MEMORIZE Chapter 614

00614 We do not trust humans. ————————————————– ———————-=


“… “What’s interesting here is their personalities.”

Kim Soo-hyun, who was in the middle of explaining about giants, suddenly changed the topic to personality.


Kim Yu-hyeon, who was playing with his quill pen, raised his head and asked a question.

“okay. personality.”

Nodding his head once, Kim Soo-hyun habitually searched in his pocket and took out a cigar. Then Kim Yu-hyeon’s eyes automatically narrowed and took on a stern look. Soon, as Kim Soo-hyun sullenly puts away the tobacco, a smile like the spring breeze returns.

“So, what is your personality?”

Kim Soo-hyun cleared his throat.

“Hmm. well. “Should I say he’s honest but naive?”

“Honest, but naive?”

“huh. There is a foolish and naive side, but on the other hand, there is also a pure side without lies or embellishment. He has a certain sense of loyalty and is also very accepting. In fact, I feel like I want to have him as a colleague.”

“Ohh. “He’s a colleague.”

A look passed through Kim Yu-hyeon’s eyes as he listened intently.

“Has there ever been a case like that? Oh, in the first round, of course.”

“no. Unfortunately, it wasn’t there.”

He asked with a slightly expectant voice, but Kim Soo-hyun immediately shook his head. Kim Yu-hyeon muttered, “Yeah, that’s right, then,” and made a gesture to keep talking. Kim Soo-hyun continued.

“As I said before, giants are people with considerable intelligence. They settled in the third region of the damn Steel Mountains and formed a tribal society. Of course, this was possible thanks to his strength and natural skills. “Perhaps as a pure warrior, they are the most perfect fighting race in the world?”

“Hmm. The most perfect fighting race… .”

Kim Yu-hyeon stopped writing down for a moment and looked down. There are already fifteen sheets of densely written records neatly placed on the simple table. Kim Yu-hyeon went through her records one by one, and when she came to the part about the giant’s physical characteristics, she took a closer look.

“Giants are a race that naturally worships the very concept of battle. It’s almost like I enjoy fighting. He is at least 5 meters tall, not to mention strong, has strong magic resistance flowing through his blood, has sensitive senses, and quickness that is unbecoming of his size… . Ugh. “They’re a real fighting race, right?”

Kim Yu-hyun, who was reading aloud, looked tired and shook his head excitedly, and Kim Soo-hyun laughed lightly.

“Hehe. Anyway, isn’t there something strange?”

“huh? “Is that strange?”

“lets think. Although I wasn’t blessed with the ability to use magical powers, I had the perfect physical condition in return. I also adore combat and enjoy fighting. That’s why users called giants a fighting race.”


“If that’s the case, his personality is simple and honest… . How can you not see the difference between these two explanations?”

“… well? “Wouldn’t it be enough if we had an exclusive attitude toward other races?”

Kim Yu-hyeon lifted his shoulders and spoke as if he had no idea. She was also a de facto politician.

However, Kim Soo-hyun clicked his tongue and waved his index finger as if that was not the case.

“Of course you might think so. But, no.”


“It’s not entirely wrong, but maybe there is a more concrete reason?”

“So, what is the basis for the gaps in your explanation?”

“yes. What does this mean… . Listen carefully. This is a fact that was revealed when someone discovered the secret library in Atlanta after the raid on the Steel Mountains.”

“Ohh. “It’s a secret library.”

It feels so good to be helping my brother.

“Isn’t there a very interesting record related to the origin of giants there?”

Kim Soo-hyun was truly happy, which was rare. Her face is full of color and she speaks in an excited voice. It was an attitude he had never shown before, not only to his clan members, but also to Han So-young.

Did the older brother also sense signs of liking for the younger sibling?

Kim Yu-hyeon rested her chin on both hands. And she smiled happily as she looked at Kim Soo-hyun saying, “Aren’t you curious?”

“Yeah, I’m curious. “Go ahead and tell me.”


Hundreds of strange birds flew all at once into the sky. One strange bird with an unusually large body soared to the lead, while similar strange birds that were relatively smaller by 1 or 2 meters followed suit.

The sky is obscured and dark shadows are cast. The users could only stare blankly up at the sky at this unimaginable sight.

Suddenly, the monster in front opened its mouth wide.

– Krrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

A roar that seems to tear the sky apart resounds everywhere.

It is quite different from the noise I heard yesterday. Kim Yu-hyeon could tell at a glance that that strange bird was the leader of the group.

Even if you look at it, it’s not that serious. Although it was large in size, the majestic spiritual power contained in its roar was not at a level that any other beast could produce. Moreover, unlike other strange birds that are ivory-colored, it is unique in that it emits a soft blue light. It is probably a spirit creature that has lived for at least hundreds of years and thus possesses some kind of strange power.

If so, maybe conversation really might be possible.

Thinking so, Kim Yu-hyeon activated the voice amplification magic and shouted with all her might.

– every! Do not respond until I give you an order!

A voice full of magical power echoed far into the sky.

Did you hear that voice?

The roar of the monster that continued to echo suddenly stopped.

Eventually, the leader, who had reached a certain distance, began to descend to the ground in a flexible curve. Then the monsters behind them also attempt to fall almost simultaneously.

The goal is the campsite, across from Kim Yu-hyeon.

The sight of hundreds of strange birds descending in unison was so spectacular that it could be considered a painting.

The monsters, without slowing down at all, fell to the ground at once with terrifying force.

Kwa-kwa-kwa-kwang, kwa-kwa-kwa-kwang!

The moment I finally landed on the ground, a huge amount of dust and shock waves hit me in an instant.



The ground shook violently and a typhoon-like wind swept over the users. There were users who couldn’t overcome the shock and collapsed.

And after a while.

Flutter, flutter!

Gooooo… . Gooooo… .

As the dust slowly settled, the army of monsters finally revealed their majesty.

-Kirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr .

-Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr .

A low growl, sharp light-reflecting teeth, claws digging deep into the ground, and viciously glaring eyes… .

The monsters fold their wings one by one, emitting clear hostility towards the user. Among them, the leader monster, which seemed to be at least 5 meters tall, was showing its most vicious form.

“Ugh… .”

The archer, who barely came to his senses, suddenly realized that his hands were shaking. She slowly felt her stomach begin to tingle, but she swallowed hard and forced her hand to pull the string. Kim Yu-hyeon’s order has not yet been given.

‘You must not be pushed away.’

The Steel Mountains were originally the home of monsters. Although the purpose is to attack, users must also accept the system established within the mountain range once they are inside.

In other words, it is a diet of the fittest. If you show even the slightest weakness here, those monsters will view you as a kind of prey in the future.

Thinking like that, Kim Yu-hyeon slowly raised his magic power.

It’s so hard, it’s so hard!

Both eyes turn golden in an instant, and yellow sparks appear throughout the body. A terrifying energy spreads out like lightning and counters the hostility directed at the user.

– What?

Only then did a slight change occur among the monsters. The hostility that had been blindly diminished, and some of them retreated hesitantly. Just as the users were surprised to see the leader monster, the monsters were also greatly surprised when they felt Kim Yu-hyeon’s power.

After exchanging attacks once, the two groups glared at each other. No sound is heard except the sound of breathing.

The sudden confrontation continued and silence was about to fall.

– Kyooooo!

Suddenly, an adorable cry that did not suit this situation was heard.

The attention of not only users but also monsters was focused to one side. The baby monster bird was running around at a rapid pace. It was confirmed that his people had arrived.

“Oh my!”

“Just let it go!”

Someone hurriedly tried to catch the baby monster, but Kim Yu-hyeon quickly stopped him. The reason the Thunder God’s energy was unleashed was to show that we are not prey. But if we took that baby monster hostage now, that would be the same as calling for war.

Then, the leader monster looked at the users, then stepped forward slightly to greet the baby monster that was running towards him.

– Talented! Kkyyokkiyo! Kyooooooooo!

As if the baby monster was so sad about the radish, it cried out in sorrow as soon as it arrived. It constantly teases its snout and flutters both wings as if it is trying to tell someone.

But in this situation, who would look at a baby monster and think it’s cute? If I was anxious and nervous like Baek Jin-ha, I would tremble.

Some time has passed.

As the baby monster’s crying, which had lasted longer than expected, was slowly coming to an end, the leader, who had been nodding in between, glanced at Kim Yu-hyeon. Then, he looked in the direction where the horribly shattered corpses of his compatriots and the corpse of the dinosaur monster were and let out a low, rumbling sound. A thought flashed through Kim Yu-hyeon’s mind.

“Everyone take ten steps back.”

Users are also aware to some extent. Since I had roughly read the situation, I just walked along without making a fuss. Only Kim Yu-hyeon stands still.

As the users quietly retreated, the monsters finally made their move. The leader monster and three or four additional monsters walk out and quickly collect the body.

Of course, the only things collected were the corpses of their own people.


A strong vibration rang in the ears of users. While the other monsters were carrying the corpse, the leader roughly stepped on the corpse of the already dead dinosaur.

Soon, the monster slowly lifted its heavy foot. Users who raised their heads were able to see the corpse of a dinosaur that had been crushed to a pulp after being flattened.

After quickly disposing of the two corpses, the leader turned towards the giant who was tied to a pillar. From the two eyes glaring at the giant, a killing power that cannot be compared to before flows out like an explosion. It was as if he was looking at Marshal Cheolcheon.

At that time, Kim Yu-hyeon, who had been quietly observing the situation until now, finally took action.

– Cough?

Then, the leader’s feet, which had been trudging along with all his might, suddenly stopped. Kim Yoo-hyeon didn’t care at all and walked slowly, blocking the gap between the monster and the giant. Then she slowly shook her head. This meant that the baby monster and the two corpses just could be passed over, but the giants could not be passed over.

– Crrrrr… .

The monster’s narrowed eyes stare intently at Kim Yu-hyeon.

Kim Yoo-hyun also fought back without losing.

One moment.

The tension, which seemed to have eased only slightly, is revived starting from the center where each boss faces off, tightening the users’ necks.

Then at some point.

The monster that had been glaring at Kim Yu-hyeon for a while suddenly opened its snout.

It was that moment.

-Humans… . It seems like it’s been quite a while since I’ve seen you… .

Kim Yu-hyeon was momentarily startled.

There was no omen. It was just that very suddenly, an indescribable bass sound rang loudly in Kim Yu-hyun’s head. Although the voice was accompanied by vibration and could not be heard very clearly, what was certain was that the monster had conveyed a clear ‘intention’ just moments ago.

– It’s been almost 800 years since I saw this in my area… .

Of course, it’s not that you don’t know about the appearance or existence of spirits, but the difference between knowing about them and encountering them directly is bound to be big.

Because Kim Yu-hyeon knew a certain amount of information, he was able to come to his senses faster than expected.

– Speak, human. What brought you to this forest? Have we finally come in to conquer?

Kim Yu-hyeon felt that he had to choose his words carefully here. Because Kim Soo-hyun made a new request. He said don’t make useless enemies. Definitely only fight against giants.



– no?

As the doctor’s question rang out, a slight commotion arose among the users. It has to be that way. While the monster conveys his thoughts into the other person’s head, Kim Yu-hyeon was speaking directly.

Kim Yu-hyeon continued.

“What we want is not the conquest of the forest. “I just came to pave the way to another continent.”

– Are you here to pave the way?

“yes. “We were marching south.”

– If it’s heading south… .

The monster slowly turned its head and looked in the direction pointed by Kim Yu-hyeon. And then he slightly frowned.

– no way… . Are you going to challenge the rulers of that cursed mountain range?

“… curse? “Lord of the mountains?”

– You don’t know? That guy.

“If that guy… .”

When Kim Yu-hyeon looked puzzled, the monster pointed the tip of its snout at a pillar. A look of apocalypse appeared on Kim Yu-hyeon’s face.

“I do not know. “I first confirmed its existence yesterday, but I only know it as a giant.”

– … … .

“And just in case, I’ll tell you.”

– Know. At least you humans didn’t harm our people.

Even before the monster could finish speaking, he conveyed his message.

Kim Yu-hyeon opened her mouth without letting go of her nervousness.

“yes. But more than that, we need that giant.”

– … … .

“I understand the justification for revenge, but… . “If that giant is a species blocking the direction we are going, we must obtain information through the giant we have captured.”

– Hmm… .

In fact, rather than saying that in particular, it was said because he did not want to deal with an army of monsters.

– Interesting… . Humans who have arrived for the first time in hundreds of years are challenging the rulers of a mountain range that no one has conquered for thousands of years… .

A sound of wind coming out of the monster’s slightly open mouth, as if blowing a flute. Shining blue eyes scan Kim Yu-hyeon’s whole body, where golden sparks are still flying.

Once again, there was a long silence.

– … good night.

And after breaking the long silence, Goejo’s intention was none other than consent.

– Actually, your goal is not bad for us either, but considering the previous two favors, let us step down for now. It’s probably worth watching at least once.

“then… !”

– However, I will use this opportunity to warn you for the first and last time.


– Just like before… . We don’t trust humans.

“… … .”

We don’t trust humans.

The monster that delivered such a message turned its back without hesitation and cried loudly. Then, just as they did when they came down earlier, an army of monster birds spread their wings all at once and flew into the air, flapping their wings vigorously.

Kim Yu-hyeon stared endlessly at the hundreds of strange birds flying toward the sky with slightly dazed eyes.

After a while.

“Clan Lord… .”

Baek Jin-ha came stumbling and touched Kim Yu-hyeon’s shoulder. Her complexion turned white, indicating that she was suffering quite severely.

“After a while… . It’s okay now. “It ended well.”

Kim Yu-hyeon released his magic without delay and patted his back with a deep sigh.

But Baek Jin-ha shook his head. Kim Yu-hyeon’s eyes turned round.

“That’s not it… .”


“I think I’m slowly waking up.”

“It looks like he’s about to wake up?”

Hearing the whispering voice that followed, Kim Yu-hyeon asked as if to say, “What do you mean?”

Then Baek Jin-ha glances to the side. She then slowly raised her hand and pointed in the direction of her pillar, and she quietly opened her mouth.

“A giant.”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

It took longer than expected to complete the work. sorry. _(__)_

Today, I made an appointment to meet with someone who will draw Han So-young’s illustration. Vivien Illustration is currently in contact with the illustrator. A slightly unexpected problem arose, as I understand that the person who drew it before is currently in Japan. Then, there will be difficulties in writing the contract, so I think I need to find a way to solve this problem.

P.S. In the next episode, some of Kim Soo-hyun’s perspective returns.


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not work with dark mode