MEMORIZE Chapter 525

00525 Date. ————————————————– ———————-=

I deliberately turned around slowly. And the moment I turned my gaze halfway, my eyes became a little stronger. This is because Jegal Haesol, who held me, had a smile on his face.

But the eyes are not smiling. He was looking at me with persistent eyes, but only the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

“this. it surprised me.”

“oh. why?”

“What man wouldn’t be surprised to see such a great beauty holding his hand? Anyway, please let go of my hand.”

“Ho Ho. feel good Well, I guess I’m pretty. … And now you are rejecting the touch of this beautiful woman?”

I twisted my wrist gently, without being harsh. He then said, “There are so many beautiful women around,” and withdrew his hand.

Then Jegal Haesol also calmly dropped his hand. Suddenly, I felt a strange sense of déjà vu.

Soon, Jegal Haesol, with his hands folded, opened his mouth.

“Then let me ask you another question. “Is there any magic that can change one’s appearance in this world?”

“there is. However, it is a very high-level magic that cannot be learned from regular magic.”

“aha. “Then do you know the magic?”

“Hehe. well?”

With those last words, I turned around without delay. And as I walked down the hallway, I felt Ansol carefully following me. Jegal Haesol didn’t catch me this time.

Soon, I was lost in thought while stroking the head of Ansol, who was whining about who that woman was and what happened that night. I was thinking about the question Jegal Haesol had just asked.

At first glance, it seems like a random question, but if you think about it carefully, you might understand the intention. Because there’s no way Jegal Haesol said that for no reason. okay. Your head is probably tilted to the side right now.

“Brother. Who really is that person? yes? “Please stop patting my head and just talk to me.”

Ansol was still whining and begging. She told him not to pet her, so she grabbed her hair tightly and shook it back and forth, but when she heard the sound of Ansol crying, she suddenly came to her senses. Now that I think about it, I guess I just saw Ansol too, right?

I straightened Ansol’s head as he turned it around and asked in a whispering voice.

“Ansol. “You definitely saw that trainee just now, right?”

“Black. See, I asked because I saw it! Ugh… . It hurts… .”

“So what? What do you think of that trainee?”

“ouch… . huh? “Are you that girl from earlier?”

Ansol immediately stopped crying and immediately turned his head. It’s not something you only do once or twice, and it seems like you figured it out quickly.

But “Uh. When I heard the words “Where did you go?” and turned my gaze, I saw an empty hallway just as I said. Jegal Haesol was nowhere to be seen. Has he disappeared all of a sudden?

After looking at the front of the classroom for a moment, we started walking down the hallway again.

“Yes. “I saw her earlier, but she’s really strange.”

Soon, Ansol mutters in a puzzled voice and a question mark appears on the top of his head again. She thought it was a good opportunity and put out her hand to grab the question mark, but she thought that someone might think she was an asshole, so she stopped right away.

Meanwhile, Ansol continues to tilt his head.

“I definitely feel something strange… . I’m listening… .”

“… Are you listening?”

“I’m thinking… . cadet. I don’t know “I have a feeling in my head, but trying to put it into words is strangely difficult.”


You know that feeling. I guess it could be said that it is a feeling that cannot be expressed in words and is difficult to describe.

Anyway, I didn’t think it was a particularly important part, so I lifted my shoulders and held out my hand. Then, perhaps because he thought he was going to hit him again, Ansol screamed and ran away. I chased after Ansol with all my might, wondering where he could possibly run away.

no. It was the moment I was trying to chase.


As if suddenly startled, Ansol let out a weak cry and stopped walking. She then stared ahead of her with her blank looking face. Ansol’s gaze was directed to the floor of the hallway.

“Oh, brother.”

After standing there for a while, Ansol immediately turns around and points somewhere.

“Hey, this. “This is it.”

“… this?”

“Yeah, that’s right. “It felt like this.”

“This feeling? ah.”

At that moment, I felt like I was talking about a feeling that was difficult to express earlier, so I immediately turned my gaze to follow the direction Ansol pointed.

And, I could see it.

At the end of the hallway, there are two hallways that branch off to the right and left.

It was a crossroads.


The 9th week of training schedule has ended and the weekend, which is time for personal maintenance, has arrived.

After this weekend, we will enter the 10th week, and instructors will also begin promotional activities in earnest.

The motto of this year’s User Academy is ‘Sure education for educational parking, and sure publicity for promotional parking.’ As such, I was curious as to how publicity would be allowed.

… I think the event currently taking place on the 9th weekend may be considered a part of foreshadowing a different promotion this time.

“───. ───. ───. Shock Wave, Skid. Combination.”

Suddenly, I heard the sound of someone chanting a spell.



Then, a loud shaking sound is heard on the floor, and at the same time, a scream filled with fuss is rolling around. It’s a little strange that the screams are rolling, but I think you can understand it if you look at the scene in front of you.

In front of my eyes, Jin Soo-hyeon was gliding, rolling as if he were a wheel.

Jin Soo-hyun, who was rolling and rolling like that, eventually stopped rolling after crossing the stadium and hitting the wall.

After a while, a voice using voice amplification magic rings loudly in the main auditorium.

– Istantel Row. Clan Lord Han So-young wins! Well done to both of you!



At the same time, applause and cheers filled the surroundings.

Han So-young, the winner, brushes her hair with an expressionless face, while Jin Soo-hyun, the loser, stands up indignantly and screams. It’s hard to hear what she’s saying, but her face is red, so she seems quite upset about losing.

The reason the two are doing that right now is because today is the day of the event match where instructors battle each other.

When this plan was first suddenly announced, it caused a huge stir, as expected. As expected, instructors who had relatively little user information raised major complaints.

However, the fact that it only accepts applicants, not everyone, and that people should not do it if they don’t want to, simply dismissed such complaints. I had already heard something from Shin Jae-ryong, so I wasn’t very impressed.

Eventually, the central management body announced that the event match would continue until the 14th week, and began accepting participants three days before the weekend.

I also thought about participating, but decided to wait until the 9th week. I thought it would be better to see how it was done.

After the application for participation in the 9th week was completed, the opening match of today’s event match was decided to be Han So-young and Jin Soo-hyun.

Actually, I was a little surprised because I didn’t expect Han So-young to participate, but I was a little worried because her opponent was Jin Soo-hyun. This is because while Jin Soo-hyun was a user specialized against magicians, Han So-young was a user specialized against large armies, not against people.

The worries were unfounded. As soon as the event match began, Jin Soo-hyun pushed hard, and Han So-young barely managed to block, drawing a situation where she was repeatedly pushed back.

But in the end, victory went to Han So-young.

Jin Soo-hyun suffered two losses.

Han So-young’s skill and skill shone, and Jin Soo-hyun was overconfident about her early lead. He could have won if he had approached it calmly by turning and slashing based on his initial superiority, but he tried to force himself to finish in one blow and ended up getting countered.

Looking at Jin Soo-hyeon like that, I thought that although he definitely had great fighting ability, he lacked experience.

– Instructor Jin Soo-hyun. You will be asked to leave due to the use of inappropriate language.

Several users rushed towards Jin Su-hyeon, who was still shouting in the center. He begged Han So-young to fight again and made a fuss, and was eventually ordered to leave.

Soon, Jin Soo-hyeon, who had made a big fuss by saying that he would leave on his own, began to stomp out, snorting vigorously. Since I was also watching side by side at the entrance with Ahn Hyeon, we had no choice but to bump into each other, and when Jin Soo Hyun looked at me, he was startled and stopped walking.

“Tongue, bro?!”

“oh. Good work.”

“thank you… . Oh no. This is not it. Were you watching from the beginning?”

“of course. “Are you going to miss this great spectacle?”

Then Jin Soo-hyeon, whose eyes became bright, took a deep breath. And then he comes running at me and catches me as fast as he can.

“Yes? “Why, why are you like this?”

“Tongue, bro! Well, that’s not it! Oh, I really could have won this one, but that woman came out so mean! Did you see it? I was very dominant at first! however… !”

“Okay, okay. It was kind of a waste. Still, I have to accept the result.”

“Oh, it’s because I’m angry, because I’m angry! Really lethal pants, dog pants… !”

Jin Soo-hyeon was pointing a point at Han So-young and even spitting on her. Then I suddenly felt like I wanted to break her pointing hand.

That moment.

– Instructor Jin Soo-hyun. If you do not leave within 10 seconds, we will enforce enforcement.

Shin Jae-ryong’s voice rang through the main auditorium again. Jin Soo-hyeon, who was so angry that he was about to start a fight, raised his head and got angry.

“Oh, you can just go out! If you go out! yes?! “It’s really disgusting and dirty!”

Who is more vile and dirty?

Then, “Anyway, bro! Jin Soo-hyun, who said something unusual like “I won this match!”, immediately kicked down the door and left.

While it was quiet for a moment, Ahn Hyeon, who was just watching, clicked his tongue and turned his head.

“and. You’re really young. Tsk tsk.”

… what?

“older brother. Is he Jin Soo-hyun? that… . Are you trying to recruit me?”

“… uh.”

“Oh my brother. I’m giving you this advice very sincerely, but aren’t you looking at the wrong person this time? He seems to have decent skills, but his mind is completely young. This is not a child that is one or two years old. “What is that?”

“… … .”

Feeling dumbfounded for a moment, I snorted and stared at Anhyeon. Who is saying what to whom now?

“okay. “Who do you think you’re seeing?”

“… Why are you looking at me like that? “Adventure.”

Anhyeon cleared his throat and looked somewhere else. And he started humming and rambling. okay. There must be something that stings.

“Anyway, brother. Istantel Low Road is truly amazing. Every time I see it, I feel like I am not from this world. Look. “Look at that.”

Anhyeon makes an excessive fuss and points to the center. It seemed like they were trying to change the topic, but Han So-young was more important, so I gladly returned my gaze.

Then suddenly I saw Han So-young turning her head… . huh? Were you just looking here? is not it?


Han So-young, who quietly receives cheers from the trainees without paying any attention to Jin Soo-hyun, is truly beautiful. Every time I see it, it’s full of unique charm. It’s not that it’s not, it’s really a user of this world… . no. It doesn’t look like a person.

As I was quietly looking at Han So-young, I suddenly felt a touch poking my side. When she glanced around, she saw Ahn Hyun giggling with a mischievous face on her face.

“brother. You’re staring intently. Come to think of it, you’re meeting with Istantel Low Road tomorrow weekend? “I hope you like it.”

“It’s good. We’re about to enter promotional parking, so we’re meeting because we have a lot to discuss. “It’s not what you think.”

Although my heart ached for a moment, I was able to quickly get over it. But where did this guy hear this?

“Eh. I hope you like it. Please be honest. Do you like it? Hehehe.”

“Wow. That’s because it’s not. why. Are you interested too?”

Then, Ahn Hyeon, who instantly turned a straight face, shook his head vigorously.

“no. I don’t like women like that. “I admit it’s very attractive, but it’s not my style.”

This is a bit unexpected. It’s okay to not like it, but how dare you think that way when you look at Han So-young?

As he couldn’t figure out whether to be angry or relieved, Ahn Hyeon suddenly looked in the direction where Han So-young was. As I followed my gaze without realizing it, I saw Han So-young turning her head again. No, why does he keep turning his head? It bothers me.

Ahn Hyeon continued.

“You can get an estimate just by looking at it. There’s nothing to see about a woman like that other than her charm. Actually, when it comes to dating, expressions are important, right? But to be honest, a woman with such an expressionless and cold iron wall would never come. I’m very tired. “I know because I experienced it.”

“Then I guess your ideal type is a woman who is good at expressing herself.”

Ahn Hyeon nods as if yes, but then suddenly makes a serious expression and quickly shakes his head.

“Oh, no. Still, it felt burdensome to use such harsh expressions… . Anything appropriate is good. “Something appropriate.”

Take it in moderation.

“Hmm. “I think I can understand something.”

At that moment, Nam Da-eun suddenly came to mind.

To be exact, Nam Da-eun when she was in a relationship with me.

‘iced coffee! great! Suhyeon! Suhyun’s XX is entering my XX!’

‘I am Nam Da-eun. I beg you, please, do not use such expressions during relationships… .’

‘Aaaah! Sis, I hate it! I hate it! How can you put up with something this good! So more, more… !’

‘ah. Please, please stop… .’

… At that moment, I felt so strongly that it was an appropriate expression, so I held my face. Nam Da-eun in bed… . ah. It’s really embarrassing to even think about. Once you do it, it’s almost embarrassing to even see each other the next morning.



I don’t know why, but Anhyun and I sighed at the same time.

As if trying to change the moody atmosphere that had suddenly descended, Ahn Hyeon forced out a bright voice and spoke.

“Yes? Well, actually, this is a bit difficult to talk about, so I’ll skip it. There are also differences in personal taste. anyway. Now that I’m talking, let me say a little more: I like women who look good with a ponytail. “How about a ponytail, brother?”

“Ponytail? Horsehair hair?”

“yes. There is a woman like that. A woman with her forehead brightly exposed, wearing comfortable clothes, and with her long hair neatly tied up. “I once saw a woman studying like that in the library, and she couldn’t help but shake her heart like that.”


Normally, I would have put an end to such trivial talk right away. But today, strangely enough, I hear Ahn Hyeon’s story in a delicious way. Is it because I saw Han So-young?

I gently closed my eyes and let my imagination run wild. Imagine studying in the library with Soyoung Han.

Just as Ahn Hyeon said, Han So-young has a refreshingly exposed forehead, comfortable clothes, and long hair neatly tied up. When I think of Han So-young, my head nods without me even realizing it.

I opened my mouth quietly.

“That’s fine. no. It might be very good. “Ponytail.”

“lol. Yes? After all, I have something in common with my brother.”

Then Anhyeon also smiled heartily and nodded his head along with me.


After the event match that heated up the first day of the 9th weekend.

“Thanks for your efforts. Clan Lord.”

When Han So-young returned to the dorm, the woman who shared the same dorm greeted her politely.

Han So-young nodded with an expressionless face and calmly sat down in her seat. She then stretched out, looking into the crystal mirror in front of her. The woman who saw Han So-young walked closer to her and carefully opened her mouth.

“Clan Lord. Congratulations on winning today’s event match.”

“huh. thank you.”

“lol. I saw it too and it was really breathtaking. But what about Clan Lord? “That instructor, Jin Su-hyeon, seems to be more talented than he looks.”

“well. not really?”

“no way. To be honest, you were a little behind in the beginning.”

“I was pushed back, not just a little, but a lot.”

“… yes?”

“Because I was pushed aside on purpose.”

A sharp, halting tone of speech. Moreover, the woman laughed bitterly at the way she spoke without even looking at herself. Because she didn’t dare to know how to treat Han Soyoung. I would say it’s as if she’s looking at a block of ice that has been shaved straight.

At first, I was so excited when I was somehow lucky(?) selected as an attendant. Because I had the honor of sharing a room with Han So-young, whom I respect so much. But when we actually shared the same room, it wasn’t all that nerve-wracking.

“Is that so? Ho Ho. ah. I think you’re tired. Even a drink… ?”

“it’s okay. If you need it, I’ll take it out and drink it. “Don’t worry about that.”

like this.

In fact, Han So-young didn’t say anything in particular, but should I say that she was being careful about her every move without even realizing it?

It would be a lie to say that there was no stress as these things continued for 10 weeks.

The woman who thought so hesitated and took a step forward.

It was then.

“wait for a sec. “Somin.”

Suddenly, Soyoung Han called the woman’s name. She went out for a while and when she returned at night, Somin, who was thinking about it, was startled and stopped in her tracks.

“yes yes?”

Soon, as I looked ahead, I could see Han So-young smoothing her hair here and there.

Han So-young removed the bangs that covered her forehead with one hand, and gathered the long back hair with the other hand. As she was looking at herself in the mirror, she carefully turned her face and looked at her daughter.

And quietly opened his mouth.

“Does it suit you?”

“… “Yes?”

Suddenly, a strange sound came out. Somin hurriedly covered his mouth. But regardless, Soyoung Han continued to speak.

“Isn’t it strange?”

“Yes, yes yes yes yes. Oh, no no. Oh, it suits you. It suits you very, very, very well.”

Although she was taken aback for a moment, Somin was able to quickly agree. In fact, he didn’t say it after really looking at it in detail, but rather it was just something he said reflexively.

Regardless of the answer, Han So-young said, “I’m glad.” she muttered, letting out her long sigh.

And after a while.

“Then you know… .”

What on earth will be said this time? Somin swallowed his saliva. I felt nervous for no reason.

Finally, Han So-young, who looked closely at the mirror again, glanced again and said.

“If you have something to tie your hair with, can I borrow it? “Just tomorrow.”

Han So-young’s face had suddenly taken on a light reddish tint.

Somin opened her mouth wide.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

ha ha ha. You don’t have to worry too much. I’m just deleting a few parts from what was originally planned, but I don’t plan on doing anything that I think is essential to the content or that many readers want. For example, in this episode, it can be said that the battle between Jin Soo-hyun and Han So-young was omitted. Also, since my development speed is very slow, I am considering adding additional capacity for each episode. I will carefully consider the pace and adjust the grade. _(__)_

hmm. And I have one question. Readers, is there anything you would like to see illustrated in the early part of Memorize? To be exact, from the initial summoning room to the part when you leave Mule. For example, Vivian begging Kim Soo-hyun for her life, etc.

If there is anything that impressed you, please let me know in the comments. 🙂


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not work with dark mode