MEMORIZE Chapter 528

00528 Promotional Parking. And the upcoming graduation ceremony. ————————————————– ———————-=

“Suhyeon! Soohyun?”

I can’t think of anything. I just stare at the ivory ceiling in a dazed mood.

“Suhyun. I was really, really wrong. My brother was short-thinking. I want to apologize, so please open the door. huh?”

2 weeks. A whopping two weeks have passed since the end of the 12th week event match.

But it still doesn’t go away.

The shame I felt in that chaos at that time and the sight of Han So-young running away with her hands covering her face still remain in my mind and haunt me.

“In the end, you didn’t open the door again today… . Are you really not going to see me? “Is the user academy coming to an end now?”

A longing voice calling me from earlier.

“… Su-hyun. Now why not just accept the apology? Father, I feel sorry for you now. “You’ve been coming here regularly for two weeks now.”

Then, attracted by the clear voice that followed, I slowly shifted my gaze. A woman looks at me worriedly from the side and my eyes catch her eye. I opened my mouth weakly.



“It’s noisy, so don’t knock on the door and ask them to leave.”

“ah. “So, our Soohyun was sleeping?”

However, the older brother, not Hayeon, quickly responds. It looks like he was enhancing his hearing with magical power.

“Sorry. Then your brother will come visit you later? “Are you sure you’ll meet him then?”

“… … .”


“Oh, kinda!”

In the end, it wasn’t until I screamed that I felt my brother’s presence fall. Soon, I stared at the ceiling of the road as I heard the signs slowly moving away.

ah. I’m dazed. I’m just in a daze. … How should I carry my face from now on?

“Su-hyun. Don’t do that, just get up. yes? “The user academy ends in two days, so what if you’re like this all weekend?”

“… … .”

“look. “The kids are waiting now, right?”

“… … .”

Of course, this is correct in every detail. But after that incident, I had to suffer from all kinds of slander for about two weeks. No matter how much I shouted that it was no and that it was a lie, no one believed me. As much as all of that was incredibly stressful, right now I just want to stay like this and not think about anything.

“I want to be alone. “The meeting is over, everyone please leave.”

“… after. all right. Su-hyun. “Then please tell me this one thing.”

“… … ?”

“The comb that was given as a gift to the Istantel Low Lord… .”

“shit. “Let’s have a meeting.”

“Ho Ho.”

I immediately got up. And after glaring at Hayeon, who was smiling beautifully, he sat down at the table where the clan members were waiting. Now that I think about it, I feel like I didn’t show a very good image in front of the kids, so I feel like I need to come to my senses now.

After shaking my head vigorously to come to my senses, I look around and see Hanbyul, who looks irritated for some reason. Ansol and Yujeong also have faces that look very disapproving. On the other hand, Shin Jae-ryong and Ahn Hyeon are looking at me with happy faces. no. Why are these guys like this again?

“after. I’m sorry. As everyone knows, the situation is very bad these days. Anyway, let’s conclude the User Academy issue for today. “Then let’s start the meeting.”

After I finished speaking, I immediately looked at Anhyeon. For some reason, the other kids were giving off an aura that was difficult to put into words.

“Ahn Hyeon. What happened to Cha Hee-young?”

“ah. I already wanted to tell you. First of all, recruitment is in a good direction… .”

“You said you would allow recruitment last time. Not that one. “Didn’t you have a problem too?”

“ah… .”

Anhyeon immediately closed his mouth. And he scratched his cheek and looked troubled. I had to feel a slight tingling in my chest.

First of all, it can be said that recruiting Cha Hee-young was very easy.

In fact, the results revealed were not extremely good. Perhaps because the shock I received at that time was so great, I wandered around a lot at first.

However, Cha Hee-young’s user information is at a very acceptable level. As if to prove that, Ahn Hyun helped him in many ways and he quickly found peace of mind and body, and from then on, he unleashed his potential with incredible momentum. This can be seen by looking at the vertically rising grade curve in the second half of her education.

Because of that, I heard that several clans made offers to recruit him, but Cha Hee-young was already largely dependent on Ahn Hyeon. As such, she was able to immediately confirm her recruitment based on a single word from Ahn Hyeon.

Recruitment was carried out without much difficulty, but it was not without obstacles.

After a while. Ahn Hyeon looks at me and smiles, probably because I scratched him just enough.

“lol. Actually, it’s a bit of a burden, but don’t worry too much. “I ended the story in a good way.”

At that moment, I felt like my ears were popping.

“okay? how?”

“At first, I thought for a few weeks about what I would do if I got hurt… . Actually, I’m not good at speaking, right? So I just told it like it is, the truth. I think that would be better. Heeyoung. “I’m very grateful that you like me, but it’s still a burden to be honest.”

“That’s a really fast ball.”

“yes. So, Heeyoung suddenly and out of nowhere started crying. Are you abandoning me too? While doing this… .”

I knew it. Still, it was a somewhat expected reaction, so I continued speaking while pounding the table.

“okay. so?”

“So I calmed him down by saying that it would be nice if we could take some time to get to know each other. There are many good men in the world, and you have not yet experienced this world called Hol Plain. So, after the graduation ceremony is over and I look around the world a little more, if your feelings don’t change then, I will think about it.”


“I did it like this… . Now, did you handle it well?”

Seeing Ahn Hyeon secretly observing my thoughts, I nodded my head in agreement. Not only me, but all clan members nod their heads. A few people were looking at Anhyeon, asking what was going on. Although it wasn’t very neatly organized, I could still say that for Ahn Hyun, it was handled quite well.

Just when I thought I had less to worry about, Hayeon smiled and opened her mouth.

“Then what if I tell you later that I really like you?”

“Hmm~. I’ll have to go there then to find out, but I think I’ll change my mind then. “Actually, this is my first time doing something like this.”

“Ever like this?”

“yes. This is my first time seeing a woman who only looks at me like this. So, deep down, I don’t hate her.”

Then Hayeon looked at me with a satisfied expression on her face.

“I think Trainee Cha Hee-young did well to leave it to Hyeon-i.”

“I think so too.”

“Ho Ho. Hyun made a mistake? Anyway, let’s say this is done… . What happened to that instructor Jin Soo-hyeon?”

“It’s half and half.”

To the topic that was immediately skipped over, I responded clearly.

Literally, the possibility of Jin Soo-hyun being recruited was 50/50 as of now. But I’m not too worried. As much as we wanted to talk about it one more time, there was still room left, and even if we failed to recruit them, we had a good relationship to the point where we were like older brothers and younger brothers.

Anyway, I plan to visit and talk with them at least once before the User Academy ends. It would be good if it were done, and even if it were rejected, the situation was set up as the next best option.

“It will probably be confirmed before the graduation ceremony.”

As soon as he added another word, Hayeon looked thoughtful and asked back in a clear voice.

“If Instructor Jin Soo-hyeon comes, there will be people who come with him, right?”

“yes. I think at least one person will come. “I’m willing to accept that, but as far as I know, my colleagues aren’t that bad either.”

“Then that’s a relief. “If at least three people come, we can say that we have recruited them in our own way.”

“haha… . “Is that still the case?”

Before Hayeon was demoted, she persistently insisted on increasing the number of employees, even if it meant lowering the standards. That’s why it seems fortunate that at least three people were recruited this time. In any case, Jin Soo-hyun’s stock price had also risen significantly after the last 9th week event match, so the clan members agreed without any complaints.

“Then let’s end Cha Hee-young and Jin Soo-hyun like this. and… .”

I paused for a moment.

In fact, there was still one user left to recruit.

That’s right, Jegal Haesol.

I was able to hear the initial progress through a secret message sent by Han So-young a few weeks ago. It is said that after talking with me, they secretly tried to recruit him around the 13th week, and Jegal Haesol’s reply was, ‘I will think about it until the graduation ceremony.’ It is said that it was.

If you look at it, you could say that it is as if he is choosing his own clan. Well, if you look at the user information, you deserve it.

One fortunate thing is that, except for Istantel Row, no clan made an offer. In other words, if we rejected Istantel Row’s offer during the graduation ceremony, the opportunity would inevitably come back to us. From then on, whether to recruit or kill him was entirely up to the Mercenary’s, or rather, my, choice.

In any case, as the situation is like this, wouldn’t it be better to keep it to myself for now rather than talking about it now?

… okay. Although it may be a bit sudden for the clan members, considering the situation surrounding Zhuge Haesol, I think it would be better.

“Clan Lord. And?”

With that thought in mind, I paused for a long time and then spoke quietly.

“Let’s end today’s meeting with this.”


The 14th weekend has passed and the graduation ceremony is fast approaching tomorrow.

The User Academy was busy after the weekend. Although all training has already ended, preparations for the graduation ceremony and recruitment war are still ongoing. Clans who participated as instructors would like to somehow attract trainees before the graduation ceremony, so in some ways it may be natural.

After helping with the preparations for the graduation ceremony, I returned to my lodgings, and the sun was slowly setting.

If you think about it, life at the user academy was truly a whirlwind. The incident with the Goryeo clan, the battle with witches Cha Hee-young, Jin Su-hyeon, and Gong Chan-ho, with Jegal Hae-sol, etc.

But somehow I was able to get through it (not yet for everyone), and now I have to leave this user academy tomorrow.

I looked around the accommodation for a while and started packing my belongings one by one. I have to go back to the clan house tomorrow. Ahn Hyeon says she will stay until late today to help prepare for the graduation ceremony, so he can’t even leave her to pack up her luggage. It’s not that much of a burden to begin with.

After taking some time to pack up my luggage, the day was starting to take on a slightly dark glow.

I opened the window to cool off and then calmly looked back toward the entrance. My body feels a little itchy. It looks like dust has piled up while cleaning up every nook and cranny. It’s not too late, but should I just take a quick shower?

It was then.


Just as I was about to move my body to do a quick face wash, I heard a knock on the door.

“older brother. anybody home?”

The user who soon opened the door and came in was none other than Jin Soo-hyun.

I blinked a couple of times in slight surprise. I was already planning to visit you tonight.

“… Jin Soo-hyun?”

“also. “I came in because there was a sign.”

“I am indeed. Still, there is no such thing as knocking and coming in right away. Anyway, what’s going on?”

“Oh~. It’s nothing else. just… . The User Academy ends tomorrow, right? When it’s over, I don’t think I’ll be able to see you for a while. And there are things I am thankful for along the way. Anyway, I came here to say my last goodbye.”

I don’t think I’ll see you for a while. And last goodbye.

Those were meaningful words. I don’t necessarily want to hold on to my pants to tell myself that I’m going, but Jin Soo-hyun was still a user I wanted to try at least once. Feeling like I needed to roll my tongue for the first time in a while, I smiled and pointed to the table.

“aha. That’s good. “Sit there.”

“Thank you!”

Jin Soo-hyun sits down with a grin. I also sat across from him, took out a cigar and opened my mouth.

“Anyway, my last greeting. “Have you had a change of heart during this time?”

“to. well. Rather than a change of heart… .”

Jin Su-hyeon paused for a moment and scratched his head with an embarrassed expression. When he looks at that image, someone’s image comes to mind. In some ways, he is quite similar to Ahn Hyun.

After a while, Jin Su-hyeon opened his mouth.

“Actually, I still don’t know. But I think there has been a bit of a change in thinking.”

“Change in thinking?”

“yes. I think I may have been too guided by old memories. So, would you say it was a bit urgent?”

“hmm. “Keep talking.”

“Actually, in your opinion, I still have many shortcomings. So, rather than just focusing on user information, I want to find out more about Holplane in general.”

“I think I know what you mean. how?”

When asked again, Jin Soo-hyun pretended to fold his arms. And he stared at the open window with his eyes filled with wonder. It’s a shame.

“First of all, we didn’t find a single trainee this time. “Rather than taking care of someone else, I will try to take care of myself first.”

“hmm… .”

“So, once it’s over, I plan to go down to the pioneer city and experience a lot of things. You really want to start from the bottom. … What do you think, brother? “Is this really a good choice?”

“… … .”

I was lost in thought for a moment and then opened my mouth half a beat later.

“… It’s not bad. no. Very good. good choice.”

“and. Strangely enough, I feel relieved after hearing what you said. “Actually, I was a little anxious.”

When he agreed, Jin Soo-hyun’s face lit up.

Jin Soo-hyun, who showed a pleasant smile, soon said with a sad expression on his face.

“Anyway, I plan to do this. So what do you plan to do next? When it’s over, will he go right back and focus on his mercenary work?”

I was wondering what to say, but Jin Soo-hyun happened to speak first. I lit the candle I had taken out earlier, took a long sip, and shook my head.

“iced coffee. no. I have something else to do when I get back. “I will do mercenary work, but I don’t think I will be able to fully devote myself to it.”

“separately… . “Something to do?”

“huh. It’s important. “It is also a secret from the outside world.”

“Eh. older brother. Don’t do that, just tell me. “You’re curious, aren’t you?”

I laughed to myself. Although I said it like that, Jin Soo-hyun may also know.

Actually, it doesn’t really matter whether I know or not, so I pretended to think for a moment. And after counting to 10 seconds.

“but. “It will be announced someday.”

Then he quietly got up, closed the window, and sat back down, looking around carefully.

“But don’t go anywhere and tell me. “It’s not a good thing to talk about.”

“sure. older brother. “I have a heavy mouth.”

Jin Soo-hyun pounds his chest.

After staring at him silently, I lowered my voice and opened my mouth as if I was saying something really important.

“I plan to prepare to attack the Steel Mountains when I return.”

“… “The Iron Mountains?”

Then Jin Soo-hyun gently raises his eyes.

Looking at Jin Soo-hyeon like that, I secretly wet my mouth.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Ho… ?

Until now, no matter what I did or what I said, these readers did not flinch, but rather smiled and remained calm. Did some people react yesterday?

like… . Ho… . Ho… !

P.S. We’ll be going up for reservations today. 🙂


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not work with dark mode