MEMORIZE Chapter 591

00591 Smile and say goodbye. ————————————————– ———————-=

The battle is over.

Baek Hyung-sik died with Go Eun-sol due to Helena’s magic, and Joo Hyun-ho collapsed from injuries that could not be recovered even with regeneration. Of course, users also made great sacrifices, but they achieved victory anyway.

Tap, tap.

Suddenly, dust particles fell from the ceiling and ran down my tear-stained cheeks. However, currently, Ahn Hyun’s attention was all focused on Joo Hyeon-ho.

Still staring intently with the spear in place, Ahn Hyeon quietly opened his mouth.

“Say it. “What do you mean, explosive device?”

“Knock, call!”

As he wrenched the spear out with all his might, Joo Hyeon-ho coughed violently.

Tuk-tuk, tuk-tuk.

The dirt particles continued to fall. One of the spilled powders accidentally hit Joo Hyeon-ho’s eye. Joo Hyeon-ho frowned reflexively, then suddenly let out a low laugh. It was a strange sound, not knowing whether it was laughing or crying.

“Hehe… . Cough, explosive device? Hehehe… .”

Anhyun’s eyes narrowed. She immediately raises her foot and roughly tramples her chest.


“Woof! Wow… !”

My ribs were broken. As Joo Hyeon-ho screams, a large amount of blood gushes out of his mouth.

“say. “Where is it?”

“Cruk! Speaking of… . Will you save me… ?”

Joo Hyeon-ho begs for his life. However, Anhyun immediately shook his head as if it was not worth thinking about.

“no? Still, if you tell me, I will at least let you go without suffering.”

“he… . So you’re going to die anyway? “Then do you think I’ll tell you?”

Anhyun snorted at the seemingly calm voice. And without any hesitation, he raised his spear high. Although it is abbreviated, Kim Soo-hyun once provided some training to prepare for such cases.

‘Don’t waste time wandering around.’

Following the teachings he received back then, An Hyun was really planning to smash Joo Hyeon-ho’s head.

“for a moment. “My thoughts changed.”

Did you read the sincerity in Ahn Hyun’s eyes? Joo Hyeon-ho shouted for a moment.

“If I’m going to die anyway, I’ll tell you. “Look at the ceiling.”

The window that was about to move stopped. Joo Hyeon-ho grinned and raised his hand with difficulty and pointed to the ceiling. Anhyun did not let down his guard and glanced up. And as soon as he noticed the crack in the ceiling, he was very upset.


At that moment, a large lump of hardened earth suddenly fell. With a thud, the fallen lump of dirt hit Joo Hyeon-ho’s face. As Ahn Hyeon quickly removed the piece of dirt, his blood-covered teeth were revealed and he let out a chuckle. Eyes that are infinitely red, as if a blood vessel has burst, stare at Anhyeon.

“good. This makes it clear… .”

For the first time, Joo Hyun-ho’s voice changed. It was a tone mixed with a little bit of regret.

Ahn Hyeon opened his mouth.

“What happened? “Have you already activated the device?”

“Oh? It means you won. congratulations.”

“Why don’t you stop playing with words.”

“Puns are bullshit. They say the father is dead. You stupid bastard. “That’s why this pit is about to collapse.”


Anhyeon tilted his head. This is my first time hearing this name. However, I instinctively knew that it was a huge monster that had appeared in the square earlier.

As An Hyeon calmly moved his arms, an eerie light emitted from the tip of the spear penetrated Joo Hyeon-ho’s philtrum.

“So, you’re saying this phenomenon isn’t due to an explosive device? “Is this a phenomenon that occurs when the Father dies?”

“Okay, you idiot. You probably saw the uneven marks on the ceiling on your way there, right? Do you know what that is?”

“… … .”

“It’s a stem trace, a stem trace. In other words, Father was originally a tree. But not only did all the stems that supported the pit fall out, they died and lost their strength. So will this pit really collapse? Won’t it collapse~?”

“… tree? … stem?”

“What should I do? I’m going to die soon, and you’re going to die too. And that’s because they were all crushed to death! Heeheehee!”

Anhyun’s head turned quickly. As Kim Soo-hyun said before, Ahn Hyun is not stupid. Rather, she is on the smart side.


After about 3 seconds passed, Anhyun was finally able to fully understand. And my first thought was, I don’t have time to do this now.

“Jaeryong hyung!”

“okay. heard. “It’s urgent at one o’clock, so let’s get it done quickly and leave.”

Even if we leave it like this anyway, Joo Hyun-ho will die. As Ahn Hyeon thought so, his spear and feet moved quickly. And only after crushing his mouth and both hands did he turn his back.

at that time.

“Hey, there must be something I haven’t heard yet?”

Although the pronunciation was badly leaked, Ahn Hyeon could clearly understand it. Anhyeon felt like it was a mistake. Come to think of it, an explosive device… .

“Let me tell you one last thing… . “I never said there were no explosive devices?”

It was an unusual voice.

Did I feel something? Anhyun’s eyes grew as big as a flower lantern.

“And that’s within range too? Hee hee hee hee hee!”

Then, a mad laugh, like a madman laughing, rang in my ears. What An Hyeon chose there was to reflexively throw his body forward without looking back at Joo Hyeon-ho.


It happened in an instant.

The tattoo on Joo Hyun-ho’s body turned red, and at the same time, a huge explosion occurred throughout his body.

Suddenly, a huge explosion of sound came around Anhyeon like a gust of wind, knocking on her self-defense equipment. In addition to an enormous shock wave, a wind of red dirt mixed with flesh swept through the king’s den. Ahn Hyeon, who was pushed away by the force, was not able to fly straight to one side and ended up rolling on the ground.


The first thing I saw was Father standing still as before.

Buzz buzz buzz!

Next, the majestic blackness flowing from the martial sword deeply embedded in the body, or rather the sword of the annihilator, rang in my ears.

– It’s over, so just stay still.

As Hwajeong said, I didn’t do anything in particular. However, there was no further reaction from Father, and the change had already begun.

Perhaps due to loss of strength, the few tentacles that managed to escape slowly descended and fell all over the ground.

At the same time, Father’s body began to twist mercilessly. It’s like playing with a super-powerful vacuum cleaner, starting from where the sword is stuck, it bends here and there and gets sucked in intensively.

Buzz, buzz, buzz!

I knew it intuitively. What is happening before my eyes is the phenomenon of being drawn into the chaos I read about in the message earlier.

It didn’t take long for the Father to be absorbed into chaos. Starting from the body to the branches and root tentacles.

The Annihilator’s sword absorbed everything in an instant. Soon, the space returned to its original state, and the sword body that had appeared for a while gradually faded away.

After seeing the series of phenomena, I couldn’t help but be amazed. No matter how dead the Father was, it cannot be denied that he was a truly terrifying force.

… anyway.

Is it really over now?

By defeating the Father, does the attack on the pit come to an end?

It was a very long battle.

Eventually, when I slowly turned around, I could see all the users looking at me blankly.

After a while, there was a small commotion.

“I won! “I won!”

“Waaah! “It’s finally over!”

Some users raise their arms and cheer, while others sit down. Everyone is happy. Even Han So-young let out a light breath with her slightly relaxed face.


“… … .”

The moment I saw Ansol’s face among the users, I suddenly felt like my whole body was sinking.

Ansol, why are you doing this alone? Why are you making such an anxious face, as if you’re about to burst into tears at any moment?

It was that moment.



Suddenly, something fell hard.

“omg… . omg… . what? Are you done?”

A group of users appeared at the door leading to the side of the square. At first count, there were about 20 users, and they were all out of breath, as if they had run in such a hurry.

The cheers were short-lived. A quiet silence fell once again on the square.

The sound of something breaking.

Users who suddenly appear.

I tilted my head. Now that I think about it, I realized that there were fewer users in the square than I thought… . Have you been exploring somewhere? What on earth happened while I was focused on fighting the Father?

“This is not the time! “We need to get out of here quickly!”

At that time, Yoo Ji-tae rushed over and broke the silence.

“The pit, the pit is collapsing!”

And with the shouting that followed, I had to feel like my head was being hit with a hammer.

I quickly remembered the first round.

Even in the first round, the pit collapsed. The exact cause has not been revealed. However, the dominant theory among users was that the strategy of collapsing the ceiling during the battle with Father at the time and the magic that was fired in all directions were the main causes.

I too had accepted it as a given. This is because, if you think about it, it fits to some extent with the theory that the structure of the ground was distorted, as claimed by Lord Light.

But this time, there was nothing like that at all. The number of users who came in was very small, and magic that could put a burden on the ground was avoided as much as possible.

But why? There was no sign of the pit collapsing?

“Everyone be quiet!”

At that moment, Han So-young’s sharp cry rang in my ears.

“I will sort out the situation first. User Yoo Ji-tae. “What do you mean, the pit is collapsing?”

Instead of replying, Yoo Ji-tae pointed to the paper. A large lump of dirt, the cause of the noise earlier, was lying in pieces on the ground. Only then did I barely come to my senses.

okay. If something has already happened, resolving it is the priority. And from experience, the pit is unlikely to collapse all at once, so if you focus on escaping with all your might from now on, you will be able to get out. And above all… .

Didn’t you bring a solution, or rather bring it with you, just in case it collapsed?

I looked at Baek Han-gyeol for a moment, looking nervous, and then quickly walked towards An Sol, who was still shaking.

“however… . wait a minute. “I think there are some invisible users?”

“We don’t know that either. At some point, communication stopped… .”

“yes? You don’t know? “What does that mean?”

“yes. A total of 28 people started out, and were divided into 4 groups of 7 people in the middle. so… .”

“Then you should have explored instead of just coming. “She didn’t know that Helena was needed for a quick escape?”

“I thought it was possible to escape by connecting with users outside. And it was inevitable that I would lose contact with user Shin Jae-ryong. The road is quite complicated, and the one we just explored… . shit! Total Commander! The situation is urgent now! So, in what is believed to be the outskirts, the collapse is occurring quite severely! “So, are you saying that we should all die?”

While passing by the users, I heard a quick exchange between Han So-young and Yoo Ji-tae. I occasionally heard shouting, but I passed by without paying any attention. This is because preventing collapse was the priority now.

“Ansol. Ansol?”

Finally, as soon as we got close, I immediately called Ansol.

“eww… . eww… .”

However, Ansol did not reply, but instead appeared to gently avoid eye contact.

… Why on earth are you doing that?

Seeing her like that made me feel uncomfortable, but I suppressed it and held back. And without delay, he whispered in my ear.

“Ansol. miracle… . “You know?”

“… … .”

“Why aren’t you talking all of a sudden? there is?”

“… … .”

“… Ansol!”

“Uh, none.”

… what?

The moment I heard Ansol’s reply, I couldn’t help but feel dazed.

“Well, the waiting time… .”

A miracle… .

does not exist?

Without realizing it, I grabbed Ansol’s shoulder.


Ansol’s grip was so tight that a pain-filled moan came out of Ansol’s mouth. Still, she desperately turns her face away and avoids my gaze.

“Si, I don’t like it! No! Here, here… !”

And even rebellion.

He is saying no, no, in a pleading tone. It goes without saying that the subject is a miracle. When I saw Ansol like that, I was convinced.

I don’t know why, but Ansol is lying now.

In other words, they can use miracles, but they are trying not to use them.

I breathed calmly and tried to calm my stomach.

When the dragon sleeps in the mountains, or when saving Mar. Although he was usually quite cruel, Ansol always did something when it was important.

Also, I was the one who created Ansol’s luck stat of 102 points.

That’s why I have to trust Ansol.

Thinking like that, I slowly bent my knees. And with his remaining hand, he forcibly turned Ansol’s head and fixed it. A sad tear flows down from Ansol’s eyes as he has no choice but to look at me.

I opened my mouth quietly.


It was that moment.

『Detects the activation of user Ansol’s special ability, Saint Prophecy (Rank: F Minus).』

Although it was only for a brief moment, a jade-colored glow flashed through Ansol’s eyes.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Once in early June. Once in mid-June.

We’ve already been on hiatus twice in the month of June.

First of all, I’m really sorry. _(__)_

I always make up my mind and say I won’t do it, but I don’t think this is actually kept.

Being sick would also be an excuse. This is evidence of poor self-management.

Still, we will try to be more sincere in the future, not only during hiatus but also during update times.

Please don’t feel too sad, but I hope you will look at me kindly.

and… . I thought about it carefully, but I think I went too crazy with my recent review.

Some readers may have accepted it leniently, but I’m sure there are others who have frowned.

More than anything, I was deeply enlightened by the fact that there was almost no content related to the work in the comments.

So, in the future, I will be able to write gentle reviews like other writers.

I will make sure that I become a virtuous and gentle young man Yojo, not the rough and wild Ro Yu-jin. 🙂


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not work with dark mode