MEMORIZE Chapter 569

00569 Entering Sink Hole. ————————————————– ———————-=

Is it about 20 people or so?

Long hair hung down. All of the naked women were floating in the air with their limbs restrained. The bound tentacles are pulling both arms and legs, similar to turning a dead frog upside down.

Hyeongsik’s face hardened as he looked up at the ceiling. Cold sweat runs down my stiff back. The thinking circuit that had been conjuring countless thoughts just a moment ago stopped for a moment. The mouth slowly opened. It just felt like her mind was turning completely white.

Hyeonho, who confirmed this type of reaction, raised the corners of his mouth and slowly walked around the center.

For a moment, a quiet silence fell. Only the torches embedded throughout the crypt emit a dull light and occasionally make a burning sound.

It was then.

“here is… . okay. It’s one city. So, can we say it’s an underground city?”

Hyeonho’s voice broke the short silence. However, the movement of the form does not change at all. There isn’t even the slightest reaction. His arms were just hanging limply, looking like he was about to collapse at any moment.

“Of course you and me. “The concept is different from the typical city we know.”

“… … .”

“But it would be difficult to ignore it as an underground city. Even though it is like this, it has its own facilities.”

“… … .”

“Houses, laboratories, ships, prisons, mines, railways, etc… . “They even have explosive devices?”

“… … .”

Soon, Hyungsik’s eyes, which had been staring endlessly at the ceiling, slowly fell down.

“ah. Of course, TV, radio and computer. There is no such thing. Hi-Hi!”

Hyunho had already arrived at the opposite wall and was talking jokingly with his arms wide open. Hyungsik opened his mouth with difficulty.

“here is… . why… . what… .”

“That’s a good question. “This is where everything in this underground city began.”

Hyeonho responded as if he had been waiting, then turned around and calmly touched the wall. Then, a slight change occurred in the air. The tentacles that were tightly restraining the limbs gradually become loose. Then it began to expand, and the women floating in the air slowly began to come down.

The women who were slowly coming down stopped only when they reached the level of Hyung-seok’s abdomen. When the tentacle pulled again, the women’s limbs, which had been briefly relaxed, became taut again.

Hyungseok lowered his gaze without realizing it. And the moment I saw the front of the women who were not visible from below, I forgot what I wanted to say again.

All the way… . All the way… .

All the way… . All the way… .

The sound of something being sucked in. The women didn’t just hang around. Not the large monsters that have been tormenting users so far, but monsters as big as your forearm. Small monsters with a shape similar to caterpillars were sitting on the women’s abdomen like a coil, biting their breasts and sucking them vigorously.

“This, this… .”

Hyung-seok stuttered and retreated hesitantly.

But it wasn’t just that. The women’s condition was also not normal. Her bulging belly, so swollen that it almost burst, was reminiscent of a pregnant woman just before giving birth. Every time there is a bulge in her belly, as if something is alive inside her, a pitiful, helpless moan comes out of her woman’s mouth.

Eventually, when he came face to face with the blurry eyes of a woman who had lost the will to live, Hyungsik felt as if he had been struck by lightning from the top of his head.

“Heeyoung… . ah?”

It was like that. The woman closest to Hyeongsik, with a relatively clean appearance, was none other than Heeyoung. A fellow user who was originally going to stand guard like Hyungsik.

“Hee, Heeyoung!”

Why am I here? Without even having time to think about it, Hyungsik ran away. Although she was only recently brought in and was relatively clean, Heeyoung looked no different from other women. A monster nursing milk and a swollen belly. A clear, thick liquid flows out of the vag!na like a thread.


Hyungsik screams and waves his hands like crazy. Grab the monster and forcibly pull it towards you. The monster protested by clenching its snout as if it didn’t want to let go, but when Hyungsik used force to burst it, it squirted out bodily fluids and dropped its head. A pale liquid finally flowed from the exposed nipple and mixed with the monster’s bodily fluids. It looked miserable.

But Heeyoung doesn’t even move. Unexplained tears were flowing from Hyeong-hyung’s eyes as he looked at Hee-young like that.

“Huh… . Ugh… .”

“ah. Come to think of it, Heeyoung was there too. “It’s been a while since I saw him.”

A very calm voice. Hyungsik’s eyes immediately turned to Hyeonho. Even though Hyunho was looking at him as if he were going to kill him at any moment, he smiled softly and shook his head.

“Don’t look at it too much. Heeyoung… . “Because it was something I had no choice about.”


“I told you. If you want to survive here, you have to prove yourself useful. But the positions of men and women are different. A woman is treated as most precious simply for her ability to conceive. Because monsters here are not blessed with pregnancy.”

“now… . what… .”

“But you are different. You are lucky to have met me here. If he recognizes you for your efforts so far, you too can become special like me. how is it. “Isn’t it nice to just imagine it?”

“… … .”

Hyunho was explaining everything one by one like a teacher teaching a child. However, in the current situation, there is no way that the format can be understood. In a situation where everything is uncertain, to make matters worse, she has suffered a huge shock, and her mind is swirling in confusion.

Hyunho smiled brightly as he looked at Hyungsik.

“Just think simple. This is a city, a city. It’s just that the owner of the city is not a person but a monster.”

And this time, he slowly walked towards the center and opened his mouth.

“So what I want to say is this. To conclude, become one of us. form.”

The moment Hyungsik heard those words, he was barely able to hold on to a ray of his mind that he had been letting go of.

“You too, like me, swear allegiance to Him, finish everything, and be born anew through your mother. Then you too can become a true member.”

“what… . sifter… ?”

“okay. “The mother body that will provide the womb for you to be born again.”

“f*ck, don’t talk bullshit!”

Hyungsik suddenly shouted. However, Hyunho seemed to pay no attention to him and continued talking.

“I recommend the mother body. Let’s see. Which year do you prefer… . ah. How is Heeyoung? I joined recently, so don’t you think it’ll be fun? She knows that the woman who was once her friend is your new mom. Heehee, heeheehee!”

Heeyoung? New mom?

Hyungsik couldn’t believe his ears. And only then was he able to recall it. Eyes like a mad beast that looked at him when he first woke up. okay. That guy is not normal either.

no. It’s definitely crazy. It doesn’t matter anymore whether it’s really Hyeonho or a monster. On the outside, he pretends to be friendly and happy to see you, but he is a monster disguised as an old friend.

Thinking like that, Hyunseok clenched his fists and was about to unleash magical power.

“ah. For your information, my mother was this bitch.”

Suddenly, Hyeonho stopped in front of a woman. Then she grabbed her long flowing hair and waved it back and forth as if to take a look.

Just before the anger inside his body exploded, Hyeongsik’s gaze automatically turned to him. Although it looks somewhat frizzy, the beautiful hair with a strange silver color catches my eye.

“You know this bitch, right?”

Hyeonho let out an evil laugh. And as he yanked her hair, the woman’s head tilted back, exposing her face to his eyes.

“Hi… . Hehe… .”

And at that moment, Hyungsik felt a shock as if his head had been hit with a hard hammer. The shock was so great that even my burning anger was forgotten for a moment.


The morning dawned.

Although it took some time, we were able to roughly identify the users who would enter the sinkhole.

The number is exactly 102. Since these users were selected from among the highly skilled Southern Expeditionary Force, each and every one of them is a user who has raised the reputation of the Northern Continent.

For example, Yeon Hye-rim, Princess of Execution from Istantel Row, or Yoo Ji-tae, Death Knight from Blue Wolf. Regardless of the combination, if you look at it individually, it could definitely be said to be a spectacular composition.

It took about two days to organize the personnel and prepare to rush in, but the campsite was particularly quiet today, with clouds casting shadows everywhere.

It wasn’t quiet for no reason, but there was a reason. This is because two of the users who were on guard two days ago suddenly disappeared.

One is Baek Hyung-sik. The other one is Hyun Hee-young. They are both from the same clan and are said to be very close.

Afterwards, the Southern Expedition searched for traces or conducted a simple search, but was unable to find the missing users anywhere. The only thing that was saved was a mark that had been intentionally erased.

Opinions within the expedition team were divided regarding this incident. He ran away because he intentionally erased his traces. What does that mean? Where are you going to run away from the Steel Mountains? It must be wrong, etc.

There was a lot of talk, but Han So-young ultimately gave priority to programming. There was already a delay of two days, but considering the designated advance time, it was no longer possible to delay.

Actually, no matter which way you think about it, it wasn’t a good thing. I don’t know if that’s why, but today, as I entered the pit, I felt a bit of bustle in preparation for departure, but I could barely hear any words.

– They say they will enter the pit in 30 minutes. All organized users, please come out and prepare.

Soon, an amplified voice rang through the camp.

When I packed up my gear and left the tent, most of the clan members had already gathered. Perhaps it was to see them off, but clan members who had not been organized this time also came rushing out.

“Is everyone here?”

“yes. “Except for Hangyeol.”

When I looked back at the clan members and asked, Go Yeon-ju quickly approached and answered. But there is no Hangyeol?

I asked curiously.

“Hangyeol? “Why Hangyeol?”

“It’s the core of the first group. “I took him there first so I could accurately measure the length of the rope to go down.”

ah. That ridiculous way to go down?

I smiled to myself and nodded my head.

“Now that I think about it, we were also the first group to enter. “Let’s go quickly.”

After saying those words, I started walking straight away. Since all the clan members were already ready anyway, they followed me without saying a word.

I didn’t walk for long. Since the campsite was set up near a hill, we were able to quickly reach the top of the hill.

When I saw the pit at the bottom of the hill and the users gathered around it, someone suddenly came close to me.

“Clan Lord. “I’m sorry, but I have something to tell you just before we leave.”

This is Sasha Felix’s voice. I continued to look around the pit and opened my mouth softly.


“It smells like a monster. “And very thickly.”

“That’s natural. It’s in the Steel Mountains. You were like that even before the attack. “It smells like death.”

“no no. It doesn’t smell like that. “To be exact, it’s a smell that started coming from the incident two days ago.”

At those words, I stopped walking. And then I calmly looked to the side.


“now… . “It comes from down here.”

Sasha pointed down the hill. This is the direction where the pit is, to be exact, where the users are gathered.

“Isn’t it because there’s a monster in the pit?”

Yujeong, who must have been eavesdropping, suddenly intervened, but I immediately waved my hand away. And seeing Sasha with a serious face for the first time in a long time, I quietly opened my mouth.

“Tell me a little more detail.”

“There’s nothing more to say. “Literally, among the users, the faint scent of a monster is wafting in the air.”

“… “Why are you saying that now?”

“Because I wasn’t sure. At first I thought I was mistaken, and actually I’m still not sure. If it weren’t for the incident two days ago, I might have just kept my mouth shut. just… .”

“… … .”

“I’m saying this because I suddenly became anxious when I heard you were leaving.”

I frowned slightly. This is because Sasha’s words were quite ambiguous. It could also be said to be quite irresponsible.

But I also know Sasha’s abilities. When I told him to listen and give directions as accurately as possible, Sasha still pointed down the hill.

“So you’re saying a monster has secretly joined in now? Nonsense.”

“Isn’t there a possibility? They can take on human form. “Also, thinking about an incident not long ago, the timing is coincidental.”

While listening to the clan members talking back and forth, I calmly activated my third eye and began scanning the users down the hill one by one from the left.

Eventually, the moment I was about to pass half of it, that is, the center part, I suddenly felt my eyes tighten. Suddenly, a sigh comes out.


… okay. Why didn’t I think of this?

I opened my mouth softly.

“User Seon Yuun.”

Seon Yuun came straight to my side. I lowered Sasha’s finger, which was still pointing, and continued speaking with my voice as low as possible.

“A pit into a circle. Can you see the users gathered in the lower center? “The number is about twelve.”


“Among them, the fourth woman from the left. Her hair is short. Her face was expressionless and she just clapped.”

“I can see it.”

Did you understand what I was trying to say? Suddenly, the sound of a protest was heard.

“Then shoot right away. “You have to get it right on the head.”

“All right.”

Although Seon Yu-un might have been taken aback by the sudden order, he responded right away. Then he stretched out his right arm as if to aim for his target and fired the arrow without any hesitation.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

* The first part of the next episode also contains somewhat unpleasant content, so if you want to skip it, please skip it. (This warning message is for a small number of delicate people and for those who requested a warning message. Most readers can just watch it. do.)

1. It is May 29th (Thursday). As I mentioned in my last review, I am going down to Busan this morning to work on visual novels. And we plan to return on Friday, May 30th. Accordingly, we will take a one-day break on May 30th (Friday) and resume serialization from May 31st (Saturday). We ask for our readers’ deep understanding in this regard.

2. The warning message is not intended to ignore readers. I’m just writing this down because there were a few people who asked me to remove the warning message in the past and then add it back. Please do not misunderstand this and please consider it leniently. _(__)_

3. All messages have been replied to. 😀


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not work with dark mode