MEMORIZE Chapter 560

00560 The woman of my dreams. ————————————————– ———————-=

“… Therefore, I think it would be a good idea to seek the Mercenary Lord’s opinion on this matter.”

“I think so too.”

“yes. then… . Mercenary Road.”

“… … .”

“Merchionary Lord?”

“… ah. “Yes, yes.”

A voice called me a couple of times.

When I looked up in surprise, dozens of users were all looking at me. Among them, Han So-young, who was sitting at the head table, was giving a polite, emotionless look.

I quickly shook my head. I guess I lost my mind for a moment.

“Do you know what was just said?”

“yes. We succeeded in securing a sample of the monster, so now we have a plan to lead the way… .”

“… Still, you were listening. However, I wish you would focus a little more on the meeting.”


It was true that I had been distracted, so I apologized neatly.

Han So-young calmly nodded and pointed to the map hanging in front. It means go out and explain. Even as I slowly got up, I couldn’t shake off the strange feeling.

no. Actually, I would say she felt a little sad.

Last night, Han Soyoung was definitely strange. It’s hard to pinpoint what makes her strange. I just feel like the Han So-young I knew is not there.

Disturbed, I couldn’t sleep at night and participated in the meeting, but the people involved were the same as always. It looks like he doesn’t care at all about what happened last night.

So, the feeling was even more subtle. I feel fortunate to see Han So-young as always, but at the same time, I feel sad.

… shit. I don’t know my own feelings either.


“Then, I will give you a brief explanation of our future leadership plans.”

If you can’t find the answer now, as Han So-young said, it would be better to forget everything and focus on the strategy.

Thinking like that, I turned around and looked at the large map. This map is not a map for finding your way, but rather an unfinished map to be created during the strategy. As such, no information is written except the path the North Continent has taken so far.

I pointed out the point where the southern expedition currently stopped and drew a straight line.

“First of all, the way to get there is simple. “I plan to move forward in a straight line, no different from before.”

“If it’s a straight line… . It’s in the front direction. “Then can I hear the reason why you chose that direction?”

Soyoung Han asked right away and I lightly nodded my head.

“As I said in a previous meeting, we have set a three-step plan to deal with the monsters. Level 1. Obtain samples. Step 2. Research on investigation and response methods. Step 3. Attack and destroy the base.”

“yes. Yes.”

“Of these, we can say that we have now reached the second stage. Then all that remains is step 3. In that case, the first priority would be to find the monsters’ base. And I am convinced that there is a high probability that there is a stronghold of monsters in the direction we are heading.”

“… … .”

Han Soyoung didn’t say anything. But she still has a curious look on her face, as if asking why she thinks that way. Of course, other users did the same.

After a while, a man calmly raised his hand and expressed his desire to speak. When I gestured to give permission, he calmly stood up. I think I saw a few faces along the way, but I can’t remember the exact names.

“Merchantry Lord. It is a clear fact that monsters are constantly attacking us. But why can such a fact be connected to the idea that there will be a basis for the future direction? “I don’t really understand that part.”

Although it was a straightforward question, it was a sharper question than expected.

Because I know where the base is. Holding back what I wanted to say, I quietly opened my mouth.

“As an aside, let’s think about it this way for a moment. “Let me give you an example.”

“example… . “You mean?”

“yes. For example, let’s say we are in the North Continent and there is a large-scale attack by monsters from the Iron Mountains. So how will we act?”

“That’s it… . ah.”

For a moment, a look crossed the face of the man who was about to say something. I don’t think she’s very stupid.

In other words, the idea was to change the position of the monster and think about it.

“Of course, one reason is that they think we are prey and attack us. It’s not wrong. However, I thought about it from the monster’s perspective. “Why on earth did they try to scout us yesterday?”

“To get our information… . “I think so.”

“That’s right. If we look at it a little more closely, it could also be interpreted to mean that they haven’t given up on us yet. Strictly speaking, from the monsters’ perspective, we are nothing more than invaders in their nest. “I set the direction to lead in that area.”


I decided to roughly conclude my talk here. I deliberately did not go into detail, but spoke in broad terms. Because most of what I’m saying now was just an excuse.

Regardless of whether it’s right or not, no matter how many times I say it, I’m the only one who gets tired. Here I have to assume the position of someone who doesn’t know anything about the Steel Mountains. So, because I thought this way, I should march this way… . It would be enough to say just enough to instill justification.

The man tilted his head. But she soon knew what she meant, she said, and sat down as calmly as she did when she got up. And as soon as her man sat down, someone immediately followed up and raised his hand.

It was the warrior lord, Go Oh-hwan.

For some reason, I felt like I knew what he was going to say, so I opened my mouth without delay.

“Even if we can’t find the base, it doesn’t really matter.”

“Merchantry Lord. I know what you mean. Then, for once, I couldn’t find the base… .”

Go Oh-hwan suddenly opened his mouth, stopped mid-sentence, and looked at me blankly. I laughed to myself.

“Our goal is only to pave the way, not to stabilize all areas of the Iron Mountains. If the base doesn’t come out, wouldn’t that be fine? The Southern Expeditionary Force advances as much as possible by the designated date and time, then switches to the Northern Expeditionary Force, which is next in line.”

Actually, I didn’t mean to say it out loud in a situation like this, but it doesn’t really matter. I don’t know, but there are probably more than one or two users who are dissatisfied with the current Eastern Expedition. To be precise, I was dissatisfied with the strategy process. Even though they benefited most from the plan to attack the world of fire, they stopped after a moderate advance.

“I also agree with the Mercenary Lord’s opinion.”

After a little silence, Han So-young’s voice was heard.

“Now that we have entered the Steel Mountains, this is the route we must take anyway and the area we must attack. So there’s no reason to avoid monsters now, but there’s also no need to go out looking for them. We just have to do what we have to do.”

We just have to do what we have to do.

okay. This is exactly what I wanted to say.

Soon, Soyoung Han straightened up and stared at me.

“Then let’s accept Mercenary Road’s lead and end the morning meeting here. Everyone, prepare to leave immediately.”

That’s how the morning meeting ended.


Time passed.

After clearing the camp, I traversed the shadow of the hill in a straight line as instructed at the meeting.

However, the expedition team that departed in the morning was not disturbed until late afternoon. I turned on the light in my eyes and looked around, but the monster didn’t even show its nose, let alone attack me.

Because of this, I was able to march at a fast pace and cover a considerable distance, but it was also true that I felt something uneasy. It wasn’t that it was incredibly difficult in the first round, but it still wasn’t this easy to get through.

Actually, it was a bit of a disappointing situation. Personally, I think that a keynote is a trend. When going down, it plummets endlessly, but on the other hand, when going up, it goes up without knowing the end.

Since yesterday, the momentum of the Southern Expedition began to rise, I hoped that monsters would appear to some extent. Now I will reveal how to respond. As you progress through the battle step by step, you will gain experience and confidence in dealing with monsters, and it is obvious that the upward trend will gain further momentum.

I was planning on continuing to sharpen and polish it as I advance, making it as sharp as possible by the time I attack the base, but if it continues like this, it will inevitably become dull again. Anyway, it’s quite unfortunate, but it’s something I can’t do anything about.

Either way, as long as you cross the shadow area of ​​the hill, the base is just around the corner.

With that in mind, I increased my marching speed in an attempt to escape as quickly as possible, but I stopped for a moment when I heard a request from the rear asking for a break. The melee classes don’t seem to be having a hard time, but it seems like the wizards and priests are running out of stamina.

Finally, after giving the order to rest for 20 minutes, I sat down with my back to the hill. And to get rid of the uncomfortable feeling, I began to calmly organize the questions in my head one by one.

… Suddenly, I felt like I was missing something very important.


The surroundings were dark. It was literally a dark space. The entire space is filled with pitch-black darkness, as if a black curtain has been placed over it.

A space where not even a single ray of light enters, as if it were underground.

And, there was a woman wandering in that space.


The woman’s identity was none other than Ansol.

Ansol’s extremely urgent face clearly showed his inner feelings.

It’s already been 30 minutes since I’ve been wandering around this space. In fact, Ansol doesn’t know why he is in this space. All I remember is that we finished the march safely today, had dinner, finished guard, entered the tent, and fell asleep right away.

However, when I opened my eyes, I was standing in a space I had never seen before.


I shouted again, but there was no reply. I’ve already called several times, but all of them were just meaningless shouts.

In such a situation.

I thought that Ansol might be a dream, but it was no use. If it was a dream, she needed to wake up, but even though she pinched her cheek and rolled around like crazy on the floor, what she saw didn’t change one bit.


But still, Ansol called Kim Soo-hyun. In a situation where he couldn’t see anything and couldn’t do anything, in the end there was only one thing Ansol could do. I just wait endlessly, praying that someone will save me.

How much time has passed?

Now I’m slowly getting tired of walking around.

– help… . please… .

At one point, a small voice quietly flowed from somewhere.

Ansol’s steps, which had been slowly slowing down, suddenly stopped. She then quietly looked around with anxious eyes.

“Bah, who was it just now? “Is there anyone?”

– help… . please… .

I heard clearly this time. Someone is asking for help.

Although he couldn’t see anything, Ansol carefully turned his head in the direction from which the voice came.

“S-are you a person?”

– … How did you get here?

After a moment of silence, a slightly lowered voice answered Ansol’s question. His voice cracked hoarsely, as if he had gone through some kind of hardship, and it was quite annoying. Still, there was still a soft feeling somehow, and it seemed like the voice was originally quite beautiful.

“Mo, I don’t know. Why am I here too? “Where the hell am I?”

– … okay. all right. Then calm down first, and from now on, never lower your voice. Never, ever say it out loud.

Ansol lowered his voice without realizing it.

“yes? yes yes.”

– great. Then, could you please come to where I am first? Don’t run, take your time.

Then the voice in the air began to lead Ansol, speaking softly, like a mother admonishing her child.

As he listened to the calm voice, Ansol finally found a ray of comfort in his heart. It wasn’t just that she didn’t think she was alone. I don’t know why, but I don’t get a bad feeling from the voice. Rather, I felt a little pitiful.

– From there, take two steps to the left… . is it so. good job. Now, extend your arms out in front of you.

Ansol obediently walked as the voice told him to, and then calmly stretched out his arms. Then, surprisingly, the space where nothing was visible until now suddenly changed.

Of course, the dark space itself remained the same. However, Ansol felt a gentle touch at the tip of her outstretched finger. At the same time, I felt a cold energy coming from her, as if I was touching her heavily rusted iron door.

– Just push the door. Slowly, very slowly. You can really push it a little bit, so you should never make any noise.

What Ansol has been told over and over again as he has been doing everything he has been told is to never make a sound.

Feeling nervous, Ansol swallowed his saliva. And as I was told, I began to push the invisible door, putting more and more force into my hands little by little.


Let’s go, let’s go!

Is it because it is a very old door? Even though I said I was going to be as careful as possible, it ended up making noise. The noise itself was minimal, but because it was such a quiet space, it rang strangely loud.

– ah… . ah… . no… .

At that moment, a very disappointed voice rang in Ansol’s ears.

Ansol intuitively felt that something was wrong.

“What should I do now?”

– I’m fine, so run away quickly. somehow.

“yes yes?”

– I can not help it. I don’t know how they got in, but the sound just woke the Father up. Father, I can definitely feel that side right now.

“yes? What is that… ?”

– We’re already a stone’s throw away. There is no time to explain, so come on!

The voice, which had been kept as low as possible until now, rose for the first time. Ansol was embarrassed. They say to run away, but where on earth should you go?

I was just stamping my feet not knowing what to do.

– … … .

Suddenly, the surroundings became completely subdued. At the same time, Ansol felt a tremendous ominousness creeping over her entire body, something that could not be described in words.

I looked away blankly. Still can’t see anything.

However, Ansol felt it clearly.

Although he cannot see it, something unknown and emitting extremely evil energy is quickly approaching his direction.

If you stay like this, you will definitely die.


– Nuununununununununununununununununununununununununun… .

The moment he thought that, something had already reached Ansol.

– Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo… .

In an instant, the top of Ansol’s head was caught in the darkness and lifted up. Her mind turned blank due to the sudden situation.

Ansol’s mouth opened blankly.

“come… . Bernie… .”

It was then.

– Don’t stand still!

Suddenly, a white arm came out of the door that Ansol opened. And at the same time as he grabbed Ansol’s arm, he violently pulled him inward.


Ansol’s body was quickly pulled into the door, along with the feeling of being pulled near his navel. A sharp scream echoed throughout the dark space.

– Run away! Run away!

Meanwhile, the sound of running away continued to hit my ears.

Even as Ansol was being dragged by the hand, he reflexively turned his gaze towards the direction that had been talking to him from earlier.

And that moment.

So, the moment I confirmed the identity of the voice speaking from inside the door.

– I told you to run away… . Hee hee hee hee hee!

Ansol’s eyes opened wide as if they were torn apart.



A loud scream shook the tent.

Go Yeon-ju instinctively opened her eyes.

“Ugh, euhahuhahak, ehehihahahaha!”

As soon as she heard the strange voice, Go Yeon-ju quickly stood up.

The actions that followed were also swift. While using the shadow to turn on the light stone, he took out the dagger he had put under his pillow and looked in all directions. However, what caught Go Yeon-ju’s eyes was not an enemy invasion. All that can be seen is Ansol, drenched in cold sweat, his whole body trembling.

Soon, the Mercenary Clan members who were sleeping in the same tent began to wake up one by one.

“dream… . dream… .”

A strained, yet fear-filled voice flowed from Ansol’s mouth. Go Yeon-ju immediately approached and hugged Ansol.

“Sol. Why. huh? what’s the matter?”

“Please help me…” . Ask for help… . however… ”

Even though he keeps spouting nonsense, Ansol’s hands are constantly and meaninglessly waving in the air.

“are you okay. are you okay. huh? “It’s okay now, so calm down.”

“no… . no no… . Run away… . And please let me know… .”

However, since the user speaking is Ansol, it cannot be dismissed as nonsense.

Ansol is now collecting sleeping bags like crazy. Go Yeon-joo watched Ansol’s actions quietly, then turned her head to her clan members, who were still staring at her blankly.

“Yoojeong. “Hurry and bring the clan lord here now.”

“Yes? no. yes?”


“yes yes!”

When Lee Yu-jeong shouted sternly, she quickly ran outside.

Next, Go Yeon-ju stared at Im Hanna.

“Hanna. You quickly bring a record and a quill. “Make the record as large as possible.”

Im Hanna did not ask. She just blinked her eyes a couple of times, as if she was sleepy, then immediately got up and started rummaging through her backpack.

Soon, he quickly brought a record and a quill, and without a word, Go Yeon-ju placed the record in front of Ansol and placed the quill in his hand. Then, strangely enough, Ansol’s hand grasped the quill pen tightly. As if he wanted this.

Go Yeon-ju said nothing more. I just hold Ansol tightly in my arms and comfort him, whispering that it’s okay.

After a while.

“seven… . eleven… . no. fourteen… ?”

Ansol lowered his head while trembling slightly. She then began to move her quills against her notes.

It was a picture.

Ansol was drawing something. It was a mess to begin with because the workmanship was poor and even the hands were shaking, but what was certain was that the painting clearly showed a single shape.

“one… .”

Soon, Ansol, who had drawn one shape, drew another shape in the space next to it.

“Two, two… .”

I found an empty space and drew another one.

Although there were slight differences, the shapes were almost similar.

Among them, Go Yeon-ju paid close attention to the most clearly drawn shape. And the moment he remembered the image from the shape, he frowned slightly at Ami.

“This… ?”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

I’m really sorry for being late. _(__)_

Hit me hard. Ugh.


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not work with dark mode