MEMORIZE Chapter 559

00559 Kim Soo-hyun, Han So-young. And comb. ————————————————– ———————-=

good night.

Feeling naturally satisfied, I lightly shook my head. Although only 6 animals appeared, it was a pretty good battle considering the flow that followed. The response method requested by Han So-young was carried out exactly as it was.

We have proven in this battle whether that method really works. Also, why doesn’t he seem as confused as before?

I decided to be satisfied with this for now.

After the battle was over, I ordered them to wait at their seats for about 10 minutes. It was part of an attempt to straighten out the disarray and retrieve the body. As I was watching Seon Yu-un shaking his head excitedly as he lifted the cruelly torn corpse in front of him, Go Yeon-ju suddenly approached me with a curious look on his face.

“That’s strange. Su-hyun. Why did only 6 attack this time? “It’s not as large-scale as it used to be.”

That’s simple.

“It’s not an attack. “They are out to scout.”

“yes? “Reconnaissance?”

“yes. They are intelligent. And very cunning. It is on a different level from the beasts that rush at you blindly. As such, we’ll come out to see what’s changed since last night’s loss. And if given the chance, he might have attempted to kidnap at least one person.”


Go Yeon-ju must have understood only then, and nodded with an exclamation.

“That’s why I told you earlier not to miss it.”

“From now on, I must never give out any information. “The way we used shadows this time was also very good.”

I quietly replied, looking at the users trudging along.

Finally, after reporting that the body was so badly damaged that it was impossible to bring it back, I announced the resumption of the march.


Time passed by in vain. After easily dealing with the six monsters, the southern expeditionary force gained confidence and continued to advance over the hill.

But the monsters stopped attacking. I don’t know why, but as we marched until the sunset, not a single one appeared. However, it was not possible to march all night, so the Southern Expeditionary Force eventually decided to find a suitable location and set up camp.

After everyone finished dinner, the users dispersed. Some had to stand guard, while others went into tents to sleep. And some others gathered in the large tent in the center. It was a commander’s meeting that has now become an annual event.

But today’s meeting didn’t take that long.

“Then we will end the meeting here. Thank you all for your hard work, and make sure you get a good night’s rest tonight.”

When Han So-young declared the meeting to be dismissed, light applause followed. And she stands up with a smile on her face.

It is a completely different sight from before. Until two days ago, they often wheezed and blushed at each other, but now some people even shook each other’s hands or thanked each other for their hard work.

It was like that. The atmosphere of the expedition team had clearly changed.

It was natural. Now you no longer have to worry about unknown monsters. The response method announced by Han So-young was also clearly effective in this morning’s engagement. The Southern Expeditionary Force, which had been struggling since the first monster appeared, began to run smoothly again as it made a step forward in its strategy.

After all the users left the tent, Soyoung Han turned her head to see the empty tent. He fixed his gaze precisely on the spot on the right. This was where the Mercenary Lord sat. However, Kim Soo-hyun was nowhere to be seen, as he left as soon as the meeting ended.

Han So-young stared at the seat where Kim Soo-hyun sat for a while.

Then at some point.

“It’s empty.”

“sister. The meeting is over, right? “Then I’ll clean it up.”

Two high-pitched voices flowed in at the same time. When Soyoung Han turned her head in surprise, she could see a slender woman stretching as hard as she could and a little boy yawning and tapping her mouth. They were Yeon Hye-rim and Park Da-yeon.

“I will organize the records. “You put the chair in.”

Yeon Hye-rim seemed to have interpreted Han So-young’s silence as an affirmation, and began to collect the scattered records on the table one by one. She soon finished yawning and started walking towards her chair.

Soon, Han So-young was about to slowly stand up with the intention of helping her, but Park Da-yeon, who was just about to put the chair in, suddenly turned her head.

“Oops. Soyoung’s older sister. “Did you say thank you?”


Han So-young opened her eyes wide. Da-yeon Park put a lot of pressure on her stomach and pushed her chair in.

“To the Mercantile Lord. She ran into me as she came in. “I heard you’re on guard duty today.”

“… okay?”

“yes. But that person is definitely amazing. In just one day, the atmosphere of the expedition completely changed. Anyway, sister. “It’s too bad to keep your mouth shut like this, so please go and say thank you.”

“why? “What are you thankful for, and what is so great about it?”

The answer came from Yeon Hye-rim, not Han So-young. Da-yeon Park often walked again and grabbed her chair.

“It was an early morning attack yesterday. “You handed the body to us.”


“yes? But what about Rani?”

“I’m pissed. “Because of that, you couldn’t sleep and stayed up all night investigating.”

Then Park Da-yeon stared at Yeon Hye-rim with a puzzled expression. Then she sighed heavily and covered her forehead with her hand.

“… Hehehe. That’s Okay. “Stop talking.”

“You’re doing it again. Don’t be sarcastic. “Then why don’t you explain?”

“no. Are you asking because you really don’t know? “Who are the users who ran into monsters and collected the bodies during yesterday’s raid?”

“The Mercenary Clan.”

“Yes. Then we can view the corpse as an achievement, right? However, all of the results were handed over to us, and we did the research and presentation. And what we announced actually took effect today. Of course, this was also proven by the Mercantile Clan. In other words, all of this was conceded to us by Mercenary Lord and fulfilled. yes? Do you understand now? Understand?”

“no. “Whatever that means.”

What Da-yeon Park was saying was that the talent was used by the mercenary and the money was taken care of by Istantel Row.

However, Yeon Hye-rim shrugged her shoulders with an expression of complete ignorance.

Park Da-yeon sighed again. And “Okay. “I’m a fool for expecting anything from someone whose mind is only focused on battle,” he muttered, then turned his head away, as if he had given up on explaining.

At that moment, Park Da-yeon’s eyes widened.


Han So-young is nowhere to be seen. When she left, there was only an empty chair.

Meanwhile. Same time.

While the two were arguing, Han So-young, who had left the tent, was slowly walking somewhere.

According to Park Da-yeon, Kim Soo-hyun must stand guard today.

That was true. Kim Soo-hyun is the unit commander across the Clan Road in the Southern Expeditionary Force, but no one is exempt from vigilance. Even Han So-young was in a position where she had to stand guard when it was her turn.

Of course, there is some benefit. It’s not like I’m watching out for the outskirts like other users, but I’m just sitting quietly in the center of the campground. Therefore, if something unexpected happens, users who stand guard will receive orders from the central commander.

Crack, crackle! Crack, crackle!

In the center, a bonfire is burning, crackling with sparks. And around the campfire, a man was sitting on a log, looking intently at something.

The identity of the man was none other than Kim Soo-hyun.

Han So-young quietly observed Kim Soo-hyun. A very focused face is particularly noticeable.

Even though the meeting is over, you are still checking your strategy.

The way he looked at the map with his eyes filled with light was so serious that it made many women’s hearts flutter. why. There is a saying like that, right? She says women fall for men who focus on something about her.


It was then. Kim Soo-hyun, who was in the middle of pointing at a map, seemed to have felt some kind of gaze, and suddenly turned his head. And the moment she saw Han So-young standing still, she opened her mouth with surprised rabbit eyes.

“uh. Istantel Low Road?”

Han So-young paused for a moment, but then walked away with a calm face. She then approached the campfire and secretly caught her breath. Kim Soo-hyun’s gaze followed.

“I was surprised. What’s going on here… .”

“I have something I want to say to the Mercantile Lord.”

“What do you want to say?”

“yes. “If you don’t mind, may I sit down for a moment?”

Could it be rude? Kim Soo-hyun immediately nodded his head and sat aside. And he took off the heavenly glory he was wearing and covered it with a log.

Han So-young controlled her heart that had suddenly started pounding and carefully placed her buttocks on the spot prepared by Kim Soo-hyun.


“… … .”

“… … .”

For a moment, there was a quiet silence.

Crack, crackle!

no. It wasn’t for a moment.

After Han So-young sat down, there was silence for quite a long time.

I think he clearly said he had something to say. Kim Soo-hyun was restless and glanced next to her, but Han So-young was staring at the bonfire with her knees tightly together.

“hmm… .”

Finally, when Kim Soo-hyun, who couldn’t stand it anymore, opened his mouth first, Han So-young’s lips, which had been tightly closed, gently separated. Kim Soo-hyun reflexively closed her mouth. And she stared at Han So-young as if her eyes were piercing. The pure white neck of the neck, which sprinkled a mesmerizing beauty in the eyes of Kim Soo-hyun, was stepped on as it moved.

“Merchionary Road.”

Although she hesitated for a long time, Soyoung Han finally quietly opened her mouth. Kim Soo-hyun was also nervous.

“I… .”

“Yes, yes. Tell me… .”

“Isn’t it very pathetic?”

“… yes?”

Kim Soo-hyun was embarrassed before he could even finish his sentence.

However, Han So-young was rather calm. Rather, he showed a sad expression and slowly turned his head to stare at Kim Soo-hyun.

“I thought about it carefully while attacking the Steel Mountains this time. What would have happened if the Mercenary Lord had not been in the Southern Expedition? .”

“… … .”

“Actually, the situation of the Southern Expedition was very bad until yesterday. It was something I had to solve somehow. That should have been the case, but the commander-in-chief could not do anything and just watched.”

“… … .”

“I was just worrying day after day with no income… . However, Mercenary Road solved it very simply.”

“… … .”

“Can I say that I have been feeling that my abilities are lacking for a long time these days? So I thought. Perhaps the position of commander-in-chief belongs more to the Mercenary Lord than to me… .”

“no. “That’s not it.”

At that moment, Kim Soo-hyun, who had been listening silently until now, cut off Han So-young’s words. It was a firm voice.

Soon, Kim Soo-hyun opened his mouth in a louder voice than before.

“In my personal opinion, I think Istantel Low Road is mistaken. therefore… . “In short, it’s a useless worry.”

A harsh criticism that I have never heard before.

Kim Soo-hyun continued.

“Istantel Low Road. “The Steel Mountains are not an area that can be conquered alone.”

“I know. That’s certainly true, but with a position comes a certain level of responsibility. I take that responsibility… .”

“yes. Yes. And Istantel Low Road shared that responsibility. He trusted me, appointed me to the vanguard, and gave me that much authority. “The reason you did that was because you had expectations of me for this attack.”

“… yes.”

Now it was Kim Soo-hyun’s slightly angry voice. And Soyoung Han barely agreed.

The Steel Mountains cannot be conquered alone.

Kim Soo-hyun and Han So-young also know.

In that one word, it contained virtually all the advice and consolation that Kim Soo-hyun could give.

Only then did Kim Soo-hyun relax his stiff face and smile softly.

“I’m glad you understand.”

“Merchionary Road.”

“no. If you say the same thing, I won’t listen to it anymore. And let’s pretend you didn’t hear what I said earlier. “I’m sure you didn’t really think that way when you said that.”

“… … .”

This time, Han Soyoung kept her mouth shut. Because that was true.

Actually, at first, I came to say thank you, as Park Da-yeon said, but as soon as I saw Kim Soo-hyun and stood in front of him, I ended up making a weak sound without even realizing it. Even Han So-young doesn’t know why.

no. Maybe he knows but is trying to pretend not to know.

Although she usually builds up a fearsome iron wall, in the end, Han So-young is also a woman. She is an ordinary woman who wants to lean on someone and receive comfort when she is having a hard time. The Queen of Iron Blood is just a nickname she gained upon entering the Hole Plane, and does not constitute the essence of Han So-young.

After some time passed in silence, Han So-young turned her head back to the bonfire. The corners of Han So-young’s mouth soon moved slowly and slightly. Although he doesn’t seem to know it, a blank look suddenly appears on Kim Soo-hyun’s face as he still looks at Han So-young.

Han So-young opened her mouth.

“Do you know anything?”

“Yes, yes?”

“Every time I see Mercenary Road, I am always grateful and sorry.”

“uh… . hmm… .”

“If I think about it carefully, it seems like at some point I was just receiving it all the time. Mercenary Road gives, gives, gives again. “I receive, receive, and receive.”

“ah. I am… . just… .”

“i know. I know very well that Mercenary Lord truly cares about me and cares for me. … But maybe that’s why I feel even more sorry. “From the perspective of just continuing to receive.”

“Is that so?”

“yes. So, sometimes I think like this. No, I definitely think about it.”

“… … ?”

Han So-young suddenly stopped talking and then took a long breath. And then she seemed to pause for a moment, and then she looked directly at Kim Soo-hyun.

“me too… . I also want to do something for the Mercenary Lord… . Called… .”

In some ways, this was nothing short of a bombshell statement. These were the words that Han So-young could express to the fullest. A woman who built an iron wall that no one could overcome, and later became known as the Queen of Iron Blood, made such a statement? It’s something other men can’t even dream of.

If only Kim Soo-hyun had been a little more tactful here. No, if only the feelings I had for Han So-young were slightly different. She may have understood exactly what it meant.

But the opponent was Kim Soo-hyun.

Crack, crackle!

Han So-young’s cheeks turn red in the blazing light. Kim Soo-hyun, who had been dazed for a while, suddenly had an expression of ‘Ah’ on his face. Then she looked at Han So-young, who seemed to be expecting something, and carefully opened her mouth.

“excuse me. Istantel Row Road. “It’s a bit unexpected, but do you still have the comb I gave you last time?”

“… A comb? yes. there is. “I always carry it with me.”

Although it was a completely random comment, Soyoung Han responded right away.

It has changed. In the past, she would have said she left it behind, or that she kept it without realizing it. Now I tell you one truth that I always carry with me.

Because I thought Kim Soo-hyun would be happy if I said that.

Eventually, when Han So-young actually took out the comb, a bright look passed through Kim Soo-hyun’s eyes.

“That’s it then. Istantel Row Road. “I have an earnest request to make.”

An earnest request?

Han So-young tilted her head. My extra senses have changed. Until a little while ago, I could feel Kim Soo-hyun’s firm confidence, but he suddenly became very cautious.

Soyoung Han nodded as if asking her to speak. Kim Soo-hyun wet her mouth with her saliva and she opened her mouth with a slightly trembling voice.

“I am… . head… . hmm… .”


“So, the head… . “Can I just comb your hair once?”

“… yes?”

Han So-young asked in a curious voice. For the first time, the pretty Army has been narrowed down.

It had to be that way. She barely managed to muster up the courage to say the truth, but it wasn’t like Hongdukkae in the middle of the night. The only thing that came back was that he asked if I could comb his hair.

Should I be angry or should I just laugh?

Just as I was losing my senses, the information provided by my extra senses changed once again.

It was a desire.

okay. craving.

However, it is not an ugly desire such as s*xual desire or carnal desire. I don’t know why, but it wasn’t a desire that felt so unpleasant. If I had to express it, would I just have a strong desire to give it a try?

Although she had countless concerns for a moment, Soyoung Han was soon able to make a decision. I guess I said something anyway. Also, the desire was conveyed too earnestly and sorrowfully to be rejected outright, so in the end, Han So-young nodded and gave permission.

Eventually, Kim Soo-hyun, who was handed the comb, slowly got up and stood behind Han So-young. I don’t know why, but I felt a trembling sensation behind my back. Then, an unexpected sense of embarrassment and shame fills Han So-young.

Is this really okay? What am I doing now? These days, I haven’t been able to properly trim my hair. etc. As if the embarrassment hadn’t subsided yet, nonsense thoughts kept coming into Soyoung Han’s head.


At that time, Kim Soo-hyun spoke in a low voice. Then he placed the comb on the top of his head as if he were handling the most precious treasure in the world.

I touched it slightly. Soon, Kim Soo-hyun gently bent the comb and combed the hair from the top of his head to the bottom in one go, but gently.

The shiny hair caught in the comb is neatly organized.

And it was that moment.

“ah… ?”

At the same time that both eyes opened wide, a strange moan came out of Han So-young’s mouth. Instinctively, she quickly covered her mouth.

However, before she had time to think, Han So-young felt a presence gently pulling her hair. The touch of a man outside of her family for the first time, something she had never allowed anyone else to do.

Soon, the comb once again swept down the hair in a refreshing manner.

“ha… . town!”

A moan escaped me again. Han So-young tried to keep her expression as expressionless as possible, holding back her face that was about to become disheveled. However, Kim Soo-hyun’s comb continued to be brushed.

Comb it.

“Ugh… !”

Comb it.

“Sigh… !”

Comb it.

“Well… !”

Han So-young desperately swallowed a moan.

However, Kim Soo-hyun simply combed her hair.

Then why on earth does Han So-young react like this?

That is Han So-young’s super sense. And it is due to the emotions that Kim Soo-hyun had in the act of combing Han So-young’s hair.

The extra senses unconditionally accept sensuous information whether one wants it or not. The more the other person harbors ugly desires, the more Han So-young suffers.

As such, the opposite situation is also possible.

‘A little harder.’

‘My head hurts.’

1st round period.

After entering Istantel Row, Kim Soo-hyun constantly combed Han So-young’s hair. Every time that happened, Han So-young always leaned her head on Kim Soo-hyun’s chest with a happy face. Regardless of whether he combed his hair well or not, such events were memories that Kim Soo-hyun missed and yearned for more. Precious memories that only the two of you can keep.

After losing Han So-young, Kim Soo-hyun always looked back on those memories. Each and every one of those memories was the driving force that helped Kim Soo-hyun endure and not go crazy.

So, I promised myself that if I brought it back to life, I would comb it again and again. But that wish did not come true. Somehow we succeeded in reviving it, but the wind went in a subtle direction.

If so.

That wish, which I had never even thought about, finally came true today. And that too very suddenly. As a result, the emotions that had been hanging on for years since the first episode exploded more loudly than ever before at this very moment.

east longitude. craving. Madam. sadness. Pathetic. Mourning. depressed. Sadness. Sadness. It’s a pity. Pathetic. suffering. despair. Disappointment. Frustration. discouragement. Pessimism. Resignation. hope. pleasure. Joy. Joy.

All these emotions are overflowing. Then, in the past, it came down to one ‘heart for others’ and was flowing down to Han So-young. Han So-young’s entire body is overflowing with warm pleasure and endless sweetness. like… .

no. What kind of words are needed?

This moment. After losing Han So-young, all the emotions Kim Soo-hyun had while going through various events are being conveyed one by one.

This man… . why… .

The moment she thought that, Soyoung Han could clearly feel it. Something that was tightly binding me inside was slowly being released. As if to prove it, his always expressionless face finally slowly collapses.

Han So-young looked at Kim Soo-hyun with a face that looked like she was about to cry. Her whole body is shaking.

Only then did Kim Soo-hyun seem to notice something strange and stop moving his hands.

“… Istantel Low Road? Are you okay?”

Han Soyoung didn’t say anything. She just raised her wide eyes and shook her head. Kim Soo-hyun was embarrassed.

“I-I’m sorry. I never thought you would hate it so much… . “I’m truly sorry.”

Just as the embarrassed Kim Soo-hyun was about to let go, Han So-young suddenly grabbed Kim Soo-hyun’s hand tightly. For a split second, doubt appeared in Kim Soo-hyun’s eyes and concern appeared in Han So-young’s eyes.

Actually, I’m still embarrassed. But now, rather than shame, another emotion was pulling Han Soyoung even more strongly.

“ah… . eww… . … please.”

A whispering voice, as if mixed with a subtle sense of shame. Kim Soo-hyun’s doubts became even deeper.


“… please.”

“Hey, Istantel Low Road? I’m sorry. I can’t hear you clearly, so I’ll say it again… .”

“comb… . … please.”

“… “Do you want a comb?”

“continue… . “Please keep brushing!”

In the end, Han So-young held back the rising shame and cried out loud.

“I feel good… . So please keep brushing… .”

I couldn’t help but shout once more.

And after a while.

The comb began to move slowly and gently, as if giving a sweet kiss.

“ah… , ah… !”

Han So-young’s waist gently twisted as the sensuous sweetness flowed in again.

Han Soyoung no longer covered her mouth.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

I wrote it all night. It’s been a long time since I’ve been this focused. I feel like I’ve been burned white, but strangely I’m not tired at all.

Anyway, ah. I finally wrote this down. It was a piece of cake that was sprinkled 200 times, but it took a long time to recover. Still, I feel refreshed. really. ha ha ha!


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not work with dark mode