MEMORIZE Chapter 604

00604 The return of the Heavenly Invincible and the Thunder God. ————————————————– ———————-=

You don’t like change?

Cha So-rim tilted her head.

“Brother. Change isn’t necessarily a bad thing. No, rather, it is a process that must be completed in the hole plane.”

A rite of passage that every user must experience at least once. Cha So-rim was pointing out that point, but Ahn Hyeon slowly shook his head.

“Yes. If you are a user, you should do that. But sister. You know, I really hate this world.”


“Literally. Throughout my career, I have never forgotten the Earth even for a moment. But why do I, who was forced into this world, have to fit in and adapt 100% to this world? You have to kill people casually, or sometimes with a smile… .”

“… You’re young. “Why did I suddenly have that thought?”

Cha So-rim, who spoke in a reproachful tone, slightly rolled her eyes. In fact, everyone was on an equal footing once they were summoned, and it was also an unavoidable situation. In other words, what An Hyun said just now was nothing more or less than foolishness.

“I know. It’s an unavoidable situation… . but.”

Anhyeon muttered in a slightly depressed voice. As if her chest was feeling tight, she gulped down a glass of cold water and let out a cold sigh.

“after. sister. “Do you know anything?”


“When my brother first founded the clan. “You mentioned the clan’s ultimate goal as Mercanaries.”

“Clan Lord… ? Ultimate purpose… ?”

Cha So-rim asked back with a puzzled look.

“There is nothing special. Just go back home. “He just said that one thing.”

“You’re going back home?”

“yes. Home. “Someday, I will escape this horrible world and return to the world I came from.”

“… Yes.”

Ahn Hyeon calmly closed his eyes and smiled, perhaps remembering that time. Cha So-rim remained silent. In fact, the wish of ‘I want to go home’ was a thought that every user would have had at least once. Cha So-rim was no exception.

“My younger brother… . Does she really think she can go back?”

“sure. Even though it may be difficult now, I think I can go back someday, someday. Even the angel said that we can go back when we see the end of this world. So won’t the method become clear someday?”

“well… .”

“When that day comes… . No, I want to keep at least the Maginot Line until that day comes. I can’t hesitate at all about returning to the original world, and I can’t think that I’ll just be in the hole plane after I go back. “This is the current Ahn Hyeon.”

After finishing his long speech, An Hyun looked back at Cha So-rim with an expression on his face asking what she thought.

Cha So-rim continued to remain silent and then shrugged her shoulders as if she had no idea.

“That’s ridiculous.”

Then, he lightly raised his body and lowered his gaze to look at Anhyeon.

“But it’s pure. “My younger brother seems to be seeing a gray man.”

“The gray man?”

“yes. Although the circumstances forced us to make some compromises, they refused to become white or black. “That kind of gray person.”

“… … .”

“Personally, I will respect my brother’s thoughts. But I also want you to know that that idea is just as dangerous.”

“yes. That’s why I’m trying to increase my strength. If only I had a little more strength this time… .”

Ahn Hyeon quickly spoke up. But Cha So-rim slowly shook her head from side to side.

“That’s not what I meant. Inconsistency of choice… . In other words, choice can change depending on the situation. … “If you don’t understand, can I ask you a question?”

Cha So-rim, who continued talking quietly, checked Ahn Hyeon’s face and added more words. Anhyeon immediately nodded his head.

“Just in case, user Shin Jae-ryong dies during this operation… .”

Cha So-rim paused for a moment and then spoke again.

“Or if user Ansol died under similar circumstances. “Will your brother make the same choice then?”

It was a meaningful voice.

And the moment Ahn Hyeon heard Cha So-rim’s words, he seemed at a loss for words.

Cha So-rim hit the nail on the head.

The blind spots in Ahn Hyeon’s beliefs.

That was when there was a moment of silence between us.

– Notify the entire Southern Expeditionary Force.

Suddenly, an amplified voice rang silently throughout the fortress.

– I received a call from the Northern Expedition 10 minutes ago. It’s scheduled to arrive soon… .

At the sudden notification, Ahn Hyun and Cha So-rim looked at each other almost simultaneously.


The Northern Expedition finally arrived.

The members of the Northern Expedition, who arrived around noon, showed restrained behavior upon arriving at the fortress and went into the prepared tent to relieve their travel fatigue. First of all, it could be said that on the outside it looked well-disciplined.

But that wasn’t important right now.

When a new expedition team arrives, it is customary to first invite the expedition’s commanders to hand over the data and explain the process. Even if you sent all the data ahead of time.

In other words, it can be said to be a formal handover procedure, which inevitably requires meeting face to face in one place.


At Han So-young’s request, I attended the handover, and when I checked the faces of the northern expedition commanders who arrived one by one, I had no choice but to be the flagship. The moment I saw another man following Gong Chan-ho, I couldn’t believe my eyes.

Because the man smiling and waving across the table was none other than my older brother.

Yuhyeon Kim.

Hamill Road.

He rules the western city of Halo and is the commander-in-chief of the newly formed 4th Power Expeditionary Force.

But the fact that he came with Gong Chan-ho… .

This was something I neither expected nor knew about.

More than anything, the important thing is that you didn’t know. In fact, the Western Expedition was not an official attack expedition, but rather a support expedition, and if you think about it that way (with a hundred concessions, of course), this situation was not completely incomprehensible.

However, there was no contact until now, or rather, they said only the northern expedition was coming, and then suddenly the western expedition came along?

No matter how independent each expedition is, this is something that the Southern Expeditionary Force can accept with embarrassment. It’s not like there aren’t any crystal balls for communication.

“Well, before we get into the story… . Can I tell you why? “Why are two people leading different expedition corps together under the name of the Northern Expedition?”

At that time, Han So-young’s voice rang softly in my ears. I immediately shook off the random thoughts.

Okay, let’s listen first. You’ll understand when you listen.

“… … .”

But there is no reply. If Han So-young, the commander-in-chief, asks a question, it is normal for Gong Chan-ho, the same commander-in-chief, to answer.

In that case, Gong Chan-ho had been looking only at me since a while ago. Right from the front too.

When he turns his gaze for a moment and makes eye contact, he even smiles, showing his teeth.

“Huh, you finally look at me. Mercenary Road.”

Just when I was thinking that, Gong Chan-ho finally opened his mouth. It was a very rough voice, reminiscent of the sound of metal.

“Hehe. It’s been a very long time… . I’m very happy to meet you. However, the Mercenary Lord looks quite uncomfortable.”

“… … .”

“Could it be because of Hamill Road? Because the brother you love is with me? Hehehe… !”

“… what?”

For a moment, I asked myself a question out of a sense of absurdity. At the same time, I felt strength coming into my eyes.

Even though Han So-young asked, ignoring it and talking to me was a very serious disrespect. Fortunately, Han So-young, who was good at managing her facial expressions, did not show it outwardly, but several of the Southern Expeditionary Force commanders who had already joined her were showing signs of discomfort.

Of course, I did too.

I opened my mouth quietly.

“I guess I got hit a little less back then. “I see you’re still spouting nonsense.”

Then, suddenly, the low laughter that sounded like the howling of an animal stopped.

“Well, what you said isn’t entirely wrong. Even though it’s like this, I still consider the other person’s appearance quite a bit.”

However, I had no intention of stopping here, so I continued to speak politely. And slowly, the energy of Hwajeong was raised. This is because I suddenly felt Gong Chan-ho’s unique Surama Chang energy slowly becoming stronger.

“… what?”

“Actually, that is correct. “It means you’re not my type.”

“flaw? “What nonsense are you talking about?”

“Oh, you don’t remember? I remember clearly. After you kicked me in the old user academy, don’t go, Kim Soo-hyun, please don’t go! Your begging little plea that desperately wanted me… .”

At that time, an invisible ominous energy suddenly rushed towards me. Even without checking, I could tell that it was the energy of Surama Spear.

In a split second, I snorted inwardly. I don’t know what they’re thinking, but I’d welcome a fight like this.

Hwareuk, Hwareuk!

Since I was preparing in advance anyway, I immediately raised my energy and responded. Of course, focusing on Gong Chan-ho as an individual.



As a result, Gong Chan-ho let out a loud moan and fell into a ball.

“Merchionary Lord!”


Han So-young and my brother called me almost at the same time.

“Mmm, Mercenary Lord… .”

Han So-young gently wrapped her arms around me, almost as if she were crossing her arms, and gave me a pleading look. It’s okay, it means don’t do this. However, the Southern Expeditionary Force commanders, whose faces had hardened earlier, were showing signs of relief when they looked at me.

And my brother looked at me with a slightly red face and a very troubled look on his face… .

No, why are you looking at me like that? I didn’t mean what I just said. So don’t look at it that way. You misunderstand.

“Hehe… . “Isn’t it thrilling?”

It was then.

“It’s still the same… . As expected, it’s amazing. Yeah, this is it. very good… !”

While the users around him were surprised, Gong Chan-ho stood up and burst into laughter. He seemed very satisfied.

My eyes naturally narrowed. Instead of rushing like a wild boar to a forest fire just because you got hit like before, you’re smiling.

So, are you saying that you knew this would happen and yet you went at it? why?

“User Gong Chan-ho. “You seem very rude right now, so please calm down.”

After a while, my older brother spoke as Gong Chan-ho sat back down as if nothing had happened. Then Gong Chan-ho glances at his brother.

“Are you ordering me now?”


Gong Chan-ho growled in a threatening tone, but his older brother did not lose either. In an instant, his face hardened and he responded in a cold voice.

Yeah, that’s what it looks like. I wish you could see me like that too.

The fight continued for a while, but in the end, it was Gong Chan-ho who retreated first. He suddenly raised the corners of his mouth and lifted both of his shoulders to tell me to do as I pleased. Then he turns his gaze to me and smiles again, baring his teeth.

… Are you an asshole?

Finally, after sighing for a moment, my brother opened his mouth.

“First of all, I would like to apologize on behalf of the commotion that occurred earlier. Istantel Low Road.”

“are you okay. We admit that we overreacted a bit. “But I won’t apologize.”

When her older brother spoke in a calm voice, Soyoung Han nodded in response. She said she was going to move on like this. … It’s like ice colliding with ice.

Anyway, is there something to be said now?

“Yes, of course. “Then, would you mind if I spoke on behalf of user Gong Chan-ho?”

“… It doesn’t matter to me. Rather, are they really okay?”

Han So-young tilted her head and turned to Gong Chan-ho. Because the overall commander was Gong Chan-ho.

“… … .”

However, Gong Chan-ho continued to stare blankly at me.

“… … .”

really… . I can’t express it outwardly, but it really is an incredibly burdensome feeling. I don’t even know why it’s suddenly acting like that.

In the end, I thought it would be better to just stop paying attention, so I focused on my brother’s story again.

“it’s okay. In the first place, I have full authority over this aspect, or rather, the actual strategy.”

“… yes?”

Finally, the moment when Han So-young asked a question.

“If I put it bluntly… . Before we begin our third attack on the West and North… .”

My brother’s voice followed immediately.

“We have decided to form a Northwestern Alliance, limited to targeting the Steel Mountains.”

… what?

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Starting from the next episode, we will begin a full-fledged attack on the 3rd region. In fact, it can be viewed as the last area to be conquered within the ‘Steel Mountains’.

What’s a bit surprising is that there was one reader who predicted this situation. Even though I had put up a smokescreen saying, ‘The East, West, and South operate independent expedition corps,’ they said, ‘Given the circumstances, it has no choice but to be like this.’ Above all, when you focused on ‘the situation within each northern continent after the war’ and ‘division’, I felt a chill in my heart. It feels as if you have opened my mind. ha ha ha. If you think about it carefully, you’ll realize that there is an expedition team that is acting quite cowardly right now. 🙂

We know what our readers are curious about. We will explain it step by step in the next episode, so please wait patiently.


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not work with dark mode