MEMORIZE Chapter 596

00596 Smile and say goodbye. ————————————————– ———————-=

I ran down the aisle like crazy.

Anhyeon, whom I met along the way, also passed by.

And I just kept running, until I finally spotted Shin Jae-ryong in the distance… .

For the first time, I stopped walking.


That happened as soon as Shin Jae-ryong was discovered. The ceiling, which had barely held up until now, cannot withstand further collapse and collapses. Although I definitely found Shin Jae-ryong, the thought that it was too late passed through my head.

Shin Jae-ryong fell to the floor. The ceiling was about to collapse at almost the same time.

In that condition, he would probably be crushed to death within 8 seconds. I didn’t stop for nothing. This is because I know that no matter what I do here and now, I cannot reach my destination within 8 seconds.

What should I do here?

The cup has already been tipped over and water is flowing out. There is nothing that can be done in the current situation. I have no connection with the energy of earth, and even if I did, I doubt whether it would be able to handle such a scale. If it were just dirt and rocks falling, it was at the level where the ceiling itself collapsed.

… So should I just stay like this? Should I watch him die like this?

If you can truly achieve speeds as fast as light, or if there is a trick that can extend time… .

5 seconds.

for a moment.

Light, time.

… perhaps.

4 seconds.

I heard about Victoria’s glory. She began to prepare for her wave by raising her magic power with all her might. It is not a wave that just shoots once and ends, but a wave that remains after being emitted and can continuously affect the surroundings.

3 seconds.

In a split second, the circuits of the entire body rotate furiously. Starting from the feet, the magic energy that travels all the way to the thighs, abdomen, chest, heart, and head is collected in the form of a vortex. Gather and gather the more powerful magic into a round shape, and use your right arm as a channel to infuse it all into Victoria’s glory.

2 seconds.

Buzz buzz buzz!

Victoria’s glory finally shines brightly and cries out the harsh darkness. At the same time, a round sphere is created with the tip of the sword. I felt as if the magic power from my whole body was being sucked out, but I couldn’t stop like this. Preserve as much of the momentum as possible, pushing forward like a tidal wave, and powerfully push the sphere at the tip of the sword.

And then, just like that, it fires.

1 second.


At that moment, I had to stop breathing for even 0.1 second and feel the force of resistance that made my whole body stiffen. A shock I’ve never experienced before. No matter how much you focus on completing it without adjusting it, considering that your stamina ability is 100 points, it can never be considered a common occurrence.

However, the effect was clear.

0 seconds.

At the moment just before the critical moment, light and darkness intersected.

The wave became a flash of light and instantly crossed the distance that was thought to be impossible to reach within 10 seconds.


In an instant, the darkness filling the passage turns into pure white light.

It was a dazzling festival of light, but it was clearly visible.

The wave that glides from the tip of the sword to the end of the passage pierces and destroys everything that comes into its sphere of influence.

The waves that continued like that became a curtain. They succeeded in temporarily stopping the ceiling from collapsing towards Shin Jae-ryong.

okay. succeded.

If a situation had been created to save Shin Jae-ryong, now was the last chance that would never come again.

Buzz, buzz, buzz!

I grabbed onto Victoria’s glory, as if urging me to go faster. Her body was already moving. Running, jumping, Gungsin Tanyeong, Lee Hyeong-hwanwi… . Taking advantage of the gap in the wave’s influence, I rushed forward with all the means at my disposal.

As a result, we were able to reduce the gap to the point where we could reach Shin Jae-ryong in exactly 11 seconds.

I quickly stretched out my hand.

“User Shin Jae-ryong!”

And finally caught it.

Grrrr… .

Grumble, rumble!

It was then. Suddenly, the light that filled the passage dimmed, and a thrilling sensation ran down my spine. There is no time for any delay. Immediately, he gave strength to the hand he was holding, while at the same time leaning his body diagonally and kicking the ground with all his might.

Boom, boom, boom, boom!

For a moment, I felt like there was noise in my vision. Something hard scraped against my body, and something else hit the top of my head. It felt like I was being swept around by a tidal wave.

But there was only one thing I had to worry about right now. Without letting go of the heavy feeling I felt in my left hand, I used the gungshintanyeong in reverse as soon as my feet touched, and when my body seemed to stop, I used it again. As if I had an obsession that I would die if I didn’t run, I just poured all my strength into going back down the passage I had run towards.


Then, at some point, my foot suddenly got twisted and I rolled violently on the ground. When I reflexively raised my gaze, I was able to see a ceiling that looked relatively intact. then… .

Are you saying that at least the sphere of influence is completely gone?

“omg… . omg… .”

I wasn’t feeling it at all, but before I knew it, I was out of breath. In fact, ever since the battle with Father, I have been working my body to its limit, and I have also used fire power occasionally. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t tired.

To take a moment to catch my breath, I decided to check on Shin Jae-ryong’s condition.

In fact, I know that it is better to just keep running away than to stay like this. But that can happen assuming Shin Jae-ryong holds out.

Although the rescue was successful, it is difficult to say that it was a complete rescue. Because even at first glance, Shin Jae-ryong’s condition seemed to be on the verge of death.

As a result of checking with the third eye, Shin Jae-ryong’s condition was as serious as expected. It is not an exaggeration to say that he would die within tens of seconds. Perhaps if he had delayed even a little when meeting Ahn Hyeon, it would have resulted in irreversible consequences.

Anyway, it’s okay. There is a way to definitely save Shin Jae-ryong. Ever since that incident, I always take a bottle of elixir with me whenever I go out.

“… … !”

Finally, just as I was about to take the elixir out of my pocket without even thinking about it, I was startled for a moment. The reason it stopped moving was a kind of worry that had been bothering me ever since I first decided to save them.

So, I guess it’s like a feeling of discomfort that’s not like me… ?

I slowly lowered my gaze and stared at Shin Jae-ryong. And the moment I saw the cold face and calm smile.

“I am… .”

I don’t know why, but the feeling of discomfort disappeared instantly.


I immediately cut the rope tying the elixir and tore off the cap. The refreshing scent flowing from the golden liquid fills her nostrils with a refreshing feeling.

I opened my mouth feeling relieved.

“… “I hope Shin Jae-ryong lives.”

And without hesitation, I tilted the bottle. … I don’t know if I did a good job.

Anyway, because it was an elixir, the effect appeared immediately. After checking that Shin Jae-ryong was gradually showing stable breathing, he let out a sigh of relief and turned his attention to the passage.

Probably by now, Anhyeon would have met Ansol, and Helena would have received treatment from a priest. If she had been a little faster she might have arrived at all.

Then it’s okay. Whether Han So-young waits or not, it is safe to say that as long as Helena is treated, the escape of the three is almost certain.

So now all that’s left to do is… . No, it would be more accurate to say that there is no time to continue like this.

Without delay, I wrapped Shin Jae-ryong on my back and started running down the ramshackle passage.


Have you ever seen the ground collapse? The sight of the ground that had already collapsed once, forming a pit, collapsing again and widening it further.

It makes you feel more scared than you can imagine.


A huge roar, similar to thunder, swept all around. In the aftermath, the entire area began to tremble as if there had been an earthquake, and the users standing on the hill stepped back with distraught faces.

Among those users, only one woman stands upright and stares straight into the pit. She was Han So-young.

Soyoung Han couldn’t wait until the end. She somehow tried to wait for Kim Soo-hyun, but when Ahn Hyun arrived, it was her final straw. Even the inner wall surrounding the hole was showing signs of collapsing little by little.

Han So-young, who was dragged out almost by force, took care of evacuating the injured as soon as she came out and then directly focused her efforts on rescuing the remaining personnel. In fact, Han So-young was the last to appear, so the only remaining member was Kim Soo-hyun.

But as time continued to pass, even that became impossible. This is because as the collapse became more severe, the ground outside the pit also showed abnormalities.

Users waiting for rescue repeatedly appealed for withdrawal, and Han So-young, who had endured it three times, had no choice but to hold back her heart and give the withdrawal order at the fourth appeal.

At first, they planned to withdraw to the hill wall, but since it surrounded the pit, it was not a safe area.

So, in the end, they retreated to the forefront of Shadow Hill. As a result, all ways to rescue Kim Soo-hyun have been cut off.

Of course, there was still no hope left.

First, there is room for expectation from the user Kim Soo-hyun himself. If the movements shown during the battle with Father were anything to go by, escaping on one’s own would not be impossible. No, it might actually be better than a rope.

And the second thing is… .

Han So-young, who continued to stare at the pit, turned her head for a moment and looked to one side. Where she turned her gaze, a woman was watching the pit from the same line as Han So-young. She is not just watching, but her entire body is emitting a gorgeous light.

The woman’s identity is none other than Ansol.

It was like that. Ansol was now preparing for his miracle. He had decided not to use it in his pit, but this time the object of use was different. She did not use her miracle in the first place because of Kim Soo-hyun, so now that the target of her use is confirmed to be Kim Soo-hyun, Ansol’s mind is bound to change.

Gurgling, gurgling!

At that moment, there was a tremendous noise and the ground around the pit sank as if it were sinking. It hasn’t completely subsided yet, but it has sunk enough to be clearly visible.

The Mercenary Clan members who were watching from afar looked alternately at Ansol and the pit with anxious faces. We are well aware of the efficacy of miracles, but no matter how much time passes, Kim Soo-hyun does not appear, so we cannot help but feel anxious.

And Ansol was still just watching.

“Ansol, Ansol! Shouldn’t I use it now? huh?”

In the end, Lee Yu-jeong, who could no longer bear it, rushed at Ansol, grabbed his shoulders and shook him. Then, Sol An, who was concentrating as hard as she could, frowned at her and shook her head as if he was annoyed.

“sister. I’m keeping quiet. “I will take care of it.”

A voice that feels a little cold.

But Lee Yu-jeong could not wait any longer. He said he was preparing a miracle, so he tried to suppress it, but as he watched the ground crumbling by the minute, he couldn’t hold back any longer. He doesn’t know because he hasn’t heard the circumstances yet, but he does know that Kim Soo-hyun couldn’t come out. If he had had the means, he would have gone down without hesitation.

Lee Yoo-jeong grabbed Ansol’s shoulder.

“Don’t do that, okay? hurry… !”

“I told you it was noisy!”

Suddenly, Ansol shouted in an extremely sharp voice. A dazed feeling suddenly entered Lee Yu-jeong’s mind as she hesitated without realizing it.

“Well, well… ?”

“Who…” . Do you know who doesn’t want to use it now?”

“… … .”

“… “Without knowing anything!”


It was then.

Just as Ansol was about to finish his sentence, almost in tears, a loud noise that shook the heavens and earth suddenly rang in the users’ ears. The tremors of the ground also became indescribably severe. Ansol and Yujeong Lee reflexively turned their heads.

It happened really suddenly.

‘But not yet… .’ It happened faster than users expected.

Grumble, rumble!

The pit collapses.

It is literally collapsing in one fell swoop. Whatever we have managed to endure so far has reached its limit. The land itself is sinking downward, cracking like a cracked eggshell, slowly but completely falling apart. Lee Yu-jeong shouted again, even as she took her breath away at the sight of the enormous destruction.


No, not only Lee Yu-jeong but other clan members also shouted the same thing.

Now that he was aware of the seriousness of the situation, Ansol did not hesitate any longer. The hand holding her cane naturally rose.

『A little luck when you need it!』

『A little luck when you need it!』

『A little luck when you need it!』

『A little luck when you need it!』

Messages continued to appear as if someone was trying to dissuade Ansol, but he ignored them and opened his mouth.

“energy… !”

And, it was that moment.

Hwareuk, Hwareuk!

Suddenly, a burning sound came from somewhere, and the ground that had not yet collapsed melted.


At the same time, someone broke through the ground and soared high into the sky.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Okay, it’s over. ㅇ<-

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not work with dark mode