MEMORIZE Chapter 603

00603 The return of the Invincible and the Thunder God. ————————————————– ———————-=

Late at night.

Boom boom, boom boom!

The sky was full of dark clouds in the morning, but rain began to fall only after evening. During the day, the humidity was at its highest due to the water vapor in the air, but when it started to rain, the discomfort index, which had risen to a high level, was gradually subsiding.

At first, the rain was just dots on the ground, but as time went by, it poured down more like a downpour, drenching the whole world.

And in the center of the Northern Continent Outpost in front of a huge forest, there was an ivory tent that was unusually large in size, unlike the others around it.

Raindrops suddenly fell and ran down the triangular roof, sparkling faintly in the light streaming from the tent. Because of this, although it was only a brief passing time, a glimpse of the inside of the tent was reflected on the surface of the water droplets. Pure white light… . One table… . Two people… .


Then, at some point, the pure white light emitted from the crystal ball on the table went out for a moment, making a faint noise.

“Communication has been lost.”

A voice that crackles. The woman who spoke in an extremely business-like tone and held the crystal ball in her arms was none other than Lee Hyo-eul.

“Anyway, you probably heard the story together. It took a little longer than expected, but… . “It is said that the Southern Expeditionary Force has completed the second attack and has begun construction of the fortress.”

Whoosh, whoosh… .

While speaking, Lee Hyo-eul’s forehead furrowed slightly. It wasn’t because of the harsh and unpleasant breathing coming from the other side. This was because the attitude the man in front of me had shown ever since I entered the tent, or rather, since he arrived at this outpost, had been annoying.

It wasn’t particularly rude or anything, but most of the time there wasn’t any reaction at all. For Lee Hyo-eul, who had had in-depth discussions with Cho Seong-ho and Han So-young in the past, the situation could not help but feel somewhat awkward.

Whoosh, whoosh… .

However, Lee Hyo-eul did not directly express her dissatisfaction. She may not have been born with a small stature, but she could at least tell who to mess with and who not to mess with.

From that perspective, the large man across from me, keeping his arms crossed and silent, was a user who should never be touched.

“… … .”

Hair that was tangled as if it had been randomly caught in the pouring rain outside, and lumpy muscles that looked as if they would explode if touched. Looking at the tightly closed eyes, it seemed as if I was seeing a wild beast crouching for an opportunity.

Above all, the ominous energy flowing out of the pitch-black window on their backs was the biggest culprit in creating a subtle tension between them.

If Kim Soo-hyun is a user who won’t see any good results if he touches him, this man doesn’t know what he will do if he touches him.

“Then now the Northern Continent Expedition must begin its third attack… . When do you plan to march? Commander-in-chief, or user Gong Chan-ho?”

This was the moment when Lee Hyo-eul, who had thought so, quickly said she wanted to end the situation.


Suddenly, the man, or rather Gong Chan-ho, let out a strong snort and opened his eyes. The moment Lee Hyo-eul faced him without even thinking about it, he felt his whole body stiffen. He was like a wild beast, and I could hardly take my eyes off his ferocious eyes.

Soon, Gong Chan-ho’s mouth opened slightly and a sound like a low animal crying came out.

“… now.”

“… yes?”

“Let’s go right away.”

“Yes, user… .”

However, before Lee Hyo-eul could finish speaking, Gong Chan-ho stood up. As the giant, who was almost 2 meters tall, stood up, a dark shadow was cast on Lee Hyo-eul’s face as she tilted her head blankly.

Gong Chan-ho looked down at Lee Hyo-eul with sparkling eyes. That was it.

After a while, Gong Chan-ho turned his back without regret and walked out of the tent. Lee Hyo-eul’s eyes, which had been staring blankly, grew as big as a flower lantern.

“Now, wait a minute! User Gong Chan-ho! It’s late now and it’s raining outside! what… !”

However, Lee Hyo-eul, who got up late and hurriedly followed Gong Chan-ho, was completely devastated the moment she went out of the tent. He was suddenly stopped in his tracks by a sharp force coming from all directions.

On earth, when did it come?

Outside the central tent, there were already over 5,000 users lined up neatly. Even as the rain continues to fall, they stay in their respective places and remain silent. Such an appearance went beyond solemnity and even showed an unexpected grandeur.

By the way, how did this happen?

This time, the total number of expedition members in the North Continent is approximately 15,000, including combat users only. Therefore, the average number of combatants in each expedition should be between 3,000 and 4,000.

In that case, the Northern Expedition that Gong Chan-ho is currently joining has over 5,000 combat users. What really happened in the meantime?

Eventually, as Gong Chan-ho crossed the center, the users automatically split to the left and right and began to turn their backs one by one.

“at last… .”

Lee Hyo-eul could not stop such users and could only stare helplessly.

It took 10 days for the first attack on the Eastern Expedition.

14 days left for the second attack on the Southern Expedition.

Finally, 24 days after starting the first attack, the Northern Expedition gave the signal to begin the third attack.



The huge greatsword swung with a sharp sound of wind.


The tip of the sword cleanly passes through Lee Hee-won’s neck. Immediately, the bursting blood flowed out like a fountain and the separated face flew through the air. A face that seems to have given up on everything. Ahn Hyeon’s face turned pale as he stared into space.

“The execution is over.”

Yeon Hye-rim, who personally carried out the execution, yawns quietly and reports.

“This concludes the trial.”

And Soyoung Han slowly stood up. Starting with that, Shin Jae-ryong, Helena, and other users who were watching began to turn their gazes one by one. Directly in the direction where Anhyeon is.

“Why why… ?”

It was a moment when Ahn Hyeon felt puzzled as everyone was looking at him.


“Ahn Hyeon.”

A low voice followed the familiar applause.

“Why did you make that choice?”

Finally, Anhyeon looked to the side and was at a loss for words. This was because Kim Soo-hyun had already approached him and was glaring at him.

no. Not only Kim Soo-hyun, but all users were glaring at Ahn Hyun.

“Well, so… .”

Ahn Hyeon stuttered, unable to hide his embarrassment. However, Kim Soo-hyun and users did not wait for Ahn Hyun’s words.

“This world is not the modern world you live in. It’s a hole plane. “But why is that?”

“How old are you? Are you a new chick? It’s been 3 years and you can’t even pee? “Can’t you understand the atmosphere?”

“I pretended to be nice to myself and fell asleep. “He’s such a brat.”

“what? Let’s give it one more chance? Seriously, would the person who was betrayed actually say something like that? “Such a brainless bastard!”

As if they were waiting for this trial to end, they began pouring out criticism one by one without stopping.

no! That’s not it!

Anhyeon cried out desperately in her heart, but for some reason, her mouth did not fall. She just looks at the users who criticize her one after another with a look of bewilderment on their faces.

When he finally couldn’t bear it anymore and turned his gaze towards Kim Soo-hyun, Ahn Hyun was startled.


This is because Kim Soo-hyun, who had already brought his face close to his face, was staring directly at him.

But before I could even gather my heart.

“Do you want to go into the hole again?”

Kim Soo-hyun’s voice rang in Ahn Hyun’s ears like a whisper.

It was that moment.


Ahn Hyeon opened his eyes and raised his upper body, letting out a loud moan. And the moment the ceiling of the tent came into view, my startled eyes slowly calmed.

“… “It’s a dream.”

Anhyeon muttered in a slightly calm voice.

It was definitely a dream. However, since it was too vivid for a dream, and the information that continued from the end of the trial was not true, Ahn Hyeon could not shake off the uneasy feeling. Because he seemed to be the embodiment of his inner anxiety.

In fact, the trial itself had already ended two weeks ago, but the emotions she felt at that time were still deeply embedded in Ahn Hyun’s mind.

The archer woman was executed on the spot.

The trial is over.

okay. That’s all over.

After barely organizing his thoughts, Ahn Hyeon forced his eyes to close. However, he tossed and turned in that state for a while, and eventually, unable to overcome his complicated mind, he left the tent.

As soon as we went outside, a cool breeze blew and cooled Anhyeon’s cold sweat. The sun had just begun to rise and it was still dark, but morning would come soon.

After feeling the early morning breeze and looking around the fortress that was still under construction, Ahn Hyeon suddenly felt much better, although not completely. Perhaps because it is still early in the morning, there are no users walking around except at the border.

Anhyeon reached a suitable place and stopped. Then he raised the spear he had brought out high and took a stance. He was planning to start practicing as a way to shake off any lingering feelings of unease. Because at least he can’t think about anything while he’s moving the window.

While Anhyeon was in a trance and practicing, time continued to pass.

The morning sun slowly rose, casting warm sunlight on the fortress that was slowly taking shape, and in the meantime, people got up one by one and came out of the tent and began their activities.

Users prepared meals or did morning training like Anhyeon, and residents gathered in groups of twos and threes to discuss how to build the fortress today.

By the time that fragrant smell had colored the entire fortress.


Ahn Hyeon, who had never rested since he started training, finally put down his spear and stopped moving. The morning training was finally over.

Ahn Hyeon, who was breathing heavily but looking refreshed, walked into a suitable shade and sat down. And she was just about to raise her hand to wipe her forehead, wiping off the sweat she had shed profusely.

“Suryun, I enjoyed it. “You’ve grown by leaps and bounds.”

At the same time that a gentle voice was heard, Ahn Hyun had to feel a cold touch on the area around her neck. Ahn Hyun jumped for a moment, but the moment she looked back, she said, “Uh.” She let out a bewildered exclamation without realizing it.

I don’t know how long I’ve been watching, but Cha So-rim, with a bright smile, slightly bending her knees, was holding out a water bottle full of water droplets.

“So, Shaolin’s older sister?”

“drink. “I must be thirsty.”

Anhyeon bowed his head and calmly accepted the water bottle. Maybe there was ice inside him, but the cold feel of his hand couldn’t have been that pleasant.

Since she was very thirsty, Ahn Hyeon drank water in a hurry, and Cha So-rim calmly leveled the floor and carefully placed her buttocks.

And after a while, Ahn Hyun, who had emptied more than half of the bottle in one go, exclaimed, “Wow,” and made an expression that he was finally going to live.

“Wow, that’s good.”

“I feel really refreshed after completing the training.”

“That’s right, that’s right. … By the way, since when have you been watching Sorim?”

“From the middle. I came out a little early to do some training, but when I saw my younger brother practicing, I lost my attention without realizing it. “If you don’t mind, have you become one with the spear?”

Became one with the window. This is a euphemism for asking whether the new spear and unity have been achieved, and was a phrase mainly used by spearmen.

After all, Ahn Hyeon had received guidance from Cha So-rim many times, and since they were members of the same clan, Ahn Hyeon nodded his head without hesitation. She gave off an air of admiration for Cha So-rim.

“okay. For some reason, I thought that the frequency of training has become very frequent these days. When you first learn that ability, you will probably want to keep holding the spear and moving it until you get used to it. Of course, this is a good thing. congratulation.”

“Hey, what? I just moved my head because it was complicated. lol… .”

Ahn Hyeon smiles brightly and shakes his head. Cha So-rim gently leaned her head on her knees and opened her mouth.

“My head is complicated… . Could it be because of that incident two weeks ago?”

Anhyun’s laughter stopped.

“to… . what… . I can’t say no. Still, it doesn’t really matter. It’s already happened. “It’s over.”

And he scratches his head with a slightly troubled expression.

Cha So-rim opened her mouth softly.

“Is your younger brother regretting it? “The decision at that time?”

“hmm? no. That’s absolutely not the case. “If you had accepted the punishment, you would be regretting it now, right?”

When asked if he regretted anything, Ahn Hyeon gave a sharp answer. Lee Chae flashed across Cha So-rim’s eyes.

“actually… . I had a lot to worry about at that time. All I had to do was nod my head once to adapt to the situation.”

“Yes. It was also the right thing to do. Oh, of course, that’s my personal opinion.”

“I hated that right away.”

“… yes?”

This time Cha So-rim asked a question.

And Ahn Hyeon slowly turned his gaze and stared directly at Cha So-rim.

“Because I didn’t want to change.”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Ahn Hyeon’s true inner thoughts!

Gong Chan-ho is proud!

The crazy god of thunder!

Damn Kim Soo-hyun!

All of this in the next episode… !(Pukpuk!)

Uhm, uhm.

Yesterday’s comments exploded. (First of all, I would like to express my deepest apologies to those who were angry because of Ahn Hyun yesterday and were unable to handle their work. Bow!) Then, I will pretend to be an ajumma for a while. Of course, Ahn Hyeon is my son.

Ro Yujin: No! You could say that our Hyun doesn’t kill anyone! Why are you killing my baby?

Reader: Die!

Reader: Hit it very hard!

Yujin Ro: GG.

is a joke.

In fact, in Lee Hee-won’s case, execution is the right thing to do. Because he literally ran away thinking only about his own survival. This is an issue that can be taken very seriously in Holplane.

However, even though almost everyone wanted to say yes, the reason Ahn Hyun was the only one to say no was because there was something he wanted to keep and protect. In other words, it could be said to be the final Maginot Line. Of course, this part will only be mentioned at the beginning of the next episode.

The Northern Expedition will arrive immediately in the next episode. Until I get into the proper phase, I plan to move quickly by tapping twice per part. 🙂


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not work with dark mode