MEMORIZE Chapter 606

00606 The large stem does not change. … Wouldn’t it? ————————————————– ———————-=

“But when I think about it, it’s a big deal.”

After a while.

My older brother, who was lying on the bed, slowly raised his upper body and said.

“Big deal?”

“huh. Suddenly, the rules of exploration came to mind. “You know what I mean, right?”

Rules of Exploration.

Of course I know. For example, if you are exploring a forest, this metaphor refers to the situation where the deeper you go, the stronger monsters appear than when you first entered. Of course, it is difficult to say that the law is 100% true, but based on experience, boss monsters often appear almost last. Therefore, I think it is very wrong… . No, wait a minute.

“Actually, looking at your strategy data, I’m a little worried. If a monster of that magnitude has appeared in this area now, just how strong a monster will appear in the next area… .”

The moment I heard those words, I felt my vague mind suddenly awaken. Now that I think about it, I forgot the most important thing.

I know what monsters mainly haunt area 3. And my brother must lead the Northwest Alliance into Region 3 in the near future.

In other words, the reality that my brother had to walk into a deadly situation suddenly came upon me.

“then… . “Did you tell me in advance that you were coming?”

Unable to overcome the rising anxiety, I ended up raising my voice without realizing it. If I had known at least three or four days ago, I would have had time to think about it.

“ha ha ha.”

But, do you know or don’t know how I feel? My brother just acted calmly and quietly. Instead, he smiles comfortably and gently raises his body and approaches me.

“Don’t be too angry. “It was not my will not to convey the news of the alliance.”

“what? then… .”

“Northwestern Alliance… . no. To be precise, it is the will of the North.”

“The will of the North?”

I ended up frowning. So does that mean she didn’t forget, but just forgot? why?

The moment I tried to think about the reason, a hypothesis suddenly crossed my mind. Even though I thought it couldn’t be possible, I couldn’t stop my eyes from tightening.

“Anyway, about that… . how is it? Soohyun? “Now I want to hear your story.”

My brother, who stopped right in front of me, still had a smile on his face and gently held my shoulder. Then he made eye contact with me and calmly opened his mouth.

“Do you think our northwest expedition will be able to attack the next region?”


It was after dinner time when my brother returned, as the night slowly deepened.

After forcibly sending my older brother away, who insisted on going to bed because it was late at night, I left the tent and stopped in a quiet place.

Everywhere is painted pitch black, and only the stars rising in the night sky are casting soft starlight down to the ground. Occasionally a cool night breeze would blow and rustle my body, but I didn’t feel that cold.

There is one reason why I came out even though it was almost time for me to sleep. It was because I couldn’t sleep.

I want to somehow relieve this anxiety that is deep in my heart, but it doesn’t work out the way I want.

I had this thought a long time ago.

The future changes.

But it doesn’t change.

It meant that minor processes, or the stem, may change in the meantime, but the stem tries to return to the source in some way.

Since coming into the second round, I have changed many things that should have happened.

There have been times when users who should have died have been saved, and there have been times when users who should have been alive have been killed. There was even a time when the alliance was completely destroyed. They preempted and took away ruins that were later discovered by other users. They established a clan called the Mercenaries, which should not have appeared in the first place, and had a significant influence on the Northern Continent.

If I think of each of them as a single stem, I have reversed countless processes.

As a result, the future began to work somewhat the way I wanted.

If you were asked to pick one of the best things I’ve ever done, I would say it without hesitation.

This means that the Northern Continent did not go through the Spring and Autumn Warring States Period and went straight to the next trend. This was truly an even bigger hit than when I unexpectedly caught Belphegor in the ruined laboratory.

In the first round, the Northern Continent is at a point where regions and clans are competing against each other. Originally, it would have taken two or three years for the demons to appear and join forces, let alone the Iron Mountains.

However, Lee Hyo-eul’s survival resulted in the establishment of a central management organization, and fortunately, the Warring States Period did not come. Rather, by conserving as much strength as possible, the attack on the Steel Mountains began much earlier than planned… . I was thinking.

It wasn’t.

That wasn’t it.

I could tell by listening to my brother’s story. Clearly, the future has moved forward, but that is not the end. As a result of excessively twisting the stem, side effects began to appear without my knowledge.

In the form of ‘conflict’.

I don’t know, but there are probably many users who don’t look favorably on Dongbu right now.

In particular, it was no exaggeration to say that almost the entire North had a deep antipathy towards the East.

Of course, I am not saying that the conflict between the East and the North is because of me.

However, I can say that the reason the North is in such a situation is because of my influence. They killed the user who would later lead the North, swept up all the resources to be found in the North, and invested them all in the South.

… anyway.

My brother was like that. The North deliberately did not want to publicize the fact of the alliance. What that means is clear.

If you think about it carefully, you will find the answer. When I first heard the news, I felt very suspicious, and Han So-young, who noticed her subtle hint, quickly resolved the situation.

So how did the East, which is already engaged in a delicate war of nerves with the North, react when it heard this story?

There is a big difference between being informed in advance and not being informed.

In other words, the North is now saying, ‘You are doing as you please. Do we have an obligation to inform you of this?’ It was this sound.

The North succeeded in consolidating the Northwest Alliance into one force by attracting the West, and you don’t have to watch the video to see who that action was aimed at. There is no way the East is in a good mood either.

What is important is that at this point, a new conflict between each region arose.

It wasn’t something I just thought was like that. As the depth of this conflict deepened, it was possible that the relationship between each region during the Golden Lion era could be recreated.

I don’t think it’s a coincidence.

Because no matter how much you try to change the future, it won’t change itself. Haven’t you experienced it several times until now?

This was a problem even if the attack on the Steel Mountains went well. The trend of the Spring and Autumn Warring States period, which failed to take place in the northern continent, is showing signs of emerging on a new stage called Atlanta.

So what should I do now?

It was that moment.

“Ohh. “Who is this?”

While I was deep in thought, looking at the night sky, I suddenly heard a rough voice. It was an unfamiliar voice at first glance, but if you think about it carefully, it was a familiar voice.

“The Mercenary Lord, the legend of our southern expedition, is here? huh? ha ha ha!”

The man who came striding forward with his spear tilted on his shoulder was, of course, Gong Chan-ho. I stared at Gong Chan-ho, who was walking with a fairly stable posture, rather than the rash steps he used to take.

Why did Gong Chan-ho suddenly appear? This is the outskirts where most users do not come and go except for border purposes. There is no way Gong Chan-ho, a member of the Northern Expedition, would be standing guard.

“Legend? “As soon as I saw it, it was nonsense.”

“What’s wrong with this? Everyone was praising me so much that their saliva ran dry. “I heard you showed great success in this attack?”

Gong Chan-ho continued to approach and spoke in a calm voice.

But I don’t feel any particular excitement. Actually, at first, I had high expectations for a user named Gong Chan-ho. He thought that it might be at least a level worth working with.

However, since the last user academy, the affection has plummeted. Gong Chan-ho was no longer of interest to me.

“Even if that were the case, what does that have to do with you? “Why don’t you worry about what you do?”

“flaw. That twisted sarcasm is still the same. Anyway, don’t look at me like that. Even though this is the case, we are on guard. “To be exact, I’m on patrol duty.”

However, the voice that followed told me that my guess that Gong Chan-ho could not be standing guard was completely wrong.

“patrol? “Why you?”

“iced coffee. That’s what they said when we arrived at the fortress built by the eastern guys. “You have to decide the boundaries of the area where you are camping.”


“So I told you in advance when I got here. We will take care of our own boundaries, like this. Well, I don’t have any bad intentions, so don’t worry. “Good things are good, right?”

Even though we ourselves made the request at the time, the fact that the East said that to the North… . I guess Cho Seong-ho doesn’t think well of it either.

Anyway, I was on guard duty. This is quite unexpected.

“… “Aren’t you the commander-in-chief?”

“The commander-in-chief is a piece of shit. “It’s a position that no one wants to take, but it’s nothing more than a bright apricot.”

Gong Chan-ho spat and shook his head vigorously. It was strangely out of focus, but the fact that he said it meant that even Gong Chan-ho knew. The current situation of the Northern Expedition and the situation you find yourself in.

So why did Gong Chan-ho step forward to take on the position of commander-in-chief?

“I guess you’re curious. “Why did I take this position as Commander-in-Chief?”

Gong Chan-ho said, curious as to whether he read my thoughts. And before I could even open my mouth, he continued speaking.

“Simple. “I just wanted to fight.”

I couldn’t help but believe my ears for a moment.

“You just wanted to fight?”

“yes. At least if you’re the overall commander, you won’t be interrupted while fighting, right? In other words, a place where you don’t have to listen to anyone’s orders and can fight with peace of mind.”

“… really.”

“If I can take on this position and survive, I will become even stronger. Hehehe.”

… The more you fight, the stronger you become. Actually, it’s not entirely wrong, but I thought there must be some circumstance or reason. But what you’re saying is that you just wanted to fight?

It was then.

Just as I was appreciating the thought that I couldn’t understand.

At some point, Gong Chan-ho stopped walking and suddenly looked at me and raised the corners of his mouth.

I suddenly felt bad.

When I think about it, Gong Chan-ho has been smiling ever since he first saw me in the tent. Did you get hit on the head during a fight?

“hey. “I have one more question.”


“Why have you been breaking into pieces whenever you see me?”

“… … .”

Gong Chan-ho remained silent for a moment.

But the silence didn’t last long.

“… “Because I was happy.”

“You were happy?”

What does this mean again?

“okay. I saw that the man I was targeting was stronger than before, so there was no way I wouldn’t be happy. Because goals that are easy to catch up with are meaningless.”

“target… ?”

“okay. “It’s you, you.”

“… … ?”

Gong Chan-ho points to me and continues to emphasize. I had to feel embarrassed, even if only for a moment. What is this guy saying all of a sudden?

But Gong Chan-ho didn’t care at all. Rather, he slowly lowered his spear and c*cked his head from side to side. Tap-tap-tap, the rhythmic sound of bones was heard.

“After losing to you last time, I really… . No, stop. “Because I don’t like bringing up my messy past.”

“… … .”

“But let me tell you one thing clearly. I also haven’t stayed quiet since that incident. … Yes, I have changed. Because at least now I can feel one thing for sure.”

“Feel it?”

“I didn’t know that in the past when I only believed in strength. But I can feel it now.”

“therefore… .”

“I am still weaker than you. … “And much more.”


Suddenly, an image of the old Gong Chan-ho flashed through my head. He said he didn’t lose, and he was a sulky figure who cried out for him to come back.

But not now. He admitted defeat then and that he was still weak.

Suddenly, I felt a slight sense of curiosity.

Gong Chan-ho did not open his mouth any more. He just stared at me silently and put down the spear on his shoulder in a very serious manner. He then takes his basic stance, aiming the tip of the spear.

I opened my mouth softly.

“What are we going to do now?”

“Are you asking knowingly, or are you asking without really knowing?”

Gong Chan-ho responded right away.

I know. Isn’t that an attitude of wanting to fight? but… .

“They say you’re weaker than me. “You said you knew?”

“yes. I know for sure. You are different from other users. When I only look at you, no matter how much I try to think positively, I don’t feel confident that I can win. “I didn’t feel this way when I first saw that strong Emperor.”

“So, you’re going to fight even though you know you’ll lose?”

“okay. You might be wondering. I keep stimulating you like this. … But my position is different.”

It’s different… .

“Actually, I don’t know. I know it’s definitely not possible yet… . But every time I see you, something inside me boils like crazy. Actually, I don’t mind winning or losing now.”

“… … .”

“Even if we lose again… . Again, no. Even if I realize that you have become stronger than before… !”

“… … .”

“Even if I fall into the abyss like I did then, now… . “Now I have the confidence to climb again!”

“so… .”

I opened my mouth quietly.

I haven’t drawn my sword yet, and I have no intention of doing so. Not yet.

“So, you want to fight me now?”

“no. “You and I are not fighting right now.”

Gong Chan-ho shook his head vigorously. Then he held his spear even stronger and showed his teeth.

“I mean, I’m going to challenge you.”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Actually, Gong Chan-ho likes Kim Soo-hyun. Although he doesn’t know it, he can’t forget Kim Soo-hyun.

Going back to the user academy, Kim Soo-hyun and Gong Chan-ho fought with each other.

Maybe it was from then? The beginning of Gong Chan-ho’s love for Kim Soo-hyun.

For the first time, Kim Soo-hyun hit Gong Chan-ho hard on the cheek with his sword. Wow! So much so that it makes a sound.

This is how Gong Chan-ho felt at that time.

‘ah. ‘You are the first user to hit me in the face.’

This is where Gong Chan-ho becomes likeable for the first time.

After that, I was happily beaten by Kim Soo-hyun.

That’s where Gong Chan-ho opened his eyes to SM.

Kim Soo-hyun’s hitting was so hard that his body unconsciously responded by asking for more hitting.

And the neglect play that follows.

Kim Soo-hyun coldly turns his back on Gong Chan-ho, who begs him not to go.

In the end, from there… .

… I imagined this, what do you think?

If you like it, leave a comment, if you don’t like it, hit me up.(?)


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not work with dark mode