MEMORIZE Chapter 535

00535 Two months later. ————————————————– ———————-=

The Hole Plain can be divided into a total of four continents.

East, West, South and North continents.

Among them, at the southernmost tip of the southern continent (excluding unexplored areas, of course), there is a huge forest named Fairy Forest. The size of the forest is considerable, but as the name suggests, neither humans nor monsters live in the fairy forest.

A forest where only fairies can live and operate. That is the Fairy Forest, also known as the Kingdom of Fairies.

The day was still dark. Perhaps because it is obscured by dark blue clouds, the sun is not yet fully visible in the sky. A white mist settled down and enveloped the forest dreamily, and the moist dew on the grass leaves showed that it was dawn.

Dawn in the forest is very cold. The forest was very quiet, with only the occasional sound of the forest wind blowing.

Huiing, whiiing.

A woman lying in the bushes opened her eyes and blinked once or twice, perhaps because she felt the cold wind blowing at that moment.

Soon, the woman, who slowly moved her hands to steal the dew from the grass blades, licked it, and drank it, calmly stood up and looked in one direction. After a while, she was able to spot a pair of eyes slowly approaching through the hazy fog.

The person who appeared from the fog was a tall, slim man with long ears. However, considering that her woman’s ears were also similar, it was clear that her man and woman were fairies.

Eventually, as the man stared at her at an appropriate distance, the woman looked up sadly at the sky.

“Is it the 60th day today? “Has Yggdrasil’s flower bloomed?”

“yes. “Exactly 60 days.”

“okay… .”

“why. Are you sad? “Despite waiting for hundreds of years, you missed out on becoming queen right under her nose?”

The man’s voice was very low. In some ways, it felt like an animal was growling lowly. But the woman let out a soft sigh and calmly shook her head.

“Not at all. Because I was hoping for Margarita’s return more than anyone else. The queen’s seat is… . “It’s not a position for me to begin with.”

“is it. “Then why are you so sad now that everyone is happy about the birth of a new queen?”

“Because it’s sad. “I wasn’t waiting for the queen’s vacuum to be filled, but I was hoping for Margarita, as her close friend, to come back to life.”

“A flower born 800 years ago already withered three years ago. Now… .”

“i know. That these feelings aren’t right. However, the flowering of a new Yggdrasil means that a new queen has been born. In other words, I have to let go of the memories of Margarita that I have cherished all along. … “It gives me an unbearable sense of loss.”

“Wake. Are you saying that you are swayed by the emotions that such people might feel at such an important time? As a Hi, you are disqualified!”

A shout came from the man’s mouth, but the woman’s face did not waver. She just stared at her man with her calm eyes as if she was right.

“Maybe so.”

“… Nimue!”

In the end, the man who had been staring at the woman for a while closed his mouth and turned away.

“Follow me. Because all the highs are waiting.”

The woman’s voice lowered again and she turned her head to look at the man. For a split second, a strong look flashed through her lonely eyes.

“All the highs are waiting? this time?”

“You’ll find out when you get there.”

“Tell me now. … no way. “Are you going to find a new queen?”

“no. It’s something else. “I heard that humans from the southern continent sent a message.”

Eventually, the man stopped walking and turned his face halfway to look at the woman. And she spoke in a low voice.

“Your sword brought news.”


Sunny morning.

“This is a bit difficult.”

Heo Jun-young, who is standing in a comfortable position, grumbles with a sullen look on his face.

“hmm. Then let me explain once again… .”

I touched my chin for a moment, then tilted my head and walked away. However, Heo Jun-young shook his head with an annoyed expression and said, licking his lips.

“ah. Enough explanation. This is not a matter of understanding or not, but a matter of execution. no. It’s a problem with the horsepower circuit. Aside from the fact that the flow is twisted or tangled, it means that it is impossible to match the speed of the magic flow you mentioned. “I’m not some kind of monster.”

“hmm? “But you learned the Gungsin Tanyeong pretty quickly.”

“Are Palace Minister Tan-yeong and Lee Hyeong-hwan-wi the same? Isn’t this why they’re whining because the difficulty levels of the abilities are incomparable? … shit. “If I had known it was this ridiculous, I wouldn’t have exchanged it in the first place.”

“what’s the matter. It’s not as difficult as you think? If you learned Gungsintanyeong in two weeks, it wouldn’t take that long to learn Lee Hyeong-hwanwi. At most 4 weeks… .”

“I guess you learned it in four weeks. sorry. “I couldn’t cook it even after 6 weeks.”

“… … .”

I closed my mouth at those words. Now that I think about it, how long did it take me to learn it?

It was then.

“crazy. Who are you kidding now?”

When I turned my gaze to the sharp shout coming from next to me, I saw Yujeong curled up with her whole body. He looks like he’s making efforts and making grunting noises, but his face is so irritated that it doesn’t seem to be working as he wants.

Yujeong, who had been crouching down like a scarab that recognized a threat, soon let out a powerful cheer and spread out her upper body.


… However, nothing happened. All that can be seen is Yujeong, raising his hands toward the sky and cheering for national independence.


Soon, Heo Jun-young, who quietly followed suit, covered his mouth and turned his face to the other side, and Yoo-jeong lowered his hands roughly with an exasperated look on his face.

“Let’s break it down into pieces, right? The things we can’t do are the same. “It makes me feel so f*cking dirty.”

“Even if your personality is crooked, speak straight. At least I learned how to use Gungsin Tanyeong. … Like this!”

The moment the words were finished, Heo Jun-young seemed to crouch down, and then walked away with a thumping sound. And then he used the gungshintanyeong again to return it to its original position.

Soon, he shrugged his shoulders and waved his index finger left and right, and Yujeong’s eyes widened fiercely. But he seemed to have nothing to say, so he just stamped his feet and eventually looked at me and ran away.

“Oh brother! Teach me too! huh? “Why don’t I teach and only Junyoung teaches?”

When did I? I wanted to say that, but knowing Yujeong’s temperament, I just nodded my head.

Finally, just as he was about to explain in more detail, Yu-jeong started shaking his whole body and making a fuss.

“kid. Don’t explain me either. “Do what you did last time.”

“What did you do last time?”

“You know what. They cling to each other to help maintain posture and guide the flow of magical energy. huh?”

“… … .”

No, no matter what you say.

Strictly speaking, it’s not wrong, but they cling to each other and maintain posture. Isn’t this something that can easily be misunderstood if someone hears it?

Now that I think about it, his eyes are strangely twinkling, and it seems like he has no interest in chanting and is only interested in ashes… .

Soon, I heard Heo Jun-young muttering, “Is the second pr****ute appearing?” and I was immediately able to make up my mind. I decided to stop teaching today.

“I’m sorry. I think I should stop going today. “I’ll teach you later.”

“huh? Where are you going? “I was supposed to watch over you all morning.”

“It’s lunch soon. This is enough. And you know what day today is, right?”

“… ah. right. “Today was that day.”

Then, as if remembering what kind of schedule she had today, Yujeong opened her mouth with a frown on her face. Immediately, I felt a little uncomfortable about showing off a sad light, but I proudly spread out my chest and waist. Since today’s schedule is an important event, Yu-jeong probably knows that there is nothing he can do about it.

After telling the two of them that they wanted to practice a little more not to fight under the guise of encouragement, I walked out the front door under the bright sunlight.

“I should give it a try too. hot.”

“This bastard is real!”

… The destination is the warp gate. To be more precise, it was the ancient magical city of Magia.


Arrived at the ancient magic city of Magia.

Debris scattered everywhere and buildings almost collapsing. As I look around, I see things that are no different from when I first attacked. They say they cleaned it once last time, but that was just a matter of clearing the road.

To put it nicely, it could be said to be old-fashioned, but in reality, it was not a place for anyone to sit down and live. But it doesn’t really matter. Since we gave up on the plan to become an open city anyway, there is no need to spend unnecessary money.

There is only one reason why I visited the ancient magic city of Magia today. It’s because of the Mercenary Academy.

After enrolling Jegal Hae-sol and Cha Hee-young as the first trainees nearly two months ago, today was the day of the long-awaited first graduation ceremony. (The training period for the User Academy and the Mercenary Academy is about 40 days different.)

After a while.

After looking at the former Mavolo’s Citadel and the current Mercenary Academy, which boasted a neat and magnificent appearance alone among the ruins, I turned on my magic detection and walked inside. And before long, we were able to reach the lobby on the first floor.

In fact, it was true that the mercenary academy was inferior compared to the user academy. It is also ridiculous to renovate only the fortress and call it an academy.

But at the same time, it was also something that could not be helped. There is a limit of 6 students per year, but it would be ridiculous to build a large academy that would accommodate about 10 instructors.


The moment I thought that, I suddenly felt the presence of about three people in my magic sense. oh. Are they on the same floor?

Coincidentally, I felt a presence on the same first floor, so I walked straight away. And the moment I looked into the window of the room that had been converted from a former living room.


Although it was a little bit, I was impressed.

Inside were Helena Lu Ajens, who was lecturing intently at the front, and Jegal Haesol and Cha Heeyoung, who were listening with focused faces. In particular, Helena lectures so intently that she speaks passionately with her face and gestures.

I expected to be excited because today was the graduation ceremony, but on the contrary, I was giving my best until the last day.

When I saw that scene, I suddenly felt proud. Because working hard isn’t a bad thing.

Then, suddenly, a faint curiosity arose. What on earth are you teaching and why are you working so hard and acting like that?

Suddenly feeling curious, I looked out the window and sharpened my hearing.

“… So I shouted. iced coffee! Magna Carta! I love you! “I will sacrifice everything for you, even my body!”

… what?

no. Who loves whom? What kind of bullshit is this?

“But Magna Carta actually looked at me as dirty. Oh~. But I understand. Marnakarta and I are enemies. This Helena Lu Ajens has no choice but to be the commander of humans… .”

“Now, just wait a moment. “Instructor Helena!”

“huh? Why are you doing this all of a sudden? Trainee Cha Hee-young?”

“It’s not that it’s different, but there’s something a little strange about it. I also once read a record of our clan’s attack on the mountain range where the dragon sleeps. And as my interest deepened, I looked up related stories. however… .”

“Are you saying that my explanation is different from the record?”

“yes yes.”

Then Helena shook her head, clicked her tongue, and continued speaking.

“There is a saying: The lies that are revealed are beautiful, and the truth that is hidden is ugly. Trainee Cha Hee-young is so pure.”

“… yes?”

“All records about that tale are lies. “It’s just a diary that humans have interpreted for their own convenience.”

“Well, is that really true?”

When Cha Hee-young spoke in surprise, Helena nodded her head loudly.

“yes. Think about it. Would trainee Cha Hee-young believe a record that she doesn’t even know who wrote? Or would you believe the words of Helena Lou Ajens, the person who experienced it firsthand?”

“… Come to think of it. There were some things that were a little unclear. Why did the great hero accept the curse even though all the battles were over? iced coffee! no way!”

“yes. “It was because of love.”

“You, that’s too much! “Just because of love!”

“Don’t talk nonsense! “I loved Magna Carta that much!”

“… … !”

Helena confidently fights back. However, Helena’s right arm was shaking so much that she could see it. Perhaps the true spirit of Helena coexisting within her is running riot. It must be unfair for her. They’re talking bullshit too.

“Actually, I would like to reveal one more thing here. I was pregnant with Magna Carta’s child… .”


Helena and Cha Hee-young exchanging pleasantries with each other.

Eventually, I made eye contact with Jegal Haesol, who was waving at me. I slowly stroked my fist and opened the door.

The heart that had touched me just for a moment had suddenly disappeared.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Luckily today, the seats were closed early, so I canceled the reservation and uploaded it at midnight. 🙂


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not work with dark mode