MEMORIZE Chapter 575

00575 The anger of the Queen of Iron Blood, the joy of Kim Soo-hyun. ————————————————– ———————-=

“Istantel Low Road. “There are signs of the enemy ahead.”

Kim Soo-hyun said quietly. Han So-young glances at her and nods her head as if to ask her to continue speaking.

“The distance is about 200 meters. It’s difficult to get detailed numbers. However, I feel a huge twist that fills the left and right sides of the passage.”

200 meters. It would have been a long distance, but with a march as fast as this, it would be a breeze.

Han So-young was lost in thought for a moment. Kim Soo-hyun looks at Han So-young slowly, as if observing her. It wasn’t long before a strong look flashed through Han So-young’s eyes.

“User Yoo Ji-tae.”

It was a quiet but full of magical power. Yoo Ji-tae immediately approached the call with such dignity that he could not dare to refuse.

“They say there is a group of enemies ahead. The distance is about 200 meters.”


“Please take the lead. “I’d like to check out the reputation of the famous ghost horse in the South.”

“Hehe. I received this much buff and I can’t let you down. “I will show you clearly.”

It meant taking the lead, which meant acting as a shield. Nevertheless, Yoo Ji-tae laughed lightly. And without any hesitation, I went forward and started preparing something. Are they performing a ritual to summon a ghost horse?

“The use of magic is limited to secondary use. Yoo Ji-tae, as soon as arrow support arrives, attack and destroy the advance.”

That wasn’t just something that was said to Yu Ji-tae. All the users running together listened to Han So-young’s words, and each began to prepare in their own way.

After a while, we had advanced an additional 120 meters. The true nature of the monsters gradually began to be revealed to the naked eyes of the leading users.

It was definitely as Kim Soo-hyun said. The current pit attack team has 91 members. However, the number of visible monsters seemed to be twice that number. They are waiting for users as they are crowded in the passageway, as if no further advancement is allowed.

I don’t know any information about the new monsters. No, even if I knew it, it was very fragmentary.

However, if there are two variables here, it is that the users entering now are the elite of the Southern Expedition. And instead of being dispersed into 9 like before, they are all cohesive. Han So-young believed in that power.

– Hee hee hee!

At that moment, the sound of a horse neighing was heard from somewhere. When the summoning ritual was completed, Yoo Ji-tae summoned the ghost horse.

Soon, the ghost horse, known as the Death Knight’s lifelong companion, revealed its majestic majesty. Its basic appearance is no different from that of a brave warhorse. However, the two eyes gave off an intense glow, and the entire body was engulfed in translucent yet blue flames.


Yoo Ji-tae kicked off the ground with all his might and mounted the ghost horse in style. At the same time, the sound of archers loading their bows continued in unison.

Before we knew it, the remaining distance had narrowed to 40 meters. A small number of monsters with human appearance and many crouching monsters without human appearance recognize users.



Just as a bizarre scream was heard, Han So-young’s harsh cry rang in the users’ ears. Wizards memorized auxiliary spells and priests memorized defensive spells. Almost simultaneously, the archers also fired at their respective targets.

And at that moment, Yoo Ji-tae gave a shout and the ghost horse jumped up.

Pipiping, pipiping!

Monsters and users. Countless arrows cross each other’s camps. Although there were not a small number of monsters, the number of flying arrows and chants of auxiliary magic were overwhelmingly from the user camp. The monsters made up for the lack of numbers with tentacle attacks, their only long-range attack.

Boom, boom, boom!

Even that was of no use. A small number of arrows or a large number of tentacles aimed at Yu Ji-tae were all blocked or dropped by the layered protective shield. I don’t know what the principle is, but attacks aimed at the ghost horse failed to inflict any damage. It just passes through the body as it entered and only passes through the air.

On the other hand, the arrows fired by the archers rained down on the monsters’ heads. And right after the arrows, the ghost horse carrying Yoo Ji-tae slithers away. A blazing fire hits the advanced monsters.


A numbing explosion spread through the passage. The ghost horse immediately disrupted her advance and raised her horse’s hoof loudly towards the monsters that had already collapsed. She lets out a strong snort and tramples indiscriminately as if she wants to completely destroy it. The blue flames blooming all over her body flickered for a moment and then exploded more brilliantly than ever. The ghost horse, flapping like crazy, roared loudly once again.

– Kihihihihihihi!

The explosion and the sound awakened the suppressed hearts of the users who had been running quietly and holding their breath. All of the users suddenly raised their heads and let out heavy breaths.

Did you think it was time? Han So-young’s right arm seemed to fold in half, and she aimed precisely at Sun-jin, who had already collapsed. Clear command to attack.

Then, the melee users who had been sharpening their swords in their hearts ran out all at once, letting out huge shouts, and clashed with the dizzying monsters.

First, Heo Jun-young, Kim Soo-hyun, and Yeon Hye-rim split into three groups and struck like lightning in the left, center, and right directions. It powerfully pierces and cuts through the bodies of the blocking monsters, creating an even larger space. And through the gap created by Yoo Ji-tae and the three others, users rushed in like a tidal wave.


Why are you so excited about radish? A man smiling with a flushed face and yellow teeth. Go Oh-hwan hit his forehead as hard as he could towards the monster blocking his way and swung his greatsword as if he were dancing. It wasn’t just Go Oh-hwan. Swords are being swung everywhere and spears are flying like a rush. Every time that happened, the monsters fell over with a pitiful scream, and the blood that spattered turned the dirt on the floor red.

Is it because of the power of the battlefield commander, the power of 『Destruction • Assault』?

As you can see, it was a charging force that showed tremendous destructive power. The monsters’ formation was helplessly swept away by the oncoming tsunami and completely collapsed. Users passed through the monsters with terrifying force, as if they were just passing through an empty passage.

Great victory. It was literally a great victory. The users annihilated close to 200 monsters in a single clash without taking any damage.

But Han So-young did not stop. As if there is nothing more to see here, the corpses are not even examined.

‘I will attack the pit as quickly as possible, no matter what.’

As if trying to keep these words, when something collapses, it runs forward again just as it collapsed.

Users who stopped for a moment reflexively looked ahead. And the moment they saw Han So-young, who was still running like the wind, everyone started walking as if they were possessed.

No one opened their mouths. However, just as it was natural for soldiers on the battlefield to follow the queen, all users were united as one and followed Han So-young.

Kim Soo-hyun was like that too. Even though she tries not to, her eyes keep focusing on Han So-young.

It was only then that Kim Soo-hyun was able to recognize the identity of the subtle feeling he had felt earlier.

In fact, Han So-young’s commanding skills so far have not been very good. From Kim Soo-hyun’s point of view.

It has to be that way. Han So-young, who Kim Soo-hyun remembers was at her peak in the first episode, and Han So-young, who had just taken command of a large army, were bound to be different in many ways. Maybe that’s why Kim Soo-hyun tried to protect Han So-young even more.

Of course, Han So-young also knew that she was lacking.

‘I thought about it carefully while attacking the Steel Mountains this time. What would have happened if the Mercenary Lord had not been in the Southern Expedition? .’

‘It was something I had to solve somehow. That should have been the case, but the commander-in-chief could not do anything and just watched.’

‘… However, Mercenary Road solved the problem very simply.’

‘Can I say that I’ve felt like my abilities are lacking these days?’

What she said to Kim Soo-hyun at that time clearly revealed Han So-young’s true feelings.

Soyoung Han suddenly exploded.

It didn’t just explode because of a provocative phrase. A sense of helplessness that I had never felt before, and all the emotions I had been suppressing as a commander-in-chief, burst out all at once.

The method Han So-young chose there was regression. He abandoned all tactics of operating large armies. He stopped thinking about new enemies or strategies. He simply began to lead his troops in his own, or rather, most confident way.

As a result, Han So-young began to awaken as a true Iron-Blooded Queen, not just a title.

Han Soyoung was still running like the wind. Kim Soo-hyun calmly stared at Han So-young. She now seems to know what the unfamiliar yet familiar feeling she felt earlier was.

The iron-blooded queen that Kim Soo-hyun remembers has returned.

The moment I thought that, I suddenly felt an unexpected joy. Kim Soo-hyun bit his mouth hard, barely able to calm his shoulders that were starting to shake. The refreshing feeling that arose in his head turned into joy and colored his whole body.

After a while, a strong wind began to blow into the pit. If Kim Soo-hyun caused her first gust in the valley, this was Han So-young’s second gust.

In this way, the users, led by Han So-young, passed through the passage like a gust of wind.


The pit attack team, led by Han So-young, passed through all visible passages at incredible speed. Everything that gets in the way is excluded. I had already passed the trap room with five paths.

Afterwards, she continued running and discovered two more cavities, but Han So-young did not stop at all. Instead, he encouraged the users and increased the marching speed.

What made this rapid march possible was Han So-young’s power, but the fact that the users reflected on their roles also played a role.

Don’t ask whether you should do it or not, just do it first and report.

There is no need for a report that cannot lead to a conclusion.

In other words, he was telling me to figure it out on my own.

There is a saying that it is with all one’s heart. Everyone is doing their job, or rather what they are supposed to do, while saying very little. The gears, which had been slightly out of alignment until now, suddenly began to turn in perfect alignment after passing through the third passage.

There, Ahn Hyeon thought.

What can I do here now?

Even while running, Anhyeon looked around without stopping. Everything I saw was a new world. It feels like he was only playing for one team and then suddenly he’s standing in front of the All-Star team. In such a situation, Ahn Hyeon felt a subtle sense of awkwardness and alienation.


The moment I thought that, I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder and at the same time heard a gentle voice. Ahn Hyun turned her gaze and was able to see Shin Jae-ryong looking down at her with a kind smile.

“Brother Jae-ryong, Jae-ryong.”

“are you okay. “You don’t have to be too hasty.”

“… … .”

“Do you remember what I said before I came in?”

Anhyeon remained silent. But he soon quietly nodded his head and raised his face with a calmer expression. A calm smile appeared on Shin Jae-ryong’s lips as he looked at Ahn Hyeon.

What did Shin Jae-ryong really say to Ahn Hyeon?

Suddenly, a dull light began to shine from the front, and a new entrance began to appear.

Meanwhile, at the same time.

“Ugh… . Ugh… !”

Joo Hyeon-ho was constantly moving around the crypt and making strange noises. He sometimes twisted his body around and scratched his head frantically. He looked like he was looking at a crazy person.

But that’s because all of Joo Hyun-ho’s plans suddenly went awry.

The current situation of the monsters was not very good. The battles in the valleys and hills were by no means meaningless. The monsters had lost most of their available troops in that battle.

And after users came into the pit.

It was good at first. Even in the second passage, the nine paths, it seemed like things were going as planned. A strategy to pass through the 5th passage and reach here, reduce the number of users as much as possible and use the power of the Father to fight a proper battle.

But at some point, the situation took a sharp turn. Rather than eating away at the users’ troops, on the contrary, their own troops began to be cut into pieces. Not only that, but he dismantles and ignores all the devices he has prepared and runs only in a straight line.


Joo Hyeon-ho shouted.

Now, let’s say there are at most 400, or even 300, monsters left? The only ones we can trust are those who have achieved high evolution and are hidden deep in burrows, but their numbers are absolutely small. Unless you have troops to back you up, Joo Hyeon-ho and the evolved monsters are not enough.

“Uh, what should I do? Ha, at least if Hyungsik was born… !”

It was then.


Joo Hyun-ho, who had been walking around muttering to himself, suddenly raised his head. He looked across the entrance to the crypt. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew out of the darkness and brushed the tip of Joo Hyeon-ho’s nose.


Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo… !

The earth-shaking sound faintly rang in my ears.

Finally, the moment he hurriedly placed his hand on the wall, even though he was in a hurry, Joo Hyeon-ho’s eyes opened wide.

“No way! “You’ve already passed the fifth passage?!”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

sorry. You’re late today more than usual, right?

I went out to eat with my family on the way home from voting in the afternoon, but I think I ate too much. As soon as I got home, I fell asleep. ‘-‘a Did all readers vote? haha.

Anyway, I guess I’ll have to keep a new illustration in mind soon. As in the past, we plan to select new illustrations through voting. Not now. Originally, we were going to do it when the number of character votes exceeded 3,000, but it was reduced to 2,000. Now that 1,931 readers have voted, it looks like we will soon surpass 2,000 votes.

And I plan to exclude Soyoung Han from this vote. She’s going strong right now with 45% of the vote, and I don’t think there’s any point in re-voting. So Han So-young will unconditionally create illustrations, and she will separately select the four characters with the highest votes among the remaining characters and ask for your opinions. In other words, there will be two new illustrations this time. 🙂


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not work with dark mode