MEMORIZE Chapter 568

00568 Entering Sink Hole. ————————————————– ———————-=

The sky is still dark.

“Hahaha~. I’m sleepy… .”

The man who had just come out of the tent let out a long yawn. Then she glanced up at the sky, touched her mouth, and began to walk. She looks like she is still completely asleep as she keeps yawning and walking shakily.

The place where the man who was walking in the dark stopped, was at a point where he could clearly see the pit below.

“Uh~. Let’s stop taking shifts now.”

The man looked around with half-closed eyes, still half asleep. But she doesn’t hear back. Only the quiet night wind blows past her man. The area nearby is just quiet.

“… … ?”

A puzzled face for a moment. In an instant, the sleepiness in her man’s eyes disappeared. Soon, her sharp light flashed, and her man lowered her posture and began to look around her. Her man’s class is archer. A strange feeling came over her whole body. She was about to move forward slowly, step by step, and take a close look at her surroundings.

“uh. “Are you here for your shift?”

A faint voice was heard from below. It was a small voice, as if it was spoken from far away, but the man’s sensitive hearing clearly heard it. So she immediately raised her eyesight and lowered her gaze to find a woman waving her hand in front of her hole. She was a woman who clearly knew her man as she was a co-worker. Her man let out a sigh of relief before she trudged down the hill.

“what. Why are you down here? “It’s dangerous.”

As the man approached, the woman withdrew her gaze and began to look down.

“just. “It’s a little strange.”

“You think it’s strange?”

“huh. I felt like I was seeing something strange… . Something kept raising and lowering its head. “I raised my head again, then lowered it.”


The man’s voice rose. I quickly took a couple of steps back and looked inside the hole, but I couldn’t see anything. There is only pitch-black darkness.

“There’s nothing? “Didn’t I see it wrong?”

The man said in a puzzled voice. The woman made a really sorry face on her face and gently pressed the bridge of her nose.

“Sorry. “Actually, I dozed off.”

“Hey man.”

“Still, I think I can see it at first glance… . “I wasn’t sure, so I came down and tried it.”

“I guess I saw it wrong in my sleep. Anyway, I was surprised.”

“But just in case… .”

“Okay, let’s go in and sleep.”

The woman nodded, shook her head, and slowly turned around. Her man tried to climb up with her, but she still looked at her hole one more time just in case.

“But did you come alone?”

“huh? Ah, that’s right. Heeyoung will be back in a little while. He looked a little distressed, probably because he slept with Su-cheol. “Tsk tsk.”

“okay? Then you can’t do it.”

“huh? “What can’t you do?”

The man who had been laughing at his own joke looked back at the woman, still giggling. At that moment, her womanly body came quickly, as if gliding.


There was no time to be surprised. All her man felt was the feeling of two hands pushing on his chest, and the slowly tilting world that came into her sight. The last thing her man saw was the cold face of a woman looking down at him.


A long scream fell straight into the pit. The woman went down well. She was about to check. She looked at the hole with her blonde hair and then calmly turned her body and looked at the hill. After a while, someone suddenly appeared. The woman quickly raised her hand.

“uh. “Are you here for your shift?”


Go Yeon-ju looked confused for a moment, but immediately pointed to one person.

“I will choose Da-eun.”

Nam Da-eun. It’s a good choice. If you rank the melee users in the Mercenary, Nam Da-eun is definitely the first user (excluding me, of course). Since she has worked with me in the Mountains Where the Dragon Sleeps, she will be a good match with the Shadow Queen if she is a swordsman. You will be able to.

Nam Da-eun walked out with a bright smile. Next, I looked at Ansol and nodded.

“Ansol. “Please call my name.”

“Yes… ?”

Ansol tilted his head. Then, a question mark floated above her head and she began to look around at the clan members. She went left, then right. Go left again, then go right. Go left again… . This guy?

“stop. “Don’t play around.”

The constant turning of his head almost seemed like a tic now, so I forcibly grabbed Ansol’s head and held it in place. Ansol twisted her head back and forth as if she was frustrated, but she quickly became calm after giving her some honey chestnuts. After a while, I could see the question mark flashing into an exclamation point.

“Hey, I’m going to do that.”

The user Ansol pointed to was none other than Heo Jun-young. I think he was probably thinking about it with Cha So-rim… . okay. Still, Heo Jun-young isn’t that bad. no. It’s a pretty good choice for Ansol.

“I don’t like calling you that, but let’s just skip it this time.”

Heo Jun-young calmly walked out and hit Ansol on the head.

“evil! Well, what is it! “Why are you hitting me?”

“My name is Heo Jun-young, not over there.”

“You said you’d just get over it!”

“I was going to do that. “Seeing you showing off made me want to hit you.”

I could hear Ansol getting angry, but I paid no attention and turned my attention to Shin Jae-ryong.

“User Shin Jae-ryong. “You can just call me by name.”

“Hmm… .”

Shin Jae-ryong stared at the clan members with an interested expression. Jin Soo-hyun raised her hands as if asking her to pick her. Helena licked her lips with her tongue, exposing her cleavage. Ansol tried to rush forward somehow, but her face was blocked by Heo Jun-young’s one hand, and she was only swinging her arms helplessly.

And I held my face with both hands. Why on earth are they doing this?

It was then.

“I’ll take Anhyeon.”

“… yes?”

For a moment, I thought I had misheard, so I immediately lowered my hands. It’s not just me, it’s a look of surprise on everyone’s face. Even Anhyun’s eyes widened. This is not because Anhyun is lacking, but because there are many clan members with better user information than him.

“yes. “I will call you Hyeoni.”

However, Shin Jae-ryong spoke quietly with a calm smile. I opened my mouth right away.

“I’ll give you one more chance to call your name.”

“Tongue, bro! “What do you mean!”

Anhyeon came out in a hurry because he really wanted to change. As I stared, Shin Jae-ryong calmly shook his head. It was his unspoken will not to change his name. … My name is Ahn Hyeon.



“I. I will work really hard. “Although I don’t know if I can be of help to my brother, I will try my best.”

“… … ?”

Anhyun gave me a passionate look, as if he knew something. Why is he like this again?

In the end, I had no choice but to sigh and allow it. In any case, Ahn Hyun was also a user who did more than the basics, and I don’t think Shin Jae-ryong would have called him by his name without thinking. Now that I think about it, the two of you have been together for quite some time, which means you can work well together.

Eventually, after sending all the other clan members away, I gathered those who were named and began a detailed explanation of the pit operation.


How much time has passed?

Cold water droplets flowed from somewhere and landed on the man’s forehead. The man’s brow furrowed. She came to her senses. The man felt something hard and soft around her without even opening her eyes. Then pain spread throughout her body.

“Ugh… .”

The man let out a short groan and opened his eyes with difficulty. The first thing she saw was a burning torch hanging on the wall.

“oh. “Are you awake now?”

At that time, a harsh sound of metal rang in my ears. The man’s heart sank. She slowly rose up, swallowing her moans. And she reflexively groped her body, but caught nothing. It was only then that she realized that she was naked.

“I was lucky. I happened to be near the pit. If I had blinked and passed by, I almost wouldn’t have seen you. Forever. Hehehe.”

The man slowly turned his head towards where the voice came from. And the moment the woman who spoke to her confirmed the identity of this person, her mouth fell open. She is looking back at herself while a strange man sits on what appears to be her chair.

It was not an ordinary appearance. At least the part that was visible was completely covered in black tattoos, making it look like a monster. Plus, the eyes sparkle like a crazy beast. But even so, she couldn’t shake off the feeling that the man was somehow familiar.

Soon, the strange man stood up and slowly began to approach.

“Anyway, are you feeling okay? “Hyungsik says you’ve been asleep for quite some time.”

Format. The moment I heard those words, a light of astonishment flashed through the eyes of the man I called Hyeongsik.

“… you you!”

“huh? “Why are you doing this all of a sudden?”

“Tongue, Hyeonho? “Isn’t it Hyeonho?”

“… “Hoo.”

A little exclamation. The corners of the mouth of the strange man called Hyeonho were distorted grotesquely. It’s too subtle to call it a smile. But the man, or rather Hyunho, smiled and placed his hand on Hyangsik’s shoulder.

“also. I thought you would recognize me. “It’s worth saving.”

“what? But obviously, Hyunho did it 3 years ago… .”

“I went missing during the raid on the Steel Mountains. But you’re not dead, right? Hehehe!”

“Oh, no. no! Are you a monster? “It’s a monster that ate Hyeon-ho and disguised itself as a human!”

Then, another exclamation burst from Hyeonho’s mouth.

“Hey~. Have you figured it out already? “It looks like there are some pretty capable users?”

“You monster!”


“… … !”

Hyun-ho paid no heed to Hyeong-sik’s yelling and instead helped him up. His whole body screamed, perhaps because of the aftermath of the fall, but the shock he felt now was even greater. Hyungsik looked at Hyeonho, even forgetting the pain. There is no hint of murderous intent in the way he carefully lifts his body up and taps his shoulder. Rather, you only see a friendly and welcoming appearance.

“don’t worry. “I’m not the monster you think.”


“Well, to tell the truth, it doesn’t mean I wasn’t affected. However, my identity is Joo Hyeon-ho when I first entered Hall Plain with you. Just like that. Hehehe.”

“… … .”

“Anyway, I think I’ve come to my senses. Then we have to report it first, so let’s go out. Even though the situation is like this, don’t you want to live anyway?”

“Si, report?”

Hyungsik asked in a curious voice. Her face is absolutely blank. I’ve just woken up, but I can’t come to my senses because so much incredible information comes at me at once.

But before I knew it, Hyunho had turned and was walking out the door. Then, as if the surrounding environment was finally coming into view, Hyeongsik walked slowly and looked away.

There was silence for a while.

Hyungsik thought while following Hyeonho in a daze.

One thing that is certain is that he fell into a pit. So does this mean that this is under a hole, in the ground?

Now that I think about it, the air is full of dampness. It feels like I’m walking down a long passage, but it’s only dark so I can’t see very well. You can clearly feel the feeling of stepping on the cold dirt with the soles of your feet. When I look up at the ceiling, I see a round piece of dirt, but there are also things that look like veins sticking out.

That’s not all. As I left the unknown entrance, I found myself in a long cave. As I walked through it, I felt more unpleasant than I imagined. A disgusting smell coming from somewhere filled my nostrils. It also seemed to smell strangely like iron.

Nothing can be known.

In the end, there was only one place for Hyungsik to lean on right now.

“you… . “Is this really Hyeonho?”

“why. “Then, would you believe me if I told you that when you were young, you were caught urinating in someone else’s car?”

Hyunho, who was walking in front of me, answered the question in a mocking voice.

It was that moment.


Suddenly, a loud scream echoed through the passage. Right next to it too.

Hyunho’s steps suddenly stopped.

“Don’t look. Don’t worry, just come. “It’s not good to see anything.”

For the first time, a lowered voice gave a soft warning. However, Hyungsik had already increased his magical power and strengthened his eyesight. The sound of Hyunho clicking his tongue continued.

The passageway in the blurry darkness began to become clearly visible. Hyungsik instinctively looked nearby. Soon, there was an entrance similar to the one when he came out and an iron bar firmly fixed in place. And the moment Hyungsik looked at the cavity inside, he caught wind of wind without realizing it.


“Kwaaaaaak, kuaaaaak!”

In the cavity, a man was lying on the floor. Like Hyungsik, he was naked. Then, four people surrounded the naked man, each holding one of her arms and legs and pulling them with all their might.

And after a while.


Blood splattered everywhere. The force is so strong that the flesh stretches and then tears apart, exposing the flesh inside. The red muscles were torn without any reason, and the white bones were torn off mercilessly. Previously, the man had his limbs cut off and his stomach was shaking. There were no more screams.

It didn’t end there. The guys, who had happily divided their limbs, parted their stomachs, licking their appetites as if it wasn’t enough. Then, they all plunge their heads into the split parts and slurp up the blood and organs.

“ah… .”

Hyungsik fell to his knees. The woman who was pounding her heart seemed to have heard a sound and turned her head. And the moment she saw Hyungsik, her eyes lit up. Hyungsik felt as if his soul was going to escape. It was then.

“That’s why I told you not to look.”

Hyeon-ho quickly approached and wrapped his arms around Hyang-sik’s neck. Then he started walking at a fast pace and forcibly dragged along.

“Well, that… . Well, well… .”

“This guy is no longer needed. “The male is already useless, and when his usefulness expires, he ends up becoming food.”

“W-what? That’s what you’re saying right now… !”

“Hey, hey! calm down! “Don’t make any noise!”

Hyeongsik suddenly stood up. I waved my hand as if to grab him by the collar, but he just waved it in the air helplessly. Before I knew it, Hyeonho had taken a couple of steps back. And Hyunho let out a long sigh and shrugged his shoulders.

“Don’t be too angry. Because I’m in a position where I can’t do anything about it. “In fact, it was very difficult to even bring you here.”

Hyungsik’s hand, which was about to plant a fist, stopped. Hyeonho grinned and grabbed the form.

“let’s go.”

“shit! They keep asking me where to go! Where are we now! What happened! “I don’t know anything right now!”

“I understand. But let’s go first. You will find out when you go. “We’re almost there anyway.”

“Joo Hyeon-ho!”

“Quiet. “If they come rushing in, I don’t know what will happen then.”

“… … .”

Hyungsik closed his mouth at those words. An image of the man crying miserably as his limbs were torn apart appeared in her mind. I would rather die gracefully than die that way.

After a while, Hyeonho started walking forward again. Hyeongsik stood there in a daze and began to follow as if he were possessed.

Hyunho’s words that he was almost there weren’t lies. After walking for about 10 more minutes, another entrance appeared, and Hyeonho, who went inside, raised his hand.

One strange thing is that, although it was still dark elsewhere, the entrance where Hyeon-ho entered was illuminated with a slightly dull light.

“Welcome to the King’s den.”

Soon, Hyeong-sik followed him in and Hyeon-ho welcomed him with both arms raised.

“The king’s… ? cave… ?”

A dumb question. But Hyeonho did not open his mouth. He just grinned and raised his hand to point to the ceiling. Hyungsik slowly raised his gaze following the direction Hyunho was pointing at.

The first thing that caught my eye was the dirty hair hanging down. Next, I saw the eyes turning upside down.

Hyungsik tilted his head back even more, even though he couldn’t believe it.

And, I could see it.


No, it’s not something. The women were naked, just like the formalities.

On the ceiling, women with their limbs tied were hanging in the air.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

If there is anyone who frowned at this episode, I strongly recommend that you skip the first part of the next episode. It will be several times more unpleasant than today’s content. * We will change the viewpoint with the pattern, so you can look at it from then on.

P.S. Please briefly remember the characters Hyeon-ho and Hyeong-sik!


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not work with dark mode