MEMORIZE Chapter 571

00571 Entering Sink Hole. ————————————————– ———————-=

The arrow flew through the wind and hit its target without a doubt.

The moment the arrowhead gently penetrated my neck, the already quiet hillside became even quieter. A moment of silence fell and everyone around them stopped their actions.

However, the silence did not last long.

“Who are you?”

“What are you doing?”

The woman who was hit by an arrow fell down, clutching her neck. She went back and forth between harsh screams and shouts. The audience’s gaze naturally rises and stares at us standing on the hill. Most of them have strange-looking faces, but some are already showing a sinister look.

Well, if that woman was a colleague, or if she was perceived as a colleague, it would be worth it.

“Merchionary Lord! “What are you doing?”

A man viciously pulled out his sword and lashed out angrily. Users nearby also raise their weapons one by one and aim at us.

An imminent situation. I slowly shook my head, thinking that I needed to calm down first. And just as he was about to open his mouth, someone rushed forward and pointed a sword downward. Suddenly, I looked at someone and it turned out to be Jin Soo-hyun.

“What the hell! “You want to give it a try now?”

… Hey man.

“What? “Are you really crazy?!”

Jin Su-hyeon pointed his sword at the same person and screamed loudly. She shouted at the man, amazed. It was a voice full of resentment.

Go Yeon-ju quickly ran forward.

“On the contrary, this ungrateful person who doesn’t even know that I saved his life… . Quack!”

And after hitting Jin Soo-hyun hard on the head as he tried to shout out loud once more, he dragged himself away and disappeared before our eyes. While internally relieved, I observed the movements of the woman who had fallen on the floor.

Even while receiving treatment, the woman had a painful face and was rolling her eyes here and there.

I opened my mouth quietly.

“Seon Yuun. One more step. “This time with your head, not your neck.”

“All right.”

Hey, ping!

Immediately following the sound of reloading, an arrow flies without hesitation.

But this time, the woman did not stay still. She pulled her priest who had been healing her and used him as a shield, then immediately raised her body and flexed her limbs.

The arrow grazed the priest’s earlobe and stuck in the floor. The woman seemed to be thinking of running away into the pit as she got up off the ground.


But at that moment, another arrow was fired and hit the woman accurately. The woman’s body shakes helplessly and collapses after being hit directly on the head. … no. Then she started to stumble back and forth, barely able to control herself.

“… Heeseon?”

“Um, is that okay?”

A look of disbelief flashed across the astonished faces of the users. It’s worth it. I don’t know if it’s close to the level of Nana Gong Chan-ho. A user who appears to be a priest has been hit in the head and neck with arrows filled with magical energy, and the fact that he moves like that is incredible.

“Krrrrr! “Keeeeee!”

Are you revealing your true colors now? As the woman lets out bizarre screams and struggles with her hands, the users hesitate and retreat. Then, naturally, a gap appeared in the middle, opening the path to the pit. As if the woman had no intention of missing it, she cried loudly and began to run desperately. I clicked my tongue inwardly.

“Clan Lord.”

With the sound of the crossbow being loaded, Seonyuun asked in a slightly urgent tone. Before she knew it, the woman had reached the point of the pit.

I calmly measured the distance and grabbed the sword. And just as the woman was about to run into the pit, I wasted no time in pulling out my sword.

It was then.

The woman who was just about to go inside suddenly folded in half and rose up. Then, someone burst out from inside her hole. I reflexively stopped throwing.

As I was watching closely to see what had suddenly happened and who it was, Go Yeon-ju suddenly said, “Tsk.” I could hear the sound of clicking one’s tongue.

Before long, I was able to understand why Go Yeon-ju clicked his tongue. The person who came up from the pit and trudged out was none other than Yeon Hye-rim, the princess of execution.

Yeon Hye-rim looked around with the woman on her shoulder. A gaze as cold as ice meets me. Soon, Yeon Hye-rim, who lightly stamped her feet, bounced like a spring and settled at the top in no time. She then came towards me, her light blue hair flowing.

“Why is the atmosphere so evil all of a sudden? Why is he trying to commit suicide again?”

“you… .”

“Did something happen? Kim Soohyun?”

“… … .”

Yeon Hye-rim asked in a clear voice. I really wanted to ask her what she was doing under her hole, but I first pointed to the woman with Yeon Hye-rim draped over her shoulder.

no. Is it so that she now calls herself a lady? Before I knew it, the monster was opening its mouth wide open towards Yeon Hye-rim’s head.

“… … ?”

Did I feel alive? Yeon Hye-rim quickly turned her head.

“Eh. “It’s a monster.”

And the moment he saw the wide-open snout, he raised his left hand and scanned the monster’s head without any hesitation.

After a while, five creepy diagonal lines were drawn on the monster’s face, and it fell into pieces. Yeon Hye-rim threw her faceless corpse down and patted her hand. Drops of blood on her fingers dot the air.

“So, what happened? Why a monster all of a sudden?”

“Anyway. “Are you still fighting so ignorantly?”

The reply came from Ko Yeon-ju, not me. Yeon Hye-rim, who continued to shake off her hand, glanced away. She must have seen Go Yeon-joo, and a clear murderous intent flashed across her cold eyes.

I knew it. I thought I could hold it in for a while, but then it suddenly broke out again.

Yeon Hye-rim stopped shaking her hands and smiled.


“I’m just talking to myself, so don’t worry~.”

“I haven’t seen you for a while. I guess it’s itchy there.”

“oh. Look at what he’s saying. “It’s vulgar.”

“Then, should I gracefully summon the executioner’s great sword? Just say it. “I’ll give you as much pain as I want.”

“But don’t you miss the time when you were surrounded by the shadows of the abyss and panting? “You enjoy that kind of thing, right?”

After saying that, Go Yeon-ju gently put one hand to her mouth and said, “Fu.” sneered.

Rich jokes, or rather, young words come and go.

But the emotional battle between the two was not important right now, so I quietly pointed at Go Yeon-ju. It meant not to use your mouth anymore. Although her lips were pouting, Go Yeon-ju did not open her mouth anymore.

I turned my attention to Yeon Hye-rim again.

“Now is not the time to fight. “A monster came in.”

“First of all, let’s start a fight… . okay. Anyway, I know that. “But why is he here?”

“It’s some kind of spy.”


Yeon Hye-rim tilted her head. I also tilted her head. Was he this stupid?

“Evolution of monsters. And think about the disappearance case not long ago.”


Only then did Yeon Hye-rim, who had exclaimed, suddenly frown.

“wait for a sec. So you’re saying there could be more?”

“… hmm.”

That too. To be exact, that possibility is not out of the question.

After thinking that, I immediately looked back at Sasha.

Sasha looked blank for a moment and then calmly shook her head. Is there no more of her, or is it that she doesn’t know?


The news that a monster was hiding quickly spread throughout the camp. This not only revealed that the recent incident was not a desertion, but also caused a great shock to the southern expeditionary force.

A monster comes in and pretends to be a colleague, waiting for an opportunity to lure you in? It was not something to be taken lightly. It was so bad that it even led to people distrusting each other.

After hearing the news, Han So-young decided to delay entering the pit by one more day. It is an inevitable choice. No matter how long the advance takes, it is less important than the Southern Expeditionary Force itself. Afterwards, Soyoung Han immediately came to me and asked how I discovered her spy, and I responded by lending her Sasha.

In the end, Sasha had to sniffle all day. I don’t know why, but she came back exhausted and Sasha had tears in her eyes, vowing to never smell her again.

… What on earth did I smell that made me sob all night?


After confirming that there were no more hidden monsters, the elite team immediately began entering the pit the next day.

Actually, the method of first going down the pit is quite crude.

First, 20 people are selected to go down the pit. The 20 selected people will land on the ground and ensure safety, then communicate and send signals to the ground.

So far so good.

The problem was how far down it went.

Each user is given two pieces of wood and fastened to their body. Then, he wraps the wood and cloth around his body to make a parachute and goes down… . They say so.

It was just a parachute, as they say, but when I looked at the wood and fabric provided later, it looked no different from a parasol with two poles. To put it very simply, it was a device that was perfect for a user with weak durability to die if they went down.

In the end, as I was wondering if there was a better way, I was able to recall the process of rescuing Ahn Hyeon from the mountain range where the dragon once slept.

at that time. So, when we found the clearing where Anhyun was mixed(?), the spirit of the woman who accompanied us used levitation magic to safely land us below.

I immediately went to Helena and asked if she could use a similar magic, and Helena showed no sign of hurt pride, but satisfied me.

Only after going through a series of such processes was the southern expedition team able to attempt a proper attack on the pit.

The sun was high in the sky.

At the bottom of the hill, the only 102 people who would enter this time were Soyoung Han and Helena. Everyone else was standing at the top of the hill watching us come down.

We were already almost ready to go in. Except for me, all 19 people who will enter in the first round are looking down. No one opens their mouth. I just quietly wait in front of the pit for Han So-young’s instructions.

Even though they are said to be selected from among elite users, you cannot help but feel nervous. In the worst case scenario, it would be like walking into a space infested with monsters.


Soon, Han So-young’s instructions came. Helena looked straight at me. Helena quietly muttered her spell as we nodded her head slightly, and she held out her hand towards us.


Helena’s hands were enveloped in soft light. At that moment, her ground rumbled majestically and she spewed out pure white light, and at the same time, she felt her body floating into the air.

It wasn’t just me. Go Yeon-ju, Nam Da-eun, Baek Han-gyeol, Vivien, Seon Yu-un, etc. All 20 people, including me, rose into the air at once.

And soon it began to slowly descend into the pit. The final true attack on area 2 has finally begun.

Soon, the sunny world began to slowly be pushed upward by the darkness inside the pit.

The last thing I saw before my vision was completely immersed in darkness was Han So-young, who was looking at me and then quietly avoiding my gaze.

The descent began with an unexpected feeling.

The speed of descent was appropriate. If you really want to be specific, it’s a little faster than an elevator? It was going down 2 or 3 meters per second.

According to the records of the first round, the height of this pit is between 500 and 600 meters. If so, it can be calculated to some extent.

About 2 minutes and 30 seconds later, I gathered my strength and looked down. In a world that was all black, a ground that looked like dirt gradually began to appear. Other than that, I don’t feel any strange sensations.

I quickly looked around and looked for Hangyeol. At that moment, Hangyeol was slowly preparing to activate his abilities.


“yes. older brother.”

Hangyeol immediately nodded, as if he understood without saying anything. Then she calmly placed both of his hands together and opened her mouth in a calm voice.

“Aegis System.”

Then, the regular hexagonal protective shield we saw earlier was created and enveloped us in a hazy glow.

3 minutes. The ground began to become more clearly visible. I immediately took out my sword and shouted.

“Everyone I… .”

But I soon realized there was no need to shout. Because everyone had already taken out their weapons and were making their own preparations.

When exactly 3 minutes and 15 seconds had passed, I finally felt something touch my foot.

And, it was that moment.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

『Off The Record.』

(The three men are still shouting loudly, with white bands tied tightly around their heads.)

Marvolo de Illite: Nerf Hwajeong! Nerf it!

Simon: No! Nerf Kim Soo-hyun! Nerf it!

Nergal: Just nerf everything! Nerf it!

(At that time, a huge shadow approaches the three men.)

Giant Shadow: Woooooooo… .

(Marvolo de Illite, stopping his protest for a moment.)

Marvolo de Illite: Huh? Ugh! What is this monster?!

Giant Shadow: (Cries in a sad voice.) Uuuuuuuu… .

(It was surprising at first, but hearing the crying made all three men understand something.)

Marvolo de Illite: Could it be… .

(A huge shadow lifts its tentacle and wipes the front part. It looks like it is crying sadly.)

Marvolo de Illite: … I see. Don’t cry. I won’t ask anything else. you. Didn’t he make an appearance that seemed like something really special, but wasn’t met with disastrous results by Kim Soo-hyun?

(Nergal suddenly intervenes.)

Nergal: Or did he explode and die without even making a sound?

(Simon also joins in.)

Simon: Or did he die miserably with his limbs torn apart?

(There is silence.)

(After a while, the giant shadow speaks for the first time.)

Giant Shadow: f*ck… .


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not work with dark mode