MEMORIZE Chapter 551

00551 There she was. ————————————————– ———————-=

Finding your way across the Steel Mountains to Atlanta is not that difficult. Although it may be a bit of an old memory, it is an area that I have been to dozens or hundreds of times, from the initial attack to the stabilization work.

When you reach this point, the path starts to become somewhat visible. Which direction should I go in, or where are monsters likely to appear?

In other words, you can say that such things are automatically visible without having to check the facts. Veteran users who have been through exploration will probably understand my thoughts to some extent.


So, I led the southern expeditionary force and marched at a fast pace. However, it is difficult to say that the path I am currently leading is the fastest way to Atlanta. It was almost similar, but compared to the path I was going to take in the first place, it was a bit different.


This is because, after leaving the Eastern Fortress four days ago, two new clan members were added to the process of determining the direction and route. One is Ko Yeon-ju, who is scanning the area with a fierce gaze from the front right. And another one… .

“Sniff sniff!”

… In front of her to her left was Sasha Felix, snoring loudly and vigorously fluffing her nose.

I sighed inwardly and stared at the back of Sasha’s head as he walked away.

That snort. It’s really annoying. I can tolerate it for a day or two, but after listening to it for four days straight, my ears are starting to swell.

Nevertheless, as I listened to the continued snoring, I told myself that I would endure it. At first glance, I felt like hitting Sasha with all my might to tell her to do it in moderation, but from Sasha’s perspective, it was difficult to do so because she was diligently carrying out the instructions I gave her.


The instructions I gave were, of course, to search for survivors.

According to Sasha, a vampire’s nose is not a dog’s nose. (Sasha put a lot of emphasis on this.) What did he say? Did you say that it is an olfactory ability that can sense the history and life of an object, and is only allowed to blood relatives among vampires?

Either way, it’s good. If that is true, searching for survivors would not be completely impossible. Sasha said that the Iron Mountains smell like death.

In that case, all you have to do is find the opposite smell associated with survival. For example, hope, or a desire for rescue, etc.

How much time has passed?

As the sun rose in the sky and slowly set, the vanguard had already entered an area with lush forests. To say the extent of it, it was so heavily overgrown that it was difficult to determine the north, south, east, west, and west directions. In fact, since it has not yet been touched by users, the scenery will be almost the same no matter where you go.

It was like that in the first round as well. No matter how many times you go, the same scenery keeps appearing, making you wonder if you’re really going the right way. But you shouldn’t be swayed by those doubts.

One of the rules of marching in the Iron Mountains is to never panic. Whether it is porridge or rice, once you have decided on a direction, you must pursue it unconditionally. If you make a mistake and change direction, you will most likely be eaten by the Steel Mountains.

In other words, it’s not just monsters you have to be careful of. Occupying this area meant that the Steel Mountains themselves had to be viewed as the enemy. And that was also the right thing to say.

While I was marching, thinking about various things, I suddenly felt that the flat ground was gradually becoming higher. When I looked up at the sky, I could see a huge mountain peak in the distance, rising as if it would pierce the sky.

I stopped for a moment and called the clan lords included in the vanguard unit. The current number of people in the vanguard unit was about 600, or about one-sixth of the total combat personnel. There are seven clans in total, including Mercantile.

Most of the clan lords who received the call quickly gathered. After taking a final check on the Musa Road, where a canopy soon appeared, I pointed to the mountain peak in the distance.

“Today, I plan to climb over the mountain peak over there.”

“yes? “That mountain peak?”

Someone said in a tired voice. When I turned my gaze, I saw a man wearing a gray robe with a little sweat on his forehead.

Was it the Light Clan? I remember that among the vanguard troops, wizards and priests comprised the largest number of people. This seems to be because more than half of the users have low physical strength.

“That’s right. The ground level is now rising little by little. “I think the slope will probably be quite high, so everyone please be careful not to disturb the arrangement.”

“Over there, Mercantile Road. “Then, can you slow down the marching speed just a little?”

It won’t be difficult. Anyway, I was planning to slow down the march on the way up. I nodded my head slightly.

“I will do it. At least you won’t have much of a burden chasing after it while it’s climbing.”

“After a while. Fortunately, the.”

“However, you must be very vigilant. As you can see if you look around, the forest is so dense that visibility is limited not only to the left and right, but also to the front and back. “There is nothing to worry about yet, but march with the thought that a monster may appear at any time and from anywhere.”

“yes. All right. “I will tell my clan members to activate their detection spells.”

The Light Lord nodded his head with a faint smile, as if he was so happy about slowing down the march. After confirming that all the clan lords were returning, I opened my mouth in a low voice.


“Did you call me?”

Sasha responded right away. When she was standing, she pushed her face over her shoulder. I pushed Sasha’s face away from me and quietly opened my mouth.

“How is the situation?”

“It’s a little strange.”

“You think it’s strange?”

“iced coffee. “I could smell a foreign smell until this morning, but at some point it started to fade.”

“Isn’t it because I’m moving away from the direction?”

“But then again, I suddenly feel like I smell something. It repeats itself, coming into focus and then fading away. “I don’t know why I’m doing this either.”

Sasha concluded calmly. Go Yeon-ju also didn’t have any particular reaction. She just shrugs her shoulders and shakes her head excitedly.

It’s definitely suspicious, but I think it’s better to go in the direction I decided for now. I immediately announced the resumption of the march. Because search is an addition, it cannot be the main thing.

As I resumed my march, I walked towards the mountain peak, trying to ignore Sasha’s snort, who had started sniffing again.

If you look at it with the naked eye, it might seem like you’ll get there quickly, but if you look at the actual distance, it’s not that close. In fact, can we say that it is much further than it appears?

However, as we continued to march without feeling anything special, when dusk began to fall around us, we were finally able to see the steep mountain range in front of us.

It definitely feels different when you see it from afar and when you see it right in front of you. It rose so high that it felt like I was looking at a cliff.

“Sasha. High performance. Just on time.”

I stopped walking. This was partly to give the following expedition team time to cool off, but the moment I stood in front of this huge mountain range, an exhilarating sensation came over my entire body.

I felt like I was thinking about it earlier.

A feeling that something will happen.

Just look at the terrain. A mountain range refers to a landform in which several mountains are connected in a long line. (It’s the same no matter where you go.) I guess you could say it’s the perfect place for monsters to attack.

Even if you have benefited from the fire world attack plan or been lucky so far, it will be difficult to expect such luck anymore.

From now on, you have to be really careful.

Thinking that, I took a deep breath and pulled out my sword. And just as I was about to walk slowly, a strange sight suddenly caught my eye.

“Hmm. Hmm.”

“Two steps from the left. “Is it three steps?”

Sasha and Go Yeon-ju, who were walking a little ahead of me, suddenly started saying and doing strange things.

no. Isn’t it bizarre? That said, their faces look quite serious.

Go Yeon-ju keeps walking back and forth at a certain distance, keeping an eye on one side. Sasha also suddenly stopped sniffing. Instead, she stands still in one place, glaring to one side of her. What they both have in common is that they are looking in the same direction.

A thought suddenly passed through my head, and I reflexively increased the density of my magic detection. However, there is nothing special about it.

“Sasha? High performance? “Why is it like that all of a sudden?”

“Su-hyun. “The scenery you see is different.”

The first user to reply was Go Yeonju.

“The scenery you see is different?”

“On the left. What does it look like from there?”

I turned my gaze to the direction that Go Yeon-ju was pointing. But all you can see is a heavily overgrown forest. It was then.

“That’s strange. “It’s definitely strange.”

Sasha, who had been glaring, quietly opened her mouth.

“The smell that had almost faded from a while ago… . I suddenly became stronger. “More than ever.”

“More than ever?”

“okay. however.”

“… … ?”

Sasha closed her mouth and moved one step further toward the front. She continued, still glaring.

“Here he suddenly disappeared again. “It’s as if it never happened from the beginning.”

The moment I heard those words, I instinctively realized it.

A landscape that looks different. And the smell makes a big difference in just one step.

It’s a barrier.

Moreover, considering the fact that it was not detected by magic power, there is a very high possibility that it was a path barrier rather than a response barrier.

I immediately activated my third eye.

Then, as expected, I was able to confirm that there was a path barrier nearby. A career path that allows you to see a completely different world with just one step. Ko Yeon-ju and Sasha had already entered the external realm.

“It’s a career decision. Seonyuun! Spread the standby order to the rear!”

As if I was listening, I felt Seon Yu-un moving quickly.

I began scanning the surroundings with my third eye, looking for the entrance. I experienced a similar case when I was looking for Vivian’s dungeon in the past.

However, one thing that is a little different from then is that the career path that I see now is not perfect. The barrier was cracked in several places, as if a rock had been blown into the window and stuck in it.

Go Yeon-ju looked back at me.

“I thought so too. “Then wouldn’t it be better to destroy the barrier altogether?”

Considering the nature of career barriers, Ko Yeon-ju’s opinion was correct, but I quietly shook my head. Not only did I not know what impact it would have if I destroyed it carelessly, but I also didn’t know if monsters might suddenly appear in Usususu.

So, rather than forcefully tearing it out, it would be less risky to go in and find your way out. And isn’t it the same as being in a state of half-destruction anyway? Even if the form is somehow achieved, considering the fact that the function within the barrier would have been significantly reduced, I don’t think it would take that long.

With that thought in mind, I quietly looked inside at the place where the biggest crack occurred.

“From now on, we will enter the career barrier with a small number of people. Ko Yeon-ju, Sasha, Shin Jae-ryong, Kim Han-byeol, Woo Jeong-min. “Please follow in line in the order called.”

No detailed order was given. However, as everyone knows the characteristics of the career barrier, I soon felt a hand grabbing my collar behind my back. I lowered my gaze. And while fixating it on the ground, it softly opened its mouth.

“Go Yeon-ju. “I’m going to go inside now, so please.”

“Don’t worry. “It will definitely play a role as an eye.”

The moment I heard Go Yeon-ju’s reply, I took a step forward. And while keeping an eye on the path that drew a single line, I slowly began to enter the path barrier.

One step.

Two steps.

Three steps.

Four steps.

The further we went, the more winding the road became. I focused as much as I could and only stepped on the correct parts.

The most important thing is that you must follow only the correct parts. The moment you feel even the slightest bit off… . I don’t know what will happen.

Of course, that won’t happen, but I heard that if it’s a truly high-level barrier, it’s possible to move it to a different location. This was something that should absolutely be avoided, especially in areas like this.

However, the good news is that the barrier was in a state of complete destruction when it was first discovered. And there is a third eye.

Maybe that’s why, but I was confident that I was progressing fairly quickly and properly. It was clear evidence that the unique heterogeneous air flowing within the barrier was gradually becoming lighter.

It was that moment.

As I was in the midst of taking steps, I suddenly felt a strange feeling.

At some point, my back became blank.

I can no longer feel the feeling of holding my collar just a moment ago.

“… Go Yeon-ju?”

I looked up blankly.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

I fell asleep while writing the review. Hehehe. Hehehe. The time is now 3:03 AM. It’s 33. yes. It’s 33. Uhuhuhu.(?)

ah. I think I will have some free time after my appointment tomorrow, or rather this morning. And the thought that comes to mind… . I want to sleep first. haha. ha ha ha. Puff, poop, poop, poop. I want to sleep. ah. I’ve been short on sleep lately, so I’m not really going to give it a try. By the way, there was the LoL All-Star finals today? We won 3:0. ah. I missed you too. Hehehehe. ah. sorry. A bit of gibberish today, right? I might wake up this morning and delete the review. Because I am a reed! Hahaha! ah. Like last time, I will refuse to take pictures. I don’t want to create black history. 😀


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not work with dark mode