MEMORIZE Chapter 527

00527 Promotional Parking. And the upcoming graduation ceremony. ————————————————– ———————-=

“Then, this will conclude today’s training.”


As I stand in the center of the classroom and announce the end of the training, voices full of regret come out.

There were hundreds of energetic students gathered around. But it’s not looking at me. With his eyes fixed on the Marwa Dodo placed on the platform, he only speaks out loud saying that he doesn’t like it.

“how how. Look at this guy. Biting my hand tightly. “It’s so cute~.”

“see? see? “Those little wings fluttering?”

The majority of the women were rushing towards Dodo and holding out their hands.

“ha… . ha… . oh… ! Mr. Mar… ! Oh my goddess… ! How are you so beautiful? ? ha… . ha… .”

“W-you crazy?! Instructor Kim Soo-hyun! Look at him! “I’m drooling just looking at this guy!”

Most of the men were gathered around Marr and hugged him.

As soon as I turn my gaze, I see Marwa with wide eyes and an extremely anxious face, and next to her, a young young man waving both hands and exhaling hot breath. Was he a secret class trainee with strange tendencies?

Anyway, I couldn’t ignore those earnest eyes, so I brought Mar over and hugged her.

“now. Everyone stop. Training time is over, so there is nothing we can do. “I’ll bring you back next time I get the chance, so that’s enough for today.”

“ha… . ha… . marriage… . I want to get married… .”

… Isn’t this guy sick?

Eventually, as I patted Mar, who was shivering in my arms, and turned around (Dodo had already returned and was biting my ankle), a trainee suddenly blocked my path. I stopped walking right away. I thought it was a secret class, but it was my first time seeing a trainee.

the trainee said.

“I. “Instructor Kim Soo-hyun!”

“What happened? Trainee?”

“It’s no different, actually, there’s one thing I’m curious about.”

“Any questions?”

I tilted my head. This is because today’s lesson was about the unique creatures(?) living in Hall Plain, so there was nothing to ask questions about. But her man hesitated for a while, and then she cautiously opened her mouth.

“that… . “There will be a graduation ceremony in a few weeks, right?”

“yes. Yes. But what?”

“therefore… . “I have a question about the Mercenary Clan.”


The moment I heard those words, I was finally able to realize the intention of the question.

“Oh~. So, why isn’t the Mercantile Clan being promoted? “All other clans are promoting it?”

The trainee was shocked for a moment, then nodded and put his head down. I smiled and continued speaking.

“It’s simple. The reason is because Mercenary Clan has no separate promotional plans. Recruitment plans have already been made. And we plan to scout the corresponding trainees separately. “It’s one-on-one.”

“yes? Now, just a moment! So does that mean that trainees who haven’t been scouted can’t join the mercenary?”

“no. Not really. The scouting system is limited to the user academy, but the mercenary door is always open. So, if you want, please come and knock on the door. Of course, I take a simple test before signing up.”

“ah… .”

“Anyway, that’s right. “If you have nothing more to say, let’s just leave.”

“Ma, Goddess Mar!”

Eventually, after leaving Secret Class crying in sorrow, I immediately left the classroom. And as I walked down the hallway, I calmly got lost in thought.

The User Academy, which attracted everyone’s attention, has finally entered the promotional phase.

As originally promised, the central management body lifted all restrictions on publicity as soon as the 10th week began. Of course, the clan is mentioned during training. As long as it does not go too far, it is also allowed to make offers by buying a meal or suggesting contract conditions.

As a result, the instructors, who had been only watching here and there until now, rushed at the trainees they had selected in advance, and a full-fledged recruitment war began at the user academy… . However, that is the situation of other clans.

Mercantilery was one step away from the fierce recruitment war. Because he went into promotional parking and instructed clan members not to make any promotions or offers.

Of course, it was not without opposition. The biggest problem with the current Mercantile Clan is the small number of members. As such, Hayeon whispered that she was going to waste this good opportunity, even using a pillow-head lawsuit, but I was firmly convinced that I would never back out of this decision.

There was a reason other than just being stubborn.

Firstly, it was to maintain the unique color of the Mercenary Clan that I had envisioned, and secondly, there was actually no need to promote it.

To be precise, I would say that I haven’t felt the need to promote it yet.

As it was mentioned several times during the strict training sessions (it is possible to mention the clan only for educational purposes), trainees already know what kind of clan Mercenary is. Even if you don’t know the details, you can roughly guess how much power it has.

If so, if you are a user who is confident in your user information. Wouldn’t you want to join a clan that looks like it has something to do with it, rather than a clan where some random person joins?

Rather than a clan that accepts everyone, only select, elite users are accepted. In other words, my strategy was not to attract trainees, but to have them come on their own.

Of course, it is not right to just sit back and watch. You have to take care of what you need.

Jin Soo-hyun and Cha Hee-young. At least, I have been thinking about recruiting these two for a long time, so I will scout them when I see an appropriate opportunity.

And Jegal Haesol… .

First of all, I plan to wait a little longer and see. I talked to Istantel Rowe, and there will at least be time until the graduation ceremony.

okay. At least until the graduation ceremony.

After gathering my thoughts, I quickly walked down the hallway.


Time passed quickly and the 12th weekend had already arrived. After this weekend, there are only two weeks left in the User Academy.

But before thinking about the upcoming graduation ceremony, there is something I need to resolve first. That was before the event match, which has now become the biggest event in the User Academy since its debut in week 9.

I had applied to participate in this 12th weekend. The reason for participating in the event match was actually just to kill time rather than for promotional effects. After watching the games that took place in the 9th, 10th, and 11th weeks, I thought it wouldn’t be a bad idea to participate at least once.

“Let’s get started quickly~!”

“Last parking wasn’t that fun. “Do you think parking will be okay this time?”

The main auditorium was already crowded with trainees who had gathered one after another. Not only the students but also all the instructors gathered.

In fact, it was no exaggeration to say that almost everyone in the User Academy gathered for this event match, and I thought that was probably why today’s match was so exciting. Because even I thought that way.

– Instructor Kim Soo-hyun. When you are ready, please move to the center.

Shin Jae-ryong’s voice rings through the air.

Eventually, I calmly walked towards the center, listening to the expectant cheers coming from all directions.

And the person I will be competing against today in an event match is… .

– Instructor Kim Yu-hyeon. When you are ready, please move to the center.

It was my brother.

Actually, this was a bit surprising to me.

Event matches require participation three days in advance, so all instructors will know the list. And the only participants in this 12th week event match were my brother and I. However, considering that I was the first to apply, it seems that my brother applied after finding out that I participated.

– I confirmed that the two instructors showed up. Well, the game will start soon, so please both of you get ready. I will allow mild provocation.

Eventually, as I watched my brother step toward the center, I held Victoria’s glory in my hands. Then my brother also glared at me, and raised both his hands to the top. It was my brother’s preparatory posture just before battle. … You said light provocation is allowed, right?

“I never thought I’d end up fighting with my brother. “Even if it’s an event match.”

“I also.”

“hmm. “Do you really think you can fight properly?”

“Don’t worry.”


“No matter how much he is my younger brother, I distinguish between private and public seats. So, don’t think of him as your older brother, but do your best. … “I will too.”

My brother’s tone was extremely cold. Now that I think about it, he’s been staring at me since a while ago… . Why are you doing that?

I tilted my head and opened my mouth.

“hmm. It’s correct in every detail. What’s wrong with you today? “Did I do something wrong?”

“under. Ah~ni?”

Even though I said no, my voice was still very cold.

Then, I shrugged my shoulders as I looked at my brother, who was emitting golden electricity from his hands. How about anything? ‘I can’t hit my brother!’ It is 100 times better to come out in a combative manner like this than to play an unsightly game. This attitude was actually what I wanted.

Feeling very willing, I opened my mouth to relieve the tense atmosphere and as a provocation.

“aha. I see Me again. “I misunderstood you.”

“… misunderstanding?”

– Then, let the game begin!

Just then, the voice announcing the start of the game resonates in my eardrums. At the same time, I gently bent my posture. I pay close attention to my brother’s facial expressions and every action. I don’t think there will be a fight in the future, but if you think of your brother as your enemy, he was a very difficult person.

And more than anything, I hated losing. Because Han So-young is watching today’s game from the front.

Either way, I stared ahead, thinking that this would also be a good experience.

“What a misunderstanding. “What does that mean?”

“Oh~. Last time, you and my brother got very upset because you made an appointment with Istantel Low Road instead of eating together. So I thought you were still angry. ha ha ha.”

“… … !”

“Well, I said no, so it’s okay. Anyway, please take care of me?”

It was then.

“Uh, uh… .”

The older brother, who looked like he was going to unleash magic at any moment, suddenly flinched. The cold eyes turn into a bewildered light. He hesitated there and took a couple of steps back. It seems as if he hit the nail on the head unexpectedly. As if he was wondering how he knew.

For a moment, I felt like I had missed something, and I opened my mouth with half-confidence. Of course, be as quiet as possible so the trainees can’t hear.

“… brother.”

“Uh, uh.”

“no way… . Really?”

“… uh?”

“… “Isn’t it?”

“… … .”

My brother didn’t say anything. He just kept repeating the words and avoiding eye contact with a very embarrassed face. My brother’s reaction means only one thing.

“I am indeed. It’s absurd. Really? really?”

Suddenly, I felt inexplicably empty, and I relaxed my posture, literally feeling dumbfounded. Then, perhaps because the audience felt a strange current, the noise and cheers that had been echoing through the stadium subsided.

And after a while.

My brother, who kept looking to the side, suddenly bit his mouth. The strong discharge current disappears in an instant.

Eventually, my brother shook off his hand indignantly and looked at me with a very distraught expression on his face.

“Well, then what are you going to do?”

“… what?”

“okay. Now, let me tell you the truth about what happened. Soohyun. You’re not really saying that to your brother. I’ve been really disappointed with you lately. uh?”

“What are you talking about all of a sudden?”

No what.

I thought it was absurd and tried to question it, but my brother didn’t give me a chance and shot back.

“you. “I heard you went on a date with Istantel Low Road last weekend?”

And the moment my brother continued speaking, I was greatly relieved.

For a moment, there was a quiet silence.

“… … .”

“… … .”

But it really only lasted a moment. My brother’s voice was almost shouting, so all the users watching around him heard it.


Soon, low cheers echoed through the main auditorium.

I quickly looked in the direction where Soyoung Han was. And I was able to see Han So-young sitting calmly with an expressionless face.

… no. It wasn’t calm. His back was straight and his hands were on his knees, like a private in the military would sit upright while watching TV. And that too with his fists clenched. His gaze was directed to the floor, completely frozen.

Suddenly, I thought that wasn’t important, so I turned my attention to the road ahead.

As if he felt so wronged, my brother was now complaining with a sad look on his face.

“Still, I thought you would come visit me at least once. But in the end, he never came to me?”


My mind became a mess in an instant. A dizzy feeling creeps over my forehead. Is this a newly developed attack?

no. Now that everyone is watching, what kind of bizarre behavior is this?

“Well, do it in moderation. “What are you doing now?”

“I waited patiently and waited patiently again! But who are you meeting on the weekend? !”

Oh oh oh oh oh~?

I thought that if I stayed here, really strange rumors would start, so I gathered myself together and shouted.

“We met for official business, not a date!”

And that moment.

“Then why did you give me a gift?”

The moment my brother said those words.


My mind turned completely white. I just felt like I was speechless, like a pure white blank page with nothing coming to mind.

“It was a date because I even gave him a gift. no? and… !”

Finally, when I was about to speak again, I wasted no time in picking up Victoria’s glory.

I was also curious about how he knew that, and Han So-young’s reaction. I can’t think of anything else right now. All she could think about was how to silence her brother.

I immediately got up off the ground and swung my sword as hard as I could at my brother.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Kim Yu-hyun’s jealousy explodes!

It’s all because of the comb.


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not work with dark mode