MEMORIZE Chapter 542

00542 Satan’s Melancholy. ————————————————– ———————-=

“───. ───. ───.”

“───. ───. ───.”

“───. ───. ───.”

“───. ───. ───.”

The sounds of chanting spells can be heard.

It is not the sound of just one person chanting a spell. It was the sound of thousands of magic users chanting spells at the same time.

I heard that about 3,000 to 4,000 wizards participated, but I don’t know the exact number. However, the sound of this many people chanting spells at the same time was so grand and majestic that it cannot be expressed in words.

“You will soon see the results.”

Shin Jae-ryong, who was standing next to him, whispered in a soft voice. I quietly nodded my head.

In front of me was the steel mountain range that I had only imagined in my head until now. I didn’t just come to see the sights. This is because today was the day to implement the plan to attack the world of fire that was issued in the previous summons.

After the summons ended. The plan officially announced by the central management organization received a greater response than expected. Among them, the plan to attack the world of fire received such an enthusiastic response that it was thought to be severe.

I kind of understand it. The plan itself was simple, but it was very realistic. Moreover, it can be said that the plan gave users an illusion.

In other words, they probably thought that the Steel Mountains, which had been considered impregnable until now, could be easily solved. There is no user who would refuse to go through a difficult path easily.

The officially announced plan to attack the world of fire gained momentum at an incredible rate as it received enthusiastic response. A fantasy was created because users wanted to execute plans and see results as quickly as possible.

Lee Hyo-eul was not one to sit still in response to this kind of response. Lee Hyo-eul immediately sent messengers to each region to request cooperation, and immediately wizards wishing to participate began to gather in large numbers. Worse yet, there were users who wanted to give it a try among themselves, to the point where a central management organization had to control it.

After forming a wizard corps with selected elites, the Northern Continent was able to reach the Steel Mountains in 4 weeks.

– atmosphere. If you’re ready, raise your staff high in the sky and aim for the Iron Mountains. Please avoid direct hits.

Are you slowly starting to get started now? The amplified voice echoed across the plains.

Then, as if my thoughts were correct, I felt an indescribable flow of magic between the point where we were standing and the vast mountain range.

Suddenly, I felt dazzled by colors burning at the same time. Each of the wands that the wizards raised toward the sky had blazing lights, brightly illuminating the surroundings.

– 1st echelon fire magic preparation complete.

– The 2nd echelon fire magic is ready.

– The 3rd echelon fire magic is ready.

– The 4th echelon fire magic is ready.

Each echelon commander reports that preparations are complete.

– The 5th echelon wind field magic is ready.

– The 6th echelon water magic is ready.

And when even the 5th and 6th echelons, prepared for an unexpected situation, reported that preparations were complete.

– Everyone ready.

Finally, the order was given just before launch.

I held the sword tightly. Because you don’t know what will happen (for example, angry monsters will come out like crazy), you have to go forward and protect the wizards.

“… … .”

“… … .”

The silence continued for a moment, and tension filled the interior.

But the silence did not last long.

– launch!

Soon, Lee Hyo-eul’s unique sharp voice rang out, and all the magicians also shouted out their starting words.

At the same time, I could see the lights hovering at the tip of the wand exploding almost all at once, like exploding firecrackers. I calmly covered my ears and quickly looked up.

… Fireball? No fire stem?

What on earth should I say? Hundreds, if not thousands, of flame magic are flying in the sky at once. The aftereffects were so great that you could feel the heat even though you were some distance away.

The magic, which was rising endlessly, reached the sky and stopped moving for a moment. But, it really only lasted a moment.

The magic that has reached its peak soon changes its trajectory downward, drawing a gentle curve, and the number falls. The target is aimed squarely at the Steel Mountains. It was as if rain made of fire was falling.


– Everyone be careful!

Literally, a torrent of fire rains down on the Iron Mountains!

Boom boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom boom!

The Iron Mountains and magic collide for the first time. The flames that hit the ground exploded in a hurry, turning the interior of the Steel Mountains pure white. A huge roar hit my eardrums, like a cannon exploding right next to me, but I didn’t take my eyes off. I raised my eyesight and hearing as much as I could and looked ahead tenaciously so as not to miss a single moment.

And after a while.


Among the white lights spread throughout the forest, huge flames began to burn.

Finally, the signal to take the first step toward conquering the Steel Mountains was fired.


quiet room. A black shadow slowly rose through the darkness. The shadow slowly taking shape showed a slightly thin body and slender figure.

The moment the shadow took full form, the darkness pressed down heavily on everyone sitting in the chair.


‘King of all demons.’

It was the appearance of Satan.

He hosted a meeting of the seven great demons under the pretext of the great world’s prophecy, and was the last to show up.

“Everyone is gathered.”

Relaxed tone of voice. However, a cold voice greeted the demons sitting on the chairs.

“late. host. you.”

The voice that responded was also extremely cold. A voice without the slightest pitch that gives goosebumps all over your body. However, the sight of him holding a teddy bear that was almost as big as his upper body was completely opposite to his voice.

The devil staring at Satan with deep blue eyes was a small girl.

If you only look at it, it looks like it’s only 8 years old. A lovely girl who looks like an elaborate doll, wearing a jet black goth lolita dress with her plump calves exposed. Its identity was none other than Baal, the ‘cruel destroyer’ and ‘king of the east.’

“I’m sorry. “I have some preparations to make before the meeting.”

Satan answered indifferently and sat down easily in his chair. Then he put his unnaturally long fingers into his pocket, took out a piece of tobacco, put it in his mouth, and lit it.

A single point of light lit up the surrounding area in small amounts, illuminating the horizontally slit eyes and bright red pupils. However, soon the fire burned bright red, the tobacco crumbled, and darkness returned to Satan’s face, which had been briefly illuminated.

“Satan? I heard you got a call from Dae-gye? Right now, I have time to leisurely start the year… .”

Maybe he didn’t like that look? A sticky, somewhat erotic-sounding voice spoke. The other demons silently stared at Satan, as if they secretly agreed.

But still Satan says nothing.

As time passed, a strange feeling began to build up in everyone.

Suddenly, Satan moved his hands quickly.



A piece of paper the size of a palm was stuck to the armrest of each chair where the demons were sitting. The difference from regular paper is that the entire surface is painted black.

“I have organized the contact information of the great world and put it in. Everyone probably knows how to use it. “Let’s eat and talk first.”

Let’s eat first and talk. Those were strange words.

“Tsk. “If anyone hears it, they’ll think you’ve been invited to a dinner party.”

But the behavior that followed was even more strange. Astaroth grumbled softly as he violently grabbed the paper and crumpled it into his mouth. Lilith pursed her lips and sucked on the rolled up paper, while Baal carefully tore it from the end and ate it. Anyway, there is a difference in the way they eat, but the devils were literally eating paper.

And after a while.

“Eh? The emergence of a new queen? And the prophecy of defeat? no no. “Be mindful of withdrawal!”

“I don’t understand. suddenly. “What are you talking about?”

Astaroth, who ate first, swallowed the paper and shouted. Baal also frowned and continued his words.

Satan looked around at the bewildered demons and opened his mouth in a slightly lowered voice.

“That is why we held this meeting. “To ask about your intentions.”

“… … .”

“Now is the time for us to choose. “Are you going to continue or are you going to withdraw?”

“withdrawal? What kind of nonsense is this about withdrawal! Not yet in Terra, let alone the Temple of Promise… . no! Florence, Iris, Ragnarok, Atlanta! “None of the outsiders have reached this area yet!”

Perhaps because he was a ‘demon of anger’, Astaroth growled with his eyes burning. Like the attitude that he could never accept it.

“I agree with the Demon of Wrath. Even though it is a communication from the great world… . No matter how much I think about it, it is an incomprehensible instruction. King of all demons. “Do you know the inside story of why this order was given?”

Lucifer also asked in an urgent voice. The voice itself was polite, but it was unusual for a ‘fallen angel’ who showed a gentlemanly attitude at all times and in all situations.

“… “The Great World’s prophecy has never been wrong.”

After saying that, Satan slowly stood up. And he opened his mouth once more.

“An attempt to attack the Steel Mountains in the North Continent has been detected.”

“so? “Is that just why these instructions were given?”

“It might not be unrelated.”

“Really~? Me indeed. It’s absurd. Daegye is now out of fashion. Ho ho ho.”

Lilith snorted and shook her head in a truly absurd tone.

“everyone. “You don’t know the seriousness of the situation.”

However, when Satan uttered one cold word, Lilith’s laughter suddenly stopped.

Eventually, as Satan walked slowly, all the demons’ eyes focused on the center. Meanwhile, Satan’s words did not stop.

“One king and four queens. Satisfaction of the first condition of defeat. Well, let’s get the nonsense out of the way for now. Rather, we must face the reality that defeat has come. “I mean, think realistically.”

“shit. To me, it still sounds like nonsense. What do you mean defeat is imminent?”

“I would have told you to think realistically, right?”

“so. If we give in a hundred times and the Steel Mountains are conquered, are you saying that we will be defeated as you say? huh? Satan?”

“Then don’t ask. Until now, you. “What have we achieved?”

“that… !”

Astaroth, who was about to get angry, suddenly closed his mouth. He spoke out of anger, but when he thought about it, he realized that no matter how hard he searched, he couldn’t think of anything to say.

“Early. It’s too early. Florence, Iris, Ragnarok, Atlanta. We expected that it would take at least three to four more years until a passage connecting these four cities was developed. So, I made various arrangements according to that time… . “What is the situation now?”

It wasn’t a reproachful voice. However, some demons avoided Satan’s gaze by lowering their heads or turning their heads. Because I knew it without having to say it.

“Then, as you said, I am thinking realistically. good. As you say, I will admit that it is a dangerous situation, or more accurately, it could be dangerous. “Once the Steel Mountains are conquered, Terra will be there in no time.”

At that time, a low but deep voice spoke to Satan. It was Lilith.

When Satan quietly stopped walking, Lilith, who thought it was an unspoken consent, cautiously opened her mouth.

“But isn’t that based on the expectation that the Steel Mountains will be conquered?”

“Otherwise, there is no way the great world prophecy would come out.”

“no. I don’t think so. Three years ago, we got together like this for the same thing. “You voiced your concerns back then, but what was the result?”


Satan let out a faint sigh. That’s because he thought it made some sense, and Satan himself thought that it was not yet time to attack the Steel Mountains. Above all, an incident from three years ago supports Lilith’s words.

Lilith continued.

“And even if it is a prediction of defeat, it is only a primary condition for change, right? In other words, it means that change is still possible through our own power, so I think it is still too early to call for withdrawal.”

“… … .”

“So shouldn’t we instead make efforts to reverse this difficulty? That’s why you held this meeting, too. is not it?”

“okay. “That’s exactly what I want to do.”

Satan agreed. Lilith then smiled deeply, as if she was satisfied, and looked to one side with her proud face. Astaroth bit his mouth hard.

“I also don’t like the idea of ​​withdrawing, and I have no intention of doing so. But now I have to admit it. It is no longer an advantageous situation, nor is it a position to relax. We must change. “In a completely different way than before.”

Satan walked again and finally arrived at the exact center of the room.

“But it would be better to show you once than to tell you. So first, let me show you the arrangement I have prepared. “I want everyone to focus.”

After saying that, Satan raised his long, pale hand. Then, it gently stirred the air, as if caressing a woman’s breasts.


It was an amazing thing. Satan moved his hand a couple of times, and a large magic circle suddenly appeared in the air. The magic circle soon lit up with a gloomy light, and soon a large image was projected into the air. The video showed a vast forest that could not even be described as vast.

“steel. mountain range.”

Satan nodded his head at Baal’s words. Satan immediately turned around, looked at the demons one by one, and quietly opened his mouth.

“As everyone knows, the Steel Mountains can be divided into a total of four regions. First of all… .”

“That one. Arrangements?”

Finally, just as Satan was about to open his mouth about the arrangement, Baal spoke once more.

It wasn’t just Baal. All the demons are just staring at the video with a dazed look.

It was then.

– Grumble, rumble, rumble!

– Wow… . Wow… . Wow… .

The sound of something burning coming from the video. And the occasional shout.

Only then did Satan, perhaps sensing something strange, look back at the video.

The moment he checked the video, Satan also blinked blankly.

It was one huge fire demon.

The forest, which had been green only a moment ago, was suddenly engulfed in flames by a fire coming from somewhere. The flames seemed to be devouring the entire forest, burning away the grass and trees. It was incredible speed.

A strange sight even at first glance. But the demons shook their heads and immediately came to their senses.

Still, it’s Satan. Satan is considered the greatest of the seven great devils and is called the ‘king of all devils.’ It looks a bit strange, but there must be some trick to it.

With that thought in mind, the devils waited for Satan’s arrangement with eager anticipation.



Everyone’s expectations were betrayed, and a small question mark appeared above Satan’s head.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

sorry. Today, strangely enough, I wasn’t feeling well, so I lay down to rest for a while, and fell asleep soundly. This is why I tell myself not to lie down no matter how tired I am… . I’m also scared of Suma. ㅜ.ㅠ

I read the comments carefully. I saw a lot of people with similar thoughts as I expected. The results regarding Jegal Hae-sol will be included in the content, so please wait a moment. Thank you very much to everyone who asked questions. ha ha ha. 😀

P.S. The subheading has been corrected. The King of the East is the title of Baal, and Satan is the king of all demons. I was mistaken for a moment. _(__)_


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not work with dark mode