MEMORIZE Chapter 567

00567 Sweet conflict. ————————————————– ———————-=

* There is no unpleasant content in this episode. There is no need to skip the latter part.

The long meeting that started early in the morning has ended.

The users, who were gathered in small groups and talking loudly, all closed their mouths and stared at the large tent in the center. There was a clear expression of curiosity on their faces as to how the conclusion was reached.

Soon, users began to walk out of the tent one by one. But the faces you see are not that bright. Is something not going well?

Ahn Hyun looked around while surrounded by users and showed a puzzled look. It seems like it’s almost done now, but it’s because Kim Soo-hyun is nowhere to be seen.

Around this time, Anhyeon tilted his head, wondering if he was still in the tent.

“This is a really big deal.”

Suddenly, the sound of a small sigh was heard. Among the users walking out of the tent, a woman is talking cautiously with her man. Anhyeon reflexively increased her hearing.

“I think so too. But if you think about it differently, it might have been something that would explode someday.”

“yes? It was going to explode someday? “You two had a really good relationship.”

It exploded?

Anhyeon listened even more intently.

“Everything is reset before authority. There is only one captain per ship. There can’t be two people. Maybe the commander-in-chief knew that and created the title of unit commander in advance. “I want to prevent something like this from happening.”

“Still. I thought about it while the two of you were fighting earlier, but the truth is, I don’t understand Mercenary Lord. No matter how much you don’t like it, you are the commander-in-chief. “You speak so earnestly, but isn’t it a bit too much to just say no?”

“well. I rather understand that position. That is correct. Haven’t most of the major achievements so far been achieved by the Mercantile Clan? However, it may be unfair to keep being forced to make sacrifices. Considering that, wouldn’t it be possible to say that you expressed it indirectly? Because you didn’t reveal it as it is.”

“… is that so? Did you really mean that? Anyway, I don’t feel good~. “It’s been going well so far without any major discord, but it suddenly feels like things are going shaky.”

With those last words, the man and woman passed by Anhyeon and disappeared far away.

Anhyeon lifted his head in a daze.

While you two were fighting.

Big feud.

Just by listening to this, the whole story is clear. Although I didn’t see the situation directly, I had some picture in my head.

Kim Soo-hyun and Han So-young collided head-on.

Then why?

Ahn Hyun unconsciously bit his hand and gritted his teeth. A sense of anxiety came over her whole body.

The reason the Southern Expeditionary Force was able to come this far without any major problems was because Han So-young divided the unit into three.

In the vanguard unit, Kim Soo-hyun showed off his abilities and made them known, and at the same time, those who wanted to step forward took advantage of them and ruled them.

The central unit is overwhelmed by Istantel Row, or more accurately, Han So-young, and cannot even make a sound.

Rear troops have nothing to worry about. Because the Blue Wolf gave up its authority in the first place and does not play an important part in its role.

In other words, it was possible because the users controlling each unit in such a situation respected and made concessions to each other.

But a discord arose? And the leaders who control each unit?

It was not an ordinary thing. Discord is the beginning of all problems.

It would be better to fight among the old clan lords, but Kim Soo-hyun and Han So-young’s influence in the Southern Expedition is unrivaled. As such, the sound of the two leaders clashing meant that the foundation of the Southern Expedition could be shaken. In the worst case, further attack may be impossible.

Ahn Hyeon is not a fool. It’s not stupid either. Although he was not interested in the situation, he could see how serious the words he had just heard were.

“older brother… .”

Anhyeon chewed his hands and muttered quietly. And I prayed inwardly as I looked at the tent where Kim Soo-hyun still hadn’t come out.

I hope there are no major problems.

Meanwhile, at the same time.

In the central tent, a man and a woman who had not yet come out were looking at each other blankly.

“Absolutely not!”

Then, at some point, with a bang, Kim Soo-hyun stood up and hit the table violently. There is no significant change in the facial expression itself. However, his eyes were full of anger, and anyone who saw him would think he was angry.

Han So-young had an expressionless face as always. She’s a master of the poker face, so it’s often hard to read her facial expressions. She just stares at Kim Soo-hyun with cold eyes.

Han So-young’s lips parted.

“stop. “The meeting is over.”

“I haven’t agreed yet.”

“no. Please leave. “I want to be alone.”

“I can’t do that. “Until you reconsider your earlier opinion.”

Kim Soo-hyun flatly refused. A resolute voice filled with the will not to give in the slightest.

Then, a subtle anger began to appear on Han So-young’s face.

“You’re rude. “I hated to say this, but I am the overall commander of the Southern Expeditionary Force.”

“Then I am the leader of the vanguard unit. “I think I have that much authority, and I don’t think my thoughts are wrong.”

“Merchionary Road.”

“If you still insist on going ahead, I will resign from my position as commander of the vanguard unit.”

Finally, the bombshell exploded. Han So-young’s eyes widened slightly, as if she had never expected such words to come out.

Soon, a sad aura slowly began to appear in the black crystal eyes that were only looking at Kim Soo-hyun. Considering Han So-young’s usual appearance, it was an unusual expression of emotion.

Kim Soo-hyun was shocked for a moment, but soon clenched his fists and bit his mouth.

For a moment, there was silence.

Soon, Han So-young, gently touching her forehead with her hand, opened her mouth in a tired voice.

“The Mercenary Road. “What is it about my opinion that you don’t like so much?”

“Didn’t I tell you? Organize a small number of elite troops and rush into the sinkhole. This is good. But why is the commander-in-chief participating in that dangerous mission?”

“If I don’t participate, then who will?”

“Why do you think there isn’t one?”

An attack and defense where no one falls behind each other even an inch.

It was like that. The reason these two men and women were raising their voices at each other now was whether or not Han So-young would participate in the formation of an elite unit to attack the pit.

Soyoung Han adopted Light Lord’s opinion. She then brought up her new opinion: to attack the pit by forming a small elite force composed of the minimum, highest elites.

It was good up to this point. However, the problem was that no users were willing to participate.

As they were just paying attention to each other, Soyoung Han finally declared that she would participate first. And at that moment, Kim Soo-hyun jumped up and opposed it.

Han So-young takes the initiative and encourages participation. And Kim Soo-hyun is told to be aware of his position as commander-in-chief (actually, only Han So-young is worried).

In fact, if we only look at the official justification, it is impossible to judge which of the two opinions is right and which is wrong. Because both of them made sense.

If there is only one difference here, it would be the difference between knowing and not knowing about the first round.

To put it bluntly, Kim Soo-hyun was not in a position to directly attack the sinkhole in the first episode. To be exact, I was included in the standby group waiting outside, and I only read the records written after the attack was over.

Of course, not all information is completely included in the records, but at least we know who is lurking in them and what happened. That’s why I oppose it so vehemently.

Because I know the existence of ‘Father’, and because I know what purpose he has. You may not know it, but the moment you see Han So-young, you will run away in excitement.

That’s not all. In episode 1, Kim Soo-hyun witnessed how Han So-young died right in front of her eyes. Even now, when I think about that time, my emotions explode and the desire to kill rises.

As such, Kim Soo-hyun’s honest current feelings were that he did not want to create even the slightest possibility that a similar situation would occur. I just can’t tell it like it is.

However, Kim Soo-hyun’s emotions were completely flowing to Han So-young.

Han So-young seemed to be tired of the continued war of words, and before she knew it, she was silent again.

Actually, I am grateful, but I am not without regrets. Could this man be so ignorant of my feelings?

Han So-young, who thought so, looked at Kim Soo-hyun, who was still holding on stiffly, and quietly opened her mouth.

“You are single-minded. “You who say that can participate, but I shouldn’t participate.”

“yes. I can do it. But not Istantel Low Road.”

“Don’t you think what you just said is contradictory?”

“You feel stuffy. My position is different, isn’t it? But Istantel Low Road is now the center of the Southern Expedition.”

Stuffy? Han So-young’s Army wriggled. However, Kim Soo-hyun narrowed her eyebrows as if she was really frustrated, and she calmly sat down. And she opened her mouth in a slightly subdued voice, as if she were speaking soothingly.

“I know what you’re thinking. However, a high position requires appropriate behavior. This means that Istantel Low Road does not need to participate.”

Stuffy? Who is really stuffy right now?

Han So-young gently closed her eyes.

“You also have to think about the remaining users. “If everyone runs away, who will take care of the remaining users?”

No, no, no. Does this man know nothing other than saying no? You don’t even care about my feelings?

I gently curled my fist and clenched it.

“Or is there a reason why you must participate? If not… .”

okay. there is.

After finishing her thoughts, Soyoung Han finally quietly opened her mouth.

“… Then you have to wait.”

“… … ?”

At that moment, a puzzled look appeared on Kim Soo-hyun’s face as he tried to continue speaking. His voice was so quiet that I couldn’t hear him. But regardless, Han So-young continues her words.

“He said he would participate… . Why me… .”

His small voice still sounded as if he was grumbling and muttering to himself. Should I say that it is not like Han So-young?

“I’m sorry, I misheard.”

Perhaps because he felt the same way, the puzzled expression on Kim Soo-hyun’s face became even stronger. Han So-young bit her lip tightly.

After a while.

Han So-young wanted to speak confidently. However, contrary to her feelings, her head turns away as if she is trying to avoid his gaze.

“therefore… .”

Then he gently lowered his eyes and spoke in a voice that was endlessly crawling.

“I’m worried… . That’s right… . … Mercenary Road.”

Before you know it, Han So-young’s slender index finger is just rubbing the table.

“Waiting alone… . Because I don’t want to tease you… .”

The plump lips are slightly pursed, and the face is red, reminiscent of a red pomegranate.

The moment I saw Han So-young completely sulking like that.

“… yes?”

Kim Soo-hyun’s heart sank.


The night was deep.

After I had enough time to gather my thoughts, I immediately called my clan members. It felt a little cramped, but it was still a fairly large tent, so it could somehow accommodate about 30 people.

“I’m sure you’ve all heard the story about forming an elite unit.”

The tent was quiet. No one opened their mouths. They are all just looking at me with passionate eyes. good night. First of all, I like the attitude of not wanting to take it out.

“At our mercenary, we require a minimum of 4 people and a maximum of 10 people to participate. “We will have to gather the exact number of people to find out, but I think it will probably consist of around 100 people at most.”

Since the general details have already been disseminated through the high performance, everyone must have known to some extent.

So, I decided to get straight to the point. We could end up in a hole as early as tomorrow, and it wouldn’t be a good idea to drag it out for too long.

“Then, let’s start announcing the appointments.”


“Baek Han-gyeol. Vivien. “You two, please come forward.”

Baek Han-gyeol reluctantly got up with a puzzled look on his face, and Vivien still with a sullen look on her face.

“They both participate unconditionally. Baek Han-gyeol knows without having to say it. Vivien. You are the last resort. “Do you understand what I mean?”

The reply came back as “Hmph.” After confirming that Baek Han-gyeol was moving forward, I turned my attention to the remaining clan members. With this, there are 7 seats remaining.

“Ko Yeon-ju, An Sol, Shin Jae-ryong. from now on.”

When their names were called, the three calmly got up and walked out.

Eventually, I used a wave of my hand to summon them as they hesitated and tried to move to one side. Then he took out a cigar from his pocket, lit it, and calmly opened his mouth.

“Three people. I will explain all the details once they are finished. So, from now on, the three of us, including myself, will each designate one clan member of our choice. To be precise, the clan member who can best support or support you.”

“… yes?”

Ko Yeon-ju’s rebuttal. At the same time, a commotion arose among the clan members.

But I quietly shook my head. What he meant was that he would explain later what he just said.

Either way, I think I’ll have to quit first.

“Then let’s start with me.”

I looked around at the clan members who took turns looking at each other. Then, a man standing alone caught her eye and quietly opened his mouth.

“User Seon Yuun.”


Seon Yuun replied bluntly and slowly got up. As I saw him trudging out, I slowly looked back at Go Yeon-ju.

“Then, let’s call Go Yeonju first.”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

sorry. I sat down early today, but I couldn’t write anything. I thought about taking a day off, but I was afraid that taking a break would become a habit. In the end, after sitting for about 3 hours and doing all sorts of exercises in the shower, I was barely able to get started.

Portion control failed in this episode. Yesterday, while looking at the plan for the next episode, I thought I could write about that part at the end, but it turned out to be longer than expected. So, I think you should keep the warning I wrote in yesterday’s review in mind for the next episode.

And I don’t know if anyone was looking forward to it, but SM with Vivien does not appear in Steel Mountains. Still, I’m in the middle of the attack, but I can’t shake the feeling that doing something like that is quite strange.

Nevertheless, the reason I said that I was watching Nana and Kaoru was because of your recommendation, and also as an expression of my intention to write it down someday. However, since I do not have detailed knowledge about SM yet, I feel that there are many shortcomings in writing about it carelessly.

One more thing I would like to add: I will be going down to Busan by morning train on May 29th (Thursday). It’s about visual novels, and there’s a company in Busan that collaborates with Jo Ara. And after spending one night, we plan to come back on Friday, May 30th. (I’m not sure when we will return.) So, we will probably take a break on Friday, May 30th, and then on May 31st. We will resume the series on (Saturday).

We ask for the readers’ deep understanding regarding these matters. _(__)_

The review is long.

I hope all readers have a restful night.

P.S. Broken fan. I just saw the new Ko Yeonju fan art that was posted in my yard. You drew it so well that I can’t help but admire it. Thank you very much!


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not work with dark mode