MEMORIZE Chapter 555

00555 The beginning of a counterattack. ————————————————– ———————-=

Approximately ten users are lying on the floor and moaning, and priests are clinging to them and chanting healing spells. It seems that they were not able to completely defend against the initial surprise attack.

But, this wasn’t the only thing.

“What happened! Why was I ambushed! “What on earth did the archers and wizards do?!”

“Shit! You said you didn’t feel anything! “What can I do if it doesn’t work even though I’m on guard!”

“Then how did you respond to the vanguard unit? And who executed the fireworks? it’s crazy? “Are we going to burn to death too?”

“The vanguard unit is evolving! First of all, stop fighting and calm down those around you!”

Harsh shouts mixed with profanity flowed from all directions.

okay. It was literally a mess.

I stopped going to the rear and quietly looked around.

At that time, a murmur was heard for a moment, and soon the group of users split in half and made their way. And between them, a woman slowly walks out.

It was Han So-young.

Even in this mess, Han Soyoung still did not lose her composure. She stepped forward and quickly calmed down the situation around her, then looked back at me with an expressionless face.

“Merchionary Road.”

“Istantel Low Road.”

As they ran straight away, Han So-young calmly rubbed Ami and nodded. She’s pretending not to be, but she looks a little tired.

“Are you hurt anywhere?”

“yes. My rear is more disturbed than I expected, but I’m trying to calm it down as much as I can. “What is the damage to the vanguard unit?”


“… “That’s amazing.”

Han So-young gently lowered her gaze and replied. At that moment, I felt like my heart was being stabbed for some reason.

“What about center or aft? Is there a lot of damage?”

“In the center, 2 people are missing and 11 people are injured. And in the rear, 5 people were missing and 14 were injured.”

It’s missing. So does that mean he was taken away?

It wasn’t a huge amount of damage. However, after starting the attack, the most damage was suffered.

“Thanks to the appropriate response of the vanguard unit… . “I don’t think the damage got any worse.”

Eventually, Han So-young could barely speak as she watched the flames slowly being extinguished. The rear is managed by the Koran Union. I don’t know who implemented it, but it could be said to have been a clear control mistake by Park Hwan-hee.

Soon a low sigh flowed in. Even Han So-young would probably be dumbfounded. Even I thought a while ago that we should attack these guys with them.

I decided to take a step back. Although she looks calm on the outside, Han Soyoung must be very upset right now. I also had no desire to contribute to that.

“All right. “I’ll return to the lead for now, so please let me know when the situation calms down.”

“yes. “I will do that.”

Soyoung Han and I turned around at the same time.

Eventually, after about 10 minutes, the commotion died down, and only after another 10 minutes had passed were the departure instructions given. I walked forward slowly and led the expedition team, and soon we were able to reach the top.

Soon, the further down the mountain range the deeper the forest became.

Fortunately, because it was downhill, the march speed became a little faster, and the southern expedition was finally able to completely cross the mountain peak they were aiming for.


Time passed quickly.

The southern expeditionary force stopped its advance only after crossing the mountain range they had targeted today and crossing two more mountain ranges. And as we hurriedly set up camp and finished eating, the twilight that had been coloring the area had disappeared and dusk was slowly beginning to fall.

After the morning attack, the monsters attacked once more. As they were about to descend the second mountain range, another surprise attack was attempted.

However, as I experienced it once in the morning, I was able to respond appropriately, and they retreated after causing only minor damage.

Of course, it wasn’t something I would like. Even though it was minor, the damage was said to have resulted in a blow, and on the other hand, the monster still ran away without revealing its identity.

To put it bluntly, the Southern Expeditionary Force was currently suffering a lot.

In a way, it is natural that users have become more sensitive to the ongoing guerrillas.

In the middle of the night, almost all the clan lords were gathered in a large tent in the center of the camp. It was a commander’s meeting that had now become so established that it could almost be considered an annual event. no. Is this an example event?

The energy flowing through the tent is much colder than before. It has to be that way. After receiving the first attack in the morning, many people blushed.

“I think I took the wrong route in the first place.”

In the midst of quiet silence, someone spoke in a heavy voice. It was a warrior road.

Go Oh-hwan opened his mouth with his arms crossed and a very solemn look on his face.

“Almost two days have already passed since we encountered the monsters. But what is our situation now? Instead of finding out the identity of the monster, it just keeps causing damage. This clearly happened because I took the wrong route. … “First of all, I apologize for this as a member of the vanguard unit.”

“no. What does that mean? What does the road have to do with it?”

Just as I was silent, not knowing where to laugh, a sharp voice responded from somewhere. When she turns her gaze, she sees a man combing her hair neatly. I remember seeing it once last time. Was it a light rod?

Go Oh-hwan cleared his throat.

“Huh. So what I mean is… .”

“Just go to sleep. “Once you enter the Steel Mountains, it’s natural for monsters to appear.”

“no… .”

“It means look at the essence of the problem. The reason we are here now is to come up with a solution, but who gathered to fight for power? and. As I am also part of the vanguard unit, who am I to apologize? “Which unit has suffered the least damage right now?”

Go Oh-hwan immediately shut his mouth. However, his face suddenly became grim, and it seemed like he was angry all the way to the top of his head.

I felt refreshed, but if this continues, there will be no more meetings. So, I decided to intervene at this point and calmly got up.

“ruler. Let’s all stop. “Everyone here must have a lot on their minds right now, but this will only lead to a wasteful dispute.”

“no. Mercenary Road. You just heard it. Because the warrior lord keeps appearing… .”

“You probably did it because it was stuffy. Damage keeps coming, but we still don’t know anything about the enemy. It may not be because Musa Lord also has a different meaning. On the contrary, I know very well that they are really passionate about their strategy.”

“Hmm. Yes, that’s right.”

Go Oh-hwan immediately agreed. However, he seemed to be agitated and seemed quite awkward when I covered him.


“First of all, there is something I would like to tell you personally at this meeting.”

I stared at Soyoung Han, intending to ask for the right to speak first. Han So-young, who was deep in thought, silently nodded her head. Soon, I looked back at the clan lords who were looking at me with expectant eyes and calmly organized my thoughts.

In fact, since the monster appeared, I have only defended myself and have not done much else. Even at the meeting to prepare measures, nothing was said.

Because there was something I wanted.

“First, let me briefly summarize the current situation. The Southern Expeditionary Force began its attack, and a new monster appeared.”

Of course, I feel more comfortable if I start by revealing everything from the beginning. The monster that appears now has these characteristics. And this is how we should respond. Or, if you go through a certain path, you will be able to attack it really quickly, etc.

But that shouldn’t be the case. It may be convenient for now, but after all the strategies are completed, you will definitely be looked at with suspicion.

Mercenary was already under similar suspicion in the northern continent. As such, we planned to use this opportunity to show how we discovered the ruins and how we attacked them.

“And this new monster is very cunning. There have been a total of three attacks so far, but rather than revealing their identity, they are waging a continuous guerrilla war by hiding themselves.”

However, that was not all.

The biggest reason was that I wanted to change the overall atmosphere of the Southern Expedition.

From a personal standpoint, there were more than one or two things that made me uncomfortable while leading the vanguard unit.

Even if you just look at the first battle, it’s like that. It’s very different from Mercenary. When you give an order, you have to follow it quickly, but it’s easy to get caught if you do something wrong.

Of course, when viewed as an individual user, the skills are definitely at a decent level. Also, it is clear that as Lee Hyo-eul intended, a platform was created to give detailed commands, but if you think about the basics, each person’s individuality is too strong.

In addition, the first area was passed without any significant damage, and the southern expeditionary force was in a relaxed state overall.

To make matters worse, the monsters they have been dealing with so far show behavior that goes beyond common sense, and all these factors come together to create a bad situation.


To conquer this area, you must abandon the stereotypes you have had about monsters. Furthermore, the way we respond must also change.

“The way to overcome this challenge now is very simple. first. First, you need to know accurate information about the monster. To do that, the first priority is to secure a sample of the monster.”

However, it is not easy to change habits overnight. So I just watched him for a day or two without saying anything.

There is a saying that seeing is worth seeing.

In order to change this trend, it is better to be corrected once than to hear it a hundred times. Change among users will accelerate only if they face the shackles of death.

In other words, it awakens users’ survival instinct.

If there was one mistake I made here, it was that I didn’t know that the fire precepts would be implemented.

I really never thought there would be such an idiotic user.

… Either way, the resulting damage could not be helped, but it was none of my business.

“And the second thing is to quickly attack the monster’s base and annihilate it.”

After finishing speaking, I looked around and felt blank stares. Those looks seem to be saying, “Who wouldn’t think of that?” I laughed lightly to myself.

After a while, Han Soyoung opened her mouth.

“That is correct. Collect information about monsters and identify their weaknesses. And then they attacked the base and defeated them all. In that case, securing a sample of the monster would be a prerequisite.”

“That’s right.”

“So, how does the Mercenary Lord plan to achieve these things?”

“hmm. well.”

I paused for a moment, then looked outside the tent and spoke.

“I think we’ll get a sample of the monster soon. As early as tonight, perhaps?”

“today. “At night?”

Han So-young asked in a curious voice. It wasn’t just Han So-young, but a chaotic commotion soon filled the tent.

“no no. wait a minute. Mercenary Road. Tonight? So are you saying they are going on a night raid?”

Someone asked in an urgent voice, and I shook my head to say yes.

“If you’re asking for my personal opinion, I think it’s almost certain.”


The meeting, which was quite long, ended only at dawn. Various stories came and went along the way, but in the end, everyone had no disagreement that securing samples of the monster was the top priority.

I wasn’t too greedy either. The users gathered here are not clumsy people. If you have solid evidence, future planning will be easier.

After leaving the tent and walking about 10 steps, I had no choice but to stop for a moment. I felt someone staring at me from somewhere. I calmly looked around and found a user standing in the dark. The man who was looking at me intently was none other than Seon Yu-un.

“this. Were you eavesdropping on the commander’s meeting?”

“… “I was just curious about what was being said.”

Seon Yu-un honestly admitted. It’s hard to see it as a good behavior, but it doesn’t really matter. I shrugged my shoulders and walked towards the tent. Seon Yu-un hesitated to see if she wanted to say something, but soon she started quietly following me.

For a moment, there was silence.

“Clan Lord. I have a question.”

But when we almost reached the tent, Seon Yu-un broke the silence and called to me in a low voice. I immediately stopped walking.


“Why do you keep protecting a guy like that?”

“A guy like that?”

“At the meeting earlier.”

I tilted my head, but soon realized who Seon Yu-un was referring to.

“iced coffee. Musa Road. Who am I again? ha ha ha.”

“This is nothing to laugh about. He continues to overstep the clan lord’s authority.”

“I know what it means, and it’s okay. And don’t be too discouraged.”


“Think about it. Thank you so much. They said they would take care of it without risking their lives. Since ancient times, the expedition team needs users like that.”

“… ah.”

Seon Yuun closed his mouth for a moment. But she soon seemed to realize the meaning of my words, and she laughed and shook her head.

“so. “Is that why you overheard the conversation and were waiting?”


I also smiled and spoke quietly, and Seon Yu-un shook his head once more and then opened his mouth.


“Actually, it is. From the story earlier… .”

It was then.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

I uploaded part 2 today. It’s a lot of fun.

Well, it’s not that I was really encouraged and grateful for yesterday’s supportive comments. I just took a day off to clear my head, and somehow I ended up writing two parts.

I’m not the type of person to stock up anyway. So I just posted it. Huh, huh.


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not work with dark mode