MEMORIZE Chapter 547

00547 Suspicious energy. ————————————————– ———————-=

After the departure ceremony at Monica, the southern expeditionary force was able to reach the Steel Mountains in 21 days. To be exact, at the outpost right in front of the Steel Mountains. The original distance of about 4 weeks was shortened to 3 weeks, so it arrived quite quickly. Perhaps that’s why it was already deep at night when we entered the fortress.

My first impressions of the fortress after returning after 8 weeks were actually a little disappointing.

What is a fortress? Isn’t this a solid defense facility built at a militarily important point?

However, the visible outpost looked more like a camp than a fortress. It was good to have a large site since it had to accommodate thousands of people, but the only defensive facilities were flimsy guard posts and watchtowers. Other than that, what about a circular fence and countless tents?

It’s been 8 weeks since construction started, so I don’t know what to expect, but that doesn’t change the fact that if the monsters come out right now, it will be completely wiped out.


After the Southern Expeditionary Force entered the fortress, Han So-young ordered them to relax in the tent as they were planning to enter the Steel Mountains early tomorrow morning.

But I was an exception. The chiefs in charge of each unit had to gather separately and hold meetings. From what I heard, the eastern part, which we entered two weeks ago, has currently stopped advancing, so we had to refine our future attack plan by receiving information such as the route of the advance and special matters.

Of course, there was a separate user who took on the role of delivering such information.

“Welcome. Soyoung. Mercenary Road is also welcome. and… . Koran Road? Should I call you that?”

As we entered the large tent in the center, Lee Hyo-eul waved her hand and welcomed us.

“haha. no. Please just call me Hwanhee. “Coran Road, I feel somewhat embarrassed.”

Park Hwan-hee smiled and responded. Lee Hyo-eul said, “Then Hwanhee,” and then guided us to our seats.

There was nothing special inside the tent. no. It was so empty that I thought it was too much. A large table was placed in the exact center and a large map was placed on it. And three or four light stones that brighten the inside of the tent a little. Lastly, a bed stuck in a corner was all that was inside the tent. There isn’t even a chair in sight.

“It’s a bit like a fortress, isn’t it? But please understand. Because the area is so far from the city, it is difficult to transport materials, and there are many workers who are reluctant to do so, no matter how much gold coins are offered. “There’s a lot to do, but with the surrounding conditions like this, it’s a real dilemma.”

Eventually, as we gathered around the table, Lee Hyo-eul said in a truly sorry voice. That kind of appearance is like looking at a demure lady.

I smiled and stared at Hyoeul Lee. Are you doing this because you are in front of Han So-young and Park Hwan-hee? I wish you had that attitude when talking to me.

Han Soyoung calmly shook her head.

“I understand. I also experienced a lot of difficulties when mobilizing workers. “Maybe it was a miracle that we gathered 450 people.”

“oh. 450 people? Even the Dongbu event that took place two weeks ago did not even reach 300 people. Soyoung’s resourcefulness is truly amazing.”

“It was nothing.”

“Ho Ho. Really. Now~. then. Anyway, thank you all for coming. Now let’s get to the main point. First of all, let’s talk about the eastern advance route… .”

It was then. Just as Lee Hyo-eul was about to start explaining while pointing at the map, he suddenly stopped speaking. This is because Han So-young, who was in the opposite direction, slowly raised her hand. And the hand immediately pointed at me.

“It would be best to talk to the Mercenary Lord about the route of your advance. “He is serving as a guide for our southern expedition.”

“yes? But Lord Istantel Low is the overall commander of the Southern Expeditionary Force.”

“Of course, I will also listen from the side. However, I also delegated full authority by entrusting the vanguard to the Mercenary Lord. Therefore, in this area, I am the wealth, not the lord.”

“… is it so?”

Lee Hyo-eul blinked once or twice and gave a new look. I tried to look calm on the outside, but I smiled softly on the inside.

Among Soyoung Han’s countless strengths, this is the one that stands out the most. No matter what work he does, he does not assert authority for no reason and knows how to use his subordinates at the right time. Since I have a higher ability to find my way, I leave full authority over this part.

From Han So-young’s perspective, it meant that she believed and trusted me that much. Her mood isn’t really bad.


“Hmm. Then Mercenary Road. “Could you take a closer look at this part first?”

Hyoeul Lee cleared his throat slightly and moved the map so that I could see it more easily. Because of that, Han So-young came close to me and tilted her upper body, and I had to swallow. The scent of a mature adult… . Oh shit. Let’s focus.

I even mobilized my mind training and stared at the part pointed out by Lee Hyo-eul.

Lee Hyo-eul’s index finger was pointing to the beginning of the Steel Mountains, or more precisely, to the area where the outpost was located.

“First of all, the first advance of the Eastern Expedition was very successful. According to what we contacted yesterday, we haven’t been attacked once up to this point. “You could say we were lucky, but seeing as we found traces of a creature presumed to be a monster escaping, we can assume that our plan to conquer the world of fire was more effective than expected.”

“So the monsters were scared by the large-scale fire world and ran away?”

“That is highly likely. Anyway, Mercenary Road. To elaborate from the beginning, Dongbu arrived at the outpost two weeks ago and entered the Iron Mountains the next day. and… .”


Lee Hyo-eul paused for a moment and moved her index finger. The fingertips that moved glidingly drew a straight line at first. However, it suddenly curved slightly to the left, passed a certain point, and stopped moving.

I watched that part closely. Not the part that stopped, but the part that was bypassed.

“Just yesterday. “The advance stopped here.”

“Without going any further?”

“huh. They’re probably thinking of building a fort at this point. “I heard that they are currently executing the flower plan and starting to settle down?”

“Settle down. well. “I think we could go a little further.”

“Yes, but I did agree. “Securing a safe zone is a priority rather than going further in and seeing blood.”

“no. Even so, the marching distance is too small. This is enough… . one week? no. No matter how long it lasted, it only lasted about 10 days. Was there some problem in the middle?”

It was like that. The point where Lee Hyo-eul’s index finger stopped was a distance that, no matter how many times he measured it, he could not believe that he had marched for two weeks.

But Lee Hyo-eul shook her head.

“no. It’s not a problem. Well, as you know, it is true that Dongbu benefited from its early entry. Since the fire was set for three days, the area affected by the fire world must have been able to break through rather quickly. But from then on, the pace of advance slowed significantly. Cho Seong-ho, the overall commander of the Eastern Expedition, chose a safe way, even if it was a bit slow.”

If that’s the case then it doesn’t make sense. But the uncomfortable feeling still doesn’t go away.

Next, I pointed to the part that Lee Hyo-eul bypassed.

“Then one more thing. “Why did you go in a straight line and then take a turn here?”

It was then.

The moment those words came out, a light of concern flashed through Lee Hyo-eul’s eyes. It was a very fleeting moment, but I didn’t miss it.

“ah… . that? “Umm.”

“User Lee Hyo-eul. “Didn’t each expedition decide to share all information?”

When he spoke in a slightly threatening manner, Lee Hyo-eul opened her eyes and waved both hands.

“no! What are you misunderstanding now? That part isn’t that important, and there’s nothing confusing about it, so I didn’t mention it. “You can’t give out wrong information, right?”

“It’s confusing?”

“ok. The eastern expedition team must have discovered a monster colony there. “Of course, it’s not like a monster has appeared. As I said before, there are only traces of it running away.”

“Then it’s even weirder. “If that’s all there is to it, there’s absolutely no reason to take a detour.”

“Actually, I am too. That’s why I said it was confusing. However, Cho Seong-ho has command, so I have no reason to interfere. He didn’t mention anything particularly important either. Anyway, if you are really curious about that part, I think it would be a good idea to go and ask separately.”

“… … .”

Lee Hyo-eul concluded her words as if she were protesting and shrugged her shoulders. As she looked at it, her eyes narrowed. Rather than saying it because I felt really unfair, it was because I felt as if I knew this question would come up and prepared an answer in advance.

I stared at Lee Hyo-eul for a while and then calmly composed myself. In this type of cooperative strategy, we must be most wary of mutual distrust and quarrels. Creaking from the start should absolutely be avoided.

Either way, at least one possibility was confirmed through this meeting.

That is, there must be some reason why the Eastern Expeditionary Force stopped its advance.

What on earth is Seong-ho Cho hiding? What else are we facing?

I turned my gaze to the map and fell into deep thought.


“I don’t like it.”

Entering the tent, Yoo-jeong roughly threw away his bag and wheezed. Sasha, who was busy organizing her sleeping bag in her corner, glanced at her furtively.

“You don’t like it that much? “Female cat.”

“Just everything! I don’t like this shabby fortress either! I don’t like that little bastard who attacks everything! I don’t like the guy called Commander-in-Chief either! shit. Why are you telling my brother this and that? “And that too while speaking informally.”

As Yoo-jeong poured out his harsh complaints, Sasha let go of his hands for a moment and fell into thought. It didn’t take long for her to figure out that the term ‘chicken bastard’ referred to a guy named Go Oh-hwan.

But it was true that I was more interested in the last words than that.

“More than anything else, I guess I’m more dissatisfied with the commander-in-chief. Was it Istantel Low Road?”

“uh. Me indeed. If you’re on a march and you get upset, don’t you use voice amplification magic to give various instructions? no. What kind of servant is my brother? “Anyway, I’m begging you.”

“well. I don’t seem to remember that human woman giving much instructions. And wasn’t most of her instructions just for training purposes? Anyway, I couldn’t find any memories to be particularly dissatisfied with. “Aren’t you?”

“Oh, that’s right. Originally, it was normal for my brother to be in charge of the overall commander, but where… . Anyway, I feel dirty. Why should I follow what the user says? “The only person who can give orders to me is my brother.”

Yu-jeong continued to pour out her complaints and showed a nervous pace. And Sasha lay down in her carefully laid sleeping bag.

Sasha blinked and took a deep breath.

“Hmm. I think I know just how you feel. Still, don’t show it outwardly. Excessive loyalty to one person can sometimes be toxic. Take note and listen. “Female cat.”

“I don’t know about that~. And say it’s a female cat one more time. “You male vampire.”

“It’s a vampire. A proud lineage. By the way, I was planning on using this sleeping bag.”

“They say it is a proud lineage. “Don’t you know Lady First?”

Sasha muttered, “Are you a cat thief?” Yujeong smiled and raised her upper body. After putting Yu-jeong back, Sasha left the tent as if she was running away.

“You really are a self-indulgent young lady.”

Sasha shook her head and let out a deep sigh and soon began to walk calmly. She wasn’t looking for another tent, but was heading towards the outskirts of the fortress. To the southernmost point, where you can get the closest view of the Steel Mountains.

The Iron Mountains were quiet. And it was dark. Although part of the plan to attack the world of fire was breached, there is still nothing to be seen. Occasionally a wind with a strange energy blew, but it only made the surrounding silence more noticeable.

The interior of the forest, where even the moonlight in the night sky had been consumed, was filled with only darkness and gave off a gloomy aura. It’s as if their mouths are wide open towards the outpost.

Around that time, Sasha, with a stern face, was staring intently at the wide open entrance.

“I heard you went into the tent first. What’s happening here all of a sudden? “Dog’s nose.”

A beautiful voice rang in Sasha’s ears. The woman slowly walking along her round fence was none other than Helena.

“I was wondering if there was still a pleasant smell in the wind. “There was a lizard wandering around.”

“Ho Ho. On the subject of the forest being almost consumed by darkness. “You talk a lot.”

Helena, who approached with a calm smile, immediately turned around and stared into the interior of the forest, just like Sasha.

Some time passed like that.

Eventually, Sasha, who had been looking at the forest for a while, glanced at Helena and opened her mouth as if she was curious.

“lizard. “How about it?”

“How are you feeling?”

“The forest. forest. Isn’t it strangely quiet? “How do you feel?”

“Nights in the forest are always quiet.”

Helena responded lightly. But Sasha slowly shook her head.

“I’m sure you know that’s not what I’m asking.”

“then? why. “Has your nose picked up a strange smell again?”

“Rather than strange… .”

“Rather than?”

“okay. As you said, the night in the forest is always quiet. But… .”

“… … ?”

Hwiiing. Hehehe.

At that moment, the wind blew again, and Sasha gently closed his eyes. She then flared her nose and took a deep breath of wind.

“scream… . scream… . despair… .”

“… “What are you talking about?”

Sasha Felix mutters quietly as if he is talking to himself. she asked Helena, but Sasha said nothing. She just breathes in the wind blowing through her face with utmost concentration.

And after a while.

“It’s definitely such a quiet forest… .”

The wind stopped and silence fell on the road.

Sasha, who finally opened her eyes, frowned slightly. At the same time, her eyes glowed red and she spoke softly.

“why… . “Does it smell like death like this?”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

cadet. I’m going crazy these days. Has anyone ever tried electronic cigarettes? I’ve been feeling like my coughing has gotten worse lately, and I think the culprit is smoking. I think I should reduce it, but I can’t do it. Now it’s almost to the point where I look for it out of habit… . I had no idea how to quit or reduce smoking, but I had no idea it was so difficult to quit smoking. ㅜ.ㅠ


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not work with dark mode