MEMORIZE Chapter 532

00532 New Queen. ————————————————– ———————-=

Early morning. Perhaps because it was still early in the morning, an eerie air was hovering around the room. Jegal Haesol must have felt such a chill that he groaned and gently opened his eyes.

Sleepy eyes for a moment. Suddenly, Jegal Haesol looked as if he had lost all sleep and glanced to one side. This was because a subtle sensation that she could not pinpoint came over her entire body.

“Umm~. Good morning. It definitely can’t be compared to the User Academy. “The bed is also soft and fluffy.”

I stretched lightly and spoke once, but there was no reply.

Jegal Haesol quickly raised his upper body. He lightly flicked his hand, and the window opened by itself, letting in a cool breeze. Soon, my long hair was fluttering in the wind.

Just as Jegal Haesol was about to lower his outstretched arm, his movement suddenly stopped. And when he quietly lowered his gaze, he could see that a white, steaming teacup was touching the left side of his neck.

However, Zhuge Haesol did not put down his hand carelessly. Because, unlike the hot left side, there was a cool chill around the right side of his neck.

hand? knife? Or just air?

Jegal Haesol tilted his head and said with a sigh.

“It’s too much. “Is this clan really this exclusive?”

“In the early days, there was no such aspect.”

The voice that was finally heard was that of a very mature woman. At that moment, Zhuge Haesol raised her magical power to the fullest and used her transport ability.

Suddenly, a deep blue magical current spread, and Jegal Haesol, who was on the bed, disappeared everywhere. And one second later, the space in front of the window became slightly distorted and Jegal Haesol suddenly appeared. It was that moment.

“It’s an interesting ability.”

For the first time, Jegal Hae-sol’s face became stiff. Even though I had obviously used my transport ability to move from place to place, nothing had changed. The warm steam and cool chill are still lingering around my neck.


As if reading that thought, a languid voice whispers into my ear.

“Everyone has a shadow.”

shadow. The moment Jegal Hae-sol heard those words, he immediately realized the identity of the person standing behind him.

Soon, a cold but soft touch gently hugged Jegal Haesol’s shoulder. At the same time, the teacup rises and touches her lips.

“Drink. “I heard the tea tasted good yesterday?”

Jegal Haesol swallowed his saliva, shivering at the sudden chill that ran down his spine. And I drank the tea as if it were a baby.

“Very interesting. It’s definitely worth his interest. “A new trainee senses my presence and uses his movement ability?”


Jegal Haesol blinked rapidly as he took a sip of the hot, delicious tea.

“Where on earth did a kid like this come from? “Who are you?”

“… … .”

The shadow’s voice continued.

“name is… . Jegal Haesol. Age is… . 29. Gender is… . female. And her height is estimated to be around 168 and her weight is estimated to be around 48. Also, her characteristics are… .”

“Your legs are long and pretty.”

“hmm? Well, she’s definitely pretty.”

“also. And my breasts are 65 C cup. It’s also natural. how is it? “Aren’t you jealous?”

The shadow opened its mouth helplessly and laughed.

“not really? “Because I’m a 70 F cup.”

“… yes?”

“When I was on my period, I felt like I was up to a G cup. ah. Of course, I am also true.”

“Okay, don’t lie.”

Jegal Hae-sol turned around with a look on his face that made no sense. Then, right behind him, he was met with a pair of eyes looking down at him.

Soon, the moment his gray eyes flashed once, Zhuge Haesol opened his eyes wide, almost instinctively.

『Check the activation of the unique ability of the user’s high performance, ‘Eyes of Temptation’.』

『User Zhuge Haesol’s unique ability, ‘Eyes of Wisdom Looking Down at the Sky’ corresponds to this.』

『As a result, in terms of compatibility, ‘Eyes of Wisdom Looking Down at the Sky’ is judged to be 4 ranks higher than ‘Eyes of Temptation’.』

『Perceives the ‘eyes of temptation’ of high performance by users!』


The moment he was discovered, Go Yeon-ju reflexively covered his eyes and took a couple of steps back.

Zhuge Haesol stared calmly. Of course, Go Yeon-ju’s voluptuous and explosive breasts.

Eventually, when Jegal Hae-sol bit her lip with an expression of exasperation, Go Yeon-ju, who had quickly regained her composure, slowly rubbed her eyes and smiled in despair.

“I am indeed. Now you can see through it? “How is it that everything about him is the same?”

“Who is he… .”

“Who is it? “I am the clan lord you will serve with me from now on.”


Only then could he fully understand what was being said, and Jegal Haesol let out a weak nasal noise. It reminded me of my first encounter with him in the Easter egg. He says now that he saw through it, but back then he was seen through it again. In fact, he pretended that nothing happened at the time, but the shock he received was indescribable.

Finally, Jegal Haesol, who raised his head, quietly opened his mouth.

“Anyway, isn’t this clan’s hazing really unique?”

“oh. “You’re not planning on telling me, are you?”

“Oh my. Are you going to speak publicly at today’s meeting? “I can’t live because of the back rice.”

“This guy. What kind of scary sound. I just came to wake you up in the morning. “So you brought your own car with you?”

Now that I think about it, Jegal Haesol has a teacup in his hand. When did I receive this again? At the time I was doubting myself, wondering if I was possessed by a ghost.

“Anyway, it’s all good, but please don’t upset him too much. “He’s already a headache.”

Go Yeon-ju suddenly turned around, as if she had nothing more to see.

“ah. Welcome to Mercantile. Let’s get along well from now on?”

He slowly waved his hand and disappeared outside the door.

After a while.

Jegal Haesol, who was standing blankly, slowly raised his hand and took a sip of tea. He then calmly placed his hand on his chest and then stared at the door where Go Yeon-ju left. And he quietly opened his mouth.

“i envy you.”


next day.

After finishing breakfast, I went straight to the 4th floor. This is because there was a meeting yesterday as announced in advance. It would mainly be simple organizing and reporting rather than dealing with particularly important issues, but it was a process that had to be taken as it had to provide a direction for moving forward.

Of course, new clan members must also be formally introduced. Oops. We also need to officially announce the clan members who returned this time. Now that I think about it, there are more than just one or two things I need to do.

Eventually, as I sat at the head table and watched the clan members coming in one by one, at some point I saw Jegal Haesol lightly walking in. As she turned her head here and there as if she didn’t know where to sit, Hannah smiled kindly and guided her to her seat.

Then, as if he sensed my gaze, Jegal Haesol, who was sitting in his seat, turned his head and looked at me.

We made eye contact. Now you will smile brightly again.

But the expectations were wrong. Instead of laughing, Jegal Haesol turned his head with a humming sound.

– like. Do you see a funny kid?

As I was wondering why he was acting like that, I heard Hwajeong’s voice inside me. I muttered quietly to myself.

‘Is it fun?’

– iced coffee. The kid who just turned his head to look at you. Who is he?

‘This is a user who joined recently. ‘I walked in on my own yesterday.’

– This is a user who joined recently… . It definitely doesn’t feel out of this world. But how can we see the eyes of wisdom looking down at the sky?

Suddenly, I felt a strange sense of discomfort. Come to think of it, has Hwajeong ever shown interest in another user other than me?

But I was soon able to agree. Because the opponent is Jegal Hae-sol. There might be something unusual.

‘The eyes of wisdom looking down at the sky? ‘What is that?’

– Originally, it was a unique ability only for dragons that humans could not master. It could be said that it is the minimum qualification to understand the principles of magic and reach the source.

Principle and origin? I tilted my head.

‘It’s difficult.’

– Well, if I were to explain it, there is no limit. Anyway, the important thing is the dragons’ unique abilities, but sometimes humans who are born with talent come out once every thousand years.

‘So you’re saying that Jegal Hae-sol was born with that once-in-a-thousand-year talent?’

– Jegal Haesol? iced coffee. He. … You can see it that way, but it’s also strange. You, the user, can never have the eyes of wisdom to look down at the sky. Wouldn’t it be better if it were the undying light of wisdom?

‘Why can’t users have it?’

– Because you are a user. Since you have been given the magic circuit setting, you are in a position to learn magic by attribute. But the residents here are different. It is said that it has become like this now, but in ancient times, one could become a wizard only after going through really rigorous practice and training. Do you remember what the perverted wizard said before?

Perverted wizard?

Marvolo de Illite. I remember.

‘This means that from a young age, we accumulate magical power through hard work, read books until our brains explode, and practice spells until our fingers break. So, on the topic of training and using abilities that don’t seem like much, let’s talk… .’

– okay. Actually, that’s correct. From his perspective, you wizard users will look very funny. There is the advantage of being able to learn by attribute, but it is impossible to even understand the operating principle, let alone the origin. But that kid is different. In addition to being equipped with a magic circuit, it is also said to have a rare talent called the Eye of Wisdom that looks down at the sky. Do you know what this means?

At that moment, I felt goosebumps all over my body. So does that mean that while Zhuge Haesol can grow into his attributes, he also has the qualifications to grasp the principles of magic and reach the source?

It was then.

“Clan Lord. “The meeting preparations are complete.”

I immediately came to my senses when I heard Cho Seung-woo’s soft words. As I looked around, over 60 clan members were all looking at me.

After looking at them one by one, I quietly opened my mouth.

“Then let’s start the meeting.”



I thought I could hear the sound of a fire burning in a room filled with only darkness, and soon a dot of light appeared. Judging by the size it appeared, it was clear that it had been lit early in the year.

“… I’m going crazy. “Have you been too complacent?”

A man who appears ordinary at first glance. No, once the devil sucked in with all his might, the beginning of the year quickly turned to ashes all the way to the end of the filter. After blowing out smoke and scattering the falling ashes from the rainwater, the devil quietly opened his mouth.

“Hmm. “This is a bit dangerous.”

Then, he crossed his hands, looked up at the dark ceiling, and spoke once more.

“no. It’s not a bit, it’s very dangerous. “Isn’t that right?”

A devil who speaks as if there is someone in the room. But I don’t hear a reply. There is only quiet silence flowing.

But are you used to it, or are you not paying attention to it at all? The devil clenched his hands and rose from his chair. Then, a sound like he was holding something in his hand was heard and the sound of his paper being crumpled.

“Belial. I guess I’ll have to summon the seven great devils one more time. Take responsibility and spread the news. And let Astaroth and Baal attend unconditionally. “Right now.”

“… Most likely it won’t come. Especially Astaroth.”

At that time, a voice is heard from the ceiling for the first time. It was a voice similar to a thick yet unpleasant screeching sound, and it was not a voice that was particularly pleasant to listen to.

The devil, who was about to leave the room, suddenly stopped. Then he calmly looked back at the ceiling and opened his mouth.

“Tell it like this. “It’s a communication from the great world.”

The response came half a beat late.

“Great world… ? no way.”

“okay. The prophecy fell. “They say there’s an uproar right now.”

“Well, is it an emergency?”


The voice, which was calm at first, now stutters. Grand order. prophecy. What on earth are these words, or rather, what do they mean?

“okay. Soon a new replacement queen will appear, and four queens will take their place by the king’s side. They say that for the first time since the war, the primary condition for diversifying defeat has been satisfied.”

“No way!”

“But it’s true. Now is it time to withdraw or continue? Since we have to choose between these two paths at this meeting, we have no choice but to come together. There is no time.”

“… … !”

Then after a while.

A black figure jumped out of the air. Then he bent his body almost towards the devil and spoke in a low polite voice.

“… “Everything goes according to Satan’s will.”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Safe at midnight today!

After writing down what I wanted to write, I don’t feel the same as yesterday. ha ha ha.

In the past, there were people who raised questions about how each other’s abilities are recognized, and I hope that today’s circuit will resolve the questions. Of course, the rank indicating the level of ability also has an impact, but the rank of the ability itself. In other words, should I express it as a class? That has the highest priority. If you think about it that way, you can get a sense of how deceptive the third eye is.

These days, the twists are fun. Actually, there is no particular twist, but there is such a thing. Readers say, ‘This is it.’ It makes you think and goes out like that(?). 🙂 Hehehe.(?)

P.S. I am really grateful to those who sympathized with Kim Yu-hyun’s words last time. It was the most pleasant comment I’ve had in a while. 😀


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not work with dark mode