MEMORIZE Chapter 572

00572 The anger of the Queen of Iron Blood, the joy of Kim Soo-hyun. ————————————————– ———————-=

… In the end, although they managed to repel it, it was virtually a lost battle. Just when they were about to launch a counterattack and gain victory, the survivors quickly escaped and crossed the hill barrier.

Although they suffered countless losses in the surprise attack on Shadow Hill and the battle in the valley, the situation at the time was not one that could be stopped.

The moment the expedition team discovered the pit at the bottom of the hill, they immediately attempted to attack it by deploying all available personnel.

… Looking back now, I don’t think investing that many people was a very, very good choice. If it weren’t for that, so many people wouldn’t have been crushed to death.

Anyway, we were able to land safely in the pit.

Eventually, after walking the passage for about 20 minutes, I was finally able to arrive at the first square of the underground city, ‘Old Road (Death Road), or rather, Old Road (邪路)’. And there… .

– Ancient Library of Atlanta, New Continent. ‘A memoir of the attack on the Steel Mountains.’ Excerpt from China.



A loud scream and the sound of someone falling were heard. ‘Death Knight’ Yoo Ji-tae, who was across from him, quickly approached the place where the screams were heard.

“Is there a problem!”

“ah. sorry.”

Fortunately, the woman responded right away. Yoo Ji-tae let out a short sigh and she calmly held out her hand.

“You should have been careful. Anyway, wake up quickly.”

“yes yes. As I was wary of my surroundings, I looked under my feet… . wait a minute.”

The woman held Yoo Ji-tae’s hand, telling him to wait a moment. And as she fell, she stumbled across the dirt floor and her body trembled. She soon made a groaning sound and raised her body. The woman frowned and put her hands forward. Something white and long is being held.

“… bone?”

Someone quietly opened his mouth.

As she said, what was in the woman’s hand was a bone. Not animal bones, but human bones covered in dry flesh. At that moment, I heard someone chanting a light spell, so I lowered my gaze to the area where the woman was standing. After a while, a pure white light illuminated the nearby area.

“… … .”

silence. Everyone who looked down fell silent. Skulls and bones were piled up on the floor, and there was a small amount of red blood.

okay. It’s not sprinkled, it’s written down. Although it was severely distorted here and there, the blood was clearly drawing a single message. And that too in a language we can understand.


“Come on.”

It was quite a provocative phrase, but it also meant that they knew we were coming.

“The landlord is very polite. “They welcome me like this.”

“I don’t really like it. “The way they welcome you is poor quality.”

As the woman grumbled and threw away the bone, Yoo Ji-tae laughed lightly. Did her smile relax me? One by one, the users seemed to have come to their senses and started doing their jobs. Some gathered in a circle and looked out in all directions, while others took out crystal balls for communication and reported that they had landed safely.

I also turned in one direction and quietly stared into the dark passage. Soon, there was dead silence again, except for the sound of communication.

About 5 minutes had passed like that. As if the report had been received correctly, numerous users started pouring rainwater from the air. Since safety has already been secured, Helena seems to have no hesitation.

The number of people who came down the second time was 40, twice the number who came down the first time. Finally, all 42 remaining members, including Han So-young, came down for the third time.

In this way, a total of 102 people were able to land safely in the pit in 15 minutes… . Unfortunately, it was just my imagination.

The 42 people who came down third were not the last. After they came down, two more people were coming down from thin air. When I looked closely, I could see Sasha and Helena smiling.

Soon, Sasha and Helena landed lightly on the ground. I opened my mouth quietly, looking at the two residents who were smiling.

“Let alone Helena. Sasha. “Why did you come?”

“hmm. That’s it… .”

Suddenly, Sasha stopped mid-sentence and looked nervous.

“Why don’t I say yes? “Helena just passed by?”

“Helena will be needed when we go up.”

“… Well, it’s discrimination anyway. I would have gotten permission from the commander-in-chief anyway. “If Helena stays quiet, I won’t open my mouth anymore.”

“… … .”

Did you get permission from the commander-in-chief? Just as I was about to look away in a strange mood, I felt Han So-young approaching.

“Merchantry Lord. I gave permission. because… .”

“okay. All right.”

“Sasha… . yes?”

“Now that I am participating, I will also invite Sasha and Helena to participate as mercenaries.”

The end of Han So-young’s words was tinged with embarrassment. But I quietly shook my head. Sasha and Helena can also show good performances, but I don’t want to argue anymore since they are in the pit like this. Because every single action like that could affect Han So-young’s command authority. (I still regret getting angry at the last meeting.) More than anything, I just wanted to focus on strategy now.

Han So-young seemed to have sensed what I meant and finished the sentence by quietly nodding.

In this way, the total number of members increased from 102 to 104. After Han So-young accurately identified and organized the number of people, she ordered to leave immediately. Since there was only one passage anyway, users’ footsteps naturally headed east.

As expected, because it is underground, there is not a single trace of light to be found. On the way, some users talked while looking at the mud-painted wall or glanced up at the ceiling.

The passage was quite wide. It was about 12 meters wide on either side, and the ceiling was about 8 meters away.

However, there are three or four strange things: the walls of the passage are polished smooth and there are traces of people all over them. And on the ceiling, things that look like large swollen veins are sticking out.

It’s not that I have any idea about the walls, but I don’t know much about the ceiling. I couldn’t participate in the first round of the strategy, so all I could do was read the records. Even in the reporting records, it was simply stated that something like that existed, but its exact identity was not revealed.

After a while, I felt the passage slowly becoming narrower. The path was diagonal rather than parallel, so the passage got smaller as you went along. Accordingly, the users changed their formation by merging the lines, but soon the passage narrowed again to the point where they could not pass through even with the changed formation.

“brother. “Don’t we have to go in one line later?”

Ahn Hyun came to the side and spoke in a low voice. But it wasn’t long before her Anhyeon’s worries turned out to be unfounded. Han So-young, who was walking at the front, stopped her steps and signaled to stop.

As I went straight ahead, as I remembered, I saw a large entrance about 2 meters long and a huge cavity inside. And on the other side, there were nine caves of similar size to the entrance.

When we finally went inside, we were greeted by a cavity that appeared to be 80 meters in diameter. Just like when I came in, I don’t feel anything else. Han So-young looked around for a moment, then walked forward with long strides and stopped in front of her nine burrows. And she looks at me intently, probably wondering what to do here.

I slowly looked back at the users. And the moment I saw Ansol looking at the oyster with a blank face, I quietly walked up to him and poked him in the side.


Ansol twisted his side a lot and let out a loud cry. Then, a lot of puzzled looks gathered among the users. I quickly looked away and pretended not to notice. When my gaze barely subsided, I gently turned my head and saw Ansol with his mouth sticking out and giving me a look of resentment, saying, ‘You’re bad, brother.’

“Ansol. “I have a question.”




“… “Do you want me to pat your head?”

“Really? lol… . Oh, no. “Huh, huh!”

It doesn’t come over. Now, it has grown to the point where even if you gently shake the candy, it doesn’t come along. This brother is really happy.

In the end, after coaxing and soothing Ansol, who was excited, with peek-a-boo, cluck, etc., I was barely able to open his mouth.

“how is it. Can you feel anything in that oyster? For example, the direction we should go.”

“Yes. wait a minute. Actually, I’ve been trying since a while ago… .”

Ansol stared at the oyster for a long time with narrowed eyes, then shook his head.

“I do not know.”

I don’t know? I tried to find Sasha right away, but gave up. She said Ansol doesn’t know, but she doesn’t think Sasha will be able to find it.

Anyway, Ansol, who has a luck stat of 102 points, replied that he wasn’t sure. Then there are two cases. No, three.

One is that the ability was not activated. And the other two… .

“I will split the number of people.”

It was then. Han So-young, who must have gathered her thoughts before she knew it, looked back at us and said.

“There are a total of 9 entrances, but I don’t know which way to go. So first of all… .”

Han So-young continued quietly. In other words, since there were 9 oysters, the number of people would be divided into 9 and go in at the same time.

I was quiet and lost in thought. All I know here is that the entrance I came out of now will lead to one later.

However, considering that they can communicate with each other through communication crystal balls, it is not a bad choice. Of course, there is the problem that the power is also reduced by 1/9, but aren’t all the users here anyway? Moreover, considering that you will be fighting in a narrow passage, it would be a good idea to reduce the number of people to secure as much space as possible rather than crowding around in a crowded way.

Thinking that way, I nodded my head in agreement. I don’t think there are many people who have similar thoughts as me, but I don’t hear any voices opposing it.

After checking the reactions of users, Soyoung Han immediately started dividing the number of people. Rather than just dividing them appropriately, we match the classes as much as possible and take into account maximum efficiency (degree of response to each other, etc.).

There was no need to divide or combine personnel as a mercenary.

The melee class includes swordsman Na, swordsman Nam Da-eun, Qigong spearman Ahn Hyun, and silent executioner Heo Jun-yeong.

The support battle series includes Shadow Queen Go Yeon-ju and Blood Lord Sasha.

The ranged classes include ordinary archer Seon Yu-un, chimera summoner Vivian, and ordinary mage Helena.

The priest classes include Shin Jae-ryong, a regular priest, and An Sol, a priest of brilliance.

That includes the special series God’s Shield, Baek Han-gyeol.

We were able to match the class ratio and number of people just with the 12 people who had already participated. Although it wasn’t the best Mercenary, it could still be said to be more luxurious than any other group.

As such, we were assigned the most central entrance among the nine. Although most of them were similar, the central entrance was slightly larger and gave off an insidious aura.

After about 20 minutes of regrouping, nine groups of as few as 11 people and as many as 14 people walked in front of each entrance. Han So-young’s group was located at the entrance just to the right of the central entrance we were in charge of.

“Never overdo it. “The goal is to find your way first, and if you find it difficult, contact us immediately and leave.”

Soyoung Han looked at me intently and said. It clearly seems like it’s meant for everyone, but why does it keep only looking at me?

Suddenly feeling embarrassed, I scratched my cheek and looked inside the entrance.

“Then, let’s go. I wish each group good luck.”

“The Mercenary Clan. “I’m going in.”

Finally, I spoke in a quiet voice, wishing Han Soyoung good luck. And then he calmly took a step inside.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Now, the Steel Mountains area 2 part is slowly coming to a close. Personally, there were two things I really wanted to write about while writing this part. Like Shin Sang-yong’s part last time, ‘When winter goes, spring comes.’

Two of them are this part, ‘The Fury of the Iron-Blooded Queen, and Kim Soo-hyun’s Joy.’ and the last part, ‘Once again, I hope we go back to those shining days.’ ~ ‘Goodbye with a smile’.

If I were to really think about it, I would like to see less of the last part than this part. haha. Anyway, as I got closer to the parts I wanted to write down, I suddenly started overflowing with material. It’s so much fun to write. 😀 Hahaha.

Everyone… . Are you having fun? ☞☜

P.S. Next time, if I can find it, I’ll introduce some BGM!


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not work with dark mode