.’


It was then. Just as I was recalling the energy I felt just before the war with the Allied Forces, I heard the sound of dry leaves being stepped on from behind. When I reflexively turned on my magic detection, I was able to see that it was at least not a monster.

“Ugh… .”

The black figure approaching the camp was none other than Ansol. It looks like he’s just woken up, as he’s rubbing one eye and making a sleepy face.


“… … ?”

When his name was quietly called, a question mark appeared on the top of Ansol’s head. … Oh, it’s always amazing to see that.

“Brother… ?”

Ansol, who was walking shakily, made a strange expression when he saw me. Then, she slowly spread her arms and appeared to be running towards her. Of course, it goes without saying that the question mark has been changed to an exclamation mark.


When I spoke in a strong voice as if admonishing, Ansol paused. And even pouting her mouth. Even though she still looks dazed, seeing her do that makes me feel a little scared.

‘Now, is he doing that as a reflex whenever he sees me? .’

“What’s happening here all of a sudden?”

“pee… .”


“Sol… . I need to rest… .”

After speaking faintly, Ansol squatted down on the ground and even lowered his head.

‘what? Are you trying to c*m in that state?’

I was wondering if I should go and take off my pants myself.

“… By the way, do you plan to continue looking at it like this? ?”

A suddenly lowered voice flowed into my ears. Ansol still had her head down.

“huh? But your pants… .”

“Go quickly.”

“… … .”

“Quickly, quickly.”

‘I am indeed. During the rite of passage, the guy couldn’t even pee on his own, so he said let’s hold hands together.’

No, is it normal to be like this?

“Okay, okay.”

I shrugged and walked towards the campsite.

It was the moment when I was about to pass Ansol.

“If it’s too late… .”

Suddenly, Ansol’s voice is heard once more.

“It may lose its meaning… .”

And the moment I heard the next words, I reflexively stopped walking.

For a very short period of time, the light from the bonfire ahead flickered mercilessly. Suddenly, a naughty energy passes through her entire body and she feels eerie.

“Ansol… ?”

I slowly, very slowly looked back at Ansol.

And, I could see it.

Like me, Ansol wakes up at a very slow pace.

‘If it’s too late, what’s going on will lose its meaning?’

Finally, Ansol completely turned to me and was giving me a different, dreary look from before. The moment we made eye contact, I could instinctively sense it.

‘You’ve got a big hit.’

I’ve seen him anxious a few times in the past, but it’s been a long time since I’ve seen him this clearly. Actually, I also felt something was a little strange, but now that Ansol said that, it’s no different from being 100% certain. Because Ansol’s abilities have never gone astray so far.

I opened my mouth without hesitation.

“Wake up the clan members. Right Now.”

“You’d better do that.”

Ansol also answered right away and ran past me toward the campsite. Soon, as I heard footsteps slowly moving away, I tilted my head back and stared at the night sky.

Quiet stillness.

‘… brother.’

Suddenly, I felt an unexpected feeling of anxiety creeping up on me.

‘now… . What on earth are you doing… ?’


It was a quiet morning, clear and without a single cloud in the sky. There was still silence in the campground. You can occasionally see users wandering around, but there is no sign of any particular clutter.

Kushan and Kim Yu-hyeon were standing on the southern outskirts of the camp.

(Then I’ll leave now.)


While Kushan spoke in a bright voice, Kim Yu-hyeon’s voice was very dark. On the outside, she was forcing a smile, but she couldn’t hide the anxious look that was shadowed all over her face. … No, would it be accurate to say that she didn’t hide it?

However, Kushan, who was staring at Kim Yu-hyeon for one reason or another, felt a little confused. After thinking from the perspective of humans, or rather the weak, I understood why Kim Yu-hyun reacted that way.

(Are you still very anxious?)

(Ha, ha. Did you get caught?)

(…don’t worry too much. If you do as I said… the brothers will definitely not be able to mess around with humans. Maybe they will come back right away. Everyone values ​​the divine realm.)

(Is that really true?)

Kim Yu-hyeon asked back with a still confused look on his face.

(You don’t trust me? You said we were friends.)

Kushan tapped his shoulder and joked. Kim Yu-hyeon’s neck moved slightly.

(Oh, no. Believe me, I will believe you.)

(Yes, I believe it too.)

(Yes. But….)

(Oh really, don’t worry too much. If something happens, I’ll run over right away. So this too….)

Kushan trailed off and glanced at his own shadow. Only then did Kim Yu-hyeon nod her head loudly.

(That’s right. Then… please.)

(I told you to leave it to me. You didn’t forget your promise, right?)

(Of course. I will try my best to influence Kushan Tor’s heart.)


After that, Kim Yu-hyeon quietly muttered, “Because I don’t want to die…”, but Kushan just laughed like an idiot.

(Okay, now I really have to go. I also have to move quickly to make it on time.)

(Yes. I’m sorry for holding you back.)

(It’s okay. By the way, don’t forget. Tomorrow afternoon….)

(Yes, that’s right. It took about half a day to reach a large meadow.)

In the end, only after receiving confirmation two or three times that he would definitely go, Kushan turned around. Finally, the humans and giants who had been together for so long said goodbye. With some kind of purpose.

And after a while, the moment he saw Kushan slowly disappearing into the forest, Kim Yu-hyeon’s face changed completely. If just a moment ago it felt like a warm spring breeze, now it is as cold as the cold northern wind and cold snow.

Kim Yu-hyeon, who had been looking in the direction where Kushan disappeared for a while with cold eyes shining, soon turned around and started walking towards the campsite. It was in the direction of her own tent.

Several people were sitting at a table in the tent. These were not just ordinary users, but commander-level users who were clan lords of each clan.

“The Kushan and they just left.”

As Kim Yu-hyeon sat at the head of the table and spoke, the users who had been silent looked at each other in turn. She didn’t say anything in particular, but it was clear that she was saying, ‘It’s just begun.’

“then… .”

“yes. You could say that this is just the beginning. The meeting point is a meadow half a day away from here, and the time is in the afternoon when the sun is setting. You’ll probably be able to make it on time if you eat breakfast and take your time. “We must have all preparations completed by then.”


Then a chaotic uproar broke out among the users. However, Kim Yu-hyeon, who calmed the commotion by lightly tapping the table, continued speaking softly.

“Anyway, what is the status of power analysis and organization? “Have you come up with any rough statistics?”

In response to Kim Yu-hyeon’s question, the man sitting on the right raised his glasses and opened his mouth.

“The strength analysis has already been completed, and the initial formation has been completed.”

“Tell me.”

“I think we can deal with each giant comfortably with 50 people.”

“50 people? “That’s too much.”

Finally, Kim Yu-hyeon thought for a moment and then opened his mouth.

“No matter how you think about it, 50 people is too many. There isn’t much time given to us. “I think we need to reorganize our formation in case the giant’s power weakens.”

“Hmm. In the first place, the power of the giant was just a guess, and even if it were weakened, it was impossible to guess its extent… .”

“Try reducing it to 25 people per person.”

“2, 25 people? That’s too… !”

The man said it was impossible, but Kim Yu-hyeon calmly shook his head.

“no. “Wouldn’t it be okay to leave the first group as is for now and split it in half whenever necessary?”

“iced coffee. … There was a way like that, right? yes. “I think that’s possible.”

The man who had been expressing confusion immediately changed his expression and nodded his understanding.

Kim Yu-hyeon turned his gaze to the left this time.

“This is all set, how about preparing the trap?”

“We are mobilizing all of our archers and assassins to create it. However, there is something I would like to say separately.”

Then the woman sitting on the left answered immediately.


“About the trap. Since we only make portable traps, most of them are less powerful. So, I hope they make more traps.”

“A trap?”

“yes. Since the meeting place is set, we arrive in advance and set up a trap. A trap that is more powerful than a trap. “Maybe we can even try to kill him.”

Since this certainly made sense, Kim Yu-hyeon once again fell into deep thought.

But when he finished thinking, Kim Yu-hyeon shook his head again.

“I think it will be difficult. That place is said to be the front yard of giants. If you set up a trap for no reason and get caught by the giants, you might get suspicious. In the worst case scenario, your plans may fall by the wayside.”


“As I said before, we only have one chance. “We need to keep the giants off guard as much as possible until I give the signal.”

“is that so. there’s nothing we can do.”

The woman shrugged her shoulders once and nodded as if she understood.

Afterwards, the meeting continued with Kim Yu-hyun asking and confirming questions one by one.

After two hours, the long meeting slowly reached its end.

“… All right. “First of all, I think it would be best to end today’s meeting here.”

Kim Yu-hyeon took a short breath and twisted her body slightly. She pattered, and the sound of small bones echoed in the quiet tent.

Eventually, Kim Yu-hyeon, who had once relaxed, opened his mouth as the users were organizing the records of Juseomjuseom.

“Everyone, thank you.”

“… … ?”

The users stopped organizing their records at the sudden thank you and stared at Kim Yu-hyeon.

Kim Yu-hyeon continued.

“I was the one who made the plan, but you were the ones who prepared the rest. “I think I was able to come this far thanks to you all.”

“Hahaha, no. Actually, I had some doubts at first too… . When I heard the Emperor’s plan, I couldn’t help but be amazed. “If it were me who only saw monsters as monsters, I would never have thought of it.”

“You are painting my face with gold. “I just got lucky.”

“Luck is also a skill. So don’t take it out. “If this plan is correct, the main character in the success of the attack will be Emperor Noe.”

Kim Yu-hyeon responded humbly, as if telling her not to do that, but the woman on the left praised her even more.

Of course, even in the midst of this, someone will think this way. ‘Will it really go as planned?’

But no one speaks of that fact. With Kushan’s departure, the plan began to be implemented. The results of the success or failure of this plan will be announced by tomorrow night at the latest.

From the perspective of users who risked their lives, it was a time when they had to think only about success, or how to make it successful, rather than the failure of their plans.

The die has already been cast.

After a while, among the users nodding their heads, someone put their palms together and made a sound. Starting with that, users began to lightly applaud the Emperor.

Clap clap clap… .

Amidst pouring applause, Kim Yu-hyeon slowly stood up and briefly bowed her head in return. Soon, the sound of applause died down slightly, and the Emperor’s mouth opened.

“Then, from this time on, I declare the implementation of Operation Jamyeonggo and the simultaneous operation Trojan Horse.”

Jamyeonggo (自鳴鼓).

Trojan Horse.

The end of the meeting was marked by officially declaring the implementation of the operation.

And the next day.

The Northern Expedition was able to arrive at the agreed upon location just as the sun was setting.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

I was able to update today faster than expected. 🙂

I really like the commenting atmosphere these days. In the past, there were overwhelmingly more comments about me than about the work, but these days, everyone talks about the work, which makes me feel really good. 😀

Have a restful night, all readers.


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not work with dark mode