MEMORIZE Chapter 617

00617 Night Of Theater. ————————————————– ———————-=

The Colossus War and the Final War.

People say these two myths are true. Opinions are divided on whether or not it is true.

In fact, it may be ridiculous to determine whether a myth is true or false, but if I were to express my opinion on this, it would be that there is a high possibility that the ‘Giant War’ is true. This is because, while there are almost no records of the final war, there are still some records of the Titan War that contain the circumstances before and after the war. (Although they are relative to some extent.)

First, let’s take a look at the record below. The content is a record of thousands of years after the Titan War, and is a conversation between a giant who made his home in the mountains and an ancient shaman who now lives away from the world.

『Dialog log.』

Kushan Tor asks.

“Thousands of years have passed since the war with Heaven. “We who live now have nothing to do with those times.”

“Is there really no better way than this?”

Then the ancient shaman said.

“A lot of time has passed since the war. “I also know that it is not your fault.”

“I think that’s why you and I formed this kind of relationship. “This meeting was permitted by God.”

“Probably, through my own strength, I have recovered a level of strength that is incomparable to the past.”

“But still, I’m still not satisfied.”

Kushan Lord asks.

“I don’t mean that. “I certainly respect the power of the ancient shaman and your efforts and hard work.”

“But, it’s unfair. “We were once a race that ruled the earth, but after the war, we had to go through a time filled with pain and humiliation.”

Then the ancient shaman said.

“It is something that cannot be helped. “From God’s perspective, the passage of time does not have much meaning.”

“It’s funny to hear. “Did you think that God’s anger would depend only on time?”

Kushan Lord asks.

“Then what on earth should I do? Does this mean that I have to continue to endure this curse and God’s wrath like I have been doing up until now?”

“It’s not that I want to enjoy privileges. We want to get back what we originally enjoyed and what we originally had. “How can I find this longing ridiculous?”

“I am confident that I made every effort. I experienced pain and humiliation, and I truly reflected and asked for forgiveness. But it hasn’t changed.”

“I will ask you again. “Is there really no way to regain its former glory?”

Then, after thinking for a while, the ancient shaman quietly said.

“… “It’s not like there’s no way.”

“Arianrod, who led the gods during the Titan War, felt deep sorrow at the loss of countless of his compatriots. Afterwards, the seven gods handed their respective curses to Arianrod, and Arianrod cursed you with one seal condition.”

“The condition for sealing is that the giants feel sadness.”

“In other words, you too should feel the same sadness that Arianrod felt.”

Kushan Lord asks.

“You have to feel sad… . “I know what you mean.”

“However, it is contradictory.”

“It’s been a long time since we felt that feeling. Actually, I don’t even know what it feels like. Because, didn’t Arianrod take our sadness away from us?”

“If you feel it when it was taken away, where is the contradiction?”

Then the ancient shaman said.

“So, I’m asking you to feel it once.”

“Sadness is literally a sealing condition. “It is an absolutely immutable law specified by Arianrod.”

“Giants, mourn. “Just be sad for once.”

“Any situation is good, so feel the desperate and sad feelings that bring back the feelings that God took away.”

And finally:

“So, if the condition is lifted, not only will the sadness be restored, but the power bound by the curse will also be released.”

“The glory of the past will also naturally be restored.”

– Record title ‘Ancient Shaman and Giant.’, author unknown, excerpt from Atlanta Secret Library.


Do you know the term strange companionship?

Perhaps, the current Northern Expedition is in a situation that fits that statement perfectly.

The most important thing when forming an expedition team is how to form a team. Whether it is a frontal attack or a flank and rear attack, the overall commander must form a formation that can respond flexibly at any time.

Kim Yu-hyeon, who knows this well, formed the best team he could.

That being said, there has been a change in the composition of the group as of this morning. No, should I say addition?

As soon as morning came, Kim Yu-hyeon gave a special instruction. The instructions were to free the giant’s legs, place him at the head of the group, and march forward.

It wasn’t an entirely incomprehensible instruction if you were still examining the sample, but on the other hand, it was natural for users to think it was strange. Maybe it would be better if it were in the center. Aside from fear, there was concern that if placed in the lead, the likelihood of escape would increase.

However, Kim Yu-hyun was not unaware of the concerns, and put forward two additional justifications.

The first is to raise awareness among other monsters based on the turf wars taking place within the Steel Mountains and the fact that these giants are the strongest race. In other words, the idea was to aim for the scarecrow effect.

Second, Kim Yoo-hyun changed the Hamill Clan’s deployment from the center to the front. What this means is simple. It was said that if the giant succeeded in escaping as everyone feared, Kim Yu-hyeon would take full responsibility.

In fact, the reason why this instruction did not lead to serious discord was because the Northern Expeditionary Force trusted Kim Yu-hyeon.

The position of commander-in-chief is a position that embraces everyone, but it is also a position that receives everyone’s expectations. The expectation here is not just the strength of the user, but the expectation that there will be something special.

And Kim Yu-hyun proved her specialness just recently. Didn’t he send them away with just a few words during a previous clash with an army of monsters where great damage was expected? All users watched the scene before their eyes.

‘Still, it’s the Emperor of the Brain.’

‘There must be something they’re aiming for.’

The Northern Expedition, thinking so, eventually accepted the two justifications put forward by Kim Yu-hyeon. That doesn’t mean he was convinced that he accepted it, but he seemed to comply without making a fuss.

Thus, the advance of the Northern Expedition, which began with some concern, ultimately proved that Kim Yu-hyeon’s justification was correct. From morning to dusk, except for a few instances of monster birds roaming the sky, there was not a single attack.

Of course, it’s still only one day. The ‘Scarecrow Effect’ mentioned by Kim Yu-hyeon will only become clear after a few more days.

But at least for today, users were not in a bad mood. Rather than risking your life to fight a monster, it was many times easier to watch out for the giant and prepare a separate meal for him.

Therefore, we were able to set up camp and prepare a meal for the giant in a happy mood while humming a song.

Also, this situation was not really a bad thing from the giant’s point of view.

The giant was also a being with some intelligence, so he was very aware that he was currently a prisoner.

In other words, it would not be enough for them to die right away and have every part of their body dissected, but instead of showing a hostile attitude, they tried to converse on various topics throughout the march and even provided food for them when the time came.

Whatever the intention, the current situation was like a new world even for the giants, as they had always been very curious about humans. Therefore, I could tolerate the restraint of my body to some extent, and I had no choice but to endure it.

Of course, it goes without saying that it took Kim Yu-hyun’s dedicated efforts to make the giant feel that way.


With this, the northern expedition’s advance ended, and dinner time began to conclude the day’s strategy.

And, Kim Yu-hyeon was having dinner with a giant. As a result of continuing to try various conversations from last night until now, their relationship has developed to the point where they can eat together and talk freely.

(I’m really feeling unfair. At that time, I didn’t mean to fight with those big-winged guys.)

The giant, whose body is tightly tied to a pillar, swings his right arm in various directions and speaks passionately. When they were marching earlier, their arms were tied tightly, but now they look a little different.

This was also Kim Yu-hyeon’s instruction. At least during meals, he was instructed to release one of the giant’s arms. That way, you will be able to eat.

Needless to say, once the meal was over, the giant’s arms were tied back without fail, and Kim Yu-hyeon also kept a certain distance and was as alert as possible.

(You saw a young guy back then, right? I was trying to save him.)

(Yeah, yeah.)

(Recently, there has been a case where monsters from other areas came over to our area, right? But that young guy didn’t know what to do and came out on his own, and was caught by the monster that came over. But I happened to see it and tried to help.)

(that’s right.)

As if he felt so uncomfortable just thinking about that time, the giant lifted the entire large pot in front of him. As she puts it to her mouth, the hot stew that was full of pot pours into it.

It looked quite hot with the white steam blowing away, but the giant didn’t care at all and ate the stew in one mouthful. As if that wasn’t enough, they emptied an additional container. It was truly an enormous appetite.

The giant downed two barrels in no time, wiped his mouth and opened his mouth.

(Oh, really. Think about it. I actually saved that little guy, but that guy with big wings suddenly appeared and attacked me. Would I be angry or not?)

(Of course I would be angry…but.)

At that time, Kim Yu-hyeon, who had been listening quietly, let out a light sigh and put down the spoon. Then, he gently stroked the crystal balls that filled his pocket and opened his mouth.

(This is already the third time I’ve heard the story just now.)

(So… eh? Three, third?)

(Yes. After that, you fainted when you saw us, those guys with big wings came, and I sent you back. I told you that too, right?)

(Oh. Is that so? Ehehe.)

The giant smiled shyly, but brightly, and scratched his head. Then he picks up a handful of bread piled up on one side and munches on it. It looks like he quite likes the food.

Kim Yu-hyeon also did not have a truly accusatory tone. On the contrary, they were correcting each other in moderation and even smiling occasionally.

However, both eyes were calm. Throughout the story, the giant is constantly flashing and observing.

‘It’s too relaxed.’

It was just as I thought.

After being captured, the giant never showed signs of anxiety. If he had an idea, he might be able to guess why he put himself forward and why humans came into the mountains.

Nevertheless, showing this attitude means at least not being afraid of death… .

‘I have strong confidence.’

Or, wouldn’t it be safe to say it’s pride?

As rulers of this part of the mountain range for thousands of years, the giants never once let go of the initiative. This human attack will also be dismissed as just another external invasion that occurred in the past.

Thinking like that, Kim Yu-hyeon stared at the giant. In the meantime, even the bread had been eaten, and before he knew it, there were only two empty pots lying around the giant.

(Hmm. Human food, it suits my taste quite well, doesn’t it? It’s quite delicious.)

(Do you want some more?)

Kim Yu-hyeon held out the bowl he had been eating from, looking at the giant again as if he were regretting it. She didn’t really mean to give it, it was just a courtesy. Judging by the size and the amount of food in the bowl, she thought she would eat the flea’s liver.

(thank you!)

But the giant did not decline. He stretched out his hand as if he had been waiting, quickly snatched it up, and stuffed the bowl into his mouth.

Although it was only for a moment, a look of relief flashed across Kim Yu-hyeon’s face.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Let’s go right to the next episode.


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not work with dark mode