MEMORIZE Chapter 608

00608 North, march. ————————————————– ———————-=

… Are you that confident?

Finally, the moment I looked at my brother, I could barely swallow the words that were rising to the top of my throat.

Extremely fierce eyes.

‘huh. ‘There is.’ His brother’s energy is unusual for him to say.

More than anything, my brother wanted to say something else. Some parts I haven’t fully realized yet.

There is an unbearable silence.

A little time passed and my brother opened his mouth.

“okay. It will definitely be easier with your help. “It’s not that I don’t know that.”

“… … .”

“good. Let’s assume you participate and succeed in this strategy. “Then what do you want to do next?”


“You said that. Once we conquer the Steel Mountains and enter Atlanta, those devils will definitely move. No, not just demons, but users from other continents as well.”

“… huh.”

It’s not wrong. The moment the Steel Mountains are conquered, the possibility of demons moving increases dramatically. Because Zero Code is sleeping in Terra, the area next to Atlanta.

No, it may be moving now.

“Of course, if everything goes as you think in Atlanta, everyone will be happy. All you have to do is settle down to a certain extent and then march straight to Terra. … But do you really think that will happen?”

… That can’t be possible.

I know very well what kind of people they call ‘devils’ they are. We also know how much they want zero code.

Moreover, since the situation is like this, they will attack by any means necessary.

As always, in ways beyond your imagination.

“This isn’t such an easy world. “Don’t you know this best?”

My brother continued speaking.

“They will definitely try to sabotage us. And one day, a crisis will come to us. “It’s a crisis that can’t be compared to the attack on the third region that you’re so worried about right now.”

“When that day comes, I don’t think you will be able to step out like this. Because your body is one.”

And now I was able to completely understand what my brother wanted to say.

“Unless you’re an all-round cheat, you need someone. “Someone who knows your situation, knows your purpose, and can help you, even at the risk of his life, if necessary.”

This is not a world where you live alone.

You cannot achieve your goal alone.

This is exactly what my brother wanted to say.

And the person who could help me closest now was my older brother.


After a while, my brother let out a light sigh, put the record back in his arms, and looked at me with a warm, courteous look.

“Let’s stop talking here. “I don’t think you would have understood this much.”

And then he smiled without a wrinkle.

“You still have that face. Don’t worry too much. “I have no intention of dying either.”

“… brother.”

“Of course, I won’t push myself beyond my capabilities. I also plan to make full use of the detailed information you provided. “I will definitely consider survival as my top priority.”

“… … .”

“I’ll try to do that as much as I can…” . Well, if that doesn’t work, then I’ll ask you for help. “At least this seems right.”

“… … .”

I couldn’t say anything in front of my brother who said that. No, I couldn’t.

just… .

“Then let’s go.”

I just turn and stare endlessly at my brother’s back as he walks away without hesitation.


As soon as the new morning dawned, my older brother immediately led the northern expeditionary force and began marching toward the third region. Without giving me a chance to do anything.

Of course, we also left the day after arriving at the Eastern Fortress, but the thought that it was too soon never left my mind. It seems like he asked Gong Chan-ho to delay it for at least two days, but it seems he didn’t accept it.

Considering that Gong Chan-ho is the face madam, we can’t really blame him. Or maybe his brother was in a hurry on purpose.

As someone who was tied to a clan and an expedition team rather than an individual, I had no choice but to feel extremely uncomfortable.

Suddenly, I tilt my head back and look up to the sky, and the bright sunlight colors my vision dazzlingly. It was raining like that until a few days ago, but today it is quite sunny so that the ground feels hot.

“───. ───. ───. Angelus! Your lowly servant, I hope… !”

“It’s foggy!”


When I looked down at the sudden sound of loud noises, I saw Ansol and Sasha staring at each other.

It’s not a big deal.

The two were currently sparring. It looks like a fight broke out between the two, and they seem to be planning to settle the dispute 1:1. And I was dragged out forcibly under the pretense of asking to watch the referee.

Priest and vampire. In fact, if you just look at the class, the winner has already been decided, but there is no guarantee. Because Sasha was not just a vampire, but a blood lord, a class that could not be ignored. Still, she thinks that Ansol will be more advantageous in nature.

While the two people were fighting, the users were sitting in a circle in groups of threes and threes, watching.

The faces of all such users are turning bright colors. There doesn’t seem to be any concern. It was a completely different attitude from the users who left for Region 3 this morning.

“… … .”

I have no intention of blaming such an attitude.

The Southern Expedition is justified.

We also felt anxious every day while we were in the midst of our attack.

However, I overcame all the processes and finished the second strategy by conquering the pit.

Of course, it can’t be said to be completely safe now, but all that was left to do was wait for the construction of the fortress and remain vigilant around the surrounding area.

Therefore, it is undoubtedly justified for the Southern Expeditionary Force to have such a leisurely time.

… however.

Then I should also enjoy this leisure, so why can’t I?

Why am I so restless and alone?

Actually, I already know the answer.

As a result, the Northern Expedition left, and the Southern Expedition remained.

And I couldn’t participate in the northern expedition.

Since his brother refused from the beginning, Han So-young’s permission and the clan members’ persuasion were of no use.

In fact, I probably could have made contact with the North myself and forced myself to participate.

However, my brother threatened to relinquish command as soon as I participated.

No, it wasn’t a threat. Even if he had to publicly declare that he wouldn’t go because of me, he would have really done so. I know that well.

Of course, it wasn’t just because of that.

Should I rather say that I was persuaded by my brother?

To that extent, what my brother said was right in every detail, and it was something that could not be refuted.

I’ve felt similar feelings before.

At the beginning of the pit attack, while Han So-young was having a hard time, she suddenly awakened. Han So-young, who was so excited by Joo Hyeon-ho’s provocation, then used her power 『Destruction/Assault』 and passed through the rest of the passage in no time.

At that time, Han So-young appeared closest to the Queen of Iron Blood in the first episode, when she led the users against the demons.

My brother is like that too.

Thunder Emperor Kim Yu-hyeon.

During his first peak, his older brother was a user with such great fame that he was talked about not only by demons but also by quite a few demons.

But now?

If I speak objectively and calmly, there is a significant difference between my brother back then and my brother now. That was reality.

It’s not just about user information.

The ability to respond to a certain situation, read the flow, lead users, etc.

In other words, my brother’s ability as a monarch who reigns over users, not as a single user.

The older brother in the first episode was a person of reversal who overcame many major incidents that occurred in the Northern Continent on his own. I always felt reassured whenever I saw my brother’s back as he took the lead in any task. Perhaps, if it weren’t for me, he might have ended up being the one holding the zero code.

But my current brother… .

okay. No matter how you look at it, he is a clan lord who is doing well in his own right. It was nothing more and nothing less.

If you think about it from this perspective, Gong Chan-ho can also be seen as a similar case.

Gong Chan-ho said that he feels that he is becoming stronger while fighting.

Gong Chan-ho in the first episode was a user who was constantly involved in fights. He always fought battle after battle. So, wasn’t the World Invincible that I remember not just suddenly appearing out of nowhere, but something that was born through that very process?

… In other words, the growth my brother was talking about was not growth based on personal greed or desire for prosperity.

‘When that day comes, I don’t think you will be able to step out like this. Because your body is one.’

‘You need people. Someone who knows your situation, knows your purpose, and can help you even at the risk of his life if necessary.’

It was literally like that.

My brother had in mind the situation that would unfold after Atlanta. Rather than just waiting quietly in the future, he wanted to be able to ‘risk his life to help me if necessary.’

That’s exactly what my brother meant by growth.

That’s why I couldn’t say anything. Because I know the power of demons, and as such, I deeply empathize with the fact that they must become stronger than they are now. Not just me, but other users too.




While I was deep in thought, I suddenly heard a loud noise, followed by Ansol and Sasha’s screams. When I woke up from my thoughts and looked ahead, I saw the two of them rolling on the floor, far away from each other. Seeing them crawling on the floor while letting out soft moans, it seemed like there had been a pretty big collision.

“Ouch… .”

“Ugh… ! Is he really a priest of Angelus? .”

Sasha, who was standing up with a frown on her face, suddenly looked at Ansol and was greatly surprised.

“oh! “W-what’s that posture?!”

“It hurts… .”

Ansol, who was also kneeling, was about to raise himself up using the cane he held in both hands as support.

It was just like that.

But it doesn’t seem that way to Sasha.

“Seo, no way! “Did you mean to do that?”

“… … ?”

“Your intention is to bind my body using the Bind magic, one of the sacred spells, and then attack me using your power, Heavenly Punishment! Considering the compatibility between you and me, my fog painting will either be limited or not work at all! Then I will have no choice but to be left alone!”

“… Ugh?”

Ansol, who heard Sasha’s shout, tilted his head. A question mark appears on the top of my head.

Finally, Ansol seemed to be thinking deeply for a while, then suddenly made an exclamation point and said, “Ah!” she exclaimed. And then she looked at Sasha with a shocked look on her face.

“Yeah, that’s right! yes that’s right!”

“Ugh… ! I knew it!”

“Such a good way… . Oh no! “Now that’s what I was going to do!”

“Damn it! “I’m angry!”

‘… … .’

– … Aren’t those idiots?

Hwajeong, who had been quiet until now, blurted out a word in a bewildered voice. You can also hear Lee Yu-jeong rolling around on the ground and shouting that they are having such a good time and that they are going to die laughing. I sighed lightly and calmly touched my forehead.


… Even if they die soon, they won’t know how I feel.

It was then.


“It’s hot too… . “Aren’t you thirsty?”

Just when I was about to fall into deep thought about how I should deal with the demons with them, I suddenly heard a cold voice. Right next to it too.

As I glanced over, I could see a drink with ice floating on the table.

Soon, I saw a woman calmly resting her butt on the simple chair across from me.

A thin, elongated crotch and a slender-looking pelvis with beautiful curves.

Cool-looking bright blue hair that gently fell below her shoulders.

And the moment I met the blue eyes that looked at me carefully, I was finally able to know the woman’s identity.



… I don’t know why, but Kim Han-byeol suddenly turned upside down.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hmm. I’m not lying. I really want to write it down. It’s just that I can’t write it down because the situation isn’t right now. haha. However, I think that forcing a situation is something that neither I nor the readers want.

It’s good to write it as a side story, but… . If that happens, the main story will probably be pushed back. I am entirely responsible for this. (ㅜ.ㅠ)

I personally would like to refrain from writing a review. Go Yeon-joo and Nam Da-eun both planned Eung-eung to fit their own situation, not just Eung-eung. The process of Go Yeon-joo, who always treats Soo-hyeon like a child, getting scolded by Su-hyeon when she awakens, or the situational drama with Nam Da-eun, etc. I think it’s a pretty wasteful subject to write about in a review. 🙂

Anyway, let’s check the timing. I told you this before, right? Before the series ends, I said to the readers, ‘You wrote the scenes really well.’ It’s my wish to hear these words. ha ha ha.


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not work with dark mode