MEMORIZE Chapter 615

00615 Night Of Beginning. ————————————————– ———————-=

The sun, which was hanging in the sky when we left the southern fortress, gradually moved westward as time passed and was slowly setting. The bright sunlight has faded, and now the forest of the mountain range in deep twilight comes together in various colors to create a spectacular view.

The cool breeze blowing from time to time made me feel like I was on a picnic, but in fact, this is something I should never do. There is no denying that today is good weather for marching, but if you think about it another way, it is also a perfect day for monsters to be active.

Without letting go of my nerves, I led my clan members slowly straight toward the south after leaving the fortress. No, should we say that it is actually following the movement route of the Northern Expedition that passed before?

Of course, I want to quickly catch up with continuous progress. However, this mission was based on the premise of not being detected, and the condition of the clan members had to be taken into consideration as well.

The fatigue that comes after an expedition, expedition, or strategy is over does not go away easily. For example, assuming that you went on an expedition for a month, you should have at least 3 months to reorganize, at least 2 months.

In that case, how could the fatigue easily subside as you stay in the tense Steel Mountains, not the comfortable clan house? Even though I had 100 points of stamina and it was bearable, my clan members were not. There are many people whose physical strength is quite low. Although he doesn’t show it, he is probably in a very tired state.

Considering that the Northern Expedition is moving in large numbers anyway, we can catch up within the near future without having to strain ourselves.

With that in mind, I adjusted the marching speed appropriately so that my clan members would not overdo it. If there’s one good thing among all the misfortunes, it’s that we weren’t attacked by monsters from the time we left until around sunset.

As we left the dense forest and entered the valley, a wide plain appeared before our eyes. To the south, a gently sloping hill stretches out, and on the open road next to it, water that reflects the beautiful sunset flows gently. It was a great place to camp.

When I thought about it, it seemed like the time had come, so I looked up at the sky for a moment and raised my hand.

“Today’s march will end here. Everyone, prepare for camping.”

Then the clan members responded with cheers of “Hurrah!” and began to move quickly. We dug the ground, brought tree branches, and started a bonfire. We piled up fallen leaves and laid out sleeping bags. Magic stones are embedded in all directions to form a sort of perimeter. It was as if they had been waiting for a camping trip.

As we were making our campsite, a fragrant smell soon began to waft from one side. After the arduous march, the time for a delicious meal had arrived.

… In fact, Nam Da-eun and Vivien announced their intention to take responsibility for tonight’s dinner, which was almost a disaster, but fortunately, they were able to stop it thanks to Seon Yu-un’s desperate opposition. The clan members, who had previously tasted the two women’s food at a festival, did not find Seon Yuun’s attitude strange at all when he boldly asked if anyone would be killed.

“Everyone, please eat~.”

After a while, a unique, languid voice came into my ear. Go Yeon-ju was seen lifting a large boiling pot and twirling a ladle. The clan members, who had just finished constructing the camp and were taking a rest in the shade, stood up almost at the same time and rushed towards them.

Today’s menu, as always, is meat stew. You may think it’s boring, but if the chef is Ko Yeon-joo, it’s a different story. The Shadow Queen’s cooking skills were such that even a decent gourmet would give her a thumbs up.

“sister! Please give it quickly! Come on!”

“This guy. “Why are you so fair?”

When Jin Soo-hyun, who took first place, stamped his foot and pushed the bowl as high as he could, Go Yeon-ju lightly scolded him by banging the pot with a ladle. But Jin Soo-hyun didn’t care at all.

“Oh, quickly! Can’t you hear me growling now? “Looking at the food you made made me feel dizzy!”

“I am indeed. “If anyone saw me, they would think I starved for a few days.”

Go Yeon-ju shook her head, but there was a soft smile on her lips. As someone who made the dish, I don’t think such an attitude would be very unpleasant. What chef would refuse to eat delicious food if he or she is dying to eat it?

“Anyway, there’s no use fawning over me like that. “Meat is always distributed in fixed quantities.”

Although he said that, Go Yeon-ju put quite a generous amount into the bowl. Jin Soo-hyun cheers loudly and runs as if he is flying. The clan members who watched the series of events looked at each other in turn with faces that realized something.

After that, I couldn’t help but laugh as I listened to all the rhetoric being poured out towards Ko Yeon-ju. Ko Yeon-joo smiled and responded to each one of them, and only Heo Jun-young, who was almost the last person to turn, preserved her pride by bluntly holding out a bowl.

After all the clan members had finished eating, it was my turn. Actually, I could have accepted it in the first place, but it was considered consideration in its own way. I slowly picked up the plate and walked towards Go Yeon-ju, who was staring blankly at the pot. … But why are you doing this all of a sudden?


But the moment I looked at the pot, I could understand why Go Yeon-ju was blank. The pot, which was initially full of stew, was now empty.

“I’m sorry, Suhyeon. I was excited and gave it away, but before I knew it, I stopped… .”

Go Yeon-ju trailed off with a very sorry expression on her face. To be honest, I thought I was being too caught up in the rhetoric from earlier.

… Well, it can’t be helped.

“it’s okay. “I just scrape the scraps, or just do the basics.”

I shrugged and took a closer look inside the pot. There are bits and pieces stuck here and there that seem to come together if you scratch them hard.

“Oh, really.”

But at that moment, a bowl suddenly appeared in front of my eyes.

“I can’t even joke in front of Soohyun.”

The bowl was filled with steaming hot meat stew. It was more overwhelming than anyone else.

That’s not all. While other clan members only received meat stew, my bowl was nicely topped with familiar green herbs. Suddenly I felt something strange, so I activated my third eye.

『Meat stew.』

(Description: This is a very delicious meat stew with added pagra. It is a food filled with user Goyeonju’s desire to have s*x with someone.

* Pagra: A type of herb, especially effective in enhancing male stamina.)

… … .

– Oh, I see. hey! Is this the process by which her wife concentrates her husband’s semen?

This is too honest information… . What kind of nonsense is Hwajeong talking about again?

I shook my head and opened my mouth.

“Go, Go Yeonju. This… .”


“Anyway, I guess I forgot about Suhyeon. “By any chance, you’re not disappointed, are you?”

Although he was speaking in a friendly manner, Go Yeon-ju’s eyes were emitting a mysterious light. It’s as if they’re saying, ‘If I wrote it to another girl(?), you wouldn’t let me go?’

– No, think about it. Rather than taking it out periodically to thin it out, press it in tightly and pour it out all at once! Wouldn’t it be better to explode it?

No, no matter what he says… .

“Let’s sleep~. There’s a lot of it, so eat it quickly. “Stew tastes better when it’s hot?”

However, because I was pushed to my back in the end, I had no choice but to join the meal line in a depressed mood, unable to refute Hwajeong’s nonsense.

The day deepened in a strangely strange way.


Although dusk had fallen over the mountains, the northern expedition’s campsite was brightly lit. Users standing guard were seen everywhere, but some users were moving around and showing bustle.

The reason is because the giant has awakened. After coming to his senses, he looked at the users and showed some reaction. It was revealed that it was a being with intelligence. If it was good news, it was good news.

However, an unexpected problem arose.

The problem is that you cannot understand what the giant is saying.


A man quickly crossed the camp, pulled back the tent and went inside.

“Brain Emperor. They say they found a way.”

At the immediate report, Kim Yu-hyeon, who had been sitting in a chair lost in thought, suddenly raised his head.

“You found a way?”


The man who answered suddenly turned his gaze to look at the entrance of the tent. Then, a moment later, the curtain covering the entrance slightly lifted and someone slowly walked in. He was a well-spoken, good-looking man with a stubble on his chin and a slightly protruding belly.

“you are… .”

“This is user Yang Ki-deok.”

The man who walked forward smiled softly and held out his hand. Kim Yu-hyeon lightly held her hand.

“Nice to meet you. “This is user Yuhyeon Kim.”

“Yes, I know. “I heard there are difficulties in talking with giants.”

Recalcitrant meant the resistance to magic flowing in the blood of a giant. Blood, which ‘unconditionally’ resists all magic, became a problem.

There is a saying: It is said that translation magic comes from mutual knowledge.

Translation magic is not a magic that ends with settings like regular magic, but a magic created based on ‘magic circuit application’ developed through research by users. Although it is temporary, the flow of magical energy defined by the initiator must be maintained unconditionally as it forces the other person to hear the language.

Strictly speaking, it wasn’t that Kim Yu-hyun couldn’t cast translation magic on the giant.

However, even if you force it, if the magic resistance even slightly disturbs the steady flow of translation magic, the translation magic will be completely disrupted.

Of course, you don’t necessarily have to bet on the other person, but you can also bet on yourself.

But didn’t I say it earlier? It is said that translation magic can be used as much as mutual knowledge exists. Kim Yu-hyeon, who has no knowledge of archaic language, is in a dilemma.

“That damn magic resistance is the problem… . “I heard he found a way by the way.”

“That’s right. Actually, I am learning archaic language, but apart from that, I also have special abilities. Of course I can’t be sure… .”

After saying that, Yang Ki-deok rummaged through his arms and carefully placed something on the table. Glowing brightly, it was none other than a crystal ball.

“This… .”

When Kim Yu-hyeon asked with a puzzled look on his face, Yang Ki-deok smiled and opened his mouth.

“Seeing is worth hearing. Since I’m not sure, let’s try an experiment first. “I will explain the basics as we go.”

I had already given up on the march today, but Kim Yu-hyeon was not one to give up. Without hesitation, he grabbed the two crystal balls and left the tent with Yang Qi Deok. The place where the two men walked was the pillar to which the giant was tied.

On the way, Yang Ki-deok’s explanation continued.

“There are two voices recorded in these two crystal spheres. One is the Korean language and the other is an archaic language that I know.”

“If it’s gore… .”

“I listened carefully to the words the giant spoke after he woke up. “After personal analysis, I found that the word Humanum was mentioned frequently.”

“Do you know what it means?”

“I do not know.”

“… … .”

“But among the archaic words I know, there is one that I think has a similar spelling. Homo, means human. “Would you like to hear those two crystal balls first?”

Yang Ki-deok spoke at a very fast pace with a very flushed voice. As if to encourage you to try it quickly. Since he was holding it anyway, Kim Yu-hyun raised both hands without any pressure.

“The method is simple. “Flow in magic power, but instead of just activating it, try activating the crystal ball in the normal flow of translation magic.”

Slowly, a pillar began to appear in the distance. Kim Yu-hyeon obediently generated magical power and started translation magic targeting the crystal spheres.


And, it was that moment.


(Quid Ergo?)

Suddenly, different languages ​​flowed from the two crystal spheres. Kim Yu-hyeon’s eyes opened wide, and the corners of Yang Ki-deok’s mouth rose slightly.

“It’s a success.”


(Pro Eo.)

This time too, it’s the same.

Yang Ki-deok’s thoughts were simple. The spelling of Korean and archaic words was recorded in each crystal sphere one by one, and the voice was imbued with magical power using Yang Ki-deok’s unique ability, ‘magic imprint’.

Then, the voice imprinted with magical power can respond to the new magical power when played. It was quite an innovative idea, taking its cue from voice translators.

Of course, it wasn’t completely without problems.

Magic imprinting is not a permanent ability, and even if the same magic is used without damaging the flow, the magic wave of the inputter and the initiator are different in the first place. As such, it was only a one-time use device whose duration was bound to be quite short.

Additionally, since everything that is said is forced to be translated, its effectiveness in public places is significantly reduced, and since we have not yet checked, we cannot be confident that the translation will be 100% complete. In addition, there is a limitation that only wizards who have learned ‘magic circuit application’ can use it.

“Well, mass production is possible, but there are actually many problems. “It is not at the level of commercialization.”

“Still, it’s great. How could you think like this… .”

Yang Ki-deok muttered and scratched his head, but Kim Yu-hyeon spoke in a voice of sincere admiration. In fact, he almost gave up to the point where he thought about just killing them and marching on, but he found a way in the end.

Yang Ki-deok, perhaps embarrassed by Kim Yu-hyun’s praise, smiles shyly.

“haha. Anyway, let’s go quickly. “We’re almost there.”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Night Of Beginning.

It means the night of beginning.

Probably starting from this part… . Some people might be a little disappointed with Kim Yu-hyun.


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not work with dark mode