MEMORIZE Chapter 609

00609 nevertheless. ————————————————– ———————-=

After a while.

Kim Han-byeol, who got up casually, sat down calmly in the chair and straightened her clothes.


But the whole time, he just stared at me, and in the end, I had no choice but to apologize. This is because I could feel the unspoken pressure in the corner of my eye.

“… “It’s too much.”

Kim Han-byeol, who only then stopped looking, lowered her gaze slightly and pouted. I laughed to myself.

Jewelry. I thought it was a cute nickname.

“okay. “What’s happening all of a sudden?”

“It’s hot and I think you’re thirsty… .”

Kim Han-byeol’s gaze quietly falls to the table. The cup on the table was full of ice, so there were a lot of water droplets on the surface of the cup. It looks really cool.

“okay. thanks.”

But I pushed the cup slightly to one side. I felt grateful, but I didn’t really feel like drinking right now.

Hanbyeol Kim looked at the cup I pushed away for a moment and then gazed at me calmly.

“… “I think you’re worried.”

I’m worried.

okay. I’m definitely thinking about it. But it’s not something you should worry about.

“why. “Will you solve it?”

Of course, I couldn’t say it so bluntly, so I used a euphemism.

“Is it because of Lord Hamill?”

However, I couldn’t help but glance away at the words I heard right away.

Kim Han-byeol was still staring at me with an unwavering face. … Did the rumor get out?

He must have read my expression and slowly shook his head as if he wasn’t Kim Han-byeol. I felt like a miss.

“… “Do you notice a lot?”

“Very much. And it’s not just me, there are probably many people who have already noticed. Because my brother and Lord Hamill… .”

“hey. “That’s nonsense.”

“no. “That’s not it.”


“You two are related by blood. “Brother.”

this. I know how it feels to be a thief.

“Also, considering the situation in the West, wouldn’t it be natural for anyone to worry about your brother?”


It’s the situation in the West. I stared at Kim Han-byeol with a new feeling.

Well, he grew up being smart from a young age, and he is smart, so he must have the ability to read situations in his own way.

I opened my mouth quietly.

“So what do you want to say?”

Even when I heard it myself, the voice was quite subdued.

“just… . “I hope you don’t worry too much.”

Kim Han-byeol seemed to have felt this as well and immediately changed the topic.

Don’t worry.

In fact, it was a cliché phrase similar to ‘Cheer up.’, but at least you could feel the sincerity in the tone of voice.

“Of course I want to do that too.”

I gently picked up the cup I had pushed down earlier. He continued speaking while spinning in a circle.

“But not everything in this world goes my way, right?”

“That’s right.”

“This is the situation now. It’s not a matter of doing it or not doing it. “The question is what to do.”

“Yes… .”

What’s wrong with him?

Kim Han-byeol listened to what was said, chiming in moderately and not excessively. It feels quite awkward to see Kim Han-byeol, who is not another user, doing this.

On the other hand, on the contrary, it felt a little refreshing. Kim Han-byeol is listening to this story, and I am telling this story right now. Should I say that I feel like I’m complaining?

“But I don’t know how. “Even now that I’m talking about it, I don’t feel safe and my stomach is burning, but as I said before, there’s more than one thing that’s bothering me.”

“Then wouldn’t it be okay to solve those problems?”

Hanbyeol Kim spoke in a calm voice.

I laughed bitterly.

And just as I was about to say that it was easier said than done.

“If you look at it the way it is, the Northern Expedition has left, and you want to help Lord Hamill. “Isn’t that the most important thing?”

Hanbyeol Kim’s voice was heard first.

“… … .”

I finally turned around completely. When they made eye contact from the front, Kim Han-byeol started shaking and immediately opened her mouth.

“Well, of course, I don’t know the details of the situation you mentioned, and it’s just my guess… .”

“It’s fun. “Keep talking.”

I stopped mid-sentence and lightly stamped my foot.

Then, the magical energy flowing around changed completely. It’s a kind of interference phenomenon, and it’s an ability that was used when talking to Maeng Ara in the past. A curtain was put up in advance to prevent any sound from escaping.

It takes a moment to look back with surprised rabbit eyes.

Kim Han-byeol immediately stared at me again. For a moment, the white and beautiful mokuldae draws a slight elevation.

“Well, it’s just a guess anyway… .”

“Except for the word speculation.”

“First of all, if you think about the current status of the eastern part of the attack so far and the fact that the western part participated… .”

“It’s a big deal.”

“… “First of all, I don’t think there is any need to worry about the eastern part.”


I asked right away.

“Rather, right now, the eastern part is in a position to watch out for. Even if they don’t look favorably on my brother’s actions, how dare they say something out loud? “Are we going to invite isolation just because we care about our pride?”

Kim Han-byeol also responded without delay.

… good. I was thinking something similar about this too.

But this wasn’t the only problem.

Rather, the remaining obstacles were the real problems facing reality.

“good. But apart from that, the North doesn’t want my help either. … To be exact, my brother. And the reason is very valid.”

“okay. But when you help, the other person doesn’t necessarily need to know, right?”


“If Lord Hamill refused, it was inevitable. Still, it’s not like there’s no way. “You can help without knowing.”

At that moment, I felt strength coming into my eyes.

Help without knowing. It’s not that I don’t know what this word means.

What Kim Han-byeol was saying was that he should now look at Mercantile and take on the role of insurance.

“But then…” !”

“yes. “There will be problems.”

It was as he said.

Now there are two remaining problems. It was Han So-young’s permission and the persuasion of the clan members, but it was the latter that was more difficult. Because there is no reason for clan members to sacrifice everything like me to help the North.

But Kim Han-byeol said that was the only way left now. And that was true.

“… Wouldn’t it be better to take only the clan members who want to follow me?”

“Absolutely not. It’s the worst choice. If you really do that, not only your clan members but also southern users will think you are being arbitrary. In other words, trust and reputation are shaken.”

“… … .”

“… “It may be difficult, but you have to convince the clan members.”

Hanbyeol Kim spoke in a pleading voice, but I shook my head. It’s not that difficult.

“How can you speak when you have no justification? “It’s no different from saying you should just rely on affection or loyalty.”

“Can’t we do that?”

“… … .”


It was a strange question to say no to.

Since entering the second car, I have never once moved without a reason. No matter what I did, I tried to do it with some kind of purpose. And he asked his clan members to do the same. This is how the current mercenary was created.

However, Kim Han-byeol’s next words surprised me once again.

“My brother sacrificed a lot for Mercantile. But why can’t clan members do that?”

“sacrifice? I?”

“yes. “Just the other day, you risked your lives to save Hyun and Jaeryong.”

“that… .”

“Or, if it weren’t for my brother, he took on users who might not have been able to do anything and raised them to great heights.”

“… … .”

… I’ve never thought of it that way. Because I thought even that was a process to achieve my goal.

“Of course, there has always been a good reason for my brother’s actions. And he made the best out of any situation.

But not all clan members are oppa. “There is no guarantee that you will think like your brother.”

okay. There’s no guarantee that will happen. But wouldn’t anyone think that way?

“What my brother is worried about is how to motivate the clan members with the results that can be achieved by helping the North.

But I think my brother is not just judging the current situation based on his performance… .”

I listened quietly. Contrary to before, this time I am listening to Kim Han-byeol.

“I hope you sincerely ask for help so that your clan members can understand and sympathize with your thoughts.”

Seriously, sincerely.

“… … .”

For a moment, there was silence.

“The clan members… . “Do you really think so?”

In my shaking heart, I barely opened my mouth.

“I don’t know. “It’s not something I can be sure about.”

The reply was so realistic that it felt a little cold.

“but… . “I think it would be difficult for me to ignore my brother.”

But the conversation did not end there, and continued cautiously.

“… “I always believe in my brother, and I want to respect his decisions.”

With those last words, Kim Hanbyeol kept his mouth shut.

Silence fell once again, and I fell into deep thought.

Seriously, sincerely.

Actually, it’s easy to just say it. However, it is a little difficult to be sincere in your words.

And I think it is even more difficult to truly understand and sympathize with the other person. … At least from my perspective.

Still, if this is the only way… .

It was then.

Suddenly, the cup that had been pushed to the side of the table earlier was stepped on.

Suddenly, I felt like I was being possessed by something, so without realizing it, I reached out, grabbed the cup, and tilted it to my mouth. Every time I take a sip of the liquid, a refreshing energy that makes my heart feel cold spreads through my whole body. I feel like my mind is becoming clearer.

As I slowly tilt my head back, the weather is still sunny and the sunlight shining brightly colors my vision. I gently closed my eyes.

Suddenly, my brother’s words passed through my head.

‘I’ll do as much as I can. I think this is the right thing to do.’

… okay.

Well then, let me try it too.

Let’s do as much as we can.

Rather than continuing to be helpless just because you left, let’s make a decision you won’t regret.

There is no way. I just thought it wasn’t there.

If you don’t have one, you can create one even if you run into trouble.

Suddenly, I opened my eyes.

I stood up without hesitation. I can feel the gentle gaze from below.

I opened my mouth quietly.

“Hanbyeol. “I have a favor to ask.”


Time passed, and the night deepened.

Dinner is over and the construction work day is over.

Beyond that, all that’s left is to stand guard or go into the tent and sleep.

But only one place did not do so. No, would it be more accurate to say that I couldn’t do it?

The Mercenary Clan members had to gather in front of a tent without being able to finish their day. There is only one reason. Because the clan lord’s call has gone out.


As clan members gathered together, a chaotic commotion naturally arose.

“brother. “What on earth is going on?”

“well. I also suddenly received a call. “And this late at night.”

“I don’t really have anything to do anymore… . ah. Could it be because of that?”

“hmm? that?”

The clan members who hadn’t noticed yet tilted their heads.

“… “I think you’ve made a decision.”

“Uh, sister. no way… . “I guess not?”

“Then there’s no way he would have gathered us like this.”

“It doesn’t make sense. Why us? “There is no justification or valid reason.”

Some clan members noticed and chatted quietly on one side.

However, the commotion died down in an instant the moment Kim Soo-hyun walked out of the tent.

“… “It looks like everyone is here.”

After a while, Kim Soo-hyun, who glanced at the clan members, spoke in a calm voice.

As some clan members stared at Kim Soo-hyun in a tense manner, the faces of other clan members also became tense.

“Then I have to tell you why I called you… . In fact, some people may have already noticed.”

Kim Soo-hyun must have felt a heavy atmosphere forming, and he slightly bit his mouth.

“But I have no intention of hiding it anymore, and I won’t tell you back. “I’ll tell you straight away.”

“… … .”

“I am… . Our mercenary… .”

“… … .”


“We are hoping that it will serve as insurance for the 3rd region attack that the Northern Expedition is currently targeting.”

Finally, Kim Soo-hyun’s soft voice rang in the ears of the clan members.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Sorry for taking a day off yesterday.

After receiving a call from an acquaintance, I rushed to the emergency room. It is said that while riding his bike on a hill with a slight incline, he rolled over violently, but fortunately, his friend’s life was not in danger. The surgery went well.

Even though he had a cast on his entire right leg due to a broken bone, seeing him complaining about what to do about the broken bicycle, what about the carbon fiber, and that it was difficult to find parts because it was for athletes but now discontinued (actually, I’d say it’s crappy. -_-a) made me feel relieved. and came back.

Anyway, I will resume publishing normally from today.

The 3rd region strategy part is scheduled to start from episode 611.

thank you


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not work with dark mode