MEMORIZE Chapter 574

00574 The anger of the Queen of Iron Blood, the joy of Kim Soo-hyun. ————————————————– ———————-=

… Enormous enemies appeared on every road, and we had to lose a significant amount of power on nine roads.

After barely gathering in the second joint, user Han So-young, the general commander at the time, ordered all personnel to be integrated. And without saying a word, they began marching toward the second five paths that appeared, or rather, the paths of traps.

It suddenly occurred to me that the Clan Lord (hereinafter Han So-young) at that time was a little strange. Although she didn’t show it outwardly, I remember her being upset about something.

In fact, I was very worried about Han So-young’s rapid advance at the time, but when I think about it now, ironically, it was the most excellent method. From then on, it seems like we started to get along with each other.

okay. From then on, something within the expedition must have started to change. And I dare to say with caution that that change may have been one of the driving forces or foundations that enabled us to succeed in conquering the Steel Mountains… .

– Ancient Library of Atlanta, New Continent. ‘A memoir of the attack on the Steel Mountains.’ Excerpt from China.


After a while, a group of people appeared beyond the dark passage. These were users who participated in the pit attack without any need to examine them. However, unlike us, the appearance is not very good. The users, illuminated by the dull light that illuminated the entrance, had blood smeared all over their equipment.

“… Are you okay?”

It was Ansol’s voice. The man walking in front was the warrior Lord Go Oh-hwan.

“Damn, you wouldn’t know it if you looked at it? “I was attacked once.”

Go Oh-hwan shook his head vigorously, entered the entrance, and said, “Gung.” He used his strength to pull out the arrow lodged in his chest. He felt a little blood splatter, and the spot where he pulled out the arrow quickly turned red. An Sol quickly tried to memorize a healing spell, but Go Oh-hwan shook his head once again and pointed to the users coming in behind him. Other users were at similar or even worse levels than Go Oh-hwan. Above all, the 9th and last user is no longer visible.

“Two people were hit. “I did the same thing as the guys I beat in the valley and got hit really hard.”

“Were there many?”

“There were more than us. Still, I thought I could win without any damage… . Oh my! Swords, bows, magic, and even healing! How on earth can they use user settings?!”

“… “Let’s get treatment first.”

Thinking that I needed to calm him down first, I quietly opened my mouth. Then, Go Oh-hwan, who was in the middle of a rage, suddenly stopped talking and glanced at me and my clan members.

“… By the way, they weren’t attacked? “It looks like you’re in pretty good condition.”

“We didn’t take it.”

“we are?”

“… … .”

I said nothing and pointed to the center floor. Go Oh-hwan’s eyes seemed to follow him blankly, and then he said, “A million.” With the sound, it grew to the size of a flower lantern. I heard confused voices asking what the hell this was and what had happened, but there was no time to reply any further. Because before we knew it, new footsteps were coming from the cave just to the left of the entrance we entered.

That entrance was the cave where Han So-young entered. I calmly stared into the darkness, suppressing the rising anxiety.

Soon, exactly 11 people arrived at the second cavity. Fortunately, Han So-young and her group were all in normal condition, as if they had not been attacked separately.

“Merchionary Road.”

Han So-young walked in calmly at first, but stopped when she saw the badly injured corpses of the users and scarecrows.

However, Han So-young remained calm as expected.

“How did this happen?”

“They say Lord Musa was attacked on his way there.”

“I heard the news of the attack by the warrior Lord Joe on the way. “But what about these corpses?”

“It was already set up when we arrived. “It seems that after completing the raid, they arrived at this cavity before us and did some kind of work.”

“Some kind of work?”

“… “Look at this.”

Although I felt a little uncomfortable, I pointed to the writing on the floor in blood. Han So-young’s face immediately hardened as she lowered her head. I watched Han So-young’s reaction a little longer and then turned my gaze towards the entrance. This time, countless signs were caught simultaneously in several caves.

It wasn’t just Musa Lord’s group that was attacked. Among the six remaining groups, there was one group that was attacked. The good news among the misfortunes is that the other five groups arrived safely, and the damage to the group that was attacked was quite minimal.

“It was just like the Battle of the Valley. The number of them was small, and they ran away before we could properly hit them. “I didn’t feel like there was any need to report at this level, so I didn’t communicate.”

A man with neatly combed hair shrugged his shoulders and said.

I was quiet and lost in thought. One group was completely decimated, one group suffered major damage with two people killed and several injured, and one group was only lightly touched. The rest of the group is all safe.

Just by looking at this, the enemy’s intentions were clear. The enemy’s leadership now knows our entire situation. And they are taking advantage of the situation to wage a guerrilla war with psychological warfare added.

In other words, they are trying to make the plate they want while eating up as much metallurgy power as possible, including their own home.

How much time has passed?

Before we knew it, the treatment of injured users was almost complete. After thinking, I looked at Han So-young again.

Han So-young seemed to still be looking down at the floor. Her long, flowing hair obscures her face. Looking at Han So-young like that, she felt a little confused.

This result was clearly Han So-young’s mistake. Of course, when dividing the number of people, it was probably a decision made by Han So-young after considering various aspects.

However, as a result, the enemy was able to see through Han So-young’s intention and even took advantage of it. While the enemy knows our entire situation, we do not know the details of the enemy or even this underground city. It was a defeat brought about by the absence of information.

Of course, I was in a position to know more than Han So-young. Perhaps, if I had been put in the lead this time, we wouldn’t have ended up losing 13 people, which is 10% of our total strength.

However, within the pit, Han So-young took command. As such, I was in a position where I had no choice but to give advice, but I was also in a position where I should not open my mouth if there was no evidence to support the advice.

Anyway, whatever the reason, Soyoung Han lost the first battle in the pit. To put it kindly, you could say it was inevitable, but to put it bluntly, it was playing into the hands of the enemy.

That was the moment I thought about it.

Suddenly, Soyoung Han clenched her fists.


A calm voice that is completely calm and devoid of any emotion.


The moment Han So-young slowly raised her head, I had to change my thoughts.

What on earth should I say? The face was still expressionless. But it wasn’t both eyes. In the black crystal eyes, a north wind and cold snow that had never been seen before were swirling like a storm. The storm is staring at the five entrances on the other side, exactly at the center.


Han So-young was angry and angry now.

“Sort it out.”

Han So-young’s voice continued.

『Confirm the activation of user Soyoung Han’s unique ability Charisma (Rank: A Plus).』

『Activates the Field Maestro’s power, Destruction • Charge.

User Kim Soo-hyun’s speed, destructive power, and charging power increase dramatically.』

A cool energy settled down on my body. I walked towards Han So-young, feeling as if I was possessed by something. Not just me, but all the users were finding their places and forming one formation. The current Soyoung Han felt as if she was looking at cold, burning ice. Han Soyoung was still looking in front of her.

“From now on, we will no longer divide the number of people. We will attack the pit through the central cave as quickly as possible. “I will leave the rest up to you.”

“… … .”

“Then, let’s leave.”

“… … !”

With those last words, Soyoung Han ran forward like the wind. Is it the influence of power? Before anyone could stop her, Han So-young’s body disappeared into her entrance.

The first to run after Han So-young were the clan members of Istantel Row. Next, I kicked the ground straight away. Only then did I start to hear a murmur behind me and a hurried pursuit.

As I entered the new entrance, darkness fell into the space again. Suddenly, I felt that my body was infinitely light and overflowing with strength. He was so excited that his heart was pounding. Something is different from before.

Han So-young was running forward without hesitation. The darkness around me passes quickly. Unlike how she had been marching as carefully as possible until now, she suddenly began to make steady progress.

“Choo, Commander-in-Chief! “Just a moment, just a moment!”

It was then. Someone came running in a hurry and barely caught up with Han So-young. However, Han So-young does not even pay her a single glance, and instead, she accelerates her pace even more.

“Why, why are you in such a hurry? After calmly looking into the situation… .”

“I do not need it.”

Soyoung Han responded simply.

“I already heard about the attack.”

“Well, still… .”

“Even if we try to find out more information, we can only guess. “It’s just giving the enemy time.”

“B-but! Then at least step back from the lead! “I don’t know what traps there might be, and what dangers there might be!”

The man spoke evilly.

“Then do it.”

However, Han So-young cut off the conversation again.

“Yes, yes?”

“If you see a trap, dismantle it and let us know if you sense danger. “Didn’t you say you would take care of the rest of the roles?”

The man looked dazed even while running.

“B-but I did it my way… .”

“Why is that so selfish? “If you’re an archer, isn’t that something you should naturally do?”

“… Uh, um. “Yeah, that’s right.”

“You don’t need my conclusions or a report that I can’t conclude.”

Only then did a glimmer of light flash through the man’s eyes.

“Should I do it or not? “Before you ask, do it first and then report.”

That was the moment I heard those words.

“I found a trap. I’ll be back. Clan Lord.”

Seon Yu-un, who had been running next to me all this time, blurted out a word. And then she suddenly picks up her speed and runs straight ahead of her, and she passes even Han So-young and goes further and further forward. She then stopped walking tall in front of her for a while and bent her knees and started smoothing her ground. I don’t know what’s causing this. However, her two hands move so dazzlingly that they are unrecognizable.

Finally, when the distance between us was about 30 meters, Seon Yu-un suddenly pulled something and backed away. At that moment, the dirt floor where Seonyuun was standing split open and a large pit was created.

And Han So-young easily jumped over the pit that was created out of nowhere.

I didn’t look or ask what the pit was. Just jump over it and keep running.

But it wasn’t over yet. Seon Yu-un got up from her knees, turned her body, and raised her arms toward the ceiling in front of her.

Ping, the sound of an arrow being fired was heard. Did the arrow hit something? The ceiling gradually becomes more rounded. Soon, dozens of iron bars the size of an adult’s leg fell all at once, sinking so deep into the ground that only the ends were barely visible.

But Han So-young didn’t even blink. Using the iron bars embedded in the floor as support, she easily jumped over them. Han So-young’s body cuts through the air like a bird, and her jet-black hair flutters intensely in the wind.

It was a tremendous advance speed. This was literally a fast march that even I, who likes to force marches, have never done before. If we can maintain this speed, we can quickly reach their base.

I looked up a little dazedly and stared at the back of Han So-young, who was running at the front. There was something very unfamiliar about Han So-young, who could be called quick-witted, but at the same time, it felt familiar.

I’m sure if I just increased my speed I could easily catch up and easily pass by, but why do I keep feeling like I’m being chased like this?

If not, am I doing this on purpose?

The current Han So-young is like seeing the Queen of Iron Blood in her prime, commanding and leading tens of thousands of users in the first round… .

Then, suddenly, a thought passed through my head. I focused my eyes and stared straight ahead. Then, while organizing my thoughts, I approached Han So-young.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Personally, I’d like to tell you the BGM I heard when I wrote it today, but I can’t find it anywhere. It’s not an official song, but it looks like someone wrote it themselves (it’s an exciting new age-like BGM), but the name was changed to make it easier to categorize when saving. Where on earth did you get this? .

This is roughly what it sounds like.

Bam bam. (Tap tok. Tok tok. Tok tok. Tok tok.) (Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~. Space sound?)

Bam bam. (Tap tok. Tok tok. Tok tok. Tok tok.) (Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~. Space sound?)

Bam bam. (Tap tok. Tok tok. Tok tok. Tok tok.) (Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~. Space sound?)

Bam bam. (Tap tok. Tok tok. Tok tok. Tok tok.) (Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~. Space sound?)

Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam.


Bappa bala la bappa, bappa bala la bappa, bappa bala la bappa… .

It sounds roughly like this, but does anyone have a feeling? ㅜ.ㅠ


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not work with dark mode