MEMORIZE Chapter 584

00584 Everyone has a shining moment at least once. ————————————————– ———————-=

The square was quiet. No one opened their mouths.

The users were divided into two groups and were silently looking ahead. One group were users who quietly retreated to the rear and waited, and the other group were users who were making some kind of preparation at the front. One thing that was unusual was that most of the thirty users who came forward were wearing wizard robes.

Eventually, as if they had completed some kind of preparation, the users stared at Han So-young with very tense faces.

After a while, Han Soyoung slowly nodded.

“───. ───. ───. Bind.”

More than 20 wizards chanted the same spell at the same time.

There may be differences depending on individual skills, but Bind itself is a basic magic among basics. Soon, the wands the users were holding began to glow bright white, and several translucent stems stuck to the ends of the wands were spit out one by one.

From as few as three or four strands to as many as eleven strands. The translucent stems flowing endlessly from the jewel, as if pulling thread from a silkworm cocoon, soon gently landed on the ground. Unusually, the areas where the bind magic landed were all shadowed by the users.

Did you think it was time? This time, Han So-young looked back at Go Yeon-ju.

Go Yeon-ju responded with a wink, while gently blinking one eye. And she gently stroked the stained scarf around her neck.

Equipment obtained from the ancient ruins ‘Lost Paradise’ and given to Go Yeon-ju by Kim Soo-hyun. It was a ‘Bloody Scarf’ soaked in the blood of Adam, the king and demigod of paradise.


Ko Yeon-ju’s unique, languid voice rang out. Assimilate, one of the abilities latent in the bloody scarf, was activated.

Then something strange happened. Suddenly, the black light in the shadow seemed to become darker, and the translucent stems flowing down the ground began to slowly melt into the shadow. It was as if the two of them were assimilating together.

Go Yeonju stared with bored eyes at the shadow assimilating with the bind magic. Then, as if I thought this was enough, I suddenly stopped the assimilation process, took a deep breath, and let my magic flow into the shadow.

The shadows that had assimilated with the bind magic began to slowly move in the direction led by Go Yeon-ju’s magic.

No, is it correct to say that it is stretching out for a long time? Anyway, the movement of the shadow was very slow. One step, one step. It is extremely cautious, like a leopard facing its prey.

Staring at the shadows growing dizzyingly in all directions, Han So-young calmly composed herself. With this, it was safe to say that almost 80% of the preparations were completed. All that remains is to reach the destination safely without being detected by those shadows. And for himself and Heo Jun-young to find the right timing.

However, it is easier said than done. In this current situation, nothing is easy. As soon as even one thing goes wrong, a butterfly effect may occur that leads to irreversible results. The battle between Kim Soo-hyun and Father that was taking place right before our eyes was showing a level of battle that was beyond compare.

The wizards are holding their wands with a bind spell attached to the shadows.

Go Yeon-ju slowly leads the shadows to their destination.

And around the time Han So-young and Heo Jun-young were trying to read Kim Soo-hyun’s movements.


Suddenly, Han So-young’s straight arm narrowed slightly. Father, who was busy trying to catch Kim Soo-hyun, suddenly showed a change in behavior. She let go of some of her tentacles that had been constantly waving through the air and she began to squirm and twitch like an angry cobra.

“Oh my, damn it.”

Go Yeon-ju also swore prettily, as if confirming Father’s actions.

What it meant was clear. Father found out about Han So-young’s plan and began to be on guard.

We’re almost there now. Just need to go a little further.

However, one of the remaining two has already been blocked. If this happens, you can’t even start.

The moment she thought that, Soyoung Han reflexively bit her lip. He tried to find a solution, but he couldn’t come up with one. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she glared at her father, and a sad light flashed through her.

It was then. The sad emotion that colored Han So-young’s eyes changed to surprise in an instant. The moment Father showed caution, Kim Soo-hyun’s behavior suddenly began to change.

The speed of moving from east to west gradually began to slow down. At some point, the attack stopped. I’m just focusing on walking around in front of the father and putting out aggro. Han So-young’s pretty lips slowly part as she looks at Kim Soo-hyun.

then… .

“thank god. “I guess Su-hyeon knew about our plan too.”

A languid tone that comes out of nowhere. At that voice, Han So-young suddenly came to her senses.

“Then, we should proceed, right?”

Go Yeon-ju asked, pointing ahead. As if it was obvious, Soyoung Han nodded her head in an instant. Still, she couldn’t help but be amazed. This time too, Kim Soo-hyun solved all remaining problems. And not just one, but all of the remaining two.

To be more precise, Han So-young’s thoughts were that not only Father but also Kim Soo-hyun knew about her plan. (In fact, Hwa-jeong informed her.) Kim Soo-hyun, who has never slowed down until now, showed such behavior. This was clear evidence. In addition, it goes around the tentacles that are on guard and maintains aggro.

Then the story becomes simple.

Han Soyoung clenched her fists. Victory is at hand.

at las.

for the first time.


I’m starting to see a way to deal with that damn father.

Han So-young’s eyes began to shine fiercely.




I heard the sound of something wet rolling down.

Eventually, the moment they entered the entrance, the users had no choice but to automatically stop. Firstly, I had to hear a huge scream that rang in my ears, and secondly, I witnessed the terrible devastation unfolding within the space I entered.

Women hanging in the air with their limbs caught in the air and their bellies swollen to the max. And monster larvae crawling here and there.

At least if you have eyes, you will be able to guess what happened here. Among the women, there were even users who had entered the pit together. Of course, her current condition was no different from that of other women.

I was dazed from the shock for a moment. Users immediately came to their senses.

“this… . A bastard with nursing care… .”

First, Go Oh-hwan slowly raised his great sword. His hand holding the hilt of his sword was trembling, his spiky beard was standing upright, and his face resembled that of an angry lion.

However, Joo Hyun-ho remained calm.

No, actually, I was very surprised at first. Because he had faced death once, the fear of that young man was deeply imprinted in his bones.

However, the moment he confirmed that Kim Soo-hyun was not among the users who came in, Joo Hyun-ho was able to heave a sigh of relief. Then, instead, he showed an attitude of ignoring the users and slowly bent his knees and looked at what had fallen on the floor.

Surprisingly, there is a baby lying on the floor, his entire body soaked with amniotic fluid.

However, there were many difficulties in considering it to be a perfect baby. He has bizarre, black tattoos drawn all over his body, and above all, he is showing steady growth, albeit at a slow pace. The body grows in size, the head grows, and the arms and legs become longer.

It’s not a baby, it’s just a monster.

Joo Hyeon-ho tilted his head.

“Hmm. Is something wrong? There’s no way it’s this slow… . “Is it wrong to force her to give birth?”


It was then. The sound of a sharp protest was heard. From anger caused by the tragedy to disregard. In the end, the archer woman could not bear it anymore and fired an arrow at Joo Hyeon-ho.



The arrow flew with great force, but failed to pierce Joo Hyeon-ho’s body. Just like in the square, it ended up just touching my body and I fell helplessly. Only then did they remember what happened back then, and a look of alertness appeared on the users’ faces.

Joo Hyeon-ho slowly stood up with a look on his face that showed no regard for the arrow. And after ruthlessly cutting the umbilical cord, she twitched the corners of her mouth in a frown towards the woman who appeared to be the mother.

Only then did he turn his face to the users. The gaze quickly scans the users as if they were giving a review.

“hmm. good. Everyone is having a good time… . hmm?”

Then, at some point, my eyes suddenly opened wide. Joo Hyeon-ho quickly raised his hand.




The sound of something breaking and a strong scream rang in my ears. Users’ eyes reflexively turned back. Behind her, her robed man holds her right hand, his face contorted to the fullest. Broken crystal pieces fall in vain around the area.

The communication crystal sphere was destroyed.

Shin Jae-ryong felt a sense of defeat. I handed it to Hyunho Joo’s party to secretly contact another group, but Hyunho Joo quickly got up and destroyed it. If it was a mistake to not have thought of the chanting spell, it was a mistake.

Joo Hyun-ho raised the corners of his mouth.

“now… . Don’t do anything stupid like call for reinforcements. huh? “Is it better for users?”

“Everyone prepare for battle!”

Shin Jae-ryong immediately shouted as if there was no need to talk any more. It was an unavoidable choice in this situation.

But Joo Hyun-ho was still the same. He continued to show a weak attitude and even shook his head excitedly.

“Wow. Just like before, why are these people so impatient? When someone speaks, shouldn’t you listen first? “No, do you know what I’m going to say?”

“Close your mouth! “I wouldn’t mind tearing this bastard to death!”

Go Oh-hwan slammed his great sword down as if he wanted to strike Joo Hyeon-ho down right away.

Joo Hyeon-ho opened his eyes and glared at Go Oh-hwan. Then he sighed deeply and placed one hand on his forehead.

“after… . It’s really this guy and that guy. “It’s already annoying, but it’s really pissing me off.”

“Who can say… !”

However, before Go Oh-hwan finished speaking, Joo Hyeon-ho’s face suddenly became horribly distorted.

“Oh f*ck really… ! “You don’t even listen to a single word I say!”


“Do you think I’m funny too? uh?!”


Suddenly, Joo Hyun-ho snapped his fingers, and at the same time, the explosion from earlier echoed in the room again.

Go Oh-hwan stared straight ahead with a slightly dazed look on his face. Pure white light flows before his eyes. Although there was a slight crack, a pure white protective layer had clearly been created. Shin Jae-ryong, who had memorized the spell in advance, applied a protective shield at the right time. He gets hit once, not twice.

However, Shin Jae-ryong bit down on his teeth. He barely succeeded in blocking it, but the backlash from the collision was no joke. With just one hit, the protective shield, which had used all its might, was on the verge of breaking.

You have to come up with a strategy. It was definitely not a monster that could be dealt with hastily.

“under? Still, it doesn’t mean there aren’t any useful people out there, does it? Hi-Hi!”

A soft voice was heard. Shin Jae-ryong stared at Joo Hyeon-ho with a slightly complicated feeling.

Before I knew it, Joo Hyun-ho was back with a smiling face again. The way my emotions change in an instant is like watching a crazy person. And crazy people are even more difficult to deal with. Because you never know when or how he will do something.

“Hehehe. how is it. Are you feeling ready to talk now?”

“… … .”

“Ah, at least listen to it once~. You know, it might be a good story for you. huh? For example, it could save your life… .”

“… … .”

“Oh f*ck, it’s stuffy! “Just give it a listen!”

“Now that I think about it, I have one question.”

Just as Joo Hyeon-ho suddenly changed his face and spoke harshly, a quiet voice answered. It was Helena.

Then Joo Hyeon-ho, who was glaring at Shin Jae-ryong, smiled again.

“Oh really? who who? “The blonde girl over there?”


“Hey, you’re pretty. “You look perfect for having a child~?”

“It’s okay to praise, so just answer what’s asked. “All the things that happened in this space were all your own doing.”

“huh? Mischief? Oh~. “Are you the one who forcibly dragged the women into this cave and forcibly made them a mother body when they said they didn’t like it?”

“… like.”

Joo Hyeon-ho shook his face and spoke in a sassy tone, as if asking for a compliment. The smile on Helena’s lips became even deeper.

“You admit it yourself.”

“That’s right. I did it. Why, because I want to try it too? “Do you want to try it?”

Joo Hyun-ho laughed and mocked. But Helena did not open her mouth any more. She just silently looks at Joo Hyun-ho and gently closes her eyes.

It was then.

The moment Helena closed her eyes, a slight change occurred inside her body.

It wasn’t a big change. It’s just that for the first time, the souls of the real Helena, coexisting in one body, that is, the soul of Helena, the ‘Great Hero’, and the soul of Magna Carta, the ‘Dragon of the Apocalypse’, coincided.

In an instant, Helena’s mood changed completely.

Two gigantic souls that have reverberated for a century spew out their full fury towards the monster in front of them. Another change it would bring about was by no means a light one.

There was a bit of silence, and Helena quietly opened her mouth.

“… “You guy.”

“Hmm~? “What~?”

Joo Hyeon-ho listened, fussing as if he couldn’t hear well. At that moment, Helena’s eyes, which had been closed until now, suddenly opened.

The moment he finally came face to face with the revealed eyes, Joo Hyun-ho’s face, which had always been a joke, suddenly hardened.

Joo Hyun-ho is no longer human, but a mutant monster.

That’s why I could feel it instinctively.

It was difficult to see it with human eyes anymore. The whites of the eyes are stained a pale yellow color, and the beautiful eyes are slit vertically, letting out a fierce and ferocious force.

okay. Those eyes are like the distant days of myth… .

That moment.

“What an ugly bastard you are!”

Helena’s mouth was torn wide open.

What an ugly bastard he is!

What an ugly bastard he is!

What an ugly bastard he is!

What an ugly bastard he is!

A roar that seemed to tear everything to pieces, resembling the howl of a ferocious animal, shook the king’s den.

The roar of the dragon.

The collaboration of two like-minded souls for the first time is the true dragon of the end.

It brought about the second coming of Magna Carta (Mageunakareuta).

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

ㅇ<-<.1) Ro Yu-jin is dead. Let's just leave it and go.2) No. I don't think he's dead yet. Let's poke it with a tree branch.fantasy,

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not work with dark mode