MEMORIZE Chapter 529

00529 Big decision. ————————————————– ———————-=

Finally, after a long journey of 100 days, the graduation ceremony, which marked the end of the User Academy, came to an end.

Since it initially promised to give a clear boost to promotional parking, the central management organization was able to keep its promise quite well. We provided equal promotional opportunities to all clans that participated as instructors.

Such opportunities were applied without exception during the graduation ceremony. Corners that were only taking up time were boldly deleted and reduced, and new corners were opened. The name of the new corner was Q&A, and it was a corner created with the purpose of allowing trainees to ask themselves various questions about the clan.

In the end, it was not a bad story for the instructors as it was said that they would provide another promotional opportunity.

Of course, there is a time limit of 12 minutes for the corner allocated to each clan, and taking that into consideration, the ending time is similar to the original graduation ceremony. So, wouldn’t it be better to spend your time to the fullest rather than waiting tediously?

That’s not all. Additional conditions imposed by the central management body allowed the establishment of a ‘Question and Answer’ section to be passed unanimously. That condition is… .

“yes. Our Hanul Clan may still be just an ordinary clan. But this is only for the present. Even though it is still a small clan, I believe that it is a clan that can develop as much as possible. … “If there is anyone here who would like to develop the clan with me, please raise your hand.”

Large auditorium. Central management officials and trainees are sitting in the audience, staring at the stage. On the center stage, a chubby man was giving an impassioned speech with an extremely pitiful face. However, despite the company’s passionate speech, the audience’s reaction was 0%. To be exact, I would say I’m not really interested.

A subtle look of despair is visible on the man’s face as he looks around the audience. But that was only for a moment.

Soon the man bit his mouth and slowly straightened his posture. Then she fell to her knees and shouted in a solemn voice.

“Hanul Clan would like to invite you all!”

Soon, a series of users standing behind the man also kneel down, following the chubby man.


Finally, some reactions began to emerge from the audience. However, it cannot be considered a good response as the reaction is almost absurd. The man must have heard the audience’s reaction, and a look of despair appeared on his face.

In fact, whatever the man’s circumstances, his actions just now were not a good choice. This is because, to sum it up in one word, this corner was an opportunity to show off to the trainees. Of course, from the instructor’s perspective.

This is true even if you just look at the users behind the company. These are users belonging to the Hanul Clan and were specially invited for this corner. In other words, it is a place where not only users who join as instructors, but also members of their clans promote together. That was the condition set forth by the central management organization: ‘No more than 8 clan members, excluding instructors, are permitted to enter the corner.’

To that extent, we need to show off and show off our clan through flashy performances, but the man showed the exact opposite attitude. They may have been trying to move the trainees’ hearts with a sincere appeal, but it doesn’t seem to be a very good method. Because you can tell by looking at the reaction.

In the end, the nine Hanul clan members, including the chubby man, left in solitude. After they go down the stage, a deep voice rings out in the main auditorium.

– The clan that will appear in the next Q&A corner is the Mercenary Clan. Everyone, please be quiet.

At that moment, the airflow flowing through the audience suddenly changed. The boring atmosphere disappears in an instant, and curiosity and anticipation fill the auditorium. The trainees all craned their heads and stared at the central stage. It was an attitude that was in stark contrast to the attitude he had just had during the Hanul Clan.

It has to be that way. To put it bluntly, if Hanul was nothing to look at, Mercenary was currently considered the first clan in the Northern Continent.

Moreover, unlike other clans, Mercantile has never promoted itself and has not put any effort into recruiting trainees. As such, it was natural to wonder what kind of clan the Mercenary was and how to join.

If you think about it that way, Kim Soo-hyun’s choice to ban all publicity, ironically, could be seen as excellent only for this corner.

After a while.

Jump and jump. Jump and jump.

Jump and jump. Jump and jump.

– The Mercenary Clan enters.

Soon, the sound of people stepping forward and walking one after another was heard, and at the same time, an amplified voice announced the position of the Mercenary Clan.

Soon, a total of eight users begin to walk onto the stage, starting with the man at the forefront. 3 men and 5 women.

Did you just feel something different from the Hanul Clan members? The trainees looking at the stage were holding their breath without realizing it. In fact, the silence in the main auditorium felt solemn.

On the other hand, their appearance as they slowly turn around and look at the trainees is quite calm. It seems like he is overflowing with calm composure. But it doesn’t seem arrogant. The glowing red symbol engraved on the top of the chest indicated that they were Mercenary Clan members.

Soon, when Kim Soo-hyun took a step forward, Jeong Ha-yeon followed half a step forward and chanted a spell. It was a voice amplification spell.

– Nice to meet you. This is Mercenary Clan Lord Kim Soo-hyun. In this corner, we’ll greet a total of 8 clan members and you, and we’ll be holding a Q&A session for 12 minutes. Now, let’s take questions.

It was a very simple greeting without any grandiose rhetoric. But I actually liked it better. There were a lot of questions to ask in 12 minutes.

The trainees raced to raise their hands. Soon, Kim Soo-hyun points to one person, and the man she points out stands up with a good posture.

“Thank you for taking my question. “This is Jo Dong-hyeon, who became a user as of today.”

– Nice to meet you. Then user Donghyeon Jo. What kind of question is this?

“yes. I remember hearing the names of the Mercenary Clan and its members several times during the 14-week training. For example, Shadow Queen, etc. Actually, I think this question is a bit out of line, but I’m still curious. “Can you tell me who the people you see on stage are?”

– It’s not difficult. Questions are permitted.

The man said all those words very quickly, and Kim Soo-hyun immediately gave permission. Then, after pointing to the woman standing to her left, she calmly opened her mouth.

– First of all, this is Go Yeon-ju, the Queen of Shadows, whom trainee Cho Dong-hyeon just mentioned.

Go Yeon-ju smiled lazily and waved her hand gently. And until she gently closes her eyes towards Jo Dong-hyun. The hearts of many men, including Jo Dong-hyun, sank at the sight, but Kim Soo-hyun paid no heed and continued speaking.

– This is Nam Da-eun after the examination. If you are a prosecutor, you may have heard of it a few times.

Nam Da-eun showed no particular reaction. She just stares with her cold face as if she doesn’t care.

– Shingung Seonyuun. This is Shaolim Cha, the flash of light.

Seon Yu-un and Cha So-rim bowed their heads politely. However, perhaps because the two are naturally blunt, there is no further reaction.

– and… . hmm. You probably know the other four, so we’ll skip them. That is all. I hope this is a sufficient answer.

The remaining four were Ahn Hyeon, An Sol, Jeong Ha-yeon, and Shin Jae-ryong. This is because there was no need to tell them anything since they were already active in the user academy.

Even though the questions were over, Jo Dong-hyun seemed to have no intention of sitting down yet. He was just fixating his eyes on Go Yeon-joo, who was first introduced with a red face. Finally, when the woman sitting next to her nudged her, she was able to sit down in a hurry.

So after the first question. When Kim Soo-hyun looked around again, her trainees automatically raised their hands.

It was then. The gaze that glided by one by one suddenly stopped. A strong look passes through Kim Soo-hyun’s eyes as he stares at someone accurately. Soon, Kim Soo-hyun pointed to one side, and a slender woman gently stood up.

“Thank you for taking my question. “My name is Jegal Haesol and I have become a user starting today.”

– … yes. Nice to meet you. So what is the question?

“Hmm~. Actually, this may be a bit rude question, but I will tell you straight away. “What I’m curious about is the number of people in the Mercantile Clan.”

– Number of people?

Perhaps because it was an unexpected question, Kim Soo-hyun’s eyebrows raised. Jegal Haesol continued speaking calmly.

“yes. Personnel. In my opinion, the Mercenaries are currently the best clan in the North Continent, and they came in that way as well. However, instructors from other clans sometimes say that the biggest problem for the Mercenary is the small number of people. So you say it’s a clan with clear limitations… .”

The moment those words were said, the main auditorium was in great commotion. This is because the statement just made was, in a way, no different from an accusation. However, Jegal Haesol didn’t care at all and ended the question with a cute smile.

“So, I would like to hear Mercenary Lord’s opinion on what you think about this.”

Kim Soo-hyun looked down.

Some of the instructors who had already finished the corner showed signs of not knowing what to do, as if something was definitely stabbing them. About three or four people were watching Kim Soo-hyun’s thoughts while also looking up at Jegal Hae-sol. Maybe I want to tear it to death right now.

– Questions are allowed.

It was then. Kim Soo-hyun, who spoke amidst the chaotic commotion, calmly began to walk. Ha-yeon Jeong tried to follow after leaving the range of the voice amplification magic, but Soo-hyun Kim raised his hand to stop her. Still, he doesn’t stop talking.

“The reason our Mercenary clan is currently called one of the best clans is not because we have a lot of users, but because a lot of our users think so.”

Soon Kim Soo-hyun walked to the front of the stage and spoke softly.

“There is a very big difference here.”

The commotion subsided quickly.

Kim Soo-hyun looked around for a moment and then opened his mouth in a quiet voice.

“Some users sometimes say things like this. No matter how much you fly or crawl, there is no business in numbers. But on the other hand, there is also this saying: “I don’t envy one well-cultivated user or ten users.”

Although it was an extremely low voice, it was full of magical power. All of the trainees were able to hear Kim Soo-hyun’s words without exception.

“I’m not talking about secret or rare classes. Even if you go through all the trouble to gather 100 average users, even 5 high-level wizards can wipe them out in 1 second. That’s reality. That’s why the level of core users in the clan and the equipment and other means that can support them are important.”

Kim Soo-hyun’s voice was full of confidence. As if he were telling someone to listen.

It was not just aimed at trainees. Users who point out the number of people that started from the Koran Alliance and clan members who always insist on increasing the number of people.

“That’s why the Mercantile Clan wants users who have high potential and can reach a certain level. Users who can live anywhere and at any time, not users who do not know when and where they will die. To that end, we teach and support thoroughly and form clans with only core users.”

Kim Soo-hyun’s words continued for all of them.

“Of course, there are clear advantages to having many clan members. “As the number of people available increases, there is no way it won’t happen.”

“however. There will never be any plans in the future to drastically increase the number of people like the large clans that are evaluated similarly to us. “Because Mercantilery has a clear purpose for its creation.”

“It’s not that what they say is wrong. It’s just different. “I am talking about the Mercenary’s own way and thoughts.”

“A clan where one person can take on ten or a hundred people, and where a small number of people can be ten to a hundred times more efficient. “That’s what it means to be an elite minority.”

As Kim Soo-hyun continued to speak without stopping, Jegal Hae-sol raised his hand again and opened his mouth. However, before a word could be said, Kim Soo-hyun, who glanced at the player, struck the player.

“Then you must be curious. “Is that really possible?”

Jegal Haesol kept his mouth shut.

“yes. it’s possible. The path Mercenary has taken so far proves this. The Mercenaries have achieved more achievements than any other clan. To put it bluntly, this is a clan that received a request and excavated some ruins. “This is a clan that doesn’t miss anything, including class, finances, and equipment.”

That wasn’t all.

“Also, all of the above aside, we have a very powerful tool for developing trainees into core users. This is a unique means that no other clan has.”

The trainees who were already engrossed in Kim Soo-hyun’s speech all pricked up their ears. In fact, the biggest concern for trainees when choosing a clan is the clan’s reputation and level of support. however. It meets all of those requirements perfectly, but is there something more that surpasses it?

Kim Soo-hyun calmly took a breath while receiving the expectant gaze of the trainees. The reason he spoke for so long was because it had been a long time and I was a little out of breath.

After taking a deep breath, Kim Soo-hyun calmly opened his mouth.

“You will receive 4 ability points after completing this graduation ceremony. I think everyone knows the importance of the points, so I won’t explain it. … If I put it bluntly, Mercantilery has the means to award an additional 2 ability points to trainees, i.e. new users only.”

2 additional points paid. It certainly wasn’t a difficult thing to say.

However, the moment those words were spoken, silence fell in the main auditorium.

The silence was soon shaken by a faint commotion. Just like the eve before a storm approaches.

And right before that.

Kim Soo-hyun smiled and opened his mouth.

“That is all. “I hope this was a sufficient answer.”


The graduation ceremony has ended.

After ordering my clan members to wait for a moment, I managed to get out through the crowd of people who had gathered around us. In fact, he could have come out earlier, but he was caught and suffered by not only the trainees but also the instructors.

Although I can understand it to some extent. The establishment of a mercenary academy comparable to the user academy must have been difficult for them to believe.

But I also can’t help but feel anxious. Cha Hee-young and Jin Soo-hyun are okay. Because everything has already been said. Cha Hee-young has already confirmed that she is next to Ahn Hyeon, so Jin Soo-hyun just needs to wait.

But Jegal Haesol was not there yet. It was said that the decision on Istantel Rowe’s recruitment proposal will be made after today’s graduation ceremony, so it is normal for the results to come out by now. Did he really agree? Did he reject it? No, why didn’t I see it before?

There are many users, but Jegal Hae-sol and Han So-young are nowhere to be seen. I stood aside and continued to stare at the entrance. Then I suddenly felt worried. I am worried that it may have been possible to use the transportation capacity to get out, which is quite possible.

Thinking of Jegal Haesol, who had so boldly asked a question earlier, I decided to take a step forward. Although waiting at the entrance was the most likely option, I felt uneasy about something. That thought occurred to me and I was about to use my magic sense to find it.

“hey! Kim Soohyun! “Were you here?”

It’s been a while since I’ve heard it, but a familiar voice is calling me. When I looked around, I wondered if I was in such a hurry. I could see a user running towards me. It was Yeon Hye-rim, the princess of execution.

“Ah, I finally found it! Long time no see!”

“Yeon Hye-rim? “Why you?”

“uh. “It’s nothing else, but there’s something Han So-young wants me to tell you.”

“Istantel Low Road?”

Yeon Hye-rim nodded quickly and quickly came closer. Then he put his face near her neck and whispered in her hushed voice.

“Jegal Haesol’s recruitment failed.”

And then he immediately fell and turned around. I opened my mouth right away.


“Uh, uh. But sorry. I’m really in a hurry right now. I’m out of my mind. Anyway, did you make it clear?”

“wait for a sec! “So where are you now?”

“I don’t know! “We just finished talking, so if you stay here, you’ll come out on your own!”

After shouting like that, Yeon Hye-rim immediately entered the main auditorium without even looking back.

Jegal failed to recruit Haesol? So you’re saying it was rejected?

It was then.


Suddenly, a faint flow of magical energy caught the sense of magical energy I had deployed earlier. I suddenly came to my senses. I was lucky. As I soon followed the point where the magic moved, I was able to find a trace that had appeared in a quiet place beyond the entrance where users were crowded.

It was a familiar back. Long flowing straight hair and slender legs.

The woman was none other than Jegal Haesol. She was such a natural transport that no one noticed her strangeness.

But I can’t continue to admire it like this. I was about to run quickly because I thought I couldn’t miss it like this.

Suddenly, Jegal Haesol turns around and looks at me precisely, as if he knew I was here.

That was the moment we made eye contact.

-Thank you for answering my question. I heard you well. I was very impressed. really.

I stopped reflexively at the sound of a voice ringing lightly in my head.

There is no sight of Jegal Haesol nearby. From before, he was just standing there quietly. What I meant was that Zhuge Haesol passed his words to me over a distance of about 80 meters. So that only I can hear it.

But before I even thought about how I did it.

– Bye then. The meeting that night was very enjoyable. I hope we can meet again next time.

Soon, Jegal Haesol looked at me and gently bent his head and knees, like the princess greeting in the old Easter egg. And he turns his body like the wind and walks lightly. Not in the direction towards me, but in the direction of the front door. I looked at that figure blankly.

The surroundings were still filled with buzzing noise. Jegal Haesol’s figure is no longer visible, buried in the crowd. I quietly touched my chin.

Then I said goodbye… .

I guess there’s no need to chase after it.

Actually, it wasn’t that I didn’t feel devastated. But I can’t just stay still like this. The priority is to implement preparedness measures that have been thought out in advance as such cases are anticipated. Because the opponent is Jegal Hae-sol.

Thinking like that, I left the entrance and walked to a place where there were no other users as much as possible.

When I put my hand into my bosom, I caught some tobacco and a round bead. Crystal ball for communication. However, unlike other crystal balls, it is a crystal ball that emits a darkish light, and was brought and handed to me by Go Yeonju this morning.

I brought them both together and took them out at the same time. Place the tobacco between your fingers and catch the beads inside. If you do this, other users will think you are smoking cigarettes.

Eventually, I lit the candle and brought it close to my mouth, while simultaneously flowing magical energy into the crystal ball I was holding inside.

Fortunately, communication was established immediately.

(Ah. What is it again? Mercantile Lord. You can’t do this. The Koran Coalition incident last time was really the last….)

Soon I heard a grumbling voice and I quickly whispered.

“There are a lot of people around. “Don’t talk nonsense.”

Before I knew it, my heart was pounding. She was trying to stay calm, but her voice sounded very serious even when she heard it herself.

The grumbling stopped immediately as he sensed this. If something like this happened, they would have felt sad if they were the second child, so they would have figured out what the situation was right away.

I pretended to bite the tobacco and got closer to the crystal ball. Of course, I didn’t forget to close my hands as much as possible to prevent light from escaping.

“I don’t have time to explain in detail. “The request is the same as last time.”

(Hmm. I see. But wait a minute. Mercenary Lord. This is the Changgwan I went with recently. Didn’t you really kill him?)

I was silent for a moment. However, I was soon able to understand what was being said and responded right away.

“okay. “It definitely killed it.”

(That’s right. So I want to go there again, but I can’t really remember where it is. Do you happen to know what the name of that place was?)

“iced coffee. It’s a place that just started business, so it’s not famous yet. The name of that building was probably Haesol, right? “At that time, playing with the gag on was really killing me.”

(Great. I see. Actually, I don’t understand it yet, but hearing you say it makes me want to go again. … I think I have to do it anyway. Since this has come to an end, let’s go together sometime. When do you have time?)

“I’m fine. It’s okay right now. no. “I hope so.”

(…I guess so.)

At the end of those words, his voice trailed off. Just then, a group of chattering users passed by, and I sucked in the tobacco with all my might and looked down.

Before I knew it, light was no longer flowing from the crystal sphere.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

after. The user academy part is finally over. Of course, it cannot be considered completely. haha. The conversation with Jin Soo-hyun will be mentioned in a flashback in the next episode, and the treatment of Jegal Hae-sol will also appear in the next episode. Still, I feel relieved because I feel like I’ve somehow managed to tie the knot. 🙂


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not work with dark mode