MEMORIZE Chapter 598

00598 Those who fight to the death live, those who run to the death… . ————————————————– ———————-=

Would this be what it would feel like if you suddenly poured cold water on your drowsy body?

I suddenly came to my senses. The fog in her head cleared. The blurry eyes begin to shine. Immediately, Ahn Hyeon, who was clutching the window tightly, gently closed his eyes.

Memories of confronting Joo Hyun-ho pass through my head one by one.

I just did what I was taught. He simply abandoned his habits as a prosecutor.

If so, everything has changed.

As my vision changed, the other person’s every action moved as I thought. When the spear was used, the opponent was caught by the tip of the spear as if being sucked in. Thus, it was Anhyeon who achieved victory after a difficult battle.

It was only then that Ahn Hyeon realized. The identity of the strange feeling that had taken over his entire body right after he woke up. It could be seen as a kind of longing.

In other words, the desire to fight again like before, the desire for struggle.

Kim Soo-hyun seemed to have noticed the change in Ahn Hyun and laughed in a low voice. Then he placed both hands on the ground, slightly tilted his back, and calmly opened his mouth.

“Then, let’s take a listen.”

“… … ?”

“Tell me what happened. One by one, calmly.”

“… yes.”

Anhyeon quietly nodded his head. And as Kim Soo-hyun requested, he spoke in detail about what he had experienced since he was tracking Joo Hyun-ho.

“Initially… .”

As I reflected on this, I felt like things were being sorted out, giving me a little bit of strength. Naturally, my mind calmed down and I started speaking fluently. Kim Soo-hyun listened carefully to Ahn Hyun’s words as if he was interested.

“When I pierced the spear like that, his chest suddenly exploded… .”

“huh? wait for a sec.”

“… … ?”

“So, Lord… . “You mean he beat that guy?”

“yes. Yes. But as I said, it was not in perfect condition.”

“still. You took on that guy almost by yourself and beat him again? really?”

His face was one of disbelief, but somewhere in his voice was an expression of admiration. Ahn Hyun, encouraged by that tone of voice, nodded his head again, and Kim Soo-hyun laughed and shook his head.

“You beat him… . No matter how severe the injury was, this is truly incredible. “It’s unbelievable.”

“Eh, is that much? Was he that strong?”

“fairly. If he were at his best, there would be very few users in our clan who could compete against him. “Maybe it should be at least the remaining amount?”


“No, it may be difficult for Nam Da-eun to guarantee victory. “You might have the upper hand for the first 20 to 30 minutes, but the longer it goes on, the more likely you are to lose.”

“Oh, Geomhu too?”

“Of course, you have to stick to it properly to find out. Anyway, the guy you faced was that strong.”

“… … .”

Kim Soo-hyun said while looking at Ahn Hyun. In fact, the analysis just now was something Kim Soo-hyun could say because he knew that Nam Da-eun’s durability ability was low.

However, Anhyeon, who knew nothing, could only be surprised. When Kim Soo-hyun presented accurate indicators, what had been vague began to become clear.


Additional time passed, and Ahn Hyeon concluded the story by saying that he had boarded the mine train.

“So that’s how it happened.”

Kim Soo-hyun, who heard the situation, shook his head and stood up as if he finally understood. As he was about to turn around, Ahn Hyun quickly grabbed Kim Soo-hyun.

“Hey, bro. wait a minute.”

“… why?”

“that… . “I’m sure Jaeryong will be okay, right?”

“huh? Didn’t you hear the news? “There is no problem with my life.”

Kim Soo-hyun shrugged his shoulders, but Ahn Hyun still did not let go of his hand.

“I heard. But I’m still out of my mind… .”

“I can’t help it. I almost came to the brink of death. … Anyway, don’t worry. “I gave him the elixir, so he’ll be fine.”

It was then.

Although it was a very brief moment, Ahn Hyun saw that complex, unknown emotions flashed through Kim Soo-hyun’s eyes. Come to think of it, she seemed strangely tired today.

What’s wrong with you too?

Ahn Hyeon, who thought so, soon came to the conclusion that he had seen it wrong. When Kim Soo-hyun lowered his gaze, his face reflected in the moonlight looked as grave as always.

“okay. Elixir… .”

“doesn’t care. It was also an unavoidable situation. “I’m going to use it on you and Hangyeol anyway, so it’s okay to count it as if I used it on Mar and Shin Jae-ryong.”

“haha. Ah, painful memories… .”

“… … .”

“hmm… . I… . therefore… .”

“… … .”

At some point, the story started to spin.

Kim Soo-hyun remained silent for a moment, and Ahn Hyun continued to stutter and blurt out his words. As if there was something left to say.

“If you want to say something, say it. “Don’t keep turning it around.”

So when Kim Soo-hyun broke his silence and opened his mouth, Ahn Hyun even felt grateful.

Anhyeon slowly took a breath.

In fact, I was able to resolve it to some extent while talking, but my heart was still burning. The story was just a process of confirming the identity of the emotion.

The feeling of wanting to fight, of struggle.

The reason I kept feeling nervous and the feeling of emptiness because there was no window were all happening for those reasons.

After a while, Ahn Hyeon quietly opened his mouth.

“brother. Actually, I learned a new ability during that battle.”

“Shingeomunhapil… . No, it was Shinchanghapil. congratulations. “It’s a very useful ability.”

For a moment, Anhyun was shocked. However, I soon remembered that I had brought it up earlier in the conversation and calmly took a deep breath. In any case, it didn’t really matter whether you knew it or not.

The most important thing now is to somehow extinguish the fire that has started burning in my heart.

“so… . “I’d like to check.”

“what. “What is your level now?”

Before we knew it, Kim Soo-hyun had a slight smile on his lips. But Anhyeon slowly shook her head. Of course, it wasn’t that I didn’t want to check the level, but what I wanted to check even more than that was… .

“I want to see how sincere my brother is.”

Finally, Ahn Hyeon expressed his true feelings.

At the same time, Kim Soo-hyun’s face changed for the first time. The sincerity behind Ahn Hyeon’s attitude was read.


It can be interpreted for various purposes depending on the situation, but in the current situation, there is no way Kim Soo-hyun does not know what Ahn Hyun meant. … in short.

“… “Can you handle it?”

A low murmur flowed into my ears. And for the first time, Ahn Hyun felt moved by Kim Soo-hyun.

Violent resistance. That was the feeling of the Qigong spearman who decided to stop chasing Kim Soo-hyun and follow the path of a spearman. In other words, Kim Soo-hyun’s words touched Ahn Hyun’s pride.

“I do not know. “I’d like to check too.”

Anhyeon barely managed to catch his breath and responded. However, he could not hide his slightly sharp tone.

For a moment, there was silence as if time had stopped.

Kim Soo-hyun and Ahn Hyun’s gaze intersect, and an invisible spark clashes between them.

The silence did not last long.

“… Nothing bad. good night.”

Kim Soo-hyun finally gave permission.

“wake up.”

Ahn Hyun quickly stood up at the frosty tone that followed immediately.

Soon, the two men slowly and simultaneously began taking a few steps back from each other.

Soon, An Hyun gently grasped the spear holder and aimed the spear straight ahead. When the Shinchang Unity was activated, the entire body of the spear, which was previously colored in black, was painted with pure white light.

And Kim Soo-hyun slowly bent down and picked up a weed growing on the ground. Anhyun’s eyes twitched violently as she saw this.

After a while, the weeds also turned white and began to emit a soft light.

“… brother.”

“Don’t tell me to take out the sword.”


“But, just the jersey. I don’t know what you may think, but if you really want to be sincere, not just sparring… . “Because I think it’s arrogant.”

“… … .”

“If you’re feeling unfairly treated, make them bring it out yourself.”


“I guess there’s no need to say anything more. Then, let’s go.”

The moment I heard those words.


Very suddenly, Kim Soo-hyun’s momentum changed completely. The energy that was just like a floating cloud suddenly swirled explosively and began to take control of the area.

Soon, the moment Kim Soo-hyun’s eyes began to emit an eerie light, Ahn Hyun suddenly felt as if the whole world had stopped. She suddenly felt pain as if her eyes were going to fall out, and her body began to shake against her will.

Just standing still, I feel like an intangible energy is constricting my whole body.

It feels like the tip of an invisible knife is stabbing my entire body mercilessly.

Anhyeon’s intuition was clearly warning him.


Such thoughts dominated his mind, but Anhyun did not back down. Instead, he bit his mouth until it bled and burned his will to fight. He was thinking that there would be a difference in skill anyway. Then, a look crossed the eyes of Kim Soo-hyun, who was glaring at Ahn Hyeon.

“like. “I guess I didn’t just buy it.”

Kim Soo-hyun praised the song in an extraordinary voice. However, it was a compliment that Ahn Hyun could not hear with much joy.

Ahn Hyeon got angry and slightly lowered his spear. I relive the experience I gained during Joo Hyun-ho. He must not lose his prudence. Instead of rushing in when provoked like before, assume the worst and prepare for two or three moves ahead.

The opponent is the Mercenary Clan Lord.

This is user Kim Soo-hyun.

It was at this moment that Ahn Hyeon, who had already drawn a picture in his head, leaned in slightly.

Suddenly, Kim Soo-hyun made the first move.


There was no time to react.

I just saw something.

That was it.

“100 million… .”

I let out a moan without realizing it.

After about a second, Ahn Hyeon felt that his body was already flying in the air. And later, she began to feel pain in her abdomen. therefore… .


Before I could even think about what had happened, a cool wind blew from my side.

The reason Anhyeon was barely able to lift the spear even as he was flying was a reaction born out of desperation that he would truly die if he continued like this. The weeds swaying gently in the wind leave a white afterimage and scan Anhyeon diagonally.



With just one hit, the self-defense device was shattered. Ahn Hyeon suddenly felt the sensation of his grip being torn apart. Before he could even come to his senses, his body collapsed and he rolled on the ground. If there’s anything to praise, it’s that he didn’t miss the spear and that he used his martial arts skills as soon as he rolled on the floor to get up straight away.

The headaches and pain were issues that had to be put aside.

It’s just on a different level.

Ahn Hyeon finally found out. How did the enemies we have faced so far have to feel in front of Kim Soo-hyun?

It was despair, no, death itself.

Literally overwhelming fear.

Joo Hyeon-ho? You can’t even compare. It would be many times better to confront 100 Joo Hyun-ho naked than to face Kim Soo-hyun, who is sincere.

In fact, Anhyeon had already died twice.

Even as Ahn Hyun was throwing his body around, he glanced around and checked Kim Soo-hyun’s location.

1 meter to the left.

The moment he confirmed it, Ahn Hyun immediately flew in the opposite direction. It was obvious that if I stayed still, I would be harmed, so I thought I would first clear the picture in my head.

No, it was wrong to think about Kim Soo-hyun as a picture. What good is even a well-drawn picture when it is destroyed from the start before even showing the numbers?

Ahn Hyeon frowned deeply. Then there is only one way left. Just an attack that disregarded his life.

Thinking like that, I was barely able to get my bearings.

“… … .”

Anhyeon had no choice but to stop moving. Before I knew it, the cool weeds were tickling my neck.

Kim Soo-hyun is not visible in any of the front, left, and right directions.

In other words, the rear was occupied without any rat or bird knowing.

… Is this your brother’s real battle?

Ahn Hyeon ended up laughing.

Cheon-o-oe-cheon (天外天).

It was the sky above the sky.

“I lost. “I couldn’t even do anything.”

“Are you satisfied now?”


Ahn Hyun shakes his head and agrees.

Kim Soo-hyun smiles. He then burned the weeds and quickly took out a piece of tobacco and lit it. Whoosh, a blur of smoke passed over Ahn Hyeon’s shoulder.

“I commend you for not missing the spear.”

“swimming. thank you.”

“You try to act calm and be funny. So, what do you think? Now that you’ve confirmed it, are you going to get discouraged again?”

“Hmm. “I’m not sure about that.”

I didn’t say no.

“But I know one thing for sure.”

However, when Ahn Hyeon finally turned around, his face was filled with a smile. It was a truly relieved-looking face.

For a moment, a strange light flashed across Kim Soo-hyun’s face as he looked at Ahn Hyun.

Ahn Hyeon quietly opened his mouth, still smiling.

“This kind of brother is exactly what I have always thought of and tried to chase after.”

“… hmm?”

“My brother… . It’s really strong. “I’m glad you’re strong.”

“… … .”

This time, Kim Soo-hyun kept his mouth shut. Because I never expected something like this to come out.

I’m glad my brother is strong.

If you think about it, it was a word that had a lot of meaning.

Kim Soo-hyun, who had been staring at Ahn Hyun for a long time, suddenly smiled. Then, she spat out the tobacco in her mouth and suddenly hit Anhyeon hard on the shoulder.


Anhyeon’s body shook slightly violently. It wasn’t an attack filled with his magical power, but it was still very painful.

“Ouch.” By the time Ahn Hyeon, who was moaning, was staring at Kim Soo-hyun, Kim Soo-hyun had already turned his body and was walking towards the tent.

“brother… .”

It was then.

“Ahn Hyeon.”

Kim Soo-hyun suddenly stopped walking and slowly turned his head halfway.

And then he calmly opened his mouth.

“good job.”

“… yes?”

For a moment, Ahn Hyeon’s face went blank.

“Good job. “It’s the same in the pit, and the battle just now.”

And Kim Soo-hyun walks again.

After a while, Ahn Hyun’s pupils, who looked devastated, grew to the size of a flower lantern. The corners of her mouth widened in agreement with him.

“Yes, yes!”

Ahn Hyeon responded with a stronger voice than ever.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

I hate fighting, I hate it~.

I hate disruption. I hate it.

Reader antagonism, Oh No~.

I hate clutter, I hate it~.

I hate crowds, I hate it~.

Beautiful Komen, Oh Yes~.

Good eyesight, good mood, and great nutrition.

Komen is perfect for my clean taste.

Readers’ opinions are also full of sincerity.

Komen is perfect for my healthy taste.

Ko~men, I like it. Ko~men, I like it. Please give me a nose~. (Yes~ quickly.)

Ko~men, I like it. I like Komen~. It’s the best in the world.

I don’t want to imagine a world without Komen, I hate it!

I like Komen the best. Just leave a comment!

… I’ll stop here. Hmm. It’s just a song!(?!)

Some of our readers may remember the milk song from their childhood. ha ha ha. 🙂

I am attaching the address below just in case. It’s a very fun song. Take a listen! 😀


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not work with dark mode